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The type of device commonly referred to as a "starlight scope" will amplify available light by a factor of approximately 17 000. The use of this device will permit an image to be formed by exceedingly small amounts of blood when reacted with luminol reagent. Modification of the apparatus is necessary to permit focusing at short distances.  相似文献   

The antioxidant properties of black and green teas are well known. It is also possible to determine their antioxidant capacity by using a chemiluminscent method. This method is based on the measurement of the delay in the emission of light from the luminol reaction in the presence of the antioxidant. Bloodstains which are invisible to the naked eye can also be detected by luminol. Three common methods (detection using the Grodsky or Weber formulations and by Bluestar® Forensic latent bloodstain reagent) are based on the luminol chemiluminescence reaction. The bloodstains can be masked by drinks and/or foods containing antioxidants. The aim of this work was to compare the ability of black and green teas containing antioxidants to cause false negative results during chemiluminescent bloodstain detection.  相似文献   

A presumptive reagent for dilute blood detection other than luminol is fluorescein. The sensitivity of fluorescein approaches the sensitivity of detection levels of luminol. The fluorescein detection method offers the advantages of working in a lighted environment, and the reaction persists longer than luminol. A series of diluted bloodstains, ranging from neat to 1:1,000,000, was placed on a variety of substrates. Three sets were made per substrate. One set was exposed to fluorescein, one set was exposed to luminol, and one set served as an uncontaminated control. The fluorescein signal persisted longer than luminol. However, background staining for fluorescein was observed on some substrates within 30 s to 1 min, and no background staining was observed for luminol. Stains on non-absorbent surfaces were detectable at 1:100,000 dilutions, and stains on absorbent surfaces were detectable usually at no more than 1:100. The sensitivity of detection of fluorescein was comparable to that of luminol in this study. In all cases, where sufficient DNA was recovered, typeable results at all 13 core CODIS STR loci were obtained from treated bloodstains and controls. The results from STR typing indicate that there was no evidence of DNA degradation.  相似文献   

Abstract: An article appearing in this journal in 2000 suggested that the sensitivity of the luminol test performed on denim fabric is usually no greater than at a 1:100 dilution of blood. This study shows that the luminol test may be unambiguously interpreted at substantially greater dilutions of blood. In this study, four different types of denim were tested by spraying a swatch of fabric with a typical formulation of the luminol reagent. Testing was conducted of dilutions of blood up to 1:1000, all of which showed distinct chemiluminescence. Diluted blood was applied to denim material in the form of a random number. A successful test was obtained only when a “blind” observer, i.e., an observer who was uninformed of the number, correctly reported the number.  相似文献   

It is argued that a doctor has a duty to provide information about reasonably available complementary and alternative medicine treatments where that information would be material to the particular patient or the hypothetical prudent patient. Given the vast array of such treatments available, doctors will want to rely on evidence-based medicine problem-solving skills to ascertain those treatments that are safe and efficacious. While the risk of litigation for failure to provide such information is probably low at this time, given the high rate of patient self-prescribing, it is necessary for a doctor to open a dialogue with a patient about complementary and alternative medicine to address safety concerns. In addition, it is important to facilitate access to the best of conventional and complementary treatments to ensure better health outcomes for the patient.  相似文献   

In recent years the forensic scientist has been afforded great advances in technology both in the detection of latent bloodstains and in acquiring reliable DNA typing results from very small pieces of physical evidence. Scientists are now able to detect minute quantities of latent bloodstains by utilizing the luminol reagent, oftentimes indicating that an attempt has been made to conceal any evidence of bloodshed. With the introduction of PCR based technology to the forensic arena, scientists are now routinely able to obtain DNA typing results from previously insufficient amounts of biological material, items as small as a single hair, saliva on a cigarette butt, or a bloodstain the size of a pin head. We present here a merging of these two advances coupled with a new collection medium for post luminol treated latent bloodstains. The forensic scientist is now able to routinely isolate and recover an adequate amount of DNA suitable for PCR typing at all of the Promega GenePrint PowerPlex 1.1 loci. In this study, several dilutions of latent bloodstains were prepared in an effort to simulate transferred bloodstains that are routinely encountered in a crime scene setting. The latent bloodstains were treated with luminol and subsequently collected using conventional cotton tipped swabs as well as a Puritan sponge tipped swab. PCR typing at the Promega GenePrint PowerPlex 1.1 loci was then attempted upon all dilutions of the latent bloodstains for both collection mediums. The results clearly indicate that it is now routinely possible to recover adequate amounts of DNA suitable for PCR typing upon post luminol treated bloodstains.  相似文献   

Difficulties can arise when screening dark casework items for blood, a poor contrast between blood and the background can mean stains are not always evident. Typical indirect searching methods can be time consuming and may result in potentially important bloodstains being missed. Luminol, fluorescein, hydrogen peroxide, ultraviolet light and infrared photography were tested in an effort to find a rapid and efficient blood search tool for direct application to dark surfaces. Methods were compared in their sensitivity, specificity, ability to work on various surface types and their effect on DNA extraction and typing. Along with experimental results, the ease of use, costs and the health and safety considerations were also compared. Hydrogen peroxide was determined to be the most effective method. However, where blood was likely to be dilute, luminol was proposed due its greater sensitivity.  相似文献   

The successful enforcement of health and safety regulation is reliant upon the ability of regulatory agencies to demonstrate the legitimacy of the system of regulatory controls. While 'big cases' are central to this process, there are also significant legitimatory implications associated with 'minor' cases, including media-reported tales of pettiness and heavy-handedness in the interpretation and enforcement of the law. The popular media regularly report stories of 'regulatory unreasonableness', and they can pass quickly into mainstream public knowledge. A story's appeal becomes more important than its factual veracity; they are a form of 'regulatory myth'. This paper discusses the implications of regulatory myths for health and safety regulators, and analyses their challenges for regulators, paying particular attention to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) which has made concerted efforts to address regulatory myths attaching to its activities. It will be shown that such stories constitute sustained normative challenges to the legitimacy of the regulator, and political challenges to the burgeoning regulatory state, because they reflect some of the key concerns of late-modern society.  相似文献   

In August of 1996, Sheriff's deputies investigated the deaths of three individuals suspected to have been overcome by phosphine gas. Phosphine is an extremely toxic gas, and is generally seen in the farming industry where it is used as a grain fumigant. It can also be generated as a by-product during the manufacturing of methamphetamine. Chemicals and equipment consistent with the manufacturing of methamphetamine were noted at the location, as well as an apparent reaction mixture heated to near dryness. Dr?ger tubes detected an atmospheric phosphine concentration in excess of 0.3 parts per million (ppm), the Threshold Limit Value. Deputies had initially assessed the scene with no protective equipment, raising concerns about phosphine toxicity and the effects of exposure. The objectives of this paper are to describe how phosphine is formed during the manufacture of methamphetamine, to review the toxicity, health effects and symptoms of exposure, to address the safety concerns regarding potential exposure to law enforcement personnel, and to describe the protective equipment available for personnel who respond to clandestine laboratories.  相似文献   

Preliminary tests for the detection of stains at crime scenes aim to focus the police work making them more efficient in the combat of criminality. The application of the luminol chemiluminescence reaction (3-aminoftalhidrazida) in presumptive tests for the detection of bloodstains is known for more than 40 years in forensic science. This reaction is based on the emission of light through the chemical reaction of luminol mixed with hydrogen peroxide and a hydroxide in the presence of a catalytic molecule (iron from the hemoglobin) (Laux [1]).This work evaluates the luminol interference and its effect on subsequent serological and DNA testing. Samples prepared with blood and different concentrations of luminol solution containing luminol, peroxide of hydrogen and sodium carbonate, were analyzed. Additionally, samples of serial dilutions of standard DNA mixed with luminol solution were also analyzed. Although presumptive tests with luminol do not establish the characterization and identification of stains at crime scenes, preliminary results indicated that it is suitable for the detection of invisible bloodstains for forensic analysis, with few detrimental effects on the serological tests and subsequent DNA recovery and typing.  相似文献   

On May 2, 2006, a divided panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, in a startling opinion, Abigail Alliance for Better Access to Developmental Drugs v. Eschenbach, held that terminally ill patients who have exhausted all other available options have a constitutional right to experimental treatment that FDA has not yet approved. Although ultimately overturned by the full court, Abigail Alliance generated considerable interest from various constituencies. Meanwhile, FDA proposed similar regulatory amendments, as have lawmakers on both sides of the aisle in Congress. But proponents of expanded access fail to consider public health and consumer safety concerns. In particular, allowing patients to try unproven treatments, outside of controlled clinical trials risks both the study's outcome and the health of patients who might benefit from the deliberate, careful process of new drug approval as it currently operates under FDA's auspices.  相似文献   

Neither punitive nor therapeutic approaches alone are effective at addressing the dual public health and public safety concerns associated with managing criminal behavior perpetrated by people who have psychiatric and substance use disorders. The optimal solution may instead require the integration of both criminal justice supervision and treatment. Using problem-solving courts (PSCs) as a model, we focus on one dimension of this integrated approach, distinguishing between behavior that stems from willful noncompliance with supervision and behavior that results from nonresponsivity to treatment. First, we discuss the public health and public safety consequences of using singular approaches to address the criminal behavior of this population. We then present lessons learned from PSCs that distinguish between noncompliant and nonresponsive behaviors in making treatment and supervision decisions. Finally, we consider how the concepts of nonresponsivity and noncompliance may be extended, via policy, to probation and parole settings as well as mental health and substance abuse treatment services outside the criminal justice setting in order to enhance public health and safety.  相似文献   

The forensic luminol test is used to screen large areas for the presence of blood. The heme-induced reduction of hydrogen peroxide is coupled to the oxidation of luminol resulting in luminescence. However, photographic documentation of the relatively weak and short-lived luminescence is difficult and luminol is now often replaced by other chemicals. In this study, we investigated reports from the Rostock police department that the addition of "Fit", a dishwashing detergent from former Eastern Germany, could both intensify and prolong the luminescence of luminol on blood stains. Even though this effect was reported only for the original composition of Fit but not the currently sold version, we found that both the old and the new version of Fit increase the brightness of the luminescence while decreasing its duration. This may be due to detergents in the dishwashing liquid, which permeabilize the plasma membrane of the erythrocytes, exposing the Fe3+ inside the cell and speeding up the entire reaction. We did not find any evidence of special ingredients in the old version of Fit that would cause both the increased brightness and prolonged duration of luminescence as reported by the Rostock PD.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to identify an array of strategies that are available to schools to address concerns school violence and to identify some of the potential school or school district policy options related to those choices. We illustrate that many promising options are available to schools to address violence and other inappropriate behavior of students. The very breadth and diversity of these options may pose a problem in attempting to develop a comprehensive local policy on this topic. While many schools have chosen increasingly punitive zero‐tolerance policies as their primary strategy of violence prevention, there is little or no research evidence documenting that such an approach can contribute to school safety. Rather, effective school violence prevention requires comprehensive planning involving documented best‐practice programs, preventive strategies, and effective responses to any violence that may occur. Since research documenting the effects of violence prevention strategies is inconsistent, it is incumbent upon schools to consider carefully which programs best meet the needs of their local situation, and to monitor the effectiveness of new programs in improving school safety and reducing disruption and incivility.  相似文献   

The current health care crisis in the United States compels a consideration of the crucial role that telemedicine could play towards deploying a pragmatic solution. The nation faces rising costs and difficulties in access to and quality of medical services. Telemedicine can potentially help to overcome these challenges, as it can provide new cost-effective and efficient methods of delivering health care across geographic distances. The full benefits and future potential of telemedicine, however, are constrained by overlapping, inconsistent, and inadequate legal and regulatory frameworks, as well as the repertoire of standards imposed by state governments and professional organizations. Proponents of these barriers claim that they are necessary to protect public health and safety, and that the U.S. Constitution gives states exclusive authority over health and safety concerns. This Article argues that such barriers not only fail to advance these public policy goals, but are unconstitutional when they restrict the practice of telemedicine across state and national borders. Furthermore, the interstate and international nature of telemedicine calls for increasing the centralized authority of the federal government; this position is consistent with the U.S. Constitution and other governing principles. Finally, this Article observes that the U.S. experience bears some similarities to that of other nations, and represents a microcosm of the international community's need and struggle to develop a uniform telemedicine regime. Just as with state governments in the U.S., nations are no longer able to view health care as a traditional domestic concern and must consider nontraditional options to resolve the dilemmas of rising costs and discontent in the delivery of health care to their people.  相似文献   


Research on domestic homicide has focused on risk factors presented by perpetrators such as prior violence, threats to kill, stalking, access to weapons, mental health concerns, controlling behaviour and separation. However, there has been less focus on the barriers that victims face regarding finding support, increasing personal safety and decreasing violence and risk of homicide. The present study explored 20 potential barriers that female domestic homicide victims faced using 183 cases occurring between 2002 and 2012 from the Ontario (Canada) Domestic Violence Death Review Committee to examine the presence and frequency of these barriers within the sample. Using two-step cluster analysis, different profiles of barriers were identified that centred on victims’ fear, social isolation and mental health. The study is limited in being a post hoc analysis of homicides and no causal links can be made. The implications of this finding are discussed in the context of risk assessment, risk management and safety planning.  相似文献   

生物安全的立法诉求论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由现代生物技术引发的生物安全问题,是工业化社会个体化进程发展的高级表现,在彰显科技至上主义色彩的同时隐藏着不可预知的潜在风险,将传统的工业现代化引入"反身性现代化",加速风险社会的产生。生态系统、生命健康以及社会伦理与秩序的安全问题等在新的科技革命浪潮下显得更加迫切,传统法律所建构的利益衡平法则呼唤新的利益协调机制,生物安全的立法诉求在现代生物技术发展进程中渴望社会公共利益的确立与保障,从而真正地实现人与自然的和谐共生。当人们在现代生物技术的向往与担忧中徘徊不定的时候,固有的"法律市场"变得不再平静,其对生物安全立法的需求打破了传统的法律供需平衡,最终促成生物安全法的诞生。  相似文献   

In 2007, many legislatures considered, and two enacted, bills mandating HPV vaccination for young girls as a condition of school attendance. Such mandates raise significant legal, ethical, and social concerns. This paper argues that mandating HPV vaccination for minor females is premature since long-term safety and effectiveness of the vaccine has not been established, HPV does not pose imminent and significant risk of harm to others, a sex specific mandate raises constitutional concerns, and a mandate will burden financially existing government health programs and private physicians. Absent careful consideration and public conversation, HPV mandates may undermine coverage rates for other vaccines.  相似文献   

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