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<正>The concept of "Made in Internet" was introduced by Jack Ma,Chairman of Alibaba Group,at the 2017 Global Netrepreneur Conference held in Hangzhou,capital of east China’s Zhejiang Province,on July 11."Made in Internet,"according to Ma,is the overall progress in technologies,operations,products and services that industries and companies of all types can realize in the new retail era by using the  相似文献   

The spectacular fall of South Korea's best-known scientist Hwang Woo Suk for falsifying his embryonic stem cell research has shocked his own country and once again highlighted the importance of scientists' integrity and ethical standards. Hwang, 52, a professor at Seoul National University before he  相似文献   

In the People's Republic of China's (PRC) continuous state-building project since its establishment in 1949, the notion of nation and nationality (minzu) has been uninterruptedly utilised by the leading elite in its political programmes. The notion of the ‘nationality question’ (minzu wenti) was employed especially for addressing the issues of the officially identified minority nationalities at the time when the multinational nature of the state was made fundamental. However, how a multinational character of the Chinese state is interpreted by the state elite and how this interpretation is shaped by their policies have arguably changed along with the political and economic preferences of the regime. This paper aims to explore the meaning of ‘nationality question’ during the period of socialist construction, and traces the shift in its notion during the reform period which started in the 1970s. The essay pays attention to the change in the preferred corresponding English term of minzu wenti. I argue that the substitution of the ‘nationality question’ term, which was dominant during the socialist period, with the concept of the ‘ethnic question’ during the reform period points not only to the changing character of the government policies towards minorities, but also legitimises them as the only suitable and rightful in the context of economic reforms.  相似文献   

China's Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests,which has been in place for 15 years,will soon undergo a major amendment.According to Professor Liu Junhai at Beijing-based Renmin  相似文献   

China's Ministry of Commerce(MOFCOM)declared the Rules on Counteracting Unjustified Extra-Territorial Application of Foreign Legislation and Other Measures on January 9,taking effect on the very day of promulgation.  相似文献   

DURING the Han Dynasty, almost 2,000 years ago, the great King of Yutian asked the Chinese Emperor for silkworms. As silk was such a valuable commodity for trade with the Western world, the Emperor did not agree, and actually enlisted special guards  相似文献   

“His win was a demonstration of people power trumping foreign interests. Theservile, manipulated democraciesare ending in Latin America.”Bolivian President Evo Morales“Iam a little worried aboutyour country. Sometimesleaders show up who do agreat disse…  相似文献   

正The blue skies overhanging Beijing during the2014 APEC Economic Leaders’Meeting were but a memory on November 19,as a wave of smog once again enveloped the city.The disappearance of the"APEC blue"that had lasted two weeks means the specter of air pollution now looms large in the public consciousness.Although President Xi Jinping expressed desire at the end of the forum for the APEC blue to  相似文献   

Cancelling the age threshold of 35 for civil service recruitment has once again become a trending topic in Chinese society. Nowadays, those in their mid-30 s are called senior citizens in certain fields such as the IT industry, and many are repeatedly dismissed once they reach this ceiling. Even company managers and unit heads have little hope of being promoted once they hit 35.  相似文献   

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the country's ruling party, and the State Council, China's cabinet, jointly released a document in late January, detailing their efforts to intensify the construction of a new socialist countryside during 2007 and beyond.  相似文献   

Starting relatively late, China is quickly catching up with other countries in copyright protection Since drafting its first domestic copyright law, it has taken China only a little over a decade to join the major international copyright conventions. This path is remark-ably short for adopting copyright conven-tions-it took nearly a century to develop them in Western countries.  相似文献   

An interview with Neal Wolkoff,Chairman and CEO of the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) "I hope I can create a new AMEX," said Neal Wolkoff in April 2005  相似文献   

Shipping tycoon Mai Jiawei attributes his success to atough upbringing and China's rapid expansion sincethe reform and opening-up policies were introduced  相似文献   

China and the West should build a cooperative and constructive relationship for the 21 st century For the global village,China's renewal is a source of economic growth,a factor of stability and an invitation to explore new ideas.In fact,through countless material or intellectual Silk Roads, an unprecedented intensity of exchanges be- tween China and the world is already taking the global system to another level.Businesses, government's priorities and academic institu- tions have been transformed by this complex but promising process.  相似文献   

This year marks the 200th anniversary of Robert Morrison’s arrival in China. Morrison (1782-1834), a Scot, was the first Western Protestant missionary ever to come to China. China Today interviewed Mei Kangjun, executive deputy secretary general of the National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of Protestant Churches of China, asking him about the introduction of Christianity into China and its development in the country.  相似文献   

HOW easy it is for one who lives in Beijing, capital of the country, to have the impression that all things significant happen there! This is to forget how there are now many provincial capitals in China, that are rapidly modernizing. In order to achieve such modernization, these cities, like  相似文献   

FromBattlefieldtoMarketplace¥LIFUGEN(VietnamesemoneymakingChineserich?Thetwoformerarchenemieshavedecidedtoputolddifferencesas...  相似文献   

According to a report of the National Forest Ad ministration Bureau, as one of the most influ enced countries by desertification in the world, China suffers an economic loss of 150 million yuan (US$ 18.3 million)every day, not including the  相似文献   

LiXiaohuaisalivingexampleofdengXiaoping'sdeclaration,"togetrichisglorious."HehasmadebillionsandusesthatwealthtohelpChinesesocietyLASTSEPTEMBERLiXiaohuamadeaweek-longtriptotheUnitedStatesattheinviationofformerUSpresi-dentGeorgeBush.Atthe1996Pres-ident'sCupgolfcompetition,hewasmetbyPresidentClinton,whola-beledhimasasuccessfulbusiness-manWhoInadehanselfrichthroughpersonalstruggle.LiXiaohua,how-everdidnotfeelhissuccesscamePUrelfromPersonalstruggle."MysuccesshascomemorefromChina'sopen…  相似文献   

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