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马金明 《中国工运》2014,(12):28-30
神华宁煤集团公司工会以建设央企一流工会为目标,坚持发展为先、职工为本、基层为重、创新为魂的工作方针,以融入中心促发展、服务职工促和谐为主线,以抓基层、强基础,提素质,增活力作为增强企业凝聚力、向心力和战斗力的根本出发点和落脚点,以创建学习型、服务型、创新型的安康、民主、文化、和谐、活力的"三型五家"为载体,努力把基层工会组织建设成为组织健全、  相似文献   

大学某班四同学,退休时都是高工级别。军队退休:7800元;机关退休:5900元;事业退休:4800元;企业退休:1700元。以军队为1,则机关为0.76,事业为0.62,企业为0.22。以企业为1,则事业为2.82,机关为3.47,军队为4.50。——退休不是双轨制,而是三轨制或四轨制1、不愿为朋友的成功鼓掌,却愿为陌生的悲惨捐助。2、不愿为强者的坚持援手,却愿为弱者的妥协流泪。3、不愿为规则的执行所累,却愿为潜规则的适应受罪。4、不愿为共同的利益奋斗,却愿为社会的不幸怒骂。5、不愿为长远的发展谋福,却愿为眼前的小利冒险。——中国式特色  相似文献   

随着城镇化、工业化进程的加快,乡镇(街道)工会的阵地越来越前移、地位越来越突出。为充分发挥其基础性、关键性、衔接性、带动性、保证性作用,浙江宁波鄞州区总工会秉承"经济强,工会工作也要强"的理念,以镇(乡、街道)工会建设为重点,全面推进以"领导强、队伍强、阵地强、服务强、品牌强、经费强"为主要内容的"六强示范工会"建设,力争3年后全区90%乡镇(街道)工会创建为达标单位,30%为示范单位。  相似文献   

近年来,山东省工会理论研究始终以邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,紧紧围绕"发展为先、职工为本、基层为重、创新为魂"的理念,突出研究重点,完善工作机制,搭建工作平台,强化自身建设,较好地推动了我省工会理论研究的创新与发展。  相似文献   

劳动教育对于中国式现代化具有基础性、战略性支撑作用。回眸历史,中国百年劳动教育的发展经历了萌芽起步、探索推进、稳步发展、创新飞跃四个阶段,分别呈现出为政治动员服务、为生产建设和阶级斗争服务、为经济发展服务、为素养教育服务的价值侧重。总结百年历史演变,劳动教育在发展完善过程中,始终将党的科学理论作为指导思想、将时代的迫切需要作为发展方向、将多样的教育形式作为重点要求,这为劳动教育的继续开展提供了借鉴。展望未来,在剖析劳动教育发展的复杂形势和根本任务的基础上,应明确劳动教育的地位、确立人全面发展的价值目标、坚持劳动与教育相结合的本质底色、构建多方共育的教育格局,从而发挥劳动教育在实现中国式现代化中的重要支撑作用,为中国式现代化培根、筑基、育人。  相似文献   

近年来,江阴市新桥镇总工会在贯彻落实党的十八届三中全会和工会十六大精神中,以加快企业、产业工人的转型发展为目标,以机械制造向智慧创造转变为导向,以劳模创新工作室和职工科技创新工作室为平台,强化创新理念、优化创新载体、提升创新服务,加快学习型、知识型、技能型、创新型职工队伍建设,为提升职工素质,促进企业转型升级发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

2005年,全省农信社坚持"以发展为第一要务、以支农支小(企业)为第一责任、以从严治社为第一方略、以防控风险为第一任务、以改革创新为第一动力、以人才为第一资源、以党建为第一保障"的治社方略,加快改革发展,实现了"脱胎换骨"的转变。截至今年3月底,全省农信社各项存款余额4293亿元,比2004年底增长5.1倍;各项贷款余额2528亿元,比2004年底增长5.2倍;存、贷款余额均跃居全省银行业第一,并首次进入全国同业十强。8年来全省农信社是如何实现嬗变的?他们用"七个最"作  相似文献   

付瑜 《中国工运》2015,(2):45-46
坚持为改革开放、发展社会生产力服务,为职工群众服务,为推进工运事业服务,这是工会企事业兴办和发展必须始终坚持的"三服务"宗旨,其核心是为职工群众服务。当前,工会资产监管和企事业改革工作正处于攻坚破难阶段,必须深入学习贯彻党的十八届三中、四中全会精神,按照依法建会、依法管会的要求,切实履行好为职工群众服务的宗旨,全面深化工会资产监管体制改革。一、凝聚共识、坚定信念,全面深化工会资产监管体制改革  相似文献   

汽车研究院工会紧密围绕院党委"团队振兴"、"心灵契约"两手抓的工作思路,以团队的心灵契约建设为切入点,以"服务企业和谐发展、促进员工职业成长"为主线,强化工会组织"为研发助力、为员工服务"两大作为,开展了以了解人、关心人、凝聚人为主要内容的服务职工"零距离工程",通过实施服务卡片、建好服务阵地、建立服务机制、打造人本文化、严格考核奖惩,不断建机制拓载体,不断增强基层工会组织的感召力、影响力和亲和力,切实发挥好关怀、凝聚、教育、服务职工的作用,打造研究院工会工作的升级版,为北汽研发事业的快速发展提供坚强支撑和有力保障。  相似文献   

开展创先争优活动 引领职工素质提升   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张旭 《中国工运》2011,(1):21-22
中国石化胜利油田在广大职工中积极开展并大力推进创先争优活动,坚持以代表性为主导、和谐性为重点、竞赛性为动力、素质性为根本,掀起新一轮"比学赶帮超"及精细管理热潮。在"百年创新,百年胜利"的进程中,我们时时处处以理性引领为主导,用优良传统鼓舞士气,在教育和引导中强化职工主人翁责任,  相似文献   

现代化是一种包括经济、政治、文化在内的整体性社会变迁,其基本的道德要求是与现代市场经济的发展相适应的。诚信作为现代社会的基础性道德规范和市场经济的黄金规则,是现代化的伦理基础;诚信作为市场主体的无形资本,是非常宝贵的社会资源,而且对市场经济起引导和促进作用。  相似文献   

西方社会保障政策改革的理念启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从20世纪80年代起,西方国家开始了全面的社会保障政策改革,旨在用一种更为积极的社会保障政策来代替消极的福利给付。这种从"福利"到"工作"的积极政策的改革实质是以一种劳动政策代替社会保障和福利,旨在将失业者送入劳动力市场,以解决日益膨胀的失业问题,减少失业者对福利的依赖。与此同时,在全球化背景下,中国也面临着广泛的失业问题和社会保障体系的建构问题。他山之石,可以攻玉,我们可以从西方国家的社会保障政策改革中得到诸多启示和借鉴,以一种新的理念来构建我们的社会保障体系。  相似文献   

Since 15 May 2011 Spain has progressively entered a political and regime crisis in which the main institutional pillars of the political system constructed in 1977-1978 during the transition from the Franco dictatorship to parliamentary democracy suffered from serious wear. This can be analysed following Gramsci's notion of hegemony crisis whose main features fit well with the current situation in Spain. The regime crisis has passed through different stages – the last being the emergence and rise in the polls of Podemos, which emerged in a context marked by the deepening of the crisis and the difficulty of securing significant social victories. To understand the meaning of this current regime crises it is useful to read history, following Walter Benjamin as an open process full of bifurcations with no linear trajectory. Spanish regime crisis opens for the first time since the seventies the possibility of a social and political change whose final sense is still uncertain.  相似文献   

工人阶级内部存在着不同的利益群体,存在不同利益群体的客观基础是对资源的支配关系不同。随着向市场经济转轨的深入,工人阶级内部不同群体将日趋独立,阶层化(群体化)将日趋明显。经营管理者是在公有制基础上,直接支配生产资料,履行支配职能,行使支配权力,获得相应利益的社会集团。工人是在生产过程中,被管理,被支配并直接进行劳动,以此获得工资性收入的社会集团。  相似文献   

学报编辑工作是人类社会先进文化活动的一部分,其功能是积累和传播人类共同创造的社会先进文化成果。学报编辑工作具有政治性、思想性,反映一定阶段社会集团的利益和愿望。学报编辑工作是一个具有多样性、社会性的文化工程;学报编辑是人类文化创新的调控者;学报编辑是先进文化的策划者、生产者、建设者和创新者。  相似文献   

The majority of existing studies of Ivy Compton-Burnett’s comedy class her as either a ‘camp’ novelist, or a social satirist in whose novels jokes are used for either oppression or subversion. The present essay proposes a new reading of the social uses of jokes in Compton-Burnett’s novels. In these domestic fictions, family life is characterized by constant strife, most commonly of a verbal nature. As part of their daily struggle for power and position, her characters use aggressive jokes to keep each other in check. This process does not distinguish primarily between oppressors and oppressed, but between successful and unsuccessful egotists. As an ideal result, a social equilibrium emerges that is at least vaguely habitable to all. This way, Compton-Burnett’s comedy is essentially conservative; the ultimate function of the jokes employed by her characters is not to permanently transform social structures, but to maintain the delicate balance of power within the family.  相似文献   

Time spent on social media and making online comparisons with others may influence users’ mental health. This study examined links between parental control over the time their child spends on social media, preadolescents’ time spent browsing social media, preadolescents’ appearance comparisons on social media, and preadolescents’ appearance satisfaction, depressive symptoms, and life satisfaction. Preadolescent social media users (N?=?284, 49.1% female; aged 10–12) and one of their parents completed online surveys. Preadolescents, whose parents reported greater control over their child’s time on social media, reported better mental health. This relationship was mediated by preadolescents spending less time browsing and making fewer appearance comparisons on social media. Parental control over time spent on social media may be associated with benefits for mental health among preadolescents.  相似文献   

检视近年来中国的劳动法律,已经不是有无法律而是需要什么样的法律的问题。问题所在是,国家规制下社会权利和社会合作显现缺失,工人们甚至用牺牲乃至生命呼唤社会权利和社会合作。回望近代以来的中国劳动法制历史,国家规制下社会权利和社会合作的缺失乃是一种长久之痛。环顾世界劳动法制的演进,劳动法律在中国有效实施的基本条件,便是补救社会权利和社会合作的缺失,国家规制则需要与之相互协调。  相似文献   

The current study expands upon body image research to examine how gender, self-esteem, social support, teasing, and family, friend, and media pressures relate to body image and eating-related attitudes and behaviors among male and female adolescents (N = 177). Results indicated that adolescents were dissatisfied with their current bodies: males were concerned with increasing their upper body, whereas females wanted to decrease the overall size of their body. Low self-esteem and social support, weight-related teasing, and greater pressures to lose weight were associated with adolescents’ negative body esteem, body image, and eating attitudes. Females displayed more high risk eating behaviors—which were associated with more psychosocial risk factors—than males, whose high risk attitudes and behaviors were only associated with low parental support and greater pressure to be muscular. Reducing adolescents’ perceptions of appearance-related pressure from family and friends may be key for enhancing body image and decreasing links between low self-esteem and negative eating behaviors and weight-related perceptions. Rheanna N. Ata is currently a research assistant at the Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center, Miriam Hospital/Brown University. She is interested in body image and eating disorders and completed this research during her undergraduate studies at the College of the Holy Cross. Alison Bryant Ludden is a developmental psychologist whose research focuses on social relationships and problem behaviors during adolescence, with a special interest in school as a developmental context. She is an assistant professor of psychology at the College of the Holy Cross. Megan M. Lally is currently a graduate student in psychology at Pepperdine University. She completed this research during her undergraduate studies at the College of the Holy Cross.  相似文献   

Women's major productive role (outside of the home) in agriculture and the crucial part which women play in peasant revolts have been more or less ignored by social scientists. In this paper an attempt is made to analyse the interconnections between class and sexual oppression, and between women's movements and class struggle, in rural India: with class structure, the nature of society, and the development of social movements looked at from the viewpoint of women themselves. With the use of two key concepts, work participation and mode of production, it is argued that in India, increasingly during the last decade, capitalism has developed in the countryside, and that, with the changing social relations of production, there has emerged a mass‐based and militant women's movement, whose objective basis has been the militancy of women of the rural poor. This is illustrated for a variety of Indian states, but especially for the state of Maharashtra.  相似文献   

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