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A new form of Islamic populism has evolved in many parts of the Muslim world. Its emergence is part of the more universal phenomenon of populist responses to the contradictions of globalised capitalism. It is also a consequence of the outcomes of Cold War-era social conflicts and of social-structural transformations in Muslim societies over the last half-century. Specifically, it articulates the rising ambitions and growing frustrations of urban middle classes across the Muslim world, the anxieties of growing urban poor populations and relatively peripheralised sections of the bourgeoisie. Thus representing cross-class coalitions, the New Islamic Populism aims to provide access to power and tangible resources to an ummah conceived to be both downtrodden and homogeneous, though in actuality, increasingly differentiated. This is demonstrated through a discussion of Indonesia, Egypt and Turkey. The article is intended to provide an alternative to analyses that have tended to dominate discussions of Islamic politics over the last decade. These include analyses that emphasise radical ideas transmitted by shadowy transnational networks that threaten the global secular order and those that posit a strong relationship between political moderation and democratic practice but tend to overlook the structural underpinnings of Islamic politics.  相似文献   

马来西亚伊斯兰金融系统发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,马来西亚已建立起完整的伊斯兰金融体系,它与传统的金融系统一起被称为"双系统".马来西亚广义的伊斯兰金融系统包括伊斯兰银行市场、伊斯兰保险市场和伊斯兰资本市场,系统性和完整性是其重要特点.马来西亚持续发展伊斯兰金融体系的努力,使得其成为伊斯兰金融发展的领跑者.  相似文献   


Islamic finance has become an integral part of the financial systems of the Muslim-majority countries of Southeast Asia. At the same time, Southeast Asia has witnessed the emergence of new capital market governance practices and arrangements that are both multi-scalar and multi-sited. This article suggests that rather than only looking at the scale and rescaling of capital market governance in the region, more attention needs to be paid to the shifting balances between regulatory expertise, market practice and societal expectations. Indeed, for governance practices to be considered effective, they have to straddle at times competing demands of authority and legitimacy. This dynamic is nowhere as visible as in the case of Islamic finance, which explicitly involves Shariah experts, trained in Islamic law, in its governance structures. This article explores the novel forms of governance to which this new market has given rise. It argues that Islamic finance – rather than the product of privately held beliefs – has become increasingly bound up with the state apparatus. This facilitates the embedding of Islamic financial principles and ethical concerns throughout capital markets in the region. Yet, Islamic finance has also become increasingly submerged within national development and competitiveness agendas.  相似文献   

印度尼西亚是世界上重要的橡胶生产、出口国之一,目前其橡胶产量位居世界第二,仅次于泰国.虽然橡胶的生产与出口一直是印尼国民经济收入的重要来源,但是印尼橡胶种植业战后的发展却是一波三折.本文主要探讨20世纪50年代印尼橡胶产业所遇到的重大问题,希望以此个案展示发展中国家经济发展问题的复杂性.  相似文献   


Many among the world’s population are surplus to the requirements of capital accumulation. These are people who become engaged in precarious employment both in rural and urban contexts and those who are involuntarily unemployed. Their presence has been particularly acute in “peripheral countries.” Mainstream economic literature explains this in terms of the dual labour market, where it is argued that surplus labour will eventually disappear with market-led economic development. Contrary to this explanation, this article argues, using Marx’s concept of relative surplus population (RSP), that under the existing neo-liberal framework such labour vulnerability is continually being created. This article charts the developmental history of Indonesia and demonstrates that the growth of RSP is an outcome of a neo-liberal transformation which favours capital accumulation at the service of global markets. Neo-liberal adjustments shape the development of RSP in three related ways. First, the adjustments change class relations and transform state orientation. Second, the reconfiguration of class dynamics and the state shapes the model of accumulation. Third, the model of accumulation eventually affects the size of RSP. It is argued that the disconnection between the domestic agricultural development and industrialisation has contributed to the maintenance of a large RSP in Indonesia.  相似文献   

伊斯兰原教旨主义推动了马来西亚社会和政治的伊斯兰化,并影响到马来穆斯林妇女的权利和地位.本文从分析伊斯兰原教旨主义妇女观入手,探讨马来西亚政府、政党、宗教部门和非政府组织如何从法律、法特瓦、政策、宣传来规范妇女的行为,并分析联邦政府与州政府、执政党与反对党、乌来玛与非政府组织围绕妇女权利展开的争论和斗争.  相似文献   

伊斯兰党在20世纪80年代转型后,致力在马来西亚建立"伊斯兰国"。"伊斯兰国"与巫统主导下的民族国家建构是完全不同的建国方向,两者在最高权力的来源、统治阶层、意识形态三方面有着显著的差异。伊斯兰党现阶段重提伊斯兰刑法后,引起马来西亚两线制的重新分化与组合。由于政党之间的建国理念相异,马来西亚未来的建国方向大体上有三种:马来人主导下的民族国家、伊斯兰国和多族群国家。另外,伊拉克与大叙利亚伊斯兰国组织在中东的崛起,令身处伊斯兰世界的马来西亚民族国家体制也面临着来自外部的强烈冲击。  相似文献   

非政府组织经常被看作是充满活力的公民社会的基础。对于发展中国家的政治、社会发展来说,非政府组织至关重要。关于这一点,印尼这个东南亚地区的最大国家体会得相当深刻。本文将通过探讨苏哈托政府时期印尼非政府组织的生存发展,展示非政府组织在发展中国家政治发展中的杠杆作用。  相似文献   

马来西亚伊斯兰教国理念、实践与政党政治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马来西亚是东南亚伊斯兰教国家之一,伊斯兰教国议题成为执政党巫统和反对党伊斯兰党争取马来选民支持、寻求政治合法性和打击对手的重要手段之一.华人政党也加入伊斯兰教国的争论,因为这关系到国家政体、民主、种族平等和多元宗教等大问题.在马来西亚政党架构、政党斗争、多元宗教和多元种族的特定条件下,伊斯兰教国议题成为近年马来西亚伊斯兰教政治化的集中体现.  相似文献   

This article deals with resettlement management in Indonesia, which involves a number of policy and implementation issues concerning land acquisition, compensation, and resettlement practices in development projects.1 The principal objective of this article is to identify a set of policy measures gleaned from past experiences in Indonesia and to present a comparative review of how other countries have addressed land acquisition and resettlement issues, including the latest donor policies concerning resettlement of people affected by the development processes. Several resettlement case studies in Indonesia are briefly presented to identify past mistakes and successes. The Indonesian experience is then assessed in the light of international “best practices” for retooling policy, including adoption of an appropriate resettlement policy in Indonesia. The role of local government bodies, non-government and community-based organizations in resettlement management and their beneficial involvements in resettlement planning and implementation is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

亚洲金融危机使印尼华人企业集团受到致命打击,在"后金融危机时代",华人企业集团进行了一系列战略重组、结构调整和产业转型,迄今这一进程仍在继续进行中.伴随着所在国经济的复苏,华人企业集团已开始走出经营低谷,竞争优势逐渐得到恢复并有新的发展.虽然金融危机结束了华人企业集团经营发展的黄金时期,但由于华人企业集团的经济转型近年出现许多有利条件,可以预期,印尼华人企业集团将通过不断调整内部经营结构和经营策略,逐步摆脱困境并重新获得生机.  相似文献   

This study examines the level of awareness and sources of demand for Islamic microfinance among the clients of microfinance institutions in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The research question is whether the source of demand is based on religious beliefs or the assumption of interest-free Islamic-compliant products. The field research uses a sample of 150 clients of several conventional microfinance institutions in these two countries. Although many analysts still maintain that there is a demand for Islamic microfinance in many parts of the world, the current qualitative and quantitative research indicates no clear demand for these products in these two countries. The relevant question for future research is whether microfinance users will demand Islamic microfinance instruments.  相似文献   

中国与印尼的渔业合作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要探讨中国与印尼在渔业领域的合作现状、存在问题以及合作前景.印尼作为世界最大的岛屿国家,拥有极为丰富的渔业资源,但本国渔业资源开发能力不足.中国与印尼之间正式的渔业合作始于2001年,两国签署了<渔业合作的谅解备忘录>和<双边安排>等协议,在渔业资源开发、渔业技术和知识产权、渔业关联产业、渔业基础设施和渔业工程、渔业环境监测和保护等方面开展了卓有成效的合作.当然,两国在渔业合作过程中也发生如"福远渔132"扣押事件,但中国与印尼双方本着真诚友好、以大局为重的态度,很好地解决了这一不愉快事件.中国印尼两国领导人均充分肯定了两国在渔业方面的良好合作,并强调要在互惠互利的基础上继续加强合作,特别是在水产养殖、合作捕捞、水产品加工和储藏、海洋渔业资源保护、禁止非法捕鱼等方面的合作,中国印尼两国渔业合作仍然具有很大的合作空间和前景.  相似文献   

在东盟成员国中,印度尼西亚代表的是老成员国,而文莱是东盟国家中最富裕的国家.这两个国家的油气资源都十分丰富,其油气业的发展对国内的经济增长与发展都起到过举足轻重的作用.但是从20世纪80年代中期开始,这两个国家油气业的发展却大相径庭.本文拟从两个国家经济发展的对比分析入手,来剖析油气业在两国发展中的相似性与差异性及其对两国经济增长与发展产生的影响以及今后发展的前景.  相似文献   

长期以来,印尼一直是东南亚首屈一指的产油大国,也是全球最大液化天然气生产国之一,在全球能源市场占有重要地位.由于对老油田进行无限度开采,对勘探新油田的工作不太重视,加上近年印尼与西方跨国公司之间在油气方面的合作充满坎坷,导致印尼石油产量不断下降,石油供给增长乏力.印尼政府正在积极重组石油产业,配合发展天然气产业链,对油气产业管理体制与产业政策进行调整与改革,努力保持油气大国的地位.  相似文献   

The spread of democratic ideas from the late 1980s, along with the development of the democratisation movement, contributed to the quantitative growth of environmental non-governmental organisations (ENGOs) in Indonesia. In addition, the democratisation of formal institutions after the late 1990s facilitated ENGO activities. Importantly, democratisation has also contributed to the qualitative development of ENGOs. Democratic ideas “re-framed” environmental issues, politicising ENGO activities, even before the end of the Suharto regime. Since the late 1990s, democratic ideas have further shifted ENGO strategies to conform more with democratic values and institutions, while stimulating efforts to enhance accountability and representation within ENGOs. It is argued that these developments may enhance the quality of democracy.  相似文献   

There has been an increase in Muslim piety and practice in Kazakhstan since the fall of the Soviet Union. Much of this increase is due to the efforts of members of the piety movement in Kazakhstan, who preach and publish about Islam in an effort to inspire more Kazakhs to embrace a particular vision of Islam emphasizing daily prayer, modest dress and condemnation of saint and ancestor veneration. From its humble beginnings as a press primarily publishing translations of short books on Islam, Musylman Publishing House has grown to become an influential Islamic press in Kazakhstan. Building on observations at the Musylman Publishing House editorial office and interviews with its staff, this essay examines the history and publications of Musylman Publishing House. It is argued that the publishing strategy directed by Qayrat Isa, the owner and chief editor of Musylman Publishing House, has been a conscious effort to establish, expand and consolidate a publishing niche for the piety movement in Kazakhstan. The result of this strategy has been the establishment of a readership that no longer simply reads about Islam, but actively preaches to others and contributes articles and books to Musylman Publishing House, creating a self-sustaining piety movement.  相似文献   

南海及其邻接周边是海上安全机制云集之地。对印度尼西亚而言,后冷战时期南海争端的凸显时值其谋求并巩固区域大国地位的关键时期。此间印尼逐渐在东南亚安全区域主义中发挥核心作用,即通过安全机制建设通联区域安全秩序内外建构,调处南海争端并建构相应安全机制成为印尼塑造区域安全能力的重要途径。文章通过对印尼独立主持的“处理南中国海潜在冲突研讨会”的案例分析,指出该安全机制对南海争端具有针对性;其形成与运作综合了印尼的国家与区域安全观,是印尼实践安全战略与政策、协调区域主义与大国角色的工具,对南海海上安全机制以及印尼建构区域安全机制起到了协同补充作用。  相似文献   

路在何方?——印尼华人社会的现状与未来   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
】1998 年5 月印尼发生社会大骚乱,华人成为袭击对象,生命和财产遭受严重损失,印尼局势的发展和华人出路成为人们关注的焦点。正确看待印尼华人的几个热点问题,即关于华人控制印尼经济的争论,华人同化和印尼排华问题,有助于印尼社会的稳定和华人的生存与发展  相似文献   

This article examines the politics of justice and reconciliation in post-Suharto Indonesia with particular focus on the unprecedented pressures on the government to deal with past human rights abuses. Present Indonesian experience illustrates the complexity of dealing with past abuses and needs to be examined in the context of the constraints and possibilities negotiated by new democracies when dealing with past abuses. In a comparative sense the Indonesian case is not new in the sense that other new democracies have also faced this kind of situation. The case study of the Tanjung Priok killings in 1984 that will be presented here demonstrates the need to develop a strategy which combines the elements of prosecution and reconciliation in post-Suharto Indonesia.  相似文献   

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