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This paper discusses the importance of trust, distrust and betrayal in the context of relational contracts in the modern welfare state. We use a specific case study of the allocation of social housing. That context is one in which the local authority has statutory obligations towards households in housing need but limited ability to fulfil those obligations without reliance on other social housing providers, specifically registered social landlords. Relationships between providers are, in theory, negotiated through nominations agreements. In this paper, we draw on data from a research project concerned with 'problematic nominations' to illustrate the production of trust, distrust and betrayal. Our analysis is structured by reference to three frameworks for the production of trust: characteristic-based, process-based and institutional based trust.  相似文献   

This article considers Günther Jakobs' controversial theory of ‘the criminal law of the enemy’ (Feindstrafrecht). Taking an interpretive perspective that is anchored in social theory, rather than normative principles, the article traces the implications of Jakobs' central claims concerning trust relations in society as mediated by the criminal law and endeavours to articulate their relevance for English law, particularly as regards the growing role of diversion and preventive orders in criminal justice. It identifies the various ways in which these current alternatives to the criminal sanctioning process link with neo‐liberal technologies of government by connecting Jakobs' thoughts on trust with key themes in the Foucauldian governmentality literature and recent research on the ascent of auditing as a meta‐regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

道德教育回归生活的基本问题辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厘定道德与生活的关系是道德教育回归生活的基础性课题.道德是生活中的道德,道德离不开生活.道德是生活的构成性因素,道德不能"同质化"为生活的一个独立领域,道德挺立是建构生活意义的方式之一,生活的过程也是道德学习的过程,不能有与生活过程不同的道德学习过程.  相似文献   

日本新信托法的理论课题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、信托法和信托法的理论 关于新<信托法>(指2006年12月颁布:译者注)总体的意义已在其他多种场合作过说明,[1]本文仅就和信托的一般理论问题相关的几个论点进行一些讨论.所谓"信托的一般理论",是指诸如"为什么要认可信托财产的独立性"、"如何界定受益权的性质"等具有高度抽象性的论点.  相似文献   

王涌 《中国法律》2012,(5):28-31,86,89
中国《信托法》从2001年颁布之後,产生了很多问题,一方面是民法法系固有的概念与信托法的冲突的问题;另一方面法律实务对信托法的需求很强烈,但是,立法中一些概念、条文的含义不清,模糊领域存在,影响中国信托法的应用。以下就中国《信托法》中所存在的一些比较重要的理论与实践问题作出解读。  相似文献   

谢郁 《法学杂志》2020,(7):56-67
探索以信任为前提的科研管理机制,需要回到科研经费制度中进行法理反思,挖掘科研信任关系的本质,进而以此作为科研管理机制建构的理论基础和指引。科研经费制度的规范基础包括正当性理由、实质性理由、必要性理由和否定性理由,与科研工作的创造性活动本质共同规定了科研契约关系的特性。信任是科研契约关系的必要组成部分,在信任结构与熟悉、安心结构的辨析中,专家系统与法律约束有着重要意义。科研管理机制的建构,需要从正反两个方面完成科研信任关系的建立与维系。  相似文献   

"道德教育与身体"这一古老命题的现代意义在于,通过梳理现代科技-人文景观中身体进入道德教育的路径,再由"道德教育与身体"的现代关系中反思道德教育的"身体观"选择;确立"身在论"作为道德教育的哲学基础.从而,使得现代情境下道德教育对"人自身的关切"的主题技艺保持.而不致异化为现代性的规制工具.  相似文献   

民国肇造,政派之间的猜嫌现象普遍存在,而南北问题又与猜嫌问题相交织,成为其初始时期政治的最大症结。猜嫌问题催生出政界一系列重大人事变动,而这些变动反过来又不断加剧猜嫌现象。作为民国初年政治关键节点的宋案亦是在猜嫌中发生,同时又引爆了猜嫌双方的结构性矛盾,最终促成南北分裂预言的自我实现。民初的政治猜嫌有其发生机制:其一是南北妥协所造成权力结构的不确定和权力关系的不稳定,国会和总统的选举预示着权力的更迭;其二是政治游民即各派政客的纵横捭阖和奔走离间,其三是各派之间的情报侦察与报刊不实报道相互作用加剧了谣言的破坏力。  相似文献   

Jacques  Johanna 《Law and Critique》2019,30(2):201-220

Within a liberal, ‘law of things’ understanding of property, the donative trust is seen as a species of gift. Control over trust property passes from the hands of settlors to beneficiaries, from owners to owners. Trust property, like all other property, is silent and passive, its fate determined by its owners. This article questions this understanding of the trust by showing how beneath the facade of ownership, the trust inverts the relation between owner and owned, person and thing. It analyses the relation that trustees, beneficiaries and settlors have to the trust property and argues that the role of each of these parties can be shown to consist in furthering the interests of the trust property rather than their own. It claims that this protects things from their owners at the same time as it ensures these owners’ ongoing care towards the things they own. This raises questions about the trust’s status within the institution of private property, justified as it is by the human autonomy it is said to enable.


标准对于公共政策的技术支撑作用已得到许多国家的广泛认可。通过对标准与公共政策之间的关系进行分析,总结欧盟、美国、英国等国家在标准支持公共政策方面的做法和经验,结合对我国标准支持公共政策现状和问题的剖析,并在此基础上提出了我国建立标准支持公共政策的机制的建议。  相似文献   

道德律是人们道德地生活的基本法则,唯有道德律才能提供一种道德生活,也才能使道德生活成为可能.我们的时代缺乏对我们生活的准则是否合乎道德法则的检视,康德的实践理性的基本法则--道德律给我们提供了可资思考的维度.康德实践理性的基本法则指出了一种道德地生活的可能性.道德是人之为人应有的生活方式,只有严格的道德规范,只有过一种严格的道德生活才是国民当下的道德选择,而伦理研究者的责任则尤为重要.  相似文献   

The general intention of the Toland Trust, a discretionary settlementgoverned by the law of Jersey, was expressed in a letter ofwishes that the immediate family of the settlor should benefit.A general power of appointment was given to the trustees. Considerable capital gains  相似文献   

关系与信任:乡村民间组织生长成因分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
当代中国乡村主要活跃着三类民间组织 :血缘、地缘和业缘性民间组织。由先天的情感性关系导致的“爱有差等”到“信有差等”是当代中国乡村民间组织生长的主要原因 ,而对地缘和业缘的工具性关系的灵活运用是乡村民间组织进一步发展的动因。在现实中 ,这三类组织之间往往可以相互转化。  相似文献   

西方现代政治伦理论争揭示:现代政治正义制度无法脱离公民美德精神而独立存在,必须获得公民美德精神的支撑.不同思想家关于现代政治制度正义与个体美德关系的论辩分歧,事实上均以自己的特殊方式提出了统一二者的渴望,这表明二者是互为依赖、互为因果、双向互动的互反馈平衡系统.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an action research project which sought to evaluate and guide ongoing teaching and learning development in Principles of Corporations Law, a semester-long unit of study. Typically, enrolments in this subject area include students from a range of cultural contexts for whom the legislative and administrative concepts of the unit are unfamiliar and who also experience significant difficulties with cultural conventions of communication and business practice. At our university, unit enrolments include a high proportion of distance education as well as non-English speaking background (NESB) students, predominantly from China, who have not studied units formerly considered as prerequisite, and many of whom experience difficulties with basic academic skills. As the development team planned and created teaching features to ensure better learning outcomes for these students, it was clear that some truly contextual thinking as well as some practicable solutions would be required. While we had determined in the redesign planning that scenario- or problem-based learning (PBL) with its emphasis on finding, understanding and using information in context, was best suited to help students acquire the skills that underpin success in the unit, our experience in the project indicated students had a broader range of more basic needs. It emerged that students were struggling with fundamental issues that would need to be addressed before real change could occur.  相似文献   

行政法律关系基本理论问题研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
行政法律关系是行政法的基本范畴之一。对行政法律关系进行全方位、多角度的研究 ,有利于确立现代行政法观念和行政法制度。从分析行政法律关系的概念入手 ,可将行政机关在行政活动中所具有的不同法律身份和法律地位以及它与其他法律主体之间形成的法律关系分为四类 ;在对传统行政法律关系理论批判的基础上 ,行政法律关系的特征可归纳为六个方面。  相似文献   

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