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The concept of peacebuilding is a buzzword of the development policy and practice mainstream. The recent introduction of managerial tools and the focus on measuring the ‘effectiveness’ of peacebuilding have marginalised and depoliticised critical questions about the causes of violent conflict, and have replaced them with comforting notions for donors that peace can be built and measured without challenging Western understanding of economy, governance, and social aspirations of people.  相似文献   

In attempting to rebuild post-conflict failed states, the international community has drawn heavily on neo-liberal development paradigms. However, neo-liberal state building has proved ineffectual in stimulating economic development in post-conflict states, thus undermining prospects for state consolidation. This article offers the developmental state as an alternative model for international state building, better suited to overcoming the developmental challenges that face post-conflict states. Drawing on the East Asian experience, developmental state building would seek to build state capacity to intervene in the economy to guide development, compensating for the failure of growth led by the private sector to materialise in many post-conflict states. The article concludes that such an approach would, in the first instance, require the international community to accept more honestly its developmental responsibilities when it decides to intervene to rebuild failed states.  相似文献   

This article looks at ‘knowledge management’, using a case study of the World Bank's research department, located in the Bank's Development Economics Vice-Presidency (DEC). Despite the Bank's presentation of its research arm as conducting ‘rigorous and objective’ work, the author finds that the Bank's ‘knowledge management’ involves research that has tended to reinforce the dominant neo-liberal globalisation policy agenda. The article examines some of the mechanisms by which the Bank's research department comes to play a central role in what Robert Wade has termed ‘paradigm maintenance’, including incentives in hiring, promotion, and publishing, as well as selective enforcement of rules, discouragement of dissonant views, and manipulation of data. The author's analysis is based both on in-depth interviews with current and former World Bank professionals and on examination of the relevant literature.  相似文献   

This article describes the experience of privatised urban water-supply and sewerage services in Turkey, focusing on the cases of three cities that have opted for such privatisation. The article opens with an examination of the management of urban water and sewerage services in Turkey and explores the development of water services and water policies in local government institutions. The second section introduces case studies of cities that have transferred the management, operation, and maintenance of urban water services to private operators.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, the USA has fought cocaine in the Andes with carrots and sticks: interdiction and crop eradication wield the sticks, while Alternative Development (AD), which offers economic assistance to farmers who voluntarily abandon illicit cultivation, provides the carrots. Yet cocaine continues to permeate US streets, and rural Andean communities remain isolated from the legitimate economy. Many critics blame US belligerence for compounding the Andean drug war. The underlying problem with the existing strategy, however, might not be the aggressiveness of its military sticks, but the flimsiness of its development carrots. The inability of AD to persuade farmers to abandon coca cultivation may be causing US policy makers to over-apply military solutions – often inflaming rural communities and exacerbating regional instability in so doing. Few legal crops can match the earning power of coca. The article therefore suggests that the US carrot could be made more attractive by adopting a Venture Development model which helps rural farmers to process their legal produce into high-quality finished goods that command premium prices. Such a strategy could conceivably choke the cocaine engine by applying market-based forces to address market-based realities.  相似文献   

Efforts to incorporate “political thinking” into policy-making and practice in OECD-DAC development agencies have increasingly focused on the use of “political economy analysis” (PEA) frameworks and tools. While recognising the fundamental value of promoting politically informed programming, this article nevertheless highlights how contemporary efforts to this end have largely ignored another central development agenda: the ownership paradigm. Emphasising the highly donor-centric nature of PEA design and methodology, we explore critiques and justifications of this state of affairs, ultimately arguing that donors would benefit from embracing a more flexible and context-specific understanding of ownership.  相似文献   

This article seeks to understand the ways in which urban livelihoods are affected by development-induced displacement, with a particular focus on residents remaining in the locality. Through an empirical case study of a railway upgrading project in Metro Manila, the article investigates livelihood impacts of large-scale demolition and displacement, which varied depending on whether the physical capital of remaining residents declined due to land clearance and the extent to which they relied on the local livelihood network established with displaced settlers. In comparison, households remained intact when they had little engagement with the local informal economy.  相似文献   

Engaging with and assisting marginalised communities remains a major challenge for governments of developing countries, as many national development strategies tend in practice to further marginalise chronically poor communities. Development aid strategies, including poverty-reduction initiatives, have focused primarily on economic development. As a result they have contributed to the erosion of the asset base of these communities, and in particular their access to natural resources. While questioning the impact of aid arrangements on the poorest and most vulnerable communities in society, this article recognises that current aid arrangements, such as national poverty-reduction strategies, have created an environment in which chronic poverty can be addressed by national governments and other stakeholders. The authors emphasise the need for greater sensitivity in the processes of planning and managing national development strategies that seek to reduce poverty, as well as a commitment to institutional arrangements that include marginalised groups in the country's political economy.  相似文献   

Development plans with insufficient knowledge about local realities, and that do not share technical or planning details with the target communities, bedevil development practice. This study used a form of participatory modelling in three fishing communities in Nicaragua to enable fishers to explore their economy and the potential impacts of fishery-based development projects. Co-designing a model of the fishing economy in the form of a board game created a forum in which facilitators and participants could arrive at a shared understanding of local fishing practices and the costs and benefits of strategies for addressing the fishers’ priorities.  相似文献   

The extent to which project outcomes are sustained years after development projects have ended is not routinely investigated. This study assessed the long-term impacts of a fire management project in eastern Indonesia seven years after the funding ended. Post-project evaluation increased understanding of the factors determining sustainability of project outcomes and links to development impacts. The continuation of community fire management and agroforestry groups was linked to demonstration of benefits to farmers and multi-level engagement. Activities had ceased where ownership was disputed. Some long-term impacts were outside the original aims of the fire project, including district government agencies applying fire mapping skills to other development issues.  相似文献   

Remitting outweighs foreign aid by a rate of more than eight times, resulting in a skewed perception of the Haitian economy and consequent hindrance to development. Endowing Haitian state institutions and civil society by strengthening the potential role of migrants’ remittances in regional socio-economic reconstruction could prevent some of the mistakes uncovered in previous development policies from recurring in current nation-building initiatives. The funding gap of the United Nations’ short term funded projects could be bridged with a long term commitment of a new migrant class of investors to finance productive projects and endow regional participatory institutions.  相似文献   

Theory of Change (ToC) is an emerging methodology in the practice of development programmes, often contrasted with the dominant logical framework. This article reviews current debates around ToC before identifying five aspects that are appreciated in practice. It appears that these aspects mostly cover areas where the logical framework is not – or is no longer – meeting the needs of practitioners. Subsequently, the article analyses experiences in ToC training for NGO staff and concludes that ToC can address shortcomings of the logical framework – if only by going back to some of the roots of the logical framework.  相似文献   

Bangladesh is one of the first least developed countries (LDCs) to develop a long-term climate change strategy, the Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP). Two funds were set up after developing the BCCSAP, one using government resources (BCCTF) and the other using donor resources (BCCRF). This paper uses the “building blocks” framework to analyse changes that occur when progressing from planning to finance and implementation by comparing the BCCRF and BCCTF. This analysis reveals how governance enablers are influenced by political economy dynamics that steer funding decisions and implementation outcomes, and provides lessons for countries pursuing climate resilience.  相似文献   

Medical aid missions involve travel to conflict or danger zones, posing safety risks in addition to the usual occupational risks arising from daily medical work. The note reports on a volunteer mission, using personal reports, anecdotal experiences, and the formal annual report to undertake an assessment similar to worksite assessments for hazards and control measures. Hazards were found to be prevalent, including physical noise and heat, infectious exposure from patients and local vectors, poor water sanitation, and psychosocial stress from unfamiliar environments and large patient numbers with limited means. Implementable preventative measures include increasing awareness with appropriate protective equipment usage and safety guidelines. Mission planning and management should also involve occupational health input.  相似文献   

Humanitarian organisations respond to increasing donor requests to assess economic aspects of their programmes, including cost-effectiveness. This article presents results from a survey of humanitarian agency staff and donor agencies, investigating such requests. Findings indicate a need for clear guidelines and capacity building in these economic assessments, expressed by both humanitarian staff and donor agencies themselves. While improving efficiency is important to ensure effective humanitarian response, caution is warranted in adopting overly burdensome and complex assessments of efficiency which are poorly understood by staff requesting and responding to them, the outcomes of which may lead to reductive and decontextualised decision-making.  相似文献   

To achieve a top-to-bottom growth of the “green economy”, incentives and enablers need to be identified for those micro enterprises working at the grassroots level. A three-year study of 1,300 social and environmental enterprises in developing countries reveals how they are developing new products and services for their communities, using new business models. But their scale-up is hampered by lack of access to research and technology support and gender barriers, as well as challenges with complex partnerships, progress monitoring, and financial viability. A large pool of innovative ideas remains untapped and an opportunity to build a sustainable economy is being missed.  相似文献   

KAP Score is an evaluation tool developed to enable aid and donor organisations to monitor and evaluate the outcome of interventions, particularly those where the link between programme activities and outcomes constitutes an “unknown”. This article articulates KAP Score and demonstrates how it has been applied to two separate interventions related to risk avoidance (human trafficking) and demand reduction (wildlife consumption) to generate quantitative evidence for assessing how they contributed to increasing compliance. The examples presented demonstrate how KAP Score attributed the effectiveness of these interventions to a proxy indicator that can measure incremental behavioural compliance.  相似文献   

Projects introducing improved stoves that save firewood and reduce emissions and indoor smoke address real needs but have often not succeeded as expected. One of the reasons may be that lessons have not been learnt effectively. We reviewed the only available comprehensive list of principles for stove project design. We modified it, and added more principles based on literature and our own experience. Our list consists of 20 principles covering the areas of awareness creation of multiple benefits, stove design and variety, participation of the beneficiaries, production modes, role of subsidies, and the necessity of accurate assessments and reporting.  相似文献   

Participatory approaches for impact assessment are increasingly becoming popular with development organisations for engaging multiple stakeholders. We present our use of participatory impact diagrams as an evaluation tool within a mixed methods impact assessment of several drought-reduction interventions in Kenya. Results show that because men and women have different roles, their experiences of interventions vary. We discuss how this methodology encouraged communities to describe various intervention outcomes including unintended impacts, often overlooked by conventional impact assessment approaches. Methodological challenges included the integration of quantitative data; opportunities for its application within the wider discipline of monitoring and evaluation are considered.

Utilisation des diagrammes d'impact participatives pour évaluer un projet de développement communautaire au Kenya

Les approches participatives de l’évaluation de l'impact sont de plus en plus populaires parmi les organisations de développement pour faire participer des parties prenantes multiples. Nous présentons notre utilisation des diagrammes participatifs des impacts comme un outil d’évaluation dans le cadre d'une évaluation multi-méthodes de l'impact de plusieurs interventions de réduction des inondations au Kenya. Les résultats montrent que, les hommes et les femmes ayant des rôles différents, leurs expériences des interventions varient. Nous discutons de la manière dont cette méthodologie a encouragé les communautés à décrire divers résultats des interventions, y compris les impacts non désirés, souvent oubliés par les approches conventionnelles d’évaluation de l'impact. Parmi les défis méthodologiques figurait l'intégration des données quantitatives ; les occasions de les mettre en application dans le cadre de la discipline du suivi et de l’évaluation sont examinées.

Utilizando diagramas participativos de impacto para evaluar un proyecto de desarrollo comunitario en Kenia

Con el objetivo de involucrar a diversos actores, las organizaciones de desarrollo utilizan cada vez más los enfoques participativos durante la realización de evaluaciones de impacto. En este artículo, las autoras presentan una herramienta de evaluación que utilizaron en el marco de una valoración de impacto: los diagramas de impacto participativo. Éstos incorporan métodos mixtos y fueron aplicados a varias acciones realizadas para reducir los efectos de la sequía en Kenia. Los resultados demuestran que, dado los distintos roles ejercidos por los hombres y las mujeres, sus opiniones en relación a las acciones llevadas a cabo difieren. Las autoras analizan cómo esta metodología promovió que las comunidades describieran los distintos resultados de las intervenciones, incluyendo aquellos impactos no previstos, los cuales a menudo son ignorados por los tradicionales métodos de evaluación de impacto. Entre los retos metodológicos enfrentados destacó la integración de datos cuantitativos. El artículo analiza las oportunidades que existen de aplicar esta metodología en un contexto de monitoreo y evaluación más amplio.

Usando diagramas de impacto participativas para avaliar um projeto de desenvolvimento comunitário em Quênia

As abordagens participativas de avaliação de impacto estão se tornando cada vez mais populares entre as organizações de desenvolvimento em seu objetivo de engajar múltiplos colaboradores. Apresentamos aqui nosso uso de diagramas participativos de impacto como uma ferramenta de avaliação dentro de uma avaliação de impacto com métodos variados sobre várias intervenções para redução da seca no Quênia. Os resultados mostram que pelo fato de homens e mulheres terem diferentes papéis, suas experiências de intervenção variam. Discutimos como essa metodologia incentivou comunidades a descreverem vários resultados de intervenção, inclusive impactos não-intencionais, frequentemente negligenciados por abordagens de avaliação de impacto convencionais. Os desafios metodológicos incluíram a integração de dados quantitativos; são consideradas também as oportunidades para sua aplicação dentro da disciplina mais geral de monitoramento e avaliação.  相似文献   

The development sector is rife with complaints about strict accountability requirements imposed by donors. However, this paper argues that the imposition of a new accountability framework can sometimes be converted into a useful tool. This note describes how the IMPACT alliance used the Five Capabilities (5C) model prescribed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It describes the major findings from a baseline assessment, and reflections on that process. The authors argue that the operationalisation of the 5C model provides useful opportunities for discussing capacity development priorities with partners.

Utilisation du modèle des cinq capacités (5C): faire de nécessité vertu

Les plaintes sont nombreuses dans le secteur du développement concernant les exigences strictes de reddition de compte imposées par les bailleurs de fonds. Cependant, cet article soutient que l'imposition d'un nouveau cadre de reddition de comptes peut parfois être convertie en outil utile. Cette note décrit la manière dont l'alliance IMPACT a eu recours au modèle des cinq capacités (5C) prescrit par le ministère néerlandais des Affaires étrangères. Elle décrit les principales conclusions tirées d'une évaluation de référence, ainsi que des réflexions sur ce processus. Les auteurs soutiennent que l'opérationnalisation du modèle des 5C donne des occasions utiles de discuter des priorités de développement des capacités avec les partenaires.

Operando el modelo de las Cinco Capacidades (5C): hacer de la necesidad una virtud

En el ámbito de desarrollo, prevalecen las quejas en relación a las estrictas medidas de rendición de cuentas impuestas por los donantes. Sin embargo, el presente artículo sostiene que el requisito de usar un nuevo marco para la rendición de cuentas, a veces puede convertirse en un ejercicio útil. En el artículo se describe cómo la alianza impact usó el modelo Cinco Capacidades (5C) recomendado por el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Holanda. En este sentido, se analizan las conclusiones de una evaluación de referencia y se hacen reflexiones respecto a este proceso. Los autores sostienen que la implementación del modelo 5C genera oportunidades útiles para revisar las prioridades en torno al desarrollo de capacidades con las contrapartes.

Utilizando o modelo das Cinco Capacidades (5C): fazendo da necessidade uma virtude

O setor de desenvolvimento é repleto de reclamações sobre exigências rigorosas de prestação de contas impostas por doadores. Porém, este artigo argumenta que a imposição de uma nova estrutura de prestação de contas pode às vezes ser convertida em uma ferramenta útil. Esta nota descreve como a aliança IMPACT utilizou o modelo das Cinco Capacidades (5C) prescrito pelo Ministro holandês de Assuntos Estrangeiros. Ele descreve os principais resultados de uma avaliação de base e reflexões sobre este processo. Os autores argumentam que a operacionalização do modelo 5C oferece oportunidades úteis para se discutir as prioridades de desenvolvimento de capacidade com parceiros.  相似文献   

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