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Computer-assisted facial reproduction.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Electronic imaging equipment originally developed to illustrate aging of missing persons has been utilized in facial reproduction from skeletal remains. The technique produces rapid, economical, and realistic facial images in a manner that eliminates the need for photography and maximizes interaction and communication between the artist and the anthropologist.  相似文献   

近一两年,知识产权在我国得到了前所未有的关注.除了国家级的知识产权战略,各地也在纷纷制定省、市、县、区等不同规格的"小号"战略.知识产权法学随之日益风光,先是在大学教育中的地位步步高升,居然要变成与法学平等的"二级学科".据说知识产权法还要变成大学"通识课",今后除了<大学语文>、<大学英语>,或许很快就要有<大学知识产权>了.不仅如此,知识产权法还有可能成为中小学基础教育的内容,按照某些地方知识产权战略的规划,要在中小学生中"展开知识产权教育新高潮".这一切,让人想起京剧<锁麟囊>中薛湘灵在赵守贞面前的座次变化,用丫环碧玉的话说,"一点一点地往上升啊".又想起鲁迅的一篇题为<"来了">的文章,大意是:任何主义来到中国,都不要怕,无论什么主义都扰乱不了中国,也就是"来了"而已.1何以如此?因为中国人对待新主义、新制度往往并不当真,"只要有新鲜的名目,便取来玩一通,不久连这名目也糟蹋了,便放开,另外又取一个."2目睹中国知识产权之"热现状",不由得暗自心惊:来了,又来了!这回玩的是知识产权.  相似文献   

Translators at the European Court of Human Rights, as at other international courts, have to deal with two different types of legal terminology in judgments and decisions: on the one hand, terms that would be used by a national practitioner in the relevant language, and on the other, the supranational language that has evolved in general international law or that is specific to the Court itself, being enshrined in its basic texts or case-law. The choice of translation will often be imposed by the source text, which may be a constraint; extensive knowledge of the Court’s autonomous terms and other “linguistic precedent” is vital if they are to be used accurately and consistently. The task of devising and using supranational terms to encompass domestic realities in as many as 47 States is not only that of the drafter; the linguist also has a crucial role to play in conveying the Court’s message in a culture-neutral manner.  相似文献   

<正>二十四年前在大学读书时,曾因春天的到来而对身边的读书场景别有感触,填了一首虞美人"年华贵妃"的词,曰:"东君何故这般美?惹得人心醉。我欲无情更多情,一朝都与这年华贵妃。落花流水恨多少?争叫人心碎。我将不负好时光,去与她恩爱缠绵百岁。"那时在大学,心思全在读书,特别是想将耽误的时光夺回来,好像天下的事只有读书,所以很自然地要以身相许。和现在的大学生比,那时学生们的心地单纯极了,除了男女生间明传暗递,引而  相似文献   

Kin CA 《Stanford law review》1996,48(6):1573-1604
Recent medical studies have indicated that synthesized human growth hormone (hGH) may cosmetically enhance short, but otherwise perfectly healthy, individuals by adding inches to their final predicted height. In this note, Curtis Kin examines the legal and ethical implications of such a discovery, arguing that nontherapeutic hGH treatment is likely the first of many biotechnology and gene therapy enhancements that may be available to the public in a "genetic supermarket" of enhancement products. Mr. Kin finds that the current regulatory framework for biotechnology and gene therapy inadequately regulates unapproved uses of hGH and fails to address properly its implications for a genetic "race to perfection." He proposes changes to the current regulatory framework that will enforce a strict distinction between therapeutic and enhancement applications of biotechnology and gene therapy. These changes in the law, Mr. Kin reasons, will help to solve the social and ethical problems posed by these emerging developments in technology.  相似文献   

<正> 由中国政法大学比较法研究所、中德法学院、当代德国法学名著联合主办的大型法律网站“天一法网”将于近期正式开场。在现代信息传播高度发达的今天,网络是一个促进交流和广开言路的自由场域;而法律之追求的最高境界当为“大同天下之普遍法、宇宙法、统一法”的实现,这样的境界追求同样需要网络信息的传播和广大法律学人的广泛积极参与。天一法网意在开一精神世界,既以创天人合一、天下为一、天道归一之境界,又以明世界各民族国家之法,虽有千万般差异,然必存全人类共同之旨趣,终可一以贯之。天一法网既以该宏旨为宗,必为中国法治之昌明提供一个宽阔良好的交流平台。 天一法网共分为九大版块,依次为天一境界、比较法研究所、比较法学研究、中德法学院、当代德国法学名著、中国法学文档、远望中国、无一论坛、天一茶座。 天一境界 是本网主持人对天一法网之精神追求所进行的精义阐释。 比较法研究所 主要介绍中国政法大学比较法研究所,同时介绍国内外相关比较法研究  相似文献   

This paper addresses three doctrinal phenomena of which it finds evidence in English law: the quiet extension of the criminal law so as to criminalise that which is by no means an obvious offence; the creation of offences the goal of which is not to guide potential offenders away from crime; and the existence of offending behaviour which is not itself thought to justify arrest or prosecution. While such phenomena have already been criticised by other criminal law theorists, this paper offers a critique to which little attention has yet been paid. It argues that the existence of these phenomena has been concealed from public view: that the organs of state have encouraged the belief that they are no part of English law. The paper then argues that it is high time the state came clean. The state owes its people answers for the imposition of the criminal law: it must account for the creation and enforcement of any given criminal offence. When the state misleads its people about the criminal law’s scope, goals and enforcement, it refuses to provide those people with the answers they are owed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is twofold. Empirically, it dwells on the little studied instance of people who never transgresses any legal or moral code, yet nonetheless experience tension resulting from inner norms/behavior conflict and resort to neutralization techniques to smooth this conflict. The subjects studied were German youths; while they had all been born after World War II, their sense of German historical continuity made them feel responsible for the crimes committed under the Nazi regime. It was found that in order to overcome the conflict between the humanist values they professed and the memory of the Holocaust, they employed four of the neutralization techniques habitually used by delinquent boys, as described by Sykes and Matza. Theoretically, the article contends than Sykes and Matza's theory of neutralization is a specific instance of the socio-psychological cognitive consistency theory, and shows that the techniques enumerated by Sykes and Matza are embraced by the models constructed by students of that theory. At the same time, however, the article shows that Sykes and Matza's approach, which can be applied to non-delinquents and to situations which do not involve guilt, elucidates how people restore equilibrium without attitude change, a topic little explored by social psychologists. The article also discusses two universal modes of resolution of dilemmas: abstraction and relativization.  相似文献   

Germany presents the unique case of a society that has been forced to come to terms with its past twice within a fifty‐year period. This double experience can contribute to our understanding of the legal processes of lustration. This paper examines a largely neglected dimension of this phenomenon: justice judgments by the general population. Justice judgments about the Nuremberg Trials and denazification after 1945 are compared to analogous procedures that took place in post‐communist East Germany after 1989. The study uses two theoretical models in its comparative approach: the Leventhal model, and the "group value" model of procedural justice set forth by Lind and Tyler. The analysis is based on survey data collected by the Office of the Military Government of the U.S. (OMGUS) from 1945 to 1949, and survey data taken in East Germany from 1989 to 1994. The results lend support to the "group value" model for the specific situation of social transition. During both periods justice judgments developed according to analogous patterns. The German experience yields some important lessons for legal policies of lustration.  相似文献   

本文主要论述了国内、外学者对人头颅面三维容貌复原技术的研究现状与研究的进展情况,并对国内、外目前的头颅复原研究现状和进展情况进行了比较与分析。  相似文献   

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