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抢劫罪行为对象若干问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从抢劫罪的概念入手 ,通过对抢劫罪的行为对象的范围进行探析 ,从理论上将抢劫罪的行为对象分为两大类 ,一类与财产权利相对应 ,即公私财物 ;一类与人身权利相对应 ,即人 ;并且进一步对不动产、无体物、违禁品、赃物、欠条等是否能成为抢劫罪的行为对象作了具体论述。  相似文献   

何丽梅 《法制与社会》2010,(34):29-29,31
现代青少年,生活的主旋律基本上都是家庭、学校和食堂三点一线。一方面由于极少接触外界,心理极其空虚,总想来点刺激,增加生活的乐趣;另一方面由于一些腐朽的精神文化产品的腐蚀和诱导,部分青少年对物质和精神生活有看畸形的追求,喜欢寻求一些所谓的刺激,这些刺激甚至超越了法律和道德的范畴。由于家庭环境的影响,社会物质的引诱,媒体对暴力不当宣传的影响,未成年人抢劫事件的发生越来越频繁。在司法实践过程中,未成年人抢劫罪的年龄界定,能否构成转化型抢劫罪,能否一味从宽处罚等问题,都值得展开新的探索。  相似文献   

转化型抢劫罪是抢劫罪的一种特殊形式,在刑法理论上也称事后抢劫罪,与普通抢劫罪存在着较大的差异,也可以说转化型抢劫罪是对普通抢劫罪的扩展性适用。明确转化型抢劫罪的立法目的、把握其适用条件,在刑法理论和司法实践中都具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

抢劫罪司法认定中若干问题的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
抢劫罪是一种常见多发罪。本文对抢劫罪司法认定过程中遇到的诸多问题 ,特别是对抢劫罪八种加重处罚情节和携带凶器抢夺的理解和适用问题进行了较为深入的探讨 ,以期有益于司法实践的准确适用。  相似文献   

抢劫罪作为一种社会危害性大、案发率高的暴力犯罪,在现代司法实践和理论研究中仍然存在着许多有争议的问题。本文对此问题从抢劫罪的对象是否包括不动产、抢劫罪中的多次抢劫、转化型抢劫罪的认定等三个方面进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

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<正> 抢劫是普通法规定的一种犯罪。但在偷窃法中从来没有对它下过定义。现在盗窃法第八条第一款对抢劫下了这样一个定义:"凡正要或正在实施偷窃行为时,或者为了达到这一目的,而对他人使用了暴力,或使  相似文献   

转化型抢劫罪若干问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由盗窃转化的抢劫罪是由“盗窃”的前行为和“暴力”、“胁迫”的后行为复合构成,如何判断本罪的着手,根据实质的客观说,应该以实施暴力、胁迫行为为着手的起点,以此为界线,根据行为人是否最终取得了财物,来区分既遂与未遂。也正是把暴力、胁迫行为看作是实行行为,才使得非盗窃犯有可能成立此类抢劫罪的共犯。  相似文献   

江学 《法制与社会》2010,(23):53-54
本文主要论述了转化型抢劫是否包括非罪向犯罪的转化、犯罪的转化是仅限于客观方面的转化还是主观和客观方面同时转化等问题,以期对相关法律问题的正确界定有所助益。  相似文献   

中日抢劫罪客观方面比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所周知我国与日本属于不同法系,两国法律传统亦不同.在刑法中有关抢劫罪的相关规定以及理论上呈现出较大的差异性,各有长短.本文通过对抢劫罪客观构成方面的一些比较研究,取长补短,以期对我国的立法实践有借鉴价值.  相似文献   

一、抢劫预备行为转化为盗窃实行行为时的定罪问题行为人为抢劫准备工具、制造条件,但着手犯罪时,却因主客观因素而转变了犯意,未实施抢劫行为,而实施盗窃、抢夺等行为,如甲乙预谋抢劫,当晚到丙家发现家中无人,遂进行盗窃,窃得现金200元。对该案如何定罪有三种意见,一是认为构成抢劫罪;二是认为构成盗窃罪;三是认为不构成犯罪。笔者认为,就该案来讲,甲、乙应构成抢劫罪(预备形态)。甲乙两人预谋抢劫,但实际的实行行为是盗窃,从理论上来讲,系吸收犯,吸收犯一般处理原则是实行行为吸收非实行行为。而此处,由于盗窃数额较小,不构成盗窃罪,但两…  相似文献   

秦明华 《犯罪研究》2005,(2):33-36,40
编造虚假恐怖信息罪是我国现行刑法经第三次修正后新增加的一个罪名。本文探析了编造恐怖信息罪的犯罪构成,对近年来发生的此类案件的类型根据行为人的犯罪动因进行了分类,并针对性地探讨了编造虚假恐怖信息罪的有关法律适用问题,一是对该罪的追诉标准及后果严重的认定,二是对行为人以编造虚假恐怖信息的方式实施敲诈勒索犯罪的该如何定罪处罚。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2001,41(3):223-224

One week after committing a simulated robbery while intoxicated or sober, each of 142 subjects recalled the event within a “cognitive interview”. In an initial exploratory experiment, alcohol consumption reduced the accuracy of recall of a variety of types of information, in particular, information about persons. In the second experiment, person identification suffered following the consumption of alcohol, but only when arousal was low. Higher levels of arousal appeared instead to minimize the negative impact of alcohol upon encoding and recall. Second, whereas the recollections by subjects of what they saw during the crime were not impaired by alcohol consumption, their recollections of what they did were impaired. Both experiments examined the effects of arousal upon the subjects' recalls, and Experiment 2 tested the hypothesis that increased arousal serves to reduce attention to peripheral sources of information. This hypothesis was supported because the identification of persons central to the crime benefited from increased arousal but the identification of persons peripheral to the crime did not. A similar hypothesis about the effects of alcohol received only mixed support because the subjects' behaviors reflected “alcohol myopia” but their identifications of target persons did not. Finally, manipulations at the time of retrieval of the subjects' beliefs about how much alcohol had been consumed also altered accuracy of recall. These experiments were supported by research grants from the Alberta Law Foundation to the first author and from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada to the second author. The authors are indebted to the following people, whose assistance was invaluable: Matthew Davidson, Vanessa Farr, Corinne Kuzma, Eileen McFadzen, Laura Mensch, Debbie Robb, Todd Schultz, and Evelyn Tan. We also thank John Vokey, Brian Cutler, Beth Loftus, Garrett Berman, Marisa Caiola, and an anonymous reviewer who provided critical comments on an earlier version of this paper. This research was presented at the meetings of the American Psychology—Law Society, Williamsburg, March, 1990.  相似文献   



Conduct the first empirical intra-urban examination of community-level connections between street robbery and temperature. Examine whether community socioeconomic status (SES) and crime-relevant land uses strengthen or weaken the temperature impact. A theoretical framework relying on routine activity theory, crime pattern theory, and resident-based control dynamics organized predictions.

Data and methods

For Philadelphia census tracts (n = 381), monthly street robbery counts and temperature data for 36 consecutive months were combined with census and land use data, and analyzed with multilevel models.


Community robbery counts were higher when temperatures were higher, and in lower SES communities. In support of previous work with property crime, but in contrast to previous work with assault, the effects of temperature were stronger in higher SES communities. In support of the integrated model, commercial land use prevalence and subway stations were associated with heightened temperature impacts on robbery.


Community-level fixed and random effects of temperature on urban robbery counts persist when controlling for land use and community structure; further, the random effects depend in part on both. There are implications for understanding indigenous guardianship or informal resident-based place management dynamics, and for planning seasonal police deployments.  相似文献   

It is one thing to assert that conventional market analysis is critically useful in understanding criminal enterprise. It is more challenging to suggest that corrupt and compromised legal regulation interacts with other critical market variables to maximise market advantage for crime business in a similar manner to legitimate regulatory forces in their protection and enhancement of legitimate business enterprise. The central argument of this paper is that crime business mirrors other business forms when considered in terms of critical market variables, and that in particular regulatory forces when inverted from their original purposes can influence market conditions in the same ways desired from the legitimate regulatory form. The main research direction deriving from the analysis of regulatory influences over specific criminal enterprises is how do certain critical market forces essentially facilitate criminal enterprise as a market phenomenon. This paper suggests how through comparatively analysing nominated critical market forces in the context of lucrative and recurrent criminal enterprises, common business decision-making may be predicted and thereby controlled beyond a law enforcement paradigm. In fact, the paper argues that when perverted law enforcement regulation operates as an inter-connecting market characteristic then it can have a similar influence over illegitimate enterprise that law enforcement may provide legitimate business.By establishing a richer and more enterprise-oriented understanding of crucial market variables, it becomes possible to refine control strategies at critical entry and exit points in the operation of clandestine crime businesses. The paper will challenge a comparative theorising of what makes crime business a good business, and how normative distinctions between illegitimate markets are made less convincing when positioned against an analysis of the interaction of critical market variables.  相似文献   

Although the role of the woman offender in the scientific study of criminality has traditionally been largely unexplored, recent studies indicate both an increase in reported female crime and an upsurge in interest on the subject. The general state of the literature is examined and suggestions for the improvement of research in the area are offered.  相似文献   

Behavioural case linkage assumes that offenders behave in a similar way across their crimes. However, group offending could impact on behavioural similarity. This study uses robbery data from two police forces to test this by comparing the behavioural similarity of pairs of lone offences (LL), pairs of group offences (GG) and pairs of offences where one crime was committed alone and the other in a group (GL). Behavioural similarity was measured using Jaccard's coefficients. Kruskal–Wallis tests were used to examine differences between the three categories within the linked samples. No statistically significant differences were found for linked GG compared to linked LL pairs. However, differences emerged between GL and the other categories for some behaviours (especially control) suggesting caution should be applied when linking group and lone offences committed by the same perpetrator. Differences between linked and unlinked pairs were assessed using receiver operating characteristic. The results suggest it is possible to distinguish between linked and unlinked pairs based on behaviour especially within the GG and LL categories. There were, however, fewer significant findings for the GL sample, suggesting there may be issues linking crimes where the offender commits one crime as part of a group and the other alone.  相似文献   

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