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This article is the second part of a review of the event studymethodology, which has proved to be one of the most successfuluses of econometrics in policy analysis. In this part we focuson the methodology's application to corporate law and corporategovernance issues. Event studies have played an important rolein the making of corporate law and in corporate law scholarship.The reason for this input is twofold. First, there is a matchbetween the methodology and subject matter: the goal of corporatelaw is to increase shareholder wealth, and event studies providea metric for measurement of the impact upon stock prices ofpolicy decisions. Second, because the participants in corporatelaw debates share the objective of corporate law, to adopt policiesthat enhance shareholder wealth, their disagreements are overthe means to achieve that end. Hence, the discourse can be empiricallyinformed. The article concludes by sketching the methodology'suse in evaluating the economic effects of regulation. Whileevent studies' usefulness for policy analysis is by now familiarin the corporate law setting, we hope that our two-part reviewwill suggest appropriate applications to other fields of law.  相似文献   

公司决议只具有约束股东及董监事的内部效力而不具有外部效力,债权人等外部主体对决议效力不存在法律上的利益,无权主张确认决议无效或不存在。股东会决议撤销之诉中对股东资格的要求不应剥夺股权转让自由,董监事仅在决议损害公司利益时才享有撤销权。董事会决议瑕疵之诉中,董监事只可在董事会无法自我纠正时提起诉讼,同时应比照代表诉讼要求限制股东诉权。股东及董监事可作为无独立请求权第三人参加诉讼,有权进行与所参加方相抵触的诉讼行为。应按瑕疵而非决议区分诉讼标的,但针对同一瑕疵提起的后诉不构成重复诉讼而属共同诉讼,针对同一决议的诉讼应当合并审理。判决不存在对世效力,既判力只在原告胜诉时发生扩张。  相似文献   

This paper examines the phenomenon of conflict escalaton in business relations. A theory of when conflict between firms will proceed from informal relationship-preserving norms to more formal and destructive end games involving litigation is developed and tested. The central theoretical claim is that substitution costs serve as an impediment against the escalation of conflict. Data on market concentration and dollar flows between aggregate markets in the economy are used to develop measures of substitution costs. Measures of substitution costs and trade figures are also used to describe power advantages in markets. The theory is tested through a series of regression models. The main findings are that (1) when substitution costs are high, parties are less likely to escalate conflict and (2) asymmetric market relations result in less conflict escalation than symmetric ones. Empirical analysis indicates that substitution costs are related in predictable and meaningful ways to conflict escalation and business litigation.  相似文献   

根据1996年修改后的《刑事诉讼法》,律师在审查起诉阶段可以行使调查取证的权利。相对于修改前的《刑事诉讼法》要求律师只能在庭审准备阶段进行有限调查的规定而言,这种修改显然是对律师调查权的更加完善的保障,属于刑事辩护制度的重大进步。然而,几乎所有律师都认为现行法律对律师渊查权的规定属于义一“严重退步”。  相似文献   

根据1996年修改后的<刑事诉讼法>,律师在审查起诉阶段可以行使调查取证的权利.相对于修改前的<刑事诉讼法>要求律师只能在庭审准备阶段进行有限调查的规定而言,这种修改显然是对律师调查权的更加完善的保障,属于刑事辩护制度的重大进步.  相似文献   

一、行政法1 概述行政法 :现代市场经济的守护者 /周卫平 / /法制与经济 ,2 0 0 2 5 P 5 3- 5 4行政法今天该做些什么 :“2 1世纪行政法与行政法学研讨会”综述 /张步洪 / /检察日报 ,2 0 0 2 6 P 2 8论行政法学与行政管理学的互动关系 /刘文静 / /北京大学学报 (哲社版 ) ,2 0 0 2 3 P 110 - 1172 1世纪中国行政法与行政法学研讨会 /王成栋 ,赖中茂 / /政法论坛 ,2 0 0 2 3 P 186 - 187部门法的划分与行政法的地位 /王春生 / /江西社会科学 ,2 0 0 2 5 P 16 5 - 16 6行政的“疆域”与行政法的功能 /姜明安 / /求是学刊 ,2 0 0…  相似文献   

通过诉讼程序严格依照法律规定解决社会纠纷是我国法治建设的一个重要内容。然而,在司法实践中因人情而不严格依照法律的规定作出判决或裁定的现象还在一定程度上存在。对我国的法治建设是一个重要的、应该正确认识并妥善解决的问题。通过分析当代社会中诉讼人情化这一现象,探讨其产生和存在的原因,提出解决这一问题的思路。  相似文献   

Globalisation has given commercial parties more freedom to choose the company law system that best suits their private needs. The growing range of techniques to facilitate choice between systems of company law reshapes the mandatory/enabling debate in countries where corporate mobility is a relatively new business phenomenon and where the past focus has mostly been on degrees of flexibility within domestic law. This article examines relocations, both out of and into the UK, as a source of learning on market preferences with respect to company law and on vulnerabilities. It considers the wider policy implications for the development of company law of more freedom of choice between company law systems. It concludes with a call to explore the potential for more optionality within company law to counter the rise of choice between systems of company law.  相似文献   

邵俊武 《河北法学》2003,21(3):90-95
诉讼费用是对实际利用了或者更多利用了公众购买的司法资源的社会成员所征收的一种调节 费,由于诉讼实际上兼具个体维权和实现社会整体正义的双重功能,因此,不宜将诉讼所发生的 全部费用转由实际利用司法资源的当事人承担,诉讼费用的收取也不应与社会中介服务机构提 供的有偿服务收费适用同一规则。我国现行诉讼费用制度参照商品经济模式和规则的做法值得 探讨。  相似文献   

Law and Critique - This article argues that corporate law has become the legal platform upon which is erected a social process impeding society’s capacity to lucidly reflect on its primary...  相似文献   

杨艺红 《河北法学》2012,30(9):68-73
诉讼突袭作为滥用诉权的典型表现形式,不仅影响民事诉讼程序的整体运作,其带来的负面效果也直接导致诉讼制度原有之立法目的难以得到切实体现.而在比较法视野下的审视和解读将有助于对其本质和特性更为精准的理解和把握,对进一步完善我国民事诉讼规则和制度体系有着积极的理论价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

一、行政法论文索引(一 )概述论行政法的正式渊源 /毛玮 / /行政法学研究 ,2 0 0 3.3.P81- 87论公共行政的现代化 /高家伟 ,吴小龙 / /行政法学研究 ,2 0 0 3.2 .P9- 14第五届东亚行政法学术研讨会综述 /薛刚凌 / /行政法学研究 ,2 0 0 3.2 .P97- 10 0“政务超市”热的行政法思  相似文献   

行政诉讼具有不同于刑事诉讼、民事诉讼的构造,行政诉讼除了具有保障人权的基本价值外,还不得不重视权力分立的价值,即在行政诉讼注重司法权对行政权的控制和审查的同时,也要防止司法权对行政权的过度侵入,从而妨碍行政权的独立行使,这就是司法审查强度的问题。我国《行政诉讼法》应当重视区分事实问题和法律问题,并进行不同强度的司法审查。  相似文献   

本文通过对行政诉讼法颁布实施前后的行政法学研究文献的统计与分析,验证了一些权威学者提出的"行政诉讼法是行政法发展的分水岭"的观点,并进而发现隐藏其中并发挥决定作用的行政法的支架性结构.从这个视角可以对行政法研究方法以及当前行政法面临的挑战与应对提出新的看法.  相似文献   

全球行政法的产生(上)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
一引言:被忽视的全球行政法的兴起 尽管很少得到关注,但是重要并处于发展中的全球行政法正在塑造着全球治理的新模式.的确,这个法律体系目前尚不统一,也还不是一个有序的学术或实践领域.纽约大学法学院的全球行政法研究项目<'[1]>就是将各种国内、跨国和国际框架中与全球治理中的行政法相关的研究系统化的一项努力.借助该项目第一阶段形成的理念,在本文中我们首先从这些多样化的实践中确定一些充分深刻和影响深远、从而构成全球行政法雏形的共性和关联模式.我们指出一些促进共同路径发展的因素和增进该领域一体化程度的学习、借鉴和参照机制.  相似文献   

It is common in the legal academy to describe judicial decisiontrends leading to new common law rules as resulting from consciousjudicial effort. Evolutionary models of litigation, in contrast,treat common law as resulting from pressure applied by litigants.One apparent difficulty in the theory of litigation is explaininghow trends in judicial decisions favoring one litigant, andbiasing the legal standard, could occur. This article presentsa model in which an apparent bias in the legal standard canoccur in the absence of any effort toward this end on the partof judges. Trends can develop favoring the better-informed litigantwhose case is also meritorious. Although the model does notsuggest an unambiguous trend toward efficient legal rules, itdoes show how private information from litigants becomes embodiedin common law, an important part of the theory of efficientlegal rules.  相似文献   

一、行政法论文索引1 .概述行政法理论基础比较研究 /苗连营 ,仪喜峰 / /当代法学 ,2 0 0 4 .1 .P 1 1 6- 1 2 6论行政法的基本目标 - 1 980年美国“苯污染”案带来的思考 /何萧鹏 / /行政法学研究 ,2 0 0 4 .3.P 1 36 - 1 39行政法平等理念之塑造 /杨解君/ /法学 ,2 0 0 4 .7.  相似文献   

李浩 《法律科学》2007,25(6):136-145
抗诉的事由与申请再审的事由不宜完全同构化.在申请再审与请求抗诉问题上,应实行法院优先原则.由上一级法院管辖再审申请有利有弊,原审法院管辖加上诉或许是更优的方案;对再审申请,可从申请期间与除斥期间两方面作出限制.当法院决定再审时,撤销原裁判比中止原裁判是一种更好的选择.对伪证、枉法裁判,将来应通过先行程序确认后才允许申请再审.检察机关的调阅案卷权,宜在法律中明确规定.  相似文献   

前言2004年,日本对《行政事件诉讼法》进行了修改。这是该法1962年制定以来的首次实质性修改,可谓酝酿已久、倍受瞩目。本次修改的内容之一是对“公法上的当事人诉讼”进行改革。包括两个方面:第一,对确认诉讼进行明文列举。该法第4条规定:“本法中的‘当事人诉讼’是指,关于确  相似文献   

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