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Game wardens are conservation law enforcement officers who enforce fishing and hunting laws. It has been suggested that the occupation of game warden is the most dangerous and deadly job in law enforcement. Little research, however, has been directed toward the study of game warden deaths. In an attempt to extend our understanding of the deadly nature of this occupation, this study examined the number and causes of line of duty deaths for state game wardens in the United States from 1886 to 2009. Findings suggest that gunfire was the most frequent cause of death of game wardens during this time period. Other factors responsible for large numbers of game warden fatalities included vehicle accidents, drowning, aircraft accidents, and heart attacks.  相似文献   

Game wardens are law enforcement agents responsible for enforcing fish and wildlife laws. Based on data from extensive interviews with game wardens the authors describe dangerous situations faced by wardens in their work. Comparisons with the dangers experienced by other types of police officers are made. Temporal, spatial, and situational factors shape the uniqueness of the law enforcement experiences of the game warden. Specific factors found which increase dangerousness were: isolation of area, being outnumbered, being alone, mistakes like not wearing hunter’s orange, and not being aware an offender is under the influence. In addition, most if not all individuals encountered are armed and skilled in the use of deadly weapons.  相似文献   

浅议我国反垄断执法机构的设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈思民 《时代法学》2006,4(3):71-75
根据世界各国的通行做法,设置专门的反垄断执法机构,可以保障反垄断法的严格有效实施。我国应当借鉴这一做法,建立一个独立、专业、权威的反垄断执法机构,并依法赋予反垄断执法机构以准司法权,以保障反垄断法的有效实施。我国反垄断法(最新送审稿)对反垄断执法机构也予以了明确规定,但这些规定值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

“警察人性化执法”刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伍玉功 《时代法学》2007,5(5):87-94
警察人性化执法,是指警察在执法过程中,在依法保障当事人合法权益的前提下,依照法定的职权和法定的程序,改变执法观念和执法方式,以人为本,实现执法公正的一项专门活动。在警察人性化执法中,严格执法是前提,依法保障当事人的合法权益(包括警察自身的合法权益)是核心内容,人文关怀是方式,实现执法公正是终极目标。而"懦弱执法"、"人情执法"、"不平等执法"和"首次不罚"的执法都不是警察的人性化执法。警察人性化执法实现的途径主要有三:一是完善公安法律制度;二是提高人民警察自身的素质;三是加强监督,从严治警。  相似文献   

This article reports on the perceptions and experiences with labor trafficking of farmworkers, stakeholders, and law enforcement representatives in North Carolina. We found a sizeable number of farmworkers who had experienced labor trafficking violations, albeit with a convenience sample; and community agencies reported stories of labor trafficking victimization. However, most of the state and local law enforcement agencies that we attempted to contact simply ignored our requests for information about labor trafficking or reported no evidence of such victimization. Notwithstanding the sample limitations, we found a general lack of awareness of agricultural labor trafficking problems among law enforcement officials in our surveyed jurisdictions. We question whether our current law enforcement system will ever be in a position to effectively enforce the anti-labor-trafficking law; and suggest an alternative specialized mechanism be established.  相似文献   

The introduction of the national minimum wage in the United Kingdom poses a new challenge for labour law because of its novel enforcement methods. This article examines carefully the possibilities for enforcing the new statutory minimum wage in the light of regulatory theory and the government's desire to make the wage 'self-enforcing'. It offers policy suggestions as to how the different enforcement strands can be best made to work together and highlights some of the dangers the government needs to be aware of in this area.  相似文献   

Analysis of neonaticide cases from a law enforcement perspective is virtually non-existent in the research literature. Nonetheless, law enforcement and prosecutors face unique challenges when investigating and prosecuting neonaticide; and a specialized, informed approach is necessary. By highlighting the crime scene characteristics and autopsy findings of 55 neonaticide victims, the authors hope to assist the law enforcement and legal communities in their neonaticide investigations. Specifically, this article clarifies how neonaticide occurs by chronologically examining the pregnancy, the birth and death of the infant, the subsequent crime scene (or scenes) and the pathological findings. The article also highlights the potential challenges that may arise during investigation and prosecution of these cases in addition to providing the forensic community with recommended investigative techniques.  相似文献   

Police departments have come under increasing pressure from community groups, professional organizations, and their constituents to hire more female and minority officers. Although prior research suggested that there might be both gender and racial differences in the factors influencing the decision to enter police work, much of the work was dated and findings were mixed. The current research, conducted in spring 2002, examined motivations for entering police work among a sample of 278 academy recruits in the New York City Police Department (NYPD). Findings indicated that motivations for becoming a police officer were similar regardless of race or gender, and the most influential factors were altruistic and practical, specifically the opportunity to help others, job benefits, and security. Minor differences did emerge among male and female recruits, as well as among Whites, Hispanics, and African Americans, but the practical implications of those differences seemed limited. The article concludes with a discussion of implications for recruitment efforts as police departments seek to draw more diverse applicant pools and build more representative law enforcement agencies.  相似文献   

Community prosecution encourage prosecutors to collaborate with constituents to mutually determine solutions to community problems. However, the potential exists for prosecutors to continue seeking their traditional goals of maximizing convictions while nominally working within a community-prosecution framework. A random survey of 261 Georgia prosecutors helps to determine whether community-based prosecutors spend more time in community outreach and law enforcement coordination activities. The results show that attorney caseload measures correlate with time spent on community outreach and law enforcement. Being assigned to community prosecution or a specialized crime unit is not consistently related either of these activities. In short, consistent differences do not emerge between community-based and traditional prosecutors.  相似文献   

The high social cost of domestic violence has caught the attention of lawmakers and criminal justice agency administrators across the country. As public awareness and concern over the incidence of domestic violence has risen, domestic violence legislation has focused on, among other things, the law enforcement response to domestic violence. The purpose of this study is to examine Florida law enforcement agency response to domestic violence by analyzing agency standard operating procedures (SOPs) across measures identified in the Florida Model Policy for Domestic Violence. Utilizing content analysis, the authors identify agency policy mandates including the number of officers responding to the scene, the use of specialized units, availability of victim advocates, and procedures for investigation.  相似文献   

In the wake of recent school shootings, communities and legislatures are searching for law enforcement solutions to the perceived epidemic of school violence. A variety of legal measures have been debated and proposed. These include: the enactment of tougher gun control laws and more vigorous federal and local enforcement of existing gun control laws; the enactment of laws imposing civil or criminal liability on parents for their children's violent behavior; the establishment of specialized courts and prosecution strategies for handling juveniles who are charged with weapons offenses; stricter enforcement of school disciplinary codes; reform of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to make it easier to expel students for weapons violations; and greater use of alternative schools as placements for students who are charged with weapons violations.
  This article provides a legal and empirical analysis of proposed legislation in these areas as informed by social science research on the patterns of school violence, gun acquisition by juveniles, and the effectiveness of various laws and law enforcement measures. It proposes and discusses recommendations for legal reform. While efforts to reduce school violence will be most effective at the state and local levels, the United States federal government has an important role to play, particularly in federal‐state partnerships aimed at disrupting illegal gun markets, and through the formulation of national standards and guidelines. These standards and guidelines are for the enforcement of existing laws; inter‐agency law enforcement cooperation and information‐sharing (particularly using computer‐based analysis); effective school discipline and alternative educational settings for disruptive youth; and psycho‐educational interventions designed to detect and prevent school violence in the first place.  相似文献   

马伟灵 《政法学刊》2007,24(5):103-106
构建和谐社会与公安依法行政有着一致的终极目的。公安行政执法为和谐社会的构建提供重要保障,和谐社会的构建赋予公安公正执法重要机遇。加强法治素养、谦抑警权,合理配置公安司法行政权力;提升警民关系;应改进公安执法的意见和措施,特别是要着力强化亲民、公正、法治等三个意识,在执法全过程中体现法治与和谐的要素,从而促进和谐社会的建设。  相似文献   

何炼红 《法律科学》2014,(1):155-165
中国知识产权纠纷行政调解是伴随着政府服务功能的发展,从行政裁决范畴中独立出来的一种服务性行政事实行为。然而,以《专利行政执法办法》为样本进行剖析的结果显示,知识产权领域的行政调解目前在性质上仍然被视为是一种行政执法行为,调解过程习惯性地被烙上了行政执法的色彩,其实施效果不尽如人意。中国知识产权纠纷行政调解应尽快实现从传统执法到现代服务理念的更新;通过制定专门的《知识产权行政调解办法》,从制度层面切实推进行政调解服务主体的多样化、服务对象的类型化、服务程序的精细化和服务损害的可救济化。在实践层面,应积极探索知识产权行政调解协议的司法确认,克服基层人民法院的管辖权障碍,实现行政调解和司法程序的有机衔接和良性互动。  相似文献   

邱平荣  高毅 《行政与法》2006,(6):100-102
我国反垄断法承担着反经济垄断与反行政垄断的双重重任,要使反垄断法发挥实效,必须设置一个权威、独立、专门的反垄断执法机构。目前在我国设置这样一个机构会遇到很多困难,其建议过于理想化。为了确保反垄断法能够得到贯彻和实施,我们可以在权力制衡思想下,采取多机构并存的体制。在多机构并存的情况下,商务部是可以作为一个执法机构来实施反垄断法的。  相似文献   

对我国综合行政执法相关问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会主义法治理论主要体现为依法治国、执法为民、公平正义、服务大局、党的领导五个方面,其中执法为民是社会主义法治理论体系的核心和精髓.然而.多年来我国的行政执法工作在理论和实践方面存在着概念不清、多头执法、政出多门等诸多问题,给社会和谐与人民生活带来了许多不利影响.本文对行政执法的概念、方式、权限、过程问题进行了分析,厘清了行政执法工作在政策理论和社会实践中的误区,在此基础上对我国在新的历史条件下更好地开展行政执法工作提出相关的建议.  相似文献   

徐波 《行政与法》2006,(8):87-88
社会保障法律的制定,还需要强有力的行政执法手段将其贯彻落实。社会保障行政执法行为的主体是各级劳动和社会保障行政部门及法律授权行使社会保障行政管理职能的组织。据此本文提出了社会保障行政执法的主要措施、劳动和社会保障行政执法的主要形式、劳动和社会保障行政执法活动的行政监督、社会保障争议仲裁。通过社会保障的行政执法保护,使公民的社会保障权确实得到解决。  相似文献   

The. lack of empirical studies of education as a structural variable. within theoretical modelt, of professionalization was disucssed. Also, a scale. designed to measure. education, as a camponent of the. concept of low enforcement as a. profoession was developed. lnterpreted as valid and reliable, the scale. was employed in a survey of North Carolina law enforcement personnel. Although it was concluded that many law enforcement personnel did not identify education as an element of the concept of law enforcement as a profassion, a minority strongly endorsed education. Law enforcement. personnekl overwhelmingly phefered criminal justice. curricula over those. of other disciplines, and many anticipated participation in criminal justice educational programs. It was concluded the conceptualization of education as, a component of law enforcement as a profession was, emerging. However, such conceptualieation was not felt to be pervasive within the law enforcement community.  相似文献   

Does gang-related homicide direr sufficiently from nongang homicide to warrant specialized law enforcement response? Both cross-tabular and discriminant analyses of data from over 700 homicide investigation files reveal substantial differences in ethnicity, age, number of participants, and relationship between participants. Gang homicides are also more likely to involve public areas, automobiles, firearms, and, in one jurisdiction, associated offenses and injury to other victims. Gang incidents present unique problems to investigators, who may well benefit from specialized skills of experienced gang experts.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the effectiveness of current law enforcement efforts in combating human trafficking in South Africa. Based on a broader empirical doctoral study, it was discovered that as currently structured, the South African Police Service (SAPS) cannot be effective in the enforcement of anti-trafficking law in the country. Combating human trafficking among other things, requires a formidable law enforcement agency that is explicitly proficient in the modus operandi of the crime; the sophisticated cum dynamic nature of the forces and factors that fuel the illicit trade in a vacillating milieu. Unfortunately, academic writings on this observable position in South Africa are scanty. Therefore, an article of this nature is not just timely but urgent. Findings from the study (among others) revealed that a wide-gap exist in the capacity of the SAPS, and other relevant stakeholders, to enforce anti-trafficking law in the country. Hence, it was recommended that for a result-oriented approach, South Africa needs to establish a specialised law enforcement agency distinct from the regular police structure to enforce anti-trafficking law in the country.  相似文献   

以法治理性的价值判断和价值选择审视和优化警察执法环境,是坚持以人为本、以自由秩序原则和民主法治精神构建警察执法和谐的关键所在。以自由秩序原则和民主法治精神构建警察执法和谐是法治理性的基本要求;尊重和保障人权是警察执法和谐的真谛;体现法治理性的宽容精神是警察执法和谐的需要。警察执法和谐呼唤体现法治理性的积极守法精神。培养积极守法精神对于促进公民理性守法,警察理性执法,实现警察执法效益的最大化以及构建和谐社会都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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