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Book notes∗     
Changing East‐West Relations and the Unity of the West, The Johns 171 Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1964, 328 pp., $ 2.45.

L'Alto Adige in un quadro europeo, Edizioni di Evoluzione Europea, Sondrio, 1966, pp. 172, Lit. 1.500.

Capasso Arturo, Socialismo in Svezia. Origini, programma, realta, Azione Comune, Milan, 1966, pp. 117, Lit. 800.

Gardner Richard N., Blueprint for Peace, McGraw‐Hill Paperbacks, New York, 1966, pp. 370, $ 2.95.

Hofstadter Richard, Le grandi controversie della storia americana, Editoriale Opere Nuove, Perugia, pp. 1038, Lit. 6.000.

Melotti Umberto, Rivoluzione e Società, Ed. La Culturale, Milan, 1965, pp. 459, Lit. 3.600.

Melotti Umberto, Sociologia della fame, Ed. La Culturale, Milan, 1966, pp. 226, Lit. 3.000.

Pistone Matteo Renato, Dalle piramidi di Giza alle piramidi di Nasser, Incontri mediterranei, Rome, 1967, pp. 215, Lit. 2.000.

Sommer Theo (Editor), Denken an Deutschland ‐ Zum Problem der Wiedervereinigung, Nannen‐Verlag, Hamburg, 1966, pp. 213, n.p.g.

Vogelsang Thilo, L'esercito tedesco e il partito nazional‐socialista, Il Saggiatore, Milan, 1966, pp. 547, Lit. 3.500.

Brugmans Henri, L'idee Europeenne, 1918–1965, De Tempel, Bruges, 1966, pp. 316.

Hassner Pierre et Newhouse John, Les diplomatics occidentales: unité et contradictions, Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Paris, 1966, pp. 93, n.p.g.

Lowenthal Richard, World Communism; The “Disintegration of a Secular Faith, Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 296, $ 1.75.

McKenzie E. Kermit, Comintern and world revolution, 1928–1943: The Shaping of Doctrine, Columbia University Press, London and New York, 1964, pp. 349, 48 s.

Petrilli Giuseppe, Lo Stato imprenditore, validità e attualità di una formula, Cappelli, Bologna, 1967, pp. 236, Lit. 2.200.

Schelling Thomas C, Arms and Influence, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1966, pp. 286, $ 1.95.

Senato della Repubblica, I progetti di legge sull'ordinamento e finanziamento dei partiti nella Repubblica federate tedesca, Decem‐ber, 1965, pp. 281.  相似文献   

Books notes∗     
AA. VV., Cycle de conferences sur le développement economique, 371 OCDE, Paris, 1961, pp. 138, F. 25.

AA. VV., Droit communautaire et droit national, Community law and national law, De Tempel, Tempelhof, Bruges, 1965, pp. 400, n.p.g.

AA. VV., Fiscal Harmonization in Common Markets, Columbia University Press, New York, 1962, 2 voll., pp. 1.092.

Andreis Mario, L'Africa e la Comunità Economica Europea, Einaudi, Torino, 1967, pp. 374, Lit. 3.000.

AA. VV., La Germania antinazista (R.D.T.), La Nuova Italia, Roma, 1967, pp. 250, Lit. 3.000.

Angiolini Alfredo, Socialismo e socialisti in Italia, Editori riuniti, Roma, 1966, pp. 416, ed. fuori comm.

Baade H. C. Fritz, Exportations et recettes invisibles en Turquie, OCDE, Paris, 1961, pp. 134, n.p.g.

Calogero La Malfa Luisa, Ceccarini Ennio (A cura di), Contra la proliferazione Internationale, Edizioni della Voce, Roma, 1967, 373 pp. 297, Lit. 1.500.

Banca D'italia, Assemblea generale ordinaria dei partecipanti, anno 1966, Roma, 1967, 2 voll., pp. 543, n.p.g.

Del Bo Dino, Verso un nuovo assolutismo?, Vallecchi editore, Firenze, 1967, pp. 149, Lit. 1.800.

Department of Information of South Africa (Published by the), Ethiopia and Liberia Versus South Africa, Pretoria, 1966, pp. 306, n.p.g.

Di Fabio Marcello, L'acquisto immobiliare dello straniero, Edizioni Porziuncola, Assisi, 1967, pp. 253, n.p.g.

Dinerstein S. Herbert, Soviet Policy in Latin America, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, n.p.g.

Hayek Friedrich A., L'abuso della ragione, Vallecchi, Firenze, 1967, pp. 255, Lit. 1.000.

Hayward Max. (Translated and edited by) On Trial, The Soviet State versus “Abram Tertz” and “'Nikolai Arzhak”, Harper &; Row, New York, 1966, pp. 176, $ 4.95.

Inter‐American Development Bank, Proceedings. Seventh Meeting of the Board of Governors, Mexico, D.F., 1966, pp. 198, n.p.g. 375

Ionescu Ghita, L'avenir politique de l'Europe orientate, Futuribles Sedeis, Paris, 1967, pp. 372, F. 25.

Kindleberger Charles P., Lo sviluppo economico, Etas/Compass, Milano, 1967, pp. 519, Lit. 8.000.

Kolkowicz Roman, Soviet Party‐Military Relations: Contained Conflict, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, pp. 48, n.p.g.

Kolkowicz Roman, The Red “Hawkes” on the Rationality of Nuclear War, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, pp. 64, n.p.g.

Kolkowicz Roman, The Soviet Military and the Communist Party, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1967, pp. 349, $ 9.

Koppe Karlheinz, Das grüne E setzt sich durch, 20 Jahre Europa Union Deutschland 1946–1966, Europa Union Verlag, Köln, 1967, pp. 182, n.p.g.

Kuby Heinz, Défi a l'Europe, Éditions du Seuil, Collections esprit “Frontière ouverte”, Paris, 1967, pp. 346, n.p.g.

Kux Ernst, Dall'ongaro Giuseppe, Crisi nel Sud‐est asiatico, Ugo Bozzi Editore, Roma, 1967, pp. 273, Lit. 3.000.

La Palombara Joseph, Clientela e parentela, Studio sui gruppi d'in‐teresse in Italia, Edizioni di Comunità, Milano, 1967, pp. 391, Lit. 3.500.

Mannucci Cesare, La società di massa, Saggi di cultura contemporanei, Edizioni di Comunità, Milano, 1967, pp. 240, Lit. 2.000.

Mark Max, Beyond Sovereignty, Public Affairs Press, Washington, 1965, pp. 159, n.p.g.

Mcdougall Duncan M., Dernburg Thomas E., Macroeconomia, Etas/Compass, Milano, 1967, pp. 447, n.p.g.

Mendershausen Horst, Atlantica, Europa, Germania, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, pp. 63, n.p.g.

Menges Constantine C., Military Aspects of International Relations in the Developing Areas, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 378 1966, pp. 89, n.p.g.

Nichols R. T., The Common Market and European Unification, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1965, pp. 106, n.p.g.

Nobaaecourt Jacques, Une Histoire politique de l'armée. De Pétain à Pétain, 1919–1942, Éditions du Seuil, Paris, 1967, pp. 328, n.p.g.

Ocde, Les moyens financiers mis à disposition de pays moins développés, 1956–1963, Paris, 1964, pp. 139, F. 10.

Ohlin Goran, Réévaluation des politiques d'aide à l'étranger, OCDE, Paris, 1966, p. 112, n.p.g.

Pike Douglas, Viet Cong. The Organization and Techniques of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam, The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1966, pp. 474, $ 8.95.

Pirker Theo (Herausgegeben von), Die Moskauer Schauprozesse, 1936–1938, Deutscherr Taschenbuch Verkg, München, 1963, pp. 278, DM. 2,50.

Pirker Theo (Herausgegeben von), Utopie und Mythos der Weltre‐volution Zur Geschichte der Komintern, 1920–1940, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, München, 1964, pp. 296, n.p.g.

Planchais Jean, Une histoire politique de l'armée. De De Gaulle a De Gaulle, 1940–1967, Éditions du Seuil, Paris, 1967, pp. 376, n.p.g.

Prandi Alfonso, Religiosità e cultura nel ‘700 italiano, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1966, pp. 435, Lit. 5.000.

Rasch Harold, Die Bundesrepubtik und Osteuropa, Pahl‐Rugenstein Verlag, Köln, 1965, pp. 150, n.p.g.

Robinson Thomas W., A National Interest Analysis of Sino‐Soviet Relations, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, pp. 40, n.p.g.

Salisbury Harrison E., L'orbita della Cina, Bompiani, Milano, 1967, pp. 216, Lit. 1.500.

Schurmann, Scott, Zelnik?, La politica dell'escalation nel Vietnam, Il Saggiatore, Milano, 1967, pp. 159, Lit. 1.400.

Speier Hans, Germany, The Continuing Challenge, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, pp. 36, n.p.g.

Trager N. Frank, Why Viet Nam, Praeger, New York, 1966, pp. 216, $ 4,95.

Ufficio Stampa Delle Acli (a cura dell'), Lo scandalo delle Acli. I commenti della stampa al X Congresso Nazionale, Roma, 1967, pp. 214, n.p.g.

United Nations, The United Nations and Disarmament, 1945–1965, New York, pp. 232, n.p.g.

Weinstein Ellen K., The Soviets Try, Try Again. The Soviet Economy and the “New Reforms”, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, pp. 11, n.p.g.

Wolfe Thomas W., The Evolving Nature of the Warsaw Pact, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1965, pp. 28, n.p.g.

Wolfe Thomas W., Soviet Military Power and European Security, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, pp. 42, n.p.g.

Wolfe Thomas W., The Soviet Union and Arms Control, The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, 1966, pp. 40, n.p.g.

Van B. Cleveland Harold, The Atlantic Idea and Its European Rivals, McGraw‐Hill, New York, 1966, pp. 170, n.p.g.  相似文献   

Book notes∗     
Financing the United Nations System, The Brookings Institution, 291 Washington, D.C., 1964, pp. 306, $ 6.75.

I controlli sul potere, Vallecchi, Florence, 1967, pp. 163, Lit. 1.500.

La Nato, problemi e prospettive, Giuffrè, Milan, 1967, pp. 304, Lit. 3.000.

Latin American Trade Patterns, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1965, pp. 324, $ 6.00.

Sciences Humaines et Intégration Europeenne, A. W. Synthoff, Leiden, 1961, pp. 423, n.p.g.

Bechhoeffer, Bernhard G., Postwar Negotiations for Arms Control, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1961, pp. 598, $ 1.50.

Brown Robert T., Transport and the Economic Integration of South America, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1966, pp. 278, $ 6.00.

Brugmans Henri, L'idée europeenne 1918–1966, De Tempel, Tem‐pelhof, 1966, pp. 316, n.p.g.

Buerstedde Sigismund, Der Ministerrat im konstitutionellen System der Europädischen Gemeinschaften, De Tempel, Bruges, 1964, pp. 232, n.p.g.

Camps Miriam, European Unification in the Sixties, from the Veto to the Crisis, McGraw‐Hill Book Company, New York, p. 273, n.p.g.

Ch'afen Jerome, Mao Tse‐tung e la rivoluzione cinese, Sansoni, Florence, 1966, pp. 477, Lit. 2.000.

Cognard Pierre, Le déft scientifique et technologique américain, Centre de recherches Européennes, Lausanne,’ 1967, pp. 42, n.p.g.

Comunità Europea del Carbone e dell'Acciaio ‐ Alta Autorità, 15a Re‐lazione generate sulla attività della Comunità (1° febbraio 1966–31 gennaio 1967), Luxembourg, 1967, pp. 441, Lt. 1.870.

Fortuna Franco, Commercio internazionale, lineamenti tecnico‐eco‐nomici, Giuffrè Editore, Milan, 1967, pp. 423, Lit. 4.000.

Frankel Charles, The Neglected Aspect of Foreign Affairs, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1965, pp. 147, $ 5.00.

Heilbrunn Otto, Conventional Warfare in the Nuclear Age, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, 1965, pp. 143, 21s.

Heraud Guy, Popoli e lingue d'Europa, Ferro Edizioni, Milan, 1966,. pp. 409, Lit. 4.200.

Horowitz Irving Louis, Il giuoco della guerra, Feltrinelli, Milan, 1967, pp. 401, Lit. 4.000.

Johnson Harry G., Economic Policies Toward Less Developed Countries, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C. 1967, pp. 248, $ 6.75.

Lefever Ernest W., Crisis in the Congo: A U.N. Force in Action, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1965, pp. 200, n.p.g.

Marcuse Herbert, L'uomo a una dimensione, l'ideologia della so‐ 295 cietà industriale avanzata, Einaudi, Turin, 1967, pp. 266, Lit. 1.000.

Partito Repubblicano Italiano, L'Italia e la non proliferazione delle armi nucleari 1965–1967 (libro bianco), 1967 .

Pennisi Giuseppe, L'associazione Cee‐Sama: un esame critico, Qua‐derni d'Africa n. 6, Casa editrice Pietro Cairoli, Como, 1967, pp. 92, Lit. 800.

Robock Stefan H., Brazil's Developing Northeast: A Study of Regional Planning and Foreign Aid, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1963, pp. 201, $ 2.00.

Russell Ruth B., United Nations Experience with Military Forces: Political and Legal Aspects, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1964, pp. 162, $ 1.00.

Sapin Burton M., The Making of United States Foreign Policy, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1966, pp. 380, $ 7.50.

Schmid Karl, Aspetti psicologici dell'unificazione europea, Edizioni Ferro, Milan, 1966, pp. 230, Lit. 2.800.

The World Almanac 1967, Newspaper Enterprise Association, Inc., New York, 1966, pp. 912, $ 1.65.

Ulam Adam B., Lenin e il suo tempo, Vallecchi, Florence, 1967, pp. 1020, 2 volumi, Lit. 2.000.

Westwood Andrew F., Foreign Aid in a Foreign Policy Framework, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1966, pp. 106, $ 1.95.

Van Gestel M.‐B. editor, Walter Hallstein, Bibliographie seiner Veröffentlichungen, J. Reekmans and Zonen, Louvain, 1965, pp. 49, n.p.g.  相似文献   

以MDBK细胞培养致细胞病变型牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)NCD毒株,采用异硫氰酸胍一步法提取总RNA,并根据BVDV NADL参考株序列设计合成的1对引物(W1与W2),进行反转录PCR(RT-PCR),扩增出P125基因区约400bp的片段.经pGEM-T载体连接后克隆、测序,并与已发表的NADL、Osloss、SD-1、184、D、H、Yak等BVDV毒株序列进行比较.结果表明NCD株P125基因区无插入或缺失变异,但存在着核苷酸的替换;经聚类分析初步认为NCD株属于Ⅰa型.NCD株与长春184、H株核苷酸序列差异较大,而亲缘关系较近,表明BVDV在同一地区存在不同进化来源的毒株.  相似文献   

Book notes     
AA.VV., Le riforme economiche net paesi dell'Est, Vallecchi, Firenze, 1966, pp. 349, L. 2.000.

AA.VV., Tendenze del capitalismo europeo, Editori Riuniti‐Istituto Gramsci, Roma, 1966, pp. 829, L. 3.500.

AA.VV., The Dimensions of Diplomacy, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1964, pp. 135, $ 3.95.

Abel Elie, La crisi dei missili, Garzanti, Milano, 1966, pp. 215, L. 2.000.

Cornell Richard, Youth and Communism, Walker and Co., New York, 1965, pp. 194, $ 6,50.

Gardner Richard, L'Onu e la politico mondiale, Cappelli, Bologna, 1966, pp. 179, L. 6.000.

Granick David, Il dirigente europeo, Comunità, Milano, 1966, pp. 370, L. 3.000.

Leone Ugo, Le origin'i diplomatiche del Consiglio d'Europa, Giuffré, Milano, 1965, pp. 335.

Nenni Pietro, Il socialismo nella democrazia, realtà del presente, Vallecchi, Firenze, 1966, pp. 380, L. 2.000.

Sweezy Paul and Huberman Leo, Teoria della politica estera ame‐ricana, Einaudi, Torino, pp. 180, L. 1.200.

Other books.

AA.V.V., Marxism in the Modern World, edited by Milorad M. Drachkovitch, Hoover Institution Publications of Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1965, pp. 271, $ 5.95.

Berding Andrew H., The Making of Foreign Policy, Potomac Books, Washington D.C., 1966, pp. 92, n.p.g.

Brown J. F., The New Eastern Europe: The Khrushchev Era and After, F. A; Praeger, New York, 1966, pp. 236, $ 6.50.

Carter Gwendolen and Herz John H., Government and Politics in the Twentieth Century, F. A. Praeger, New York, 1965, pp. 228, $ 5.50.

CNEN, L'energia nucleare nell'Urss, Cnen, Roma, 1966, pp. 188, n.p.g.

Duchene Francois, AU delà de l'Alliance, Institut Atlantique, Bou‐logne‐sur‐Seine, pp. 64, n.p.g.

Ferrarotti Franco, Idee per la nuova società, Vallecchi, Firenze, pp. 241, L. 2.000.

Freidel Frank, America in the Twentieth Century, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1963, pp. 593, n.p.g.

Gerschenkron Alexander, Il problema storico dell'arretratezza eco‐nomica, Einaudi, Torino, 1965, pp. 430, L. 4.000.

Giammanco Roberto, Dialogo sulla societa americana, Einaudi, Torino, 1964, pp. 266, L. 2.000.

Havemann Robert, Dialettka senza dogma, Einaudi, Torino, 1965, pp. 229, L. 500.

Hoffmann Stanley, Conditions d'un ordre mondial, Congrès pour la liberté de la culture, Paris, 1966, pp. 28, n.p.g.

Hofstadter Richard, Miller William, Aaron Daniel, The American Republic, Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey, 1965, volume I, pp. 698, volume II, pp. 701, n.p.g.

Kaldor Nicholas, Saggi sulla stabilità economica e lo sviluppo, Einaudi, Torino, 1965, pp. 327, L. 2.500.

Kirby Stuart E., Youth in China, Dragonfly Books, Hong Kong, 1965, pp. 251, n.p.g.

Myint Hla, The Economics of the Developing Countries, F. A. Prae‐ger, New York, 1965, pp. 184, $ 5.50.

Palmer R. R., The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760–1800, Princeton University Press, 1964, pp. 575, $ 10.00.

Snow Edgar, Stella rossa sulla Cina, Einaudi, Torino, 1966, pp. 575, L. 2.000.

Stucki Lorenz, Behind the Great Wall ‐ An Appraisal of Mao's China, F. A. Praeger, New York, 1965, pp. 154, $ 4.95.

Tanham George K., War without Guns, American Civilians in Rural Vietnam, F. A. Praeger, New York, 1966, pp. 138, $ 4.95.

Uri Pierre, Une politique monetaire pour l'Amérique Latine, Plon, Meaux, pp. 114, n.p.g.

Willis Roy F., France, Germany and the New Europe 1845–1963, Stanford University Press, California, 1965, pp. 387, $ 8.75.

Vaciago Giacomo, Problemi economici del disarmo, Vita e pensiero, Milano, 1966, pp. 44, n.p.g.

Vismara Maria, Le Nazioni Unite per i territori dipendenti e per la decolonizzazione, Cedam, Padova, 1966, pp. 588, L. 6.000.  相似文献   

This report describes a community participatory approach for improving health in urban slum communities in Nigeria. The study site included 6 slum communities in Lagos State. Public health conditions included poor hygiene, overcrowding, blocked drainage systems, lack of toilet facilities, feces-contaminated water, and cramped housing construction. Drinking water was unavailable, and people obtained paid water per bucket. These communities had taken it upon themselves to improve conditions. People built roads, acquired electricity, dug gutters, and planned their communities. In one community, a school was built; in another, a health center. One community spent its energies preventing another relocation. Interviews revealed people's interest in talking about the history of their communities, the peculiar problems faced, their organizational structure, and solutions to improving their lives. Slum dwellers did not view themselves as poor. People wanted drinking water, better roads linking their community to the larger community, expanded canals to prevent flooding, good drainage, electricity and street lights, good education, literacy education, modern equipment for sand dredging, improved fishing systems, better buildings, a policy department, libraries, and recreational facilities. No one mentioned health education. Without this assessment, the author would have set up an inappropriate health education plan. The alternative was to help these communities secure funding for their desired projects.  相似文献   

New Books     
《Negotiation Journal》2003,19(2):183-189
Books reviewed in this article:
Avenhaus, Rudolph, Victor A. Kremenyuk, and Gunnar Sjöstedt , editors. Containing the Atom: International Negotiations on Nuclear Security and Safety .
Blackshaw, Ian S . Mediating Sports Disputes: National and International Perspectives .
Blaker, Michael, Paul Giarra, and Ezra Vogel . Case Studies in Japanese Negotiating Behavior .
Gilboa, Eytan , editor. Media and Conflict: Framing Issues, Making Policy, Shaping Opinions .
Irving, Howard H. and Michael Benjamin . Therapeutic Family Mediation: Helping Families Resolve Conflict .
Kriesberg, Louis . Constructive Conflicts: From Escalation to Resolution .
LeBaron, Michelle . Bridging Troubled Waters: Conflict Resolution from the Heart .
Raiffa, Howard, with John Richardson and David Metcalfe . Negotiation Analysis: The Science and Art of Collaborative Decision Making .
Smyser, W.R. How Germans Negotiate .
Voorhees, James . Dialogue Sustained: The Multilevel Peace Process and the Dartmouth Conference .  相似文献   

Lloyd E. Ambrosius, Woodrow Wilson and the American Diplomatic Tradition: The Treaty Fight in Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. £27.50.

British Documents on Foreign Affairs: Reports and Papers from The Foreign Office Confidential Print (General Editors K. Bourne and D. Cameron Watt). Part II. From the First to the Second World War. Series I. The Paris Peace Conference of 1919 (ed.) M. Dockrill, Vols. 1–7. University Publications of America, 1989. $1050 (14 vols).

Bruce Kent, The Spoils of War. The Politics, Economics and Diplomacy of Reparations 1918–1932, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. £40.

F.S. Northedge, The League of Nations: Its Life and Times 1920–1946, Leicester: Leicester University Press, paperback edition, 1988, £12.95.

Klaus Schwabe, Woodrow Wilson, Revolutionary Germany, and Peace‐making, 1918–1919: Missionary Diplomacy and the Realities of Power. Translated from the German by Rita and Robert Kimber, Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1985. $40.

Arthur Walworth, Wilson and His Peacemakers: American Diplomacy at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919, New York: Norton, 1986 £24.75.  相似文献   

Over 40 million people in the U.S. Southwest depend on water from the Colorado River. Seven States, Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming, have rights to the river. For millions of years, it has carved its way from high in the western Rocky Mountains south and west, skirting the borders of California, Nevada, and Arizona before giving its water to a delta in Mexico. It rarely makes it to the Gulf of California, its original terminus. The Colorado Plateau encompasses over 150,000 square miles. The plateau includes geologic wonders like the Grand Canyon, Black Canyon of the Gunnison River, Canyon de Chelly on the Navajo Reservation, Canyonlands, Arches, and Rainbow Bridge, among others. The authors recommend that we turn to the past and include the perspectives of diverse communities, who have ties to the region and its waters going back centuries to avoid a water shortage in the future.  相似文献   

采用布旗法与家畜体表捕捉法 ,在甘肃省 6个不同地理区划内的部分县、市、区采集硬蜱标本 ,共发现了 2 0种硬蜱 :河西走廊有草原革蜱 (Dermacentornuttalli)、银盾革蜱 (D .niveus)、亚洲璃眼蜱 (Hyalommaasiaticumasiaticum)、麻点璃眼蜱 (H .rufipes)、小亚璃眼蜱 (H .anatolicum )、亚东璃眼蜱 (H .asiaticum ) ;河西走廊南山地有草原革蜱、嗜驼璃眼蜱 (H .dromedarri)、小亚璃眼蜱、亚东璃眼蜱 ;河西荒漠高原有草原革蜱和残缘璃眼蜱 (H .detritum ) ;中部黄土高原有草原革蜱、森林革蜱 (D .silvarum )、日本血蜱 (H .japonica)、长角血蜱 (H .longicornis)、青海血蜱 (H .ginghaiensis)、卵形硬蜱 (Ixodesovatus) ;陇南山地有草原革蜱、长角血蜱、刻点血蜱 (H .puncta ta)、卵形硬蜱、全沟硬蜱 (I .persulcatus)、血红扇头蜱 (Rhipicephalussanguineus)、微小牛蜱(Boophilusmicroplus) ;甘南山地山原地区有草原革蜱、草原硬蜱 (I .crenulatus)、全沟硬蜱、钝跗硬蜱 (I .pomerantzevi)、青海血蜱、草原血蜱 (H .verticalis)。草原革蜱分布于甘肃省 6个地理区划 ,其他 19种硬蜱的分布具有明显的地理特征  相似文献   

In the Spitsbergen treaty of 1920, Norway acquired sovereignty over the Spitsbergen Islands. Rather than Woodrow Wilson, the American president, the architects behind the treaty were Robert Lansing, Wilson’s secretary of state, and, behind the diplomatic scene, the mining investor, John M. Longyear. In 1906, Longyear established a mining company to exploit the coal deposits at Spitsbergen. He induced Congress, the State Department, and the White House to forge an American policy for the European Arctic, including the appointment of Lansing, an international lawyer, as a counsel in the State Department. Lansing was a leading expert on both international law and the lack of state authority at the terra nullius, Spitsbergen. In 1915, he became secretary of State and, at the Paris Peace Conference, decided American policy regarding the Spitsbergen question. This analysis shows how the outcome of the Spitsbergen question was a result of American mining interests, supplemented by Norwegian-American shared interests in conflict resolution based on international law.  相似文献   

Lloyd E. Ambrosius, Woodrow Wilson and the American Diplomatic Tradition: The Treaty Fight in Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. £27.50.

British Documents on Foreign Affairs: Reports and Papers from The Foreign Office Confidential Print (General Editors K. Bourne and D. Cameron Watt). Part II. From the First to the Second World War. Series I. The Paris Peace Conference of 1919 (ed.) M. Dockrill, Vols. 1-7. University Publications of America, 1989. $1050 (14 vols).

Bruce Kent, The Spoils of War. The Politics, Economics and Diplomacy of Reparations 1918-1932, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. £40.

F.S. Northedge, The League of Nations: Its Life and Times 1920-1946, Leicester: Leicester University Press, paperback edition, 1988, £12.95.

Klaus Schwabe, Woodrow Wilson, Revolutionary Germany, and Peace-making, 1918-1919: Missionary Diplomacy and the Realities of Power. Translated from the German by Rita and Robert Kimber, Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1985. $40.

Arthur Walworth, Wilson and His Peacemakers: American Diplomacy at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919, New York: Norton, 1986 £24.75.  相似文献   

The 1991 Persian Gulf War is a “most likely” case for several crisis decision-making models. It commanded presidential attention, arose when bureaucrats were fighting over post-Cold War budgets, and evoked the strong organizational cultures of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. We use this case to assess the contexts, decision stages, and issue areas in which alternative crisis models have the most explanatory power. We find that presidents are most powerful in agenda setting, choosing among options, crises, and high-politics issues. Bureaucratic politics diminishes in crises and best explains the behavior of mid-level careerists, the formulation of options, and the shaping of post-war budgets. Most striking, even in crises organizational cultures strongly shape tactical military decisions, choices among weapons systems, and the willingness of officials to risk their careers on behalf of their organizations’ values. Overall, these findings argue for greater attention to the influence of organizational cultures in crises.  相似文献   

New communication technologies may be a mixed blessing for tropical African states. They could foster development, by promoting health, education, agriculture, entertainment, business and tourism; and also enhance international trade and regional cooperation. However, these technologies might accentuate the gap between the rich and poor, creating a society characterised by an information-rich elite and an information-poor under-class. In an age when information is power, this could devastate countries that are facing the problems of poverty, disease, hunger, and political instability. Ultimately, these technologies might also jeopardise the sovereignty, security, human rights, and, consequently, the development of countries in tropical Africa.  相似文献   

April 19     
Richard Abanes, American Militias: Rebellion, Racism and Religion. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1996. Pp.296, biblio, index. $13.49 (paper). ISBN 0–8308–1368–3.

John George and Laird Wilcox, American Extremists: Militias, Supremacists, Communists, & Others. Amherst, NY: Promethius Books, 1996. Pp.443, index.. $31.45 (cloth), $24.95 (paper). ISBN 1–57392–058–4.

Jim Keith, OKBOMB!: Conspiracy and Cover‐Up. Lilburn, GA: Illuminet Press, 1996. Pp.237, index. $14.95 (paper). ISBN 1–881532–08–9.

Kenneth S. Stern,A Force Upon the Plain: The American Militia Movement and the Politics of Hate. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996. Pp.303, biblio, index. $24.00 (cloth), $15.26 (paper). ISBN 0–684–81916–3.

Brandon M. Stickney, “All American Monster”: The Unauthorized Biography of Tim McVeigh. Amherst, NY: Promethius Books, 1996. Pp.336, index. $23.95. ISBN 1–57392–088–6.

Jess Walter, Every Knee Shall Bow: The Truth & Tragedy of Ruby Ridge & The Weaver Family. New York: ReganBooks, 1995. Pp.375. $24.00 (cloth), $6.29 (paper). ISBN 0–06–0391 74‐X.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Tedium or clarification in the study of international relations: the Plethora of “hegemonic decline” works among American scholars

Theodore Geiger, The Future of the International System: The United States and the World Political Economy, Allen and Unwin, Boston and London, 1988, 190pp, £8.95 pbk.

David P. Calleo, Beyond American Hegemony: The Future of the Western Alliance, Basic Books, Inc., New York and Wheatsheaf, London, 1987, 288pp, £16.95.

Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000, Random House, New York, 1987, 677pp, $24.95.

Robert Nisbet, The Present Age: Progress and Anarchy in Modern America, Harper & Row, New York, London and Sydney, 1988, 145pp, $17.95.

Allan Bloom, The Closing of the American Mind, Simon and Schuster, Inc., New York, London and Sydney, 1988, 392pp, $7.95 pbk.

Robert O'Neill and David N. Schwartz (eds), Hedley Bull on Arms Control, Macmillan/IISS, 1987, £27.50.  相似文献   

二战期间,苏联俘获大量战俘,战俘的接收、安置、医疗服务、物资供给、劳动、政治教育和遣返等各方面事务均由苏联内务人民委员会战俘和被拘留人员事务管理总局负责。随着战场形势、战俘数量及战俘政策的变化,管理机构的名称、任务、职能、结构和规模均在发生变化。进入上世纪50年代,多数战俘已被遣返,管理局最终于1953年4月20日被撤销,其职能移交给了监狱管理局。在整个关押期间管理局较为重视战俘事务,在苏联国内经济状况好转的同时,战俘的关押条件也在逐渐改善,战俘发病率和死亡率逐年降低,劳动效率不断提高。  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Edward F. Mickolus, Terrorism, 1988–1991: A Chronology of Events and Selective Annotated Bibliography, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993, Pp.916, index. $125. ISBN 0–313–28970–0

Anna Geifman, Thou Shalt Kill: Revolutionary Terrorism in Russia, 1894–1917, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993. Pp. xii + 376, notes, 22 photos, biblio., index. $39.50/£32.50. ISBN 0–691–08778–4

Walter Laqueur, Black Hundred: The Rise of the Extreme Right in Russia, New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993. Pp.318, photos, biblio note. $27.50. ISBN 0–06‐

Robert W. White, Provisional Irish Republicans: An Oral and Interpretive History, Westport, CT, and. London: Greenwood Press, 1993. Pp.206, biblio, index. $55. ISBN 0–313–28564–8  相似文献   

Fiji is a country consisting of 300 South Pacific islands, of which the largest is Vitu Levu, which includes the capital, Suva. The islands are home to 700,000 people, of whom 50% are Indian, 46% Melanesian, and the rest Chinese or European. The official language is English, and the major religions are Hinduism and Christianity. Literacy is 79% for men and 64% for women, whose status is generally low in this patriarchal society. Infant mortality is 27/1000 live births, but life expectancy is 70 years. The British began sending missionaries and manufactured goods in the early 1800s and annexed the islands in 1874 as a source of sugar, for which they expropriated the land and imported the Indians as agricultural workers. Sugar remains the largest export along with coconut oil, gold, and timber. Manufactured goods, food, fuel, and chemicals are imported, and the national debt is over $200 million. Foreign investment, mostly by Australia, is $13.2 million. Inflation is 20%; 200,000 people are unemployed, and poverty is general except for the urban elite. The Fijian dollar is worth US. 80. Independence, granted in 1970, replaced colonial control with military governments, currently that of Colonel Rambuka, who refused to allow a democratically elected government to take office. Faced with a declining economy and the political power of the fascist Taukei movement, the Indians, who had been the shopkeepers, craftsmen and bureaucrats during the later period of colonial rule, have been emigrating en masse.  相似文献   

While there is often a heavy emphasis on disaster response, disaster preparedness and mitigation are, rightfully, receiving more attention. In examining the state of preparedness in Indonesia, this article is divided into three sections. First, it reviews the hazards present in the country, such as conflict, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Second, it considers some of the current efforts underway by the government and international community. Finally, the article contends that the disaster-preparedness process is not yet complete. The main challenges remain: improving co-ordination between different organisations, creating a culture of disaster-risk management, implementing appropriate methods, and maintaining momentum on this issue in the future.  相似文献   

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