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县域社会违建执法需要一定的组织载体,但在不同农村类型中,体制层面执法资源配置不均和社会层面违建个体情境差异共同塑造了不同类型的政府执法组织,并产生不同治理绩效。在城中村,正式化执法组织具备常规执法权且执法密度大,虽能够强化执法效果,但在执法过程中始终存在政府与征拆居民的利益博弈;在城郊村,正式化与半正式化相结合的执法组织有助于强化政府执法力量和权威,但受信息制约和人情关系影响容易产生灰色利益空间,进而侵蚀执法目标;在远郊村,半正式化执法组织本身没有专业执法权,政府常在一定时期内通过组织动员手段来补强执法力量,但执法绩效具有不稳定性。三类农村违建执法组织的治理绩效差异,反映出国家法律在县域城乡社会落地的非均质性。  相似文献   

The article focuses on damages liability between private parties—referred to as horizontal liability—that is based on EU law. Generally, this kind of liability may be based on EU secondary legislation or be derived from substantive EU law and legal principles. The article seeks to analyse the latter: liability in an area of EU law where so‐called procedural autonomy still, at least apparently, prevails. Special attention is paid to the lively interface between EU law and national remedies and to the increasing EU law requirements for the enforcement of EU law in national courts. Recent case‐law on private liability for damages caused by competition infringements is discussed as part of a more general question concerning the ways in which the relationship of EU law and national enforcement frameworks is developing.  相似文献   

创新执法质量监督机制科学评估依法行政水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘绍武 《行政法学研究》2009,(1):111-114,144
北京市公安局的执法质量评估预警机制是首都公安依法行政进程中的一项内部执法监督机制创新。该机制以强化执法监督、推进首都公安依法行政、强调公安执法法律效果和社会效果的统一为主要内容,紧密围绕公安法定职责,以执法质量管理为核心,引入现代执法管理手段,实现了对全局执法质量的等级化管理,对有效掌控全局执法态势、推进依法行政工作起了重要作用。同时,也对建立健全依法行政评估考核机制的探索具有重大理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

梁艺 《政治与法律》2020,(2):113-124
行政执法案卷信息从作为行政执法案卷评查的对象到作为政府信息公开的例外事由,“行政执法案卷信息”在司法实践中呈现出概念扩张的趋势,具体体现在案卷类型的溢出与案卷内容的形式化。反映出作为相对不予公开事项的行政执法案卷信息,在不予公开的实质的理由上存在模糊之处,使得法定公开与裁量公开的适用难以深入展开。与此同时,与之相关联的卷宗阅览权在行使方式上被进一步挤压。如何获得相对确定的内涵与外延,形成适当强度的司法审查路径,是行政执法案卷信息合理解释与适用中需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(2):185-200
This article concerns European cigarette smuggling over the past decade and examines the actors, structures and relationships which facilitated the illicit trade. It discusses the central role played by actors not traditionally associated with organised crime, such as multi-national tobacco companies, Swiss banks and the state security agencies of various Balkan states. It demonstrates how domestic legislation in Switzerland and instability in the Balkans prevented national law enforcement agencies from effectively dealing with this international network at an earlier stage. The article also focuses on the history of local and national law enforcement investigations as well as the integrated multi-national investigation project later initiated by the EU and member states. The article's conclusions suggest that while smuggling actors have successfully adapted to the process of globalisation – financial and state deregulation – law enforcement agencies remain at a disadvantage as they are hampered by the domestic legislation in nation states such as Switzerland and the United States. While cigarette smuggling was and is a major illicit industry, it has not been the subject of much academic scrutiny. This article, based on field research in the Balkans and EU member states aims to contribute to a broader understanding of a problem involving a multiplicity of criminal actors, states and law enforcement agencies.  相似文献   

An important yet poorly understood function of law enforcement organizations is the role they play in distilling and transmitting the meaning of legal rules to frontline law enforcement officers and their local communities. In this study, we examine how police and sheriff's agencies in California collectively make sense of state hate crime laws. To do so, we gathered formal policy documents called “hate crime general orders” from all 397 police and sheriff's departments in the state and conducted interviews with law enforcement officials to determine the aggregate patterns of local agencies' responses to higher law. We also construct a “genealogy of law” to locate the sources of the definitions of hate crime used in agency policies. Despite a common set of state criminal laws, we find significant variation in how hate crime is defined in these documents, which we attribute to the discretion local law enforcement agencies possess, the ambiguity of law, and the surplus of legal definitions of hate crime available in the larger environment to which law enforcement must respond. Some law enforcement agencies take their cue from other agencies, some follow statewide guidelines, and others are oriented toward gaining legitimacy from national professional bodies or groups within their own community. The social mechanisms that produce the observed clustering patterns in terms of approach to hate crime law are mimetic (copying another department), normative (driven by professional standards about training and community social movement pressure), and actuarial (affected by the demands of the crime data collection system). Together these findings paint a picture of policing organizations as mediators between law‐on‐the‐books and law‐in‐action that are embedded in interorganizational networks with other departments, state and federal agencies, professional bodies, national social movement organizations, and local community groups. The implications of an interorganizational field perspective on law enforcement and implementation are discussed in relation to existing sociolegal research on policing, regulation, and recent neo‐institutional scholarship on law.  相似文献   

The current study correlates Merton's anomie theory and W. E. B. Dubois's double-consciousness theory to measure black law enforcement officers' reactions to occupational strain resulting from officers' ethnic-identification. Measuring levels of anomic behavior provides a scale for identifying levels of risk affecting the well-being of individual officers and organizations. Testing hierarchal regression models with a national sample of black state- and federal-level law enforcement officers (n = 84) reveals a presence of double consciousness as a significant predictor for levels of anomic behavior in law enforcement occupational cultures. It also further suggests that race remains a significant factor in law enforcement organizations and cultures, whereas many police executives would prefer to believe that race issues in policing are settled.  相似文献   

Despite the prominence of terrorism concerns on the national agenda, three areas of public policy pose more significant challenges for local law enforcement in the United States: illegal gun proliferation and distribution; offender incarceration and re-entry paths; and investments in the lives of children. This paper argues that the current direction of public policy in these latter areas should be a primary concern, because these policies not only impact law enforcement in a negative way, but also threaten the strength and vitality of the communities law enforcement is trying to serve. Moreover, the dangers posed by these policies are far more calculable, more likely and more destructive over the long run than those posited for more extreme, though less-likely threats, to which the U.S., as a nation, is committing enormous sums of money, for seemingly incremental, public safety benefits. The role of law enforcement executives is critical to how these issues will be addressed.  相似文献   

中国市场经济法律:进展与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国建立社会主义市场经济是在计划经济的基础上进行的,由此决定了市场经济法律体系的特殊性。目前中国的市场经济法律体系已初步形成,但仍存在不足:如观念尚待更新;企业受到过多的行政管制;市场经济法律体系有待完备,须及早颁行反垄断法、国有资产法、国民经济稳定增长法、计划法等;法律可操作性不够。今后,更重要的将是提高执法水平、严格执法程序、惩治司法腐败。  相似文献   

论电子政务法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
电子政务法是指调整现代信息技术在公共行政中应用的范围、条件、方式、地位、效力等事项的法律规范的总称 ,是行政法体系中一个相对独立的分支。电子政务推动以全球化为标志的后现代法治国家的产生 ,有关的法律问题是国家主权的国际化和地方化转移、电子政府和电子行政的法律地位以及公民信息权和隐私权的保护等。除了法治国家的一般要求之外 ,制定和实施电子政务法还应当遵循政府中立原则、透明度原则和弹性化原则  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,道路交通管理领域也迎来了自动化执法时代。闯红灯、超速等各类交通技术监控系统的引入将传统街道执法空间改造成一个"全景敞视"规训平台,大幅提升了交通违章查处效率。然而,作为被规训一方的行政相对人并未真正享受到"科技+行政"的发展红利,其根源在于信息技术赋权不均衡导致交通执法"便行不便民",使得"电子警察"饱受诟病。面对非现场执法这一新生事物,司法裁判应跳出传统现场执法的固有逻辑,运用行政过程论对非现场执法行为进行全流程、动态审查,对非现场执法的不同行为阶段采取不同的司法审查方法和审查强度,兼顾行政执法方式革新与行政相对人权益保障的需求,实现工具理性和价值理性的有效融合。  相似文献   

论案外人异议之诉的废除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李先伟 《政法论丛》2011,(1):118-124
以程序性争议与实体性争议的分类为基础的案外人异议之诉,并不符合民事诉讼的法理。案外人异议之诉和案外人执行异议,实系分别以强制执行法的当事人主义和职权主义为基础。因此,制度的法理基础完全冲突的案外人异议之诉和案外人执行异议,无法在强制执行法中并存,二者必废其一。强制执行中的当事人主义和职权主义本无优劣之分,但需要结合一国的国情予以选择。从当前的国情出发,我国应当废除案外人异议之诉。  相似文献   

This article provides an empirical analysis of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) implementation within the law enforcement profession. Specifically, the study reports results from a national survey of state police/highway patrol agencies regarding practical implementation of the ADA. The data is analyzed in terms of population size and collective bargaining status. Results of this endeavor indicate that implementation of the ADA within law enforcement is difficult, especially as applied to the work of sworn personnel. These challenges are somewhat diminished when applied to non-sworn personnel such as dispatchers, administrators, and clerical personnel. The most substantial obstacles to implementation of the ADA within law enforcement is not associated with political officials or administrators. Instead, most arise from the lack of training and vague legislative language and regulatory standards. Smaller states and those without collective bargaining report lower levels of accommodation; however, there are few statistically significant differences in terms of population and collective bargaining.  相似文献   

Controversies have surrounded law enforcement intelligence because of past instances where the police maintained records of citizens' activities that were viewed as suspicious or anti-American, even though no crimes were being committed. This, of course, violates fundamental constitutional guarantees and offends the American sense of fairness with respect to government intrusiveness. Unfortunately, the boundary is not precise regarding the types of information the police can collect and keep. Some legal guidelines appear contradictory and the application of law to factual situations is often difficult. Beyond the legal ramifications, early intelligence initiatives by the police typically lacked focus, purpose, and process. Important lessons can be learned from these historical experiences that provide context and guidance for law enforcement intelligence today. Aggravating the [kinds of factors referred to above] has been the tenuous relationship between law enforcement intelligence and national security intelligence that has changed continuously since the mid-20th century. These changes have been both politically and legally controversial, responding to changing socio-political events in American history and most recently through post-9/11 counterterrorism efforts. As a result, there is value in understanding selected portions of history from both types of intelligence to gain context and understand the lessons learned.  相似文献   

Crime Mapping and the Training Needs of Law Enforcement   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper explores some of the more recent developments within crime mapping and the broader application of geographical information technology within law enforcement. The information technology (IT) revolution and the reduction in computing costs since the 1980s has brought a range of analytical tools within the budgets of most police services, and one of the most significant changes has been in the way that spatial data are handled. Law enforcement has strong geographic currents at all levels of the organisation, and this paper examines three applications of geographical information systems (GIS) within policing: hotspot mapping; CompStat; and geographic profiling. The paper concludes by discussing the future training needs using a simple model of intelligence-led crime reduction. This model suggests that training for managers to enable a greater understanding of the analyses presented to them, and how to use mapping to further crime prevention and reduction, may be as important as increasing the technical ability of crime analysts. The challenge for the immediate future of crime reduction practice in law enforcement is less to worry about the training of analysts, and more to address the inability of law enforcement management to understand and act on the crime analysis they are given.  相似文献   

This paper examines the instrumental networks established between organized criminals and national politicians. Its major focus centers on the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the Department of Labor, and the Reagan Administration. We explore the organized crime influence that affected President Reagan's selection of Raymond Donovan as Secretary of Labor. The choice of Donovan resulted in several related investigations into Donovan's association with organized criminals primarily in the construction industry in New Jersey and New York. We explain and critique the investigations thereby establishing the instrumental quality of the networks and the politics of law enforcement. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The impact of law enforcement on political change may be observed in three sets of attitudes by groups and individuals: national consciousness, that is the acceptance of the nation as a meaningful identity symbol; class consciousness, that is identification with a class against other classes; and legitimacy, that is the acceptance of the state as a rightful source of commands. A discussion of general theories of law enforcement and their impact on these attitudes, and of politics and the police in post-civil war Nigeria leads to the conclusion that the police, by the manner in which they enforce the laws, do have an effect on legitimacy orientations, though a weak one. Law enforcement agencies do not contribute significantly to the creation of social and political changes but reflect changes that arise and are fought out in other spheres of societal life.  相似文献   

Cross-border data flows not only involve cross-border trade issues, but also severely challenge personal information protection, national data security, and the jurisdiction of justice and enforcement. As the current digital trade negotiations could not accommodate these challenges, China has initiated the concept of secure cross-border data flow and has launched a dual-track multi-level regulatory system, including control system for overseas transfer of important data, system of crossborder provision of personal information, and system of cross-border data request for justice and enforcement. To explore a global regulatory framework for cross-border data flows, legitimate and controllable cross-border data flows should be promoted, supervision should be categorized based on risk concerned, and the rule of law should be coordinated at home and abroad to promote system compatibility. To this end, the key is to build a compatible regulatory framework, which includes clarifying the scope of important data to define the “Negative List” for preventing national security risks, improving the cross-border accountability for protecting personal information rights and interests to ease pre-supervision pressure, and focusing on data access rights instead of data localization for upholding the jurisdiction of justice and enforcement.  相似文献   

公私协作执法是公共执法和私人执法基于各自特点进行协作的法律执行模式,可以有效弥补公共执法动力不足、腐败和信息劣势的缺陷,也可以有效弥补单纯私人执法过程中的执法过度、缺乏强制力等缺陷.长期以来,我国法律执行活动被公共执法机构垄断,公私协作执法的制度空间不大.为此,应当通过扩张诉讼当事人资格、建立罚金分享制度、增加惩罚性赔偿规定以及放宽风险代理诉讼限制等方式为公私协作执法开辟空间,使公私协作执法能够成为我国法律执行机制改革的重要方向.  相似文献   

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