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网络治理:公共管理的新框架   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
近年来,网络治理是西方国家公共管理研究的一个前沿课题,网络治理的理论主张、治理结构和治理机制是文章的研究中心.在疏理和整合当前网络治理研究的基础上,文章指出,政策网络理论与治理理论的结合,促成了行动者中心制度主义和管理复杂网络两种流派的形成,倡导网络治理作为一种新的治理模式,致力于实现主体间良性互动和互利互补的合作;网络治理的治理结构是不同于市场(自愿)与科层(强制)的复杂结构,网络是一个有着共同价值诉求的自组织系统,它不同于市场中自愿的个体行为,又不同于科层的命令服从体系;网络治理的治理机制在于信任机制和协调机制的培育,信任机制是网络的运作基础,其地位类似于市场的价格机制或科层的权威机制,而信任机制的落实,又需要回到协调机制的构建上,只有在价值协同、信息共享以及诱导与动员等方面建立起良好协调机制的基础上,才能真正地培育起成员间的信任关系以及成员与集体之间的信任关系,最终实现互利互惠的合作.  相似文献   

在我国城市社区治理的理论和实践探索过程中,理性选择范武和新制度主义范式等都未能完全地诠释城市社区治理绩效.而社会资本的解释范武为我国城市社区治理探索提供了一个全新的视角.作为社会资本核心要义的信任、规范和网络与城市社区治理存在密切的内在逻辑关系.因此,培育城市社区中的信任和互惠规范、建立公民参与网络成为生产我国城市社区社会资本的重要目标和手段.  相似文献   

崔晶 《理论与改革》2024,(1):139-151+167
中国基层政策执行是在国家与社会间的缝隙场域中发生和推进的。在这一背景下,既有研究强调的简约治理或复杂网络治理都难以有力地解释政策的有效执行。在环境压力和组织资源约束背景下,基层政府在时间、空间和政策过程维度上发展出政策执行的各种调适机制,即借助日常与重要工作的共存、督察与迎检的联结、政策执行与考核的融合,来缩小国家治理与地方社会在发展、治理和政策上的差距,进而弥合科层体制与基层自治之间的缝隙。面对不确定的外部环境,组织与环境间张力拉紧,政策执行的弥合作用相应消减。在推进基层治理体系和治理能力现代化过程中,还需借助基层“松散关联型”治理结构缓解政策执行压力,促进党建引领下各类社区合作组织对于社群合作的引导,形成一种松弛而整合的城乡基层治理新格局。  相似文献   

历史制度主义是一个重要的新制度主义流派,它强调中观层面的制度是政治分析和政策研究的中心,认为制度和政策一旦形成后,具有自我强化的机制.历史制度主义的制度观对政策研究具有解释性意义,政策网络是中层制度的具体化,政策秩序的基础在于社会资本的培育,政策选择是遵循结果性逻辑和适应性逻辑的结果.历史制度主义的历史观对政策研究具有描述性意义,路径依赖和制度变迁理论解释了政策稳定和政策变迁原因,间断-平衡理论和否决点理论说明了政策变迁规律和政策阻滞的原因.历史制度主义的方法论对政策研究具有建构性意义,从三个层面解决政策研究的困境,架起历史制度主义与政策研究之间联系的桥梁.  相似文献   

督查机制的激活已成为近年来国家治理实践的显著性特征,其启动频率、组织规格及运作范围均超越以往。督查何以发生?何以在特定治理场域发生?何以在特定时段发生?基于委托-代理理论的组织学视角,构建一个分析框架,尝试从功能、场域及时间三维度考察督查机制的发生逻辑。在复杂的治理情境下,制度环境、控制成本与治理变迁共同构成了督查的重要解释因素。最后对督查机制的功能、局限性及政策意蕴做了进一步讨论。  相似文献   

在国家治理体系与治理能力现代化背景下,地方政府对中央政策响应表现出差异化的行为。本文立足于政策执行的经典理论,从央地关系和地方政府角色的视角构建地方政府政策响应行为差异化的理论解释框架。本文认为,地方政府的政策响应行为受到其扮演的“国家代理人”、“理性人”和“社会代理人”这三重角色的影响。以医保支付方式改革政策为例,本文采用多案例比较分析的方法,对地方政府政策响应差异化的影响因素及机制进行分析。研究发现,地方政府的三重角色会影响其政策执行的主观意愿,地方政府可支配资源会对政策执行形成客观约束,最终所产生的地方政府的整体政策目标序列是解释其政策响应差异的重要机制。本文的研究发现为理解地方政府的政策执行提供了新的视角,为地方政府更好地推动医保支付方式改革和改善民生保障提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

从执行研究到治理的发展:方法论视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
涂锋 《公共管理学报》2009,6(3):111-120
在政策过程研究中,执行一直是最具变化同时也是最具争议的一个研究领域.相关研究"范式"经历了诸多的转变,并形成了大量的理论模式.本文对执行研究的发展进行了较为全面的梳理.其主要观点是,从"行动者-结构"的方法论视角切入,执行研究的内在发展脉络将得到一个较为清晰的解释.这一方法论分析还将有助与解释近年来在政策研究中,治理与政策网络分析的兴起.对于执行研究中长期存在的方法论冲突,一种结合治理理论的政策网络分析其实包含着某种整合性的回答.  相似文献   

谭羚雁  娄成武 《公共管理学报》2012,(1):52-63,124,125
为分析保障性住房政策过程中的中央与地方政府关系,找出问题解决的有效框架,采用案例分析方法,分析了保障性住房政策制定过程中中央部门间的讨价还价、政策执行过程中地方政府及其职能部门以及开发商等营利组织间的利益结盟与变通策略、其他参与主体被排斥等现象。在此基础上,引入政策网络理论,分析网络利益主体与网络利益关系。研究发现:保障性住房与民生密切相关,却积累了太多的"历史赊账";中央与地方政府间的非合作博弈是影响保障性住房政策过程以及政策结果的重要因素;非合作博弈问题需置于政策网络结构环境下去思考,政策网络理论能够提供"解释性"和"建构性"框架。论文研究对未来的保障性住房政策过程以及政策结果有重大实践意义。本文将网络利益分析与网络治理结合在一起,实现了政策网络两个理论流派的应用整合,对该领域的理论研究有重要价值。依据研究结论,保障性住房的政策制定与政策执行必须实现从封闭到开放的转变,为未来"十二五计划"做好铺垫。  相似文献   

政策网络:概念、类型及发展前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着传统政府治理模式的衰微,20世纪70年代末以来政策网络逐渐成为政策分析领域的主流话语和研究途径.政策网络是一群互赖行动者之间建立某种稳定程度的社会关系形态,以促成政策方案的形成或发展.学术界普遍认为可以将政策网络划分为作为分析工具的利益协调模式和作为实践创新的治理模式两种典范.尽管作为政策网络理论仍存在种种缺陷,但是它已经展现出巨大的生命力,对于理解公共政策以及国家与社会关系具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

治理现代化进程中非营利组织的困境与政府的责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王斌  陈跃 《行政论坛》2015,(2):78-82
实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的战略目标要求将国家治理与社会治理作为一个整体来认识。治理现代化进程中非营利组织与政府的关系在政策领域合作不断加强。其现实困境是:以政府的体制吸纳为基础而发展起来的社会治理主体系统,会造成社会的自组织能力下降;政府在社会治理领域的强势行为,很可能造成非营利组织和社会公众对未来预期的判断力和承受能力的下降;政府在社会治理中的绝对主导和领导,也会造成政府权力的无限扩张,对非营利组织造成挤压。实现国家治理层面的政府与社会治理层面的非营利组织有效合作,必须明确政府在社会治理中的角色和责任。其责任就是构建科学的社会治理体系,即构建社会信任机制、信息共享机制、公共对话机制、改革非营利组织的登记制度,真正实现政府治理和社会自我调节、居民自治良性互动。政府责任实现的公共政策是:构建非营利组织存在与发展的"四维"合法性政策,完善非营利组织运行与发展的资源获取政策。  相似文献   

Neil Winn 《政治学》1998,18(2):119-132
The present essay seeks to review state of the art literature in the field of European Union (EU) policy-making and governance. In studying the nature of governance in the contemporary Union disciplinary parsimony is of limited utility. Increasingly, disparate disciplines employ different models in order to describe, explain, and hopefully understand the nature of governance and policy-making in the EU. To arrive at 'one' model for studying the EU implies both disciplinary formalism and the fruition of an intellectual 'endgame'. Alternative 'views' of EU governance – in the form of disparate models – are presented and critiqued. The essay begins with an assessment of policy networks, garbage can models, advocacy coalitions and epistemic communities. It sets out the main components of each model; then goes on to critique each model, and finally, makes a considered conclusion on the utility of each model as a tool for understanding the EU's policy process.  相似文献   

There has often been a gap between policy intentions and outcomes in the field of natural resource governance. Analysing the factors for these discrepancies requires multi-level approaches that relate policy decisions formulated at the national and international level with the decisions of local resource users. A key asset of the Institutional Analysis and Development framework is precisely its ability to link multiple governance levels. Yet most commons literature has been limited to the study of collective action among local communities without considering higher institutional and government levels. To overcome this limitation, I posit for a methodological development of the framework, which bridges the gap between institutional analysis, power-centred and historical approaches, and discourse analysis. The application of the extended framework to the study of state afforestation policies in Vietnam highlights the need to simultaneously consider institutions, the politico-economic context and discourses across governance and government levels. As illustrated in this paper, such a framework does not only facilitate the analysis of policy shortcomings but also supports the design and dissemination of policy recommendations.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The regulation and supervision of financial services in the European Union (EU) has undergone major reform between 1999 and 2004. This policy evolution is theoretically interesting, raising the question of which conceptual approaches better explain it, and it is also empirically relevant because it is an area of intense EU activity. This article provides a theoretically informed and empirically grounded explanation of the policy reform by evaluating the analytical leverage of three integration theories, mainly by relying on two methods – process tracing and congruence procedure – employing a variety of primary and secondary sources. It is argued that sequencing different theoretical approaches – interdependence , supranational governance and liberal intergovernmentalism – explains the various stages of the policy-making process – namely, background-setting, agenda-setting and decision making, as well as the main features of the outcome.  相似文献   

This article applies the concept of local policy networks to understand the emergence of local governance in France and Britain. Although the concept of policy networks needs to be used with caution, it is a useful way of mapping out the complex interdependencies of local decision makers in both states. Traditional approaches to central‐local politics in Britain and France emphasised the contrasts between the two countries, and while these continue, Cole and John argue that recent institutional and policy changes suggest a convergence to a more complex institutional environment and more decision making based on networks between organisations.  相似文献   

Governing through Governance: Education Policy Control under New Labour   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Central to the debates on governance is the extent to which this process erodes state power. This article looks at the control of education policy since 1997. Education has not been immune from the developing process of governance. Moreover, Labour government education policies have accelerated this process: there has been greater fragmentation of policy-making, with a proliferation of cross-sectoral and multi-level participation. However, in this case, central government has not only retained control over policy-making but has been able to achieve its policy goals more effectively. Two case studies: 'New Labour and the Local Education Authorities' and 'New Labour and the Funding of Education', demonstrate the advantages for the centre in voluntarily governing through governance.  相似文献   

Abstract. Various schools of research in public policy (the literature on 'governance' and its continental counterparts) are converging to focus on the growth of policy styles based on cooperation and partnership in networks, instead of on vertical control by the state. This article focuses on issues of democratic accountability and responsiveness with these governance arrangements. It argues that until recently the legitimacy of governance networks was not at the forefront of theoretical developments, even though the 'democratic deficit' of governance is problematic both for normative and for pragmatic reasons. There is now increased sensitivity to this problem, but the remedies presented in the literature are unsatisfactory, and critiques of governance presuppose a somewhat idealised image of representative democracy in terms of accountability or responsiveness of decision-makers. They also fail to offer adequate solutions to some of the central legitimacy problems of policy-making in complex societies.  相似文献   

Research initiatives to enhance knowledge‐based societies demand regionally coordinated policy approaches. By analyzing the case of the European Commission, Directorate‐General Research and Innovation, this study focuses on examining the cognitive mechanisms that form the foundation for institutional transformations and result in leadership positions in regional governance. Drawing on policy learning theories, the study emphasizes specific mechanisms of institutional change that are often less noticeable but can gradually lead to mobilizing diverse groups of stakeholders. Through historical and empirical data, this study shows the importance of policy learning through communication processes, Open Method of Coordination initiatives, and issue framing in creating a stronger foundation for policy coordination in European research policy since the 2000s.  相似文献   


The UK has become a prime case for the implementation of the ‘new governance’ of partnership between central government and civil society. This perspective has become central to New Labour policies for both local socio-economic regeneration and democratic renewal in the United Kingdom. However, limitations in its redistribution of power, its transparency in the policy-making process, including the representativeness of civil society participants, and, in the effectiveness of its outcomes have all been alleged by academic critics. These issues are explored by contrasting a robust, British case of local, participatory governance in Bristol with a quite different, and more conventional approach to democratic renewal in the Italian city of Naples. Despite similar problems of socio-economic dereliction and similar schemes of regeneration in the two cases, the Italian approach emphasized the exclusive role of a renewed constitutional democracy, while in Bristol central government agencies promoted an accentuation of local trends to participation by local civil society organizations. Applying an analytical framework composed of national policies and regulations, institutional rules and norms, and the collective ‘identity’ factors identified by social capital theory, governance changes are here treated as ‘exogenous shocks’ and/or as opportunities for choice. However, over and above differences in these institutional frameworks the key factors are shown to be the longer-standing political cultures influencing local actors and their own repertoires of action; with repertoires influenced by objective validations of previous policy choices, or economic or electoral successes. The study finds that the achievements of the ‘inclusive’, participative governance approach do not significantly exceed those of an exclusivist, ‘neo-constitutionalism’, as practised by a more autonomous local government in Naples. Thus, on this evidence, enhanced civil society engagement still requires greater freedom from central government direction.  相似文献   

Policy Convergence in Banking: a Comparative Study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between global economic integration and policy convergence in banking is examined in five countries: Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. Focusing upon policy styles and modes of policy-making, considerable convergence in membership of policy communities and some convergence in the organization of state agencies is found. When it comes to policy networks, there is more limited convergence on a corporatist mode of policy-making in banking. Policy style may not be as responsive to international economic changes as policy goals, policy content, and policy instruments.  相似文献   

带有运动模式特质的标准化治理在提升管理效率的同时,也遭遇了基层实践困境,表现为痕迹主义与有效监督并行、形式主义与标准管理共生。把握基层标准化的尺度,将实现基层行政的系统性平衡作为改革探索的重点,研究建立“科层控制、专业化管理和社会协同”三维制度平衡的分析框架,并以此作为解局与破局的理论模型。研究发现,运动模式下的标准化治理困局缘于科层控制逻辑下基层产生的邀功与避责的心态,标准化治理在运动模式下的实践中经常呈现为“悬浮”状态;而专业化管理逻辑打破了原有的制度平衡,使天平一端倾向于科层逻辑,最终导致基层标准化治理的困境;社会协同逻辑作用发挥需要相关主体及时参与到反馈机制中,但实际与前两者脱离。当前需要从制度逻辑平衡的角度出发,自下而上地构建起基层标准化框架,真正解决基层标准化治理困境。  相似文献   

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