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BETTING on the outcomes of soccer games is rampant in China and to fight it an antigambling storm is gathering over China's soccer fields. The pending government crackdown on soccer-related crimes, such as soccer fraud, betting and manipulation, is of vital importance - not only to rebuilding a healthy environment for the sport, but also to the whole future of Chinese soccer.  相似文献   

ON the night of August 8, 2008, an audience of over 91,000, including more than 80 foreign leaders,enjoyed the opening ceremonies of the XXIX Olympic Games in the National Stadium (Bird's Nest) in Beijing, along with another four billion watching via television worldwide. The stunning displays and vigorous performances presented a superb visual and aural feast for the world.  相似文献   

Toward the end of 2007, news came that Chinese archeologists had found the remains of an ancient city ,believed to have existed 5,300 years ago. The remains are a vital part of the Liangzhu culture that once thrived in vast areas of eastern China, mainly in the/aP, e Taihu area. The latest finding added brilliance to the Lianzhu culture, pray ng that the early Chinese living in the area, while producers of rice and jade artifacts, were also capable of buildlng a city 2.9 million square meters In area, four times as large as the world-renowned Forbidden City in Beijing, Remains of the Liangzhu culture were first discovered in 1936 ;at Liangzhu Town in Zhejiang Provinces, Since then, continuous excavation has yielded more and more Ltangzhu cultural remains. Interestingly; the layout of the structures in the newly discovered "Liangzhu City" resembles the Chinese Character "国"-- meaning "nation" or "state," prompting speculation that there could have been an organized state earlier than the Xia, Shang and Zhou, the earliest Chinese dynosties known so far, which existed from about the 21st century BC to 221 BC, Some experts suggest that the entire history of the Chinese civilization may have to be rewritten if theories.about the recent findings prove correct.  相似文献   

AS the first primary school teacher in China to mount successful expeditions to both the North and South Poles,Zhang Kailiang was awarded the 2009 China Education Media Figure Award. "My travels to the poles have left me feeling an obligation to fulfil the dreams of my students," said Zhang.  相似文献   

There is an ancient, a mysterious branch of the Zhuang nationality that lives simply and peacefully in a stretch of mountains on China's southwestern frontier. The musical debut of this group at the opening ceremony of International Folk Song Festival in Nanning, Guangxi, in November 2011, was a smash hit. The performers' jet black clothing, solemn expressions, and heavenly songs unveiled the serenity and holiness unique to the Zhuang in Black.  相似文献   

Chinese Christians are filled with awe and joy at the current vibrancy of the Church in China.THEOLOGICAL education, in many ways, is the same in China as in America. I find that I hardly  相似文献   

BAI XU 《人权》2006,5(2):19-20
Guan Qiqian, a 42-year-oldjournalist in Yongqing ofsoutheast China's FujianProvince, never expectedhis search for medicaltreatment of his psoriasis in 2000 endedup in hepatitis and uremia.At a local clinic, the doctor prescribedintravenous Methotrexate dr…  相似文献   

SUITED senior officials,shaggy singers and slouch-ing Internet potatoes movedaround each other with anuneasy lack of familiarity atthe opening ceremony of the Intel i-CafeMusic Studio in Zhengzhou on an icylate November day. The dignitaries wereofficials from the Department of Cultureof Henan. the central Chinese provinceof which Zhengzhou is capital. Wearinga surfeit of black, white and brown hairdye, the would-be rock stars were mak-ing a rare public foray. Most of themweren't familia…  相似文献   

深入推进学分制改革是深化高等教育改革的一项重要举措,学分制收费是与学分制管理相匹配的学费收费制度,学分制收费制度也已成为高校教育教学改革的现实必然趋势。2018年6月,北京市委市政府印发的《关于统筹推进北京高等教育改革发展的若干意见》提出,为坚持以学生为中心的教育教学理念,北京市将完善学分制,探索建立学分制收费管理制度。  相似文献   

RONG JIAOJIAO 《人权》2007,6(3):9-10
Whenever a newcomer enters the classroom, he points at the wall. "Look at that!" says Li Shunye, indicating a picture of something that looks a bit like a pink furry fox, only with an oversized tail. "It's a squirrel," says the 9-year-old. "I made it."  相似文献   

AT the end of 2008, Zhongxian County of Chongqing Municipality produced China's .first cup of pure, undiluted citrus juice, a natural beverage free of additives and antiseptics. According to industry insiders, Zhongxian County in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area follows only Florida in the United States and Sao Paulo in Brazil to become a provider of high quality citrus juice to the world.  相似文献   

L IAONING Province in northeastern China is one of the nation’s old heavy industry bases. As such, it is a big energy consumer. The region’s power grid is dominated by thermo-power generation that con- sumes, and requires transportation of, large amounts of fuel. Gaps in power supply have long been a major obstacle to Liaoning’s local economic growth. Since promulgation of the Renew- able Energy Law in 2005, which stipu- lates optimum wind power generation across the nation, the Liaon…  相似文献   

As they watch the bright moon gradually disappear,villagers shout,"The Celestial Dog is eating the moon!" and race home to fetch the nearest acoustic implement to hand.The entire village then takes to the streats and makes as big a commotion as possible-setting off firecrackers,beating drums and gongs,and banging pots and pans-until the moon completely reemerges.  相似文献   

Presenting gifts is an important facet of Chinese etiquette. As such, it has signif icant social ramifi cations. On the one hand, as the Chinese saying goes, “A swan’s feather sent 1,000 miles may seem insignif icant, but the feeling it engenders is profound.” On the other, presenting an appropriately expensive gift can be crucial to cementing lucrative business relationships. Progres- sively changing gift-giving trends in each decade since the 1970s re? ect both China’s economic progres…  相似文献   

This year marks the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. Tremendous changes have taken place in Chinese society over the past three decades. With the economic and social development, China has made great progress in the human rights cause, which is closely linked to the nation's fate as human rights will progress as long as a country prospers. In the past 30 years,  相似文献   

CHINESE employers often ask job applicants to send in a handwritten, rather than a printed, resume. The reason? "One can judge a person's character and attitude by his handwriting." Since ancient times, Chinese people have believed that one's handwriting mirrors one's personality. During the Tang Dynasty, calligraphy was a key  相似文献   

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