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《Law and Philosophy》2020,39(4):471-471
Law and Philosophy - In the original publication of the article, the corresponding author name was inadvertently left out. The corresponding author name is ‘‘Fergus Green’’....  相似文献   

Wendt  Fabian 《Law and Philosophy》2020,39(6):705-705
Law and Philosophy - In the original publication of the article, the corresponding author name was published incorrectly as “And Fabian Wendt”. The correct author name is “Fabian...  相似文献   

本文分析了医务人员在医患关系中所处的地位,认为构建和谐医患关系的主要力量是医务人员;同时在如何构建和谐医患关系方面,又探讨了“医患沟通”对医患关系改变的重要作用;进而阐述了“医患沟通”的内涵特征,同时指出提高医患沟通能力的注意要点。通过本文的探讨,可以认为提高医务人员医患沟通能力是构建和谐医患关系的重要保障!  相似文献   

Nind AN 《Alberta law review》2000,38(2):536-562
In this article, the author examines the campaign leading up to the passage of the Sexual Sterilization Act in Alberta in 1928. The author asserts that the passage of this Act was the result of the influence of a few elite individuals, particularly those involved with the United Farm Women of Alberta social reform movement, and may not have been reflective of widespread favourable public sentiment. While there were serious misgivings regarding the passage of the Sexual Sterilization Act, the legislation was ultimately successful because of the pressing problems of inadequate mental facilities and budgetary constraints. The author discusses the legislation's eventual repeal in 1972 due to public denunciation of eugenic measures, concerns about liability, and the threat posed to individual liberties. This article was the winner of the William Morrow Essay Contest in 1999.  相似文献   

This article argues that the framing of others' sites on the World Wide Web-the trapping of another's Web site within one's own site, sometimes known as "in-line" linking-creates a derivative work and is, thus, copyright infringement, when the derivative work was created without permission of the copyright holder. Such linking alters the framed Web site, modifies it, re-packages it in a way its author did not intend and transforms it, misrepresenting the author's work in the process, either by attributing the work to someone else or attributing a creation to the author that the author did not produce.  相似文献   

一直涉案打印文件言语人的同一认定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
涉案打印文件言语人的同一认定,即打印文件撰稿人的认定,这是新时期文件检验面临的一个新的、需要深入研究的重要课题。文章以一起跨世纪侦查的重大案件为主,阐述了从涉案打印文件言语特征(形式)和思想内涵(内容)两方面成功认定案件嫌疑人的具体做法和体会。文章认为,只要满足相关条件,以现代语言科学有关理论为指导,根据打印文件言语特征,认定案件嫌疑人是可行的,也是科学的。  相似文献   

The above article, first published online on June 03, 2019, in Wiley Online Library, has been withdrawn at author’s request, and in agreement between the author, the JFS Editor-in-Chief (Dr. Michael Peat), and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. The withdrawal has been agreed to by all parties given the article includes sensitive data which was not authorized for publication.  相似文献   

中华法系并非“以刑为主”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
艾永明 《中国法学》2004,(1):152-160
传统观点认为:“以刑为主”是中华法系的一个重要特点。这种观点只注重历代“律”典的分析研究;只注重中国古代刑事法律和民事法律的比较;没有重视从动态的角度分析研究中国古代法律的发展变化。至迟从唐代开始,中国古代法律已经不再“以刑为主”,而是行政法律越来越占主导地位。以行政法律为主是中国古代成熟时期法律形态的一个重要特点。中国古代行政法律之所以异常发达,除了行政管理必然要求法制化(文明化)的一般原因外,更重要的是中国古代的行政权力异常强大和重要。  相似文献   

从复仇到该当——报应刑的生命路程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
顺着历史的线索 ,本文展示了报应型的生命路程 ,认为报应型脱胎于原始复仇习俗但又构成对复仇的野蛮性的否定 ,由等害报复论到等价报应论的嬗变是报应论的升华 ,而由等价报应论到该当论的演化则是报应论在当代的新生。通过对不同报应论的梳理 ,作者证明了这样一个论点 :报应论反对复仇 ,野蛮的是复仇而非报应  相似文献   

The author outlines the development of accounting and assessing principles in Germany. He presents the poor regulations at the beginning and shows the thoroughly improved rulings after the middle of the 19th century as a result of specific problems caused by the revolutionized taxation sytem after priority was shifted from indirect excise duties to direct new income taxation. The author shows the impact of accounting problems and the development of modern accounting principles originated by the political events. He outlines the gradual formation of extraordinary deficiencies of the German legal accounting principles compared with the ideal goal of all accounting. The author demonstrates the difficulties, which brought about a different historical economic development beween German and Anglo-Saxon accounting principles. He shows the obstacles the harmonisation activities are facing and the endeavours to support globalisation.  相似文献   

This article examines the rights of patients, particularly incompetent patients, in long-term care facilities to refuse psychotropic medication. In exploring this topic, the author focuses on the provisions of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 which was part of a Congressional solution to afford greater protection to residents of long-term care facilities. Because the legislation has not lived up to expectations, the author advocates for further legislative action to protect the dwindling bundle of rights of the elderly.  相似文献   

The author examines Saskatchewan legislation that regulated venereal disease. Although venereal disease legislation was introduced in Saskatchewan in 1919, the centrepiece of this article is The Venereal Disease Prevention Act, 1946. In an attempt to understand the nuances of and underlying rationale for these laws, the author situates the legislation within its social context. The author demonstrates that the trends and contradictions apparent in society's approach to the regulation of venereal disease were reflected in the legislation. The concept of a continuum is used to illustrate the coexistence of two approaches to the control of venereal disease. On one side of the continuum, venereal disease was a moral problem and a taboo subject. Force was the key to controlling venereal disease; involuntary examinations and intrusions into people's personal lives were the solution. On the other side of the continuum, venereal disease was a medical problem. If approached rationally and openly, control of venereal disease was possible; through education and social acceptance of venereal disease as just another illness, people would voluntarily come forward for treatment. The approaches represented at the extreme ends of the continuum did not exist in isolation; these views existed simultaneously, producing contradictory and colourful rhetoric.  相似文献   

故意伤害罪探疑   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
张明楷 《中国法学》2001,(3):117-131
1 .根据着手的规范意义 ,论证了胎儿伤害行为待胎儿出生为人时成立故意伤害罪 ;2 .根据故意伤害罪的法益 (他人生理机能的健全 ) ,界定了伤害行为是非法侵害他人生理机能的行为 ;根据违法阻却原理 ,说明了对于得承诺的伤害应以结果无价值论为基础认定故意伤害罪的成否 ;3.根据殴打与伤害的区别 ,阐明了以殴打故意致人死亡的只能认定为过失致人死亡罪 ;根据共同犯罪的原理 ,论述了“同时伤害”的处理原则 ;4 .根据未遂理论 ,指出了故意轻伤未遂的不成立犯罪和故意重伤未遂应适用故意轻伤的法定刑 ;根据结果加重犯的原理 ,分析了故意伤害行为致第三者死亡的三种情形以及共同故意伤害致人死亡的刑事责任 ;5.根据罪刑相适应原则 ,得出了连续伤害他人应成立同种数罪且应并罚的结论 ;6 .根据刑法的特别规定 ,讨论了相关条文的性质与协调法定刑的原则  相似文献   

现代著作权制度一般将著作权分解为著作人格权与著作财产权,并针对二者设计了不同的制度架构。通过对著作权发展路径的考察,我们可以发现著作人格权的产生与作者的觉醒以及民法上人格权的创设存在密切的关系,而在数字技术日益发展的当代社会,著作人格权正在面临前所未有的挑战与质疑。因此,深入分析著作人格权发展的内在机理和历史轨迹,有助于厘清著作人格权的性质,并藉此推断它在未来的走向以及将会对著作权制度产生的影响。  相似文献   

《大戴礼记》在宋代有十四经之称 ,仅宋代就有傅崧卿、杨简、王应麟诸家研治 ,清代有汪照、汪中、戴震、王聘珍、孔广森诸家踵武深究 ,而后又有孙诒让、王树进一步校补 ,使其研究日臻完善。然前贤之说仍有未安之处 ,今提出若干条 ,予以补正或商榷  相似文献   

从逻辑学的视角看中西法律文化的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈锐 《现代法学》2003,25(6):40-44
本文主要从逻辑的角度探讨了中西法律文化的差异。首先 ,分析了逻辑在法律文化中的地位和作用 ;其次 ,探讨了西方法律文化中逻辑分析的传统 ;再次 ,指出了中国传统法律文化的非逻辑特征 ;最后 ,探讨了中国传统法律文化中的非逻辑特征对我国立法、司法以及法制现代化的影响 ,呼吁在法律文化的比较研究中应重视逻辑的作用  相似文献   

秦旺 《现代法学》2002,24(1):85-91
法官自由裁量权的定位是司法改革中的重要问题。作者从法理学的角度对法官的自由裁量权进行了较全面的探讨。文章首先分析了法官自由裁量权的内涵 ,基于此 ,作者接着从哲学、法学和实践的角度对法官自由裁量权进行了考察 ,并对自由裁量权的存在根基进行了分析 ,最后就如何缓解法官自由裁量权中个性化的涉入提出了建设性的意见。  相似文献   

简要介绍美国联邦上诉法院第九巡回法庭the"Rogers v.Royal Caribbean Cruise Line"案的案情,回顾美国国会对船员在法院诉讼追偿工资的法定保护和支持执行《纽约公约》下仲裁的两个政策的历史背景以及法庭判案所遵循的先例,按照对案件争议点的审理思路,逐一分析法庭对船员雇佣合同中仲裁协议是否被美国《联邦仲裁法》排除条款排除、《公约法案》和《联邦仲裁法》发生冲突时的优先适用、仲裁协议是否合理以及仲裁条款是否符合公共利益的推理过程,论证法院判决的合理性,提出与判决相反的可能性解释,从而得出结论:出于权衡国会相互冲突的政策的目的,法院判决强制执行仲裁。最后,提出该案例对中国船员立法的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

论无权处分   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
无权处分行为制度是《合同法》颁布以来倍受争议的一项制度。作者在本文中考察了无权处分的概念及有效条件 ,对《合同法》第 51条所规定的无权处分的效力进行了探讨。作者认为 ,从保护交易安全出发 ,应对无权处分行为的效力具体确定 ,权利人的拒绝不能对抗善意第三人 ;如果相对人在缔约时是善意的 ,且支付了合理的代价 ,应当认为无权处分行为是有效的  相似文献   

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