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地方人大及其常委会的立法权最早是由1979年《地方组织法》规定的,但是,该法以及1982年宪法中均未界定地方人大及其常委会之间的立法权限划分,2000年通过的《立法法》第67条、第68条对此做了界定.但是,由于《立法法》(2000年)第67条所规定的“特别重大事项”在内涵上的模糊性以及其相较于《立法法》(2000年)第68条所规定事项的主体地位,《立法法》界定地方人大及其常委会立法权限的努力难以取得实际成效.学界对“特别重大事项”的内涵、性质以及界定其范围的必要性等问题的理解不甚相同,各地界定地方人大及其常委会立法权限的方式、界定“特别重大事项”的方式也迥然相异.对“特别重大事项”的来源、性质以及界分“特别重大事项”范围的主体需要明确,对界分地方人大及其常委会立法权限的方式及路径也需要作出厘定.  相似文献   

对特别重大事项立法问题的审视与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁国尚 《法学杂志》2001,22(4):9-10
立法法第 67条规定 ,“本行政区域特别重大事项的地方性法规 ,应当由人民代表大会通过”。立法法对地方人大及其常委会立法职权所作的这一调整 ,突出了代表大会的立法地位和权威性。界定特别重大事项是加强地方人大立法工作力度而不是地方人大与其常委会的分权 ;立法法出台后 ,地方人大的立法职权既没扩大 ,也没缩小。不能机械地将特别重大事项与其他重大事项划界分割。人大常委会职权范围内的事仍无须提请代表大会审议通过。  相似文献   

近年来,法律赋予了省会市和较大的市的人大及其常委会一定的地方立法权限。根据地方组织法的规定,省会市和较大的市的人大及其常委会制定的地方性法规,需报省、自治区的人大常委会批准。鉴于省会市和较大的市的人大及其常委会在地方立法活动中的这种特殊地位,以及它所制定的地方性法规的性质,这些市的人大及其常委会在制定地方性法规时,除应遵循基本的立法原则和立法程序外,实践中还应注意以下几点:  相似文献   

地方立法权是宪法赋予地方人大及其常委会的一项重要职权。充分发挥地方人大及其常委会在立法中的主导作用,对于进一步加强和改进立法工作,提高立法质量,不断完善中国特色社会主义法律体系,更好地发挥立法在经济社会发展中的引领和推动作用,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

首先,从广义上讲,人大及其常委会是立法机关,广义的“立法”和“执法”是两个对立面,人大及其常委会是法律监督机关,“一府两院”是法律执行机关.所以,从这个层面上来说,对人大及其常委会贯彻法律情况不宜进行执法检查.  相似文献   

刘文忠 《河北法学》2008,26(6):73-79
一般认为人大及其常委会的职权包括"立法权、监督权、重大事项决定权和人事任免权"四权。人大及其常委会的职权为"立法权、监督权、议事权"三权。在新的历史时期,人大及其常委会要依法履行职能,为改革决策的科学性、民主性而努力,要通过健全议事职能的制度建设保障人民的知情权、参与权、表达权,提高议事能力与水平,同时要发挥地方人大及其常委会在依法治国中的地位,在其立法空间内履行好立法职能,并把监督职能发展为地方人大及其常委会一种经常性的工作形式,使地方人大及其常委会工作规范化、制度化、程序化,从而在逻辑上与事实上"建立健全决策权、执行权、监督权既相互制约又相互协调的权力结构和运行机制。"  相似文献   

完成好新农村建设这一重大历史任务,需要各级党委、政府的长期不懈努力,地方人大及其常委会同样肩负着义不容辞的责任。人大是代表人民行使权力的国家权力机关,理所当然地要把维护农民群众的根本利益,作为人大工作的出发点和落脚点;把不断提高农民群众的物质文化生活水平,增加农民收入,作为人大工作的重要目的。笔者认为,地方人大及其常委会要充分履行职责,保护农民权益,应从以下几个方面着手:第一,立法方面。为保护农民权益,拥有立法权的地方人大及其常委会要充分发挥自身优势,通过立法进一步明确农民应有的合法权益及法律保护措施,同时努…  相似文献   

我国《宪法》、《立法法》并没有明确划分地方人大与其常委会的立法权限等原因,在地方立法实践中地方人大常委会几乎独揽了地方立法权,地方人大的立法权则形同虚设。基于宪法对人大与其常委会的定位、代议民主的原则和地方立法更好地吸纳、表达民意,增强地方立法的民主正当性、权威性,克服地方立法的部门化倾向等的要求,地方人大应积极依法主导地方立法。《立法法》修订时,应明确划分地方人大与其常委会的立法权限分工,以利推进地方人大主导地方立法工作。  相似文献   

全国人民代表大会及其常委会和地方各级人民代表大会及其常委会是国家的权力机关,是人民行使国家权力的主要形式,享有立法权、监督权。地方人大相对全国人大而言,立法工作要少很多,基层人大很少能实际的独立使用立法权,那么地方人大及其常委会的主要功能就是对“一府两院”的监督。因此,上世纪八十年代初期,地方人大及其常委会如何对“一府两院”进行监督的问题就显露出来,并引起了全国人大的重视。此后,有些地方人大在财政监督、司法机关的个案监督方面进行了一些探索,取得了一定的效果。在这种背景下,历经多次修改,《中华人民共和国各级人民代表大会常务委员会监督法》终于正式出台了。《监督法》的出台具有里程碑的意义,开创了人大监督的新途径,是我国政治制度的一项改革举措,其中有关对检察机关的监督权的设置,对检察机关和检察工作提出了更高、更明确的要求。  相似文献   

我国立法体制的基本框架是:我国实行的是一元两级的立法体制,即在全国人大的统一领导下,全国人大及其常委会行使国家立法权,有权的地方人大及其常委会行使地方立法权;此外,国务院及国务院各部门、有权的地方人民政府在行政职权范围内享有行政立法权;国务院、经济特区所在的省或者市的人大及其常委会、香港和澳门的特别  相似文献   

《行政许可法》对地方立法的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘巍 《现代法学》2005,27(1):173-180
行政许可法颁布和施行的意义不仅仅局限于行政法治这一领域,而且以独特的视角为地方立法今后的发展提供了难得的参考。在地方立法理念上的变化体现为:平衡公益和私益,追求效益,立法应务实创新;对地方立法体制及立法技术的影响表现为:地方对行政许可设定具有很强的局限性,地方立法主体需重新认识和定位,注重以立法事项的性质确定立法主体,在权限上既赋予地方一定的专有立法权,同时对地方立法权进行一些具体的禁止作为补充,健全地方立法的具体内容,完善地方立法技术。即便如此,行政许可法仍对地方立法可能造成以下负面影响:首先是借行政许可法留下的可观的立法空间,扩大地方立法权;其次是由于行政审批改革与立法同步,立法中部门利益将会反弹。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(111):31604-31607
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is amending its regulations pertaining to the medical use of byproduct material to eliminate the 5-year term limit for medical use licenses. License terms for licenses issued under these regulations will be set by policy. Other materials licenses are issued for up to 10 years. The NRC will issue some licenses for shorter terms if warranted by the individual circumstances of license applicants. The amendment reduces the administrative burden of license renewals on a 5-year cycle for both NRC and licensees and supports NRC's goal of streamlining the licensing process.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1997,62(147):40975-40978
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is proposing to amend 10 CFR part 35 to eliminate the five-year term limit for medical use licenses in 10 CFR 35.18. License terms for licenses issued pursuant to part 35 would be set, by policy up to ten years, as are the license terms for other materials licenses. The NRC would issue some licenses for shorter terms, if warranted by the individual circumstances of license applicants. The amendment would reduce the administrative burden of license renewals for both NRC and licensees, and would support NRC's goal of streamlining the licensing process.  相似文献   

In theory, the electromagnetic spectrum belongs to everyone. In practice, stations owned by men hold approximately 90% of the licenses to broadcast on the public spectrum in the United States. In order to address this problem, federal legislation should be adopted that mimics the framework of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 by prohibiting broadcast media companies from discriminating based on gender. Instead of the federal funds received by colleges and universities, the federal benefits here are the potentially lucrative broadcast licenses select radio and television stations receive. Under the proposed legislation, broadcasters would be required to establish gender parity within their organizations or risk losing their license to operate on the public spectrum.  相似文献   

In this paper, I propose a theoretical model to illustrate how the inventor know-how affects whether the inventor starts a firm to develop her idea or licenses an invention to an established firm for development. Inventor start-ups are characterized as development organizations that serve a temporary role in the invention–innovation process, developing an invention until they can sell the developed invention to an established firm that owns requisite complementary assets for commercialization. This model is then used to analyze the role and impact of a university technology transfer office (TTO) on this process to understand how TTO’s may both positively and negatively impact the transaction. The model posits a general theory of inventor–entrepreneur behavior in university and corporate research labs based on two factors: the importance of know-how and the distribution of inventors’ personal costs to transfer that know-how.  相似文献   

《行政许可法》和《突发事件应对法》未涉及行政许可的效力基于应急状态的变动问题。行政许可的实施在应急状态下面临合法性困境,其纾解应从形式与实质两个层面着手。应急状态下,行政机关原则上具有概括的许可实施职权,在缺乏可预见性的规范时,可在满足基本的形式合法性前提下,通过情事变更原则满足实质合法性。此时,行政许可的条件、审查标准与程序等应与常态有所差异。许可中止制度在应急状态下具有适用空间,其核心在于有效期的中止,适用于被许可人无过错的情况,有必要在《行政许可法》中加以规定。应急状态作为不可抗力,可能但不一定完全导致行政许可废止的结果。此时,行政许可的废止仍需以许可目标完全不可实现或者许可的继续实施极可能导致个人或公共利益的严重损害为前提。现行行政许可有效期延续制度在审查强度和程序等方面规则不明。应急状态下,应当放宽许可延续的申请期,对延续申请可以采用形式和书面审查,并建立依职权延续和临时延续制度。为更好应对应急状态,应当根据应急状态各处置阶段的需要,创设新的许可类型。  相似文献   

In this study we focus on relationship-oriented factors such as trust, geographic proximity, communication, and university policies for intellectual property rights (IPR), patents and licenses and examine how these factors influence the technology transfer process between university research centers and their industrial partners. Data for this study were collected from 189 industrial firms working with 21 research centers affiliated with prominent research-oriented universities in the US. Our results showed that trust, geographic proximity, and flexible university policies for IPR, patents, and licenses were strongly associated with greater technology transfer activities. The implications for both researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines two recent examples of compulsory licensing legislation: one globally embraced regime and one internationally controversial regime operating under the same WTO rules. In particular, we consider Canadian legislation and the use of compulsory licensing for HIV/AIDS drugs destined for a developing country. This is then contrasted with the conditions under which Thai authorities are pursuing compulsory licenses, the outcomes of their compulsory licenses, as well as the likely impact of the Thai policy. Finally, we construct a rubric to evaluate characteristics of a successful regime. This is used to analyze the Canadian and Thai regimes and frame the expected implications of each national policy. It is hoped that the assessment will guide changes to compulsory licensing design to ensure that legitimate regimes are embraced while illegitimate ones are disallowed.  相似文献   

This paper describes results of our survey of licensing at 62 research universities. We consider ownership, income splits, stage of development, marketing, license policies and characteristics, goals of licensing and the role of the inventor in licensing. Based on these results we analyze the relationship between licensing outcomes and both the objectives of the TTO and the characteristics of the technologies. Patent applications grow one-to-one with disclosures, while sponsored research grows similarly with licenses executed. Royalties are typically larger the higher the quality of the faculty and the higher the fraction of licenses that are executed at latter stages of development. Sponsored research is more likely to be included in a license if the new technology is at an early stage of development or if the TTO evaluates it as important. We find that additional disclosures generate smaller percentage increases in licenses, and those increases in licenses generate smaller percentage increases in royalties.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(170):46718
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is correcting a proposed rule that appeared in the Federal Register of July 31, 1998 (63 FR 40858). The document proposed to amend the biologics regulations to eliminate references to establishment licenses and product licenses for all products regulated under the Public Health Services Act. The document published with an incorrect address. This document corrects that error.  相似文献   

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