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337调查是依据<美国关税法(1988)>第337条款,对侵犯美国境内知识产权的产品进口和销售加以禁止的贸易保护措施.至今美国对中国发起337调查已有39起,并有继续增加的趋势.337调查具有应诉时间短、律师费用高、调查内容专业等特点,对出口国的影响明显,已经成为中美贸易发展的新障碍.我国应该采取积极主动的措施,有效防范和消除337调查所带来的不利影响,以促进中美贸易的平稳发展.  相似文献   

郑玲丽 《政法学刊》2007,24(5):56-61
在全球化深入发展的条件下,为实现全人类共同利益和保障基本人权,在现代国际贸易关系领域,力图以世界各国普遍接受的国际贸易法律规范,在全球范围内更有效地实现其调整国际贸易关系的功能,呈现出以追求全球正义为目标的法治。无庸置疑,国际贸易关系领域的法治是全球化语境下应对全球化挑战的理性抉择。在全球化语境下可以国际贸易关系面临的诸多矛盾与冲突等方面探讨当代国际贸易关系确立法治实现全球治理的现实路径。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the most essential issues in the trade and culture discourse from a global law perspective. It looks into the intensified disconnect between trade and culture and exposes its flaws and the considerable drawbacks that it brings with it. It is argued that these drawbacks become especially pronounced in the digital media environment, which has strongly affected both the conditions of trade with cultural products and services and cultural diversity in local and global contexts. In this modified setting, there could have been a number of feasible “trade and culture” solutions—i.e., regulatory designs that while enhancing trade liberalization are also conducive to cultural policy. Yet, the realization of any of these options becomes chimerical as the line between trade and culture matters is drawn in a clear and resolute manner.  相似文献   

Over the last dozen years or so there has been a burgeoning of criminal law for purposes of dealing with business cartels in a number of jurisdictions (for instance, the new ‘cartel offence’ introduced under the Enterprise Act 2002 in the UK). The discussion here provides first of all some account of this process of criminalisation, mapping it in terms of jurisdictions and the legal character of this category of cartel offending. It then seeks to explain and account for the phenomenon and more particularly to determine the extent to which it may be seen either as an element of more forceful prosecution strategy, or alternatively as a sea-change in moral perception and evaluation. Put another way, is this a development led by legal policy, or a genuine shift in outlook, which has produced a new legal policy? It will be argued finally that, in a more pragmatic perspective, the success of the criminalisation project in any case depends on the emergence of a genuine sense of ‘hard core’ delinquency, without which effective regulation by means of criminal law is unlikely to be achieved. In this respect, a manufactured sense of moral censure, fostered by prosecutors to facilitate leniency programmes, may (outside the US) eventually prove to be a point of vulnerability in such strategies.  相似文献   


This paper will seek to address the challenges of teaching legal ethics to undergraduate law students, both generally and in my own institutional context. Ethical conduct has long been held to be a central feature of professionalism and, traditionally, codes of ethics constituted one of the hallmarks and defining characteristics of the professions. The legal profession is no exception to this; however, it has not always been recognised that university law schools have an important role to play in preparing law students for the ethical challenges of legal practice. More recently this indifference has given way to an acceptance of the importance of this area of learning. Rather than being whether to teach legal ethics to law students, therefore, the two fundamental questions for educators are, first, what do students need to learn from the teaching of legal ethics and, secondly, how this is to be achieved. This study also aims to consider the specific challenges of teaching legal ethics to law students from widening participation backgrounds. These issues are particularly important in my own professional context as programme leader for an undergraduate qualifying law degree at an institution with a high population of widening participation students.  相似文献   

当前国际贸易法治面临第二次世界大战以来空前之危机。此次危机具有深刻而复杂的国际背景及现实根源,但从国际贸易发展历史来看,贸易自由化与贸易保护主义的博弈从未消失,向来是国际贸易法发展中的永恒主题。当前国际贸易法治危机的根源依然是保护主义的幽灵作祟。今天的保护主义与历史上的保护主义并无本质上的区别,无非是添加了时代的特点和因素。法治的危机仍然需要法治的方式予以克服,当前国际贸易危机的本质说到底是国际贸易法治发展的不完善、不充分导致的,只有以法治的思维、法治的方法才能找到克服当前国际贸易危机的正确路径。  相似文献   

卜英莲  刘昕 《行政与法》2014,(9):120-124
随着经济全球一体化脚步的加快,国际贸易的发展势头也愈来愈强劲.全球化这把双刃剑在给融入国际贸易体制的国家尤其是发展中国家带来更多机会的同时,也不可避免地带来了新的风险与不公平.近年来,国际贸易救济规则不公平竞争、贸易壁垒、贸易保护主义势头愈发猛烈.;因此,对中关贸易救济制度进行比较,为我国贸易救济制度的完善提供可借鉴的经验,是法学界的重要研究课题之一.  相似文献   

Although consumer responses to signs and symbols lie at the heart of trade mark law, courts blow hot and cold on the relevance of empirical evidence – such as surveys and experiments – to establish how consumers respond to alleged infringing marks. This ambivalence is related to deeper rifts between trade mark doctrine and the science around consumer decision‐making. This article engages with an approach in ‘Law and Science’ literature: looking at how cognitive psychology and related disciplines conceptualise consumer decision‐making, and how counterintuitive lawyers’ approaches appear from this perspective. It demonstrates how, especially when proving confusion, decision‐makers in trade mark demand the impossible of empiricists and are simultaneously blind to the weaknesses of other sources of proof. A principled divergence, without seeking to collapse the gaps between legal and scientific approaches, but taking certain small steps, could reduce current problems of proof and contribute to better‐informed, more empirically grounded decisions.  相似文献   

Born into the wider body of international law, the climate regime needs to be understood in light of preexisting regimes. By drawing on the current debate about fragmentation in international law, this article highlights challenges for international lawyers and policymakers in navigating the relationship between the climate regime and the biodiversity regime, and the relationship between the climate regime and the multilateral trading system. This article concludes that a narrow focus on conflicts misrepresents the multifaceted nature of climate change and precludes an adequate jurisprudential understanding of the relationship between the climate regime and other regimes. An improved understanding, particularly with respect to interactions with the biodiversity regime, requires a broadening of the debate that takes account of the institutional aspects of these relationships that may allow enhanced political cooperation and coordination. Further, international law, and in particular the emerging concept of systemic integration, has the potential to make a positive contribution to the climate‐trade interplay.  相似文献   

由于新自由主义理论的勃兴和市场机制的内在张力,国际社会步入了国际化市场经济阶段。国际化市场经济要求国际社会建立国际竞争机制解决国际市场失灵。在"洛克式"的国际体系下,借助全球治理理论建立一个多层次的国际竞争治理网络模式是国际社会现实的选择。多层次的国际竞争治理网络模式可以借鉴经济学的联邦财政理论和体制竞争理论确定各个层次的管辖权划分。  相似文献   

The article outlines a simple thesis: that international investmentarbitration – pursuant to regional and bilateral investmenttreaties – offers the clearest example of global administrativelaw, strictly construed, yet to have emerged. We present thisthesis by explicating four key features of investment treaties:they permit investor claims against the state without exhaustinglocal remedies; they allow claims for damages; they allow investorsto directly seek enforcement of awards before domestic courts;and they facilitate forum-shopping. Our argument is that, owingto this unique conjunction of features, the regulatory conductof states is, to an unusual extent, subject to control throughcompulsory international adjudication. Having highlighted thesefeatures, we then claim that investment arbitration is bestanalogized to domestic administrative law rather than to internationalcommercial arbitration, especially since investment arbitrationengages disputes arising from the exercise of public authorityby the state as opposed to private acts of the state. Further,we claim that the linkages between investment arbitration anddomestic legal systems are more direct and more closely integratedthan other forms of international adjudication in the publicsphere. For these reasons, we argue that the emerging regimeof investment arbitration is to be understood as constitutingan important and powerful manifestation of global administrativelaw.  相似文献   

The lecture traces the process of commercialisation in English law from its early stages to the present day. Until the mid-eighteenth century the law was in a process of integration , overcoming a judicial preoccupation with technicalities and procedures to form a body of rules which merchants could trust. From that point on the law has assumed a proactive role as an engine for trade. The nineteenth century is marked by legal facilitation , where new institutions were fashioned as a robust commercial framework for the Industrial Revolution. From the end of that century to the present day business law has served to regulate , building a sensitive framework for commercial development that balances the needs of commerce with the needs of society as a whole.  相似文献   

Netherlands International Law Review - This article discusses the concept and the principle of solidarity in international law. It is often argued that solidarity is a(n) (emerging) principle of...  相似文献   

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