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Most researchers point to the death of Kitty Genovese in 1964 as the genesis of interest in studying bystander response to crime (Laner, Benin, & Ventrone, 2001; Levine, Cassidy, Brazier, & Reicher, 2002; Moriarty, 1975; Schwartz & Gottlieb, 1980). Since then, researchers have examined the role of situational variables and of victim, perpetrator, and bystander characteristics on whether or not bystander intervention occurs. In the present study, the researchers used a factorial design to determine whether the self-reported likelihood of bystander intervention and type of intervention (passive/active) varied by the location of the offense, time constraints, and bystander characteristics (e.g., height/weight, self-defense training, and life-saving training). Results suggest that gender, race, location of offense, self-defense training, and height and weight play a role in self-reported bystander behavior. An interaction between gender, location of offense, and self-defense training was also evident.  相似文献   


校园暴力事件的应急处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何防范校园暴力的发生,如何处理已经发生了的校园暴力事件,是教育工作者必须认真思考的问题。在校园暴力的应急处理中,必须贯彻生命第一、即时性、跳出冲突情景处理等六大原则。在校园暴力的现场,必须把控制暴力现场作为最主要的目的和措施;暴力现场得到控制后,再调查和处理暴力事件,并要做好事件的教育跟进工作。应对校园暴力事件,预防重于应急。应该建立校园暴力防、治网络和措施,制定校园暴力处理流程,教会学生正确应对校园暴力。  相似文献   

根据反社会行为纵向发展的持续性或稳定性,可将其划分为限于青少年期型和持续终生型两类。限于青少年期型反社会行为的发生具有普遍性,但这种普遍性并不代表严重性;在发展趋势上,这类行为较集中地开始于青春期,停止于成年前后,缺乏贯穿儿童期、青春期至成年期的持续性。研究表明,个体在青少年时期出现反社会行为是一种群体性社会现象,并不代表个人程度的越轨,限于青少年期型反社会行为并不是犯罪预防的重点。我们应正确认识这类行为的性质,以对之采取适当的干预措施。  相似文献   

Going through a protracted period of transition since the end of the Cold War, the world order in the making is neither what was nor what it is yet to become. It is in “the middle of the future.” To get our bearings in this uncertain transition, we explore the two grand post‐Cold War narratives—“The End of History” as posited by Francis Fukuyama and “The Clash of Civilizations” posited by the late Samuel Huntington. Mikhail Gorbachev looks back at his policies that brought the old order to collapse. The British philosopher John Gray critiques the supposed “universality” of liberalism and, with Homi Bhabha, sees a world of hybrid identities and localized cultures. The Singaporean theorist Kishore Mahbubani peels away the “veneer” of Western dominance. Amartya Sen, the economist and Nobel laureate, assesses whether democratic India or autocratic China is better at building “human capacity” in their societies.  相似文献   

角色过渡问题是青年越轨理论研究的一大薄弱环节。过去,我们在越轨方面常常忽略青年角色过渡的主体性, 忽略青年角色过渡的过程性,简单认为青年角色过渡的单线性,片面认为青年角色过渡的和谐性,在社会转型的关键时期应该正确认识这一问题。  相似文献   


Upon what objectives and ideological considerations have the Norwegian parliament developed its policies vis-à-vis local government during the second half of the twentieth century? Have the reforms and decisions made in parliament contributed to increased central control of local policy-making, or have local political authorities been given more powers and autonomy in deciding on local affairs? To what extent have ideological differences between political parties made any impression on the policies adopted? These are the major issues to be addressed in this study of debates and decisions over local government affairs in the Norwegian parliament since the late 1940s. It is observed that the parliament's policies have become increasingly centralised in terms of putting restrictions on the discretion of local decision-makers in acting according to their own preferences. The study also reveals rather clear and stable ideological divisions across the major political parties as far as policies towards local government are concerned.  相似文献   

中俄关系中的美国因素   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中俄战略协作伙伴关系的建立和发展除了中俄两国的内在需要外,美国的国际战略及其对俄、对华政策产生了巨大影响.美国因素对中俄关系的性质、范围、层次、作用和未来走向有着十分重要的作用.就以往来看,美国因素的影响主要表现在四个方面.目前,美国的对俄、对华政策再次面临调整,受其影响,中俄关系的未来走势有四种可能.  相似文献   

大跃进时期遍及全国的浮夸风与随之而来的三年饥荒关系密切.浮夸风背后所体现的是一种宁左勿右的政治行动逻辑.无论出于自愿或是无意识,基层干部都在这样的逻辑指引下行动.本文以皖西北临泉县为例,尝试展示宁左勿右的政治逻辑是如何推动基层干部走向浮夸的.  相似文献   

Two main myths constitute the founding basis of popular Polish ethnic nationalism: first, that Poland-Lithuania was an early Poland, and second, that the partitioning powers at all times unwaveringly pursued policies of Germanization and Russification. In the former case, the myth appropriates a common past today shared by Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine. In the latter case, Polonization is written out of the picture entirely, as also are variations and changes in the polices of Germanization and Russification. Taken together, the two myths to a large degree obscure (and even falsify) the past, making comprehension of it difficult, if not impossible. This article seeks to disentangle the knots of anachronisms that underlie the Polish national master narrative, in order to present a clearer picture of the interplay between the policies of Germanization, Polonization, and Russification as they unfolded in the lands of the partitioned Poland-Lithuania during the long nineteenth century.  相似文献   

Although research suggests that bullied adolescents may respond to victimization with substance use, much of this prior work has been cross-sectional. Using longitudinal data from a community-based sample, we examine the impact of early bullying victimization on the initiation of substance use in adolescence after considering the potential influence of selection effects using propensity score matching. After matching, there were moderate differences between victims of bullying and control students for cigarette smoking and alcohol use, which was limited to those exposed to higher levels of bullying. Being bullied in childhood appears to have only minor effects on the onset of adolescent substance use in this sample.  相似文献   

青少年犯罪行为与场所空间关系的研究——以天津市为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
犯罪场所是犯罪行为实施的空间要素之一。由于青少年对空间环境较为敏感,其犯罪行为与案发场所情境之间存在密切的关系,主要表现为不同场所中犯罪类型的差异、不同场所犯罪的暴力倾向差异以及作案难易程度的差异等。对青少年犯罪场所的研究,有助于犯罪空间预防工作的开展。  相似文献   

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