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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
Book review in this article:
E uropean G overnments and P olitics . By F rederic A. O gg , P h .D., L.L.D.
T he D uty of E mpire . By L eonard B arnes .
"Q uack , Q uack !" By L eonard W oolf .
Q ueen V ictoria . By E. F. B enson .
T he T willight of T he S upreme C ourt . By E dward S. C orwin
A dministrative L egislation and A djudication . By F rederick F. B lachly and
M iriam E. O atman
E ssays on the L aw and P ractice of G overnmental A dministration .
C harles G. H aines and
M arshall G. D imock
W illiam A. R obson
T he N ature of C apitalist C risis . By J ohn S trachey
M aurice D obb .
P rinciples of E conomic P lanning . By G. D. H. C ole
P lanning for E mployment . By S ome M embers of P arliament .
I vor T homas .
R ussia's I ron A ge . By W. H. C hamberlin
E conomic P lanning in S oviet R ussia . By B oris B rutzkus
T he S ecound F ive Y ear P lan . By W. P. and Z. K. C oates
L aw and J ustice in S oviet R ussia . By H. J. L aski
H. L. B eales
T he F all of the G erman R epublic . A P olical S tudy . By R. T. C lark
C harles H. W ilson
T he H istory of T he T imes . "T he T hunderer " in the M aking
T he P ress in E ngland . By K urt V on S tutterhem
L eonard W oolf
T he B leak A ge . By J. L. & B arbara H ammond .
T raining for C itizenship . By S ir E rnest S imon & E va M. H ubback
T he N eed for C onstitutional R eform . A P rogramme N ational S ecurity . By W illiam Y andell E lliott
M. J. B onn .
L ord B rougham By G. T. G arratt
W orld P olitics and P ersonal I nsecurity . By H arold D. L asswell
I nternational D elusions
L aw and the S ocial S ciences . By H untingdon C airns . Foreword by R oscoe P ound .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1965,36(1):105-106
Book reviewed in this article:
T he L aw O fficers of the C rown . By J. L l . J. E dwards .
T he E ichamann T rial . By P eter P apadatos .
E conomic P lanning : T he F rench E xperience . By P ierre B auchet .
P olitical M odernization in J apan and T urkey . Edited by R obert E. W ard and D ankwart A. R ustow .
B ritain and I ndia : R equiem for E mpire . By M aurice and T aya Z inkin .
A N ation in M aking . By S ir S urendranath B anerjea .
I ndian N ationalism and H indu S ocial R eform . By C harles H. H eimsath .
G overnment in R ural I ndia . By D avid P otter . [ G. Bell & Sons, Ltd.
B ritain and the E uropean C ommunity , 1955–1963. By M iriam C amps .
B eavrbrook : A S tudy of M ax the U nknown . By P eter H oward
T heory and P ractice in A merican P olitics . Edited by W illiam H. N elson .
T he T wo -P arty S ystem in the U nited S tates . Third Editon. By W illiam G oodman .
T he A merican L egislative P rocess . By W illiam J. K eefe and M orris S. O gul .
B ritish G uiana : P roblems of C ohesion in an I mmigrant S ociety . By P eter N ewman .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1954,25(3):275-295
book reviewed in this article
A n I ntroduction to the S tudy of I ndustrial R elations . By J. H. R ichardson .
T he O rigins of the L abour P arty . By H enry P elling .
T he D eath of the F ourth republic . By R onald M atthews .
E ssays on the S ocial H istory of S cience . Edited by S. L illey .
P io N ono : A S tudy in E uropean P olitics and R eligion in the XIX C entury . By E. E. Y. H ales .
T he Q uaker A pproach to C ontemporary P roblems . J ohn K avanagh .
C ommunism and C hrist . By C harles W. L owry .
A narchy and O rder . By H erbert
T he dynamics of S oviet S ociety . By W. W. R ostow .
T he F uture of T he H ouse of L ords . Edited by S idney B ailey . Foreword by C ommander S tephen K ing -H all .
D roit I nternational et S ouverainetéa en U.R.S.S. By J ean -Y ves C alvez .
T héaories et R éalites en D roit I nternational P ublic . By C harles de V isscher .
F rench L iberal T hought in the 18 th C entury . By K ingsley M artin . Edited by J. P. M ayer .
T he E ncyclopaedia of D iderot & d'A lembert . Edited by J ohn L ough .
P ower in T rade U nions : a S tudy of T heir O rganization in G reat B ritain . By V. L. A llen .
T he N eglected C hild and the S ocial S ervices . By D. V. D onnison .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1963,34(4):419-448
Book reviewed in this article:
T orture : C ancer of D emocracy. By P ierre V idal -N aquet.
E ducational S trategy for D eveloping S ocieties : A Study of Educational and Social Factors in Relation to Economic Growth. By A dam C urle.
C ommunist E ducation. By E dmund J. K ing (Ed.)
P ower and P olitics in B elgian E ducation 1815–1961. By V ernon M allinson.
T he B ritish P olitical E lite. By W. L. G uttsman.
T he P olitics of S carcity. By M yron W einer.
T he F oundations of N ew I ndia. By K. M. P anikkar.
N ew D irections in C omparative P olitics. By B ernard E. B rown.
L essons of P ublic E nterprise. A Fabian Society Study. Edited by M ichael S hanks.
N ationalisation. A Book of Readings. Edited by A. H. H anson.
T he M anagement of C apital P rojects. Studies in the Coal, Transport, and Electricity Supply Industries. By R. J. S. B aker.
T he N ature and L imits of P olitical S cience. By M aurice C owling.
S ocial S cience and P olitical T heory. By W. G. R unciman.
T he A rabs and T he W orld. By C harles D. C remeans.
C hanging L aw in D eveloping C ountries. Edited by J. N. D. A nderson.
T he C.E nemy. A programme of radical reform for the 1960s. By C. A. R. C rosland.
M asters of I ndecision. By G eorge K. Y oung.
D emocracy D ecentralisation , and D evelopment. By H enry M addick.
A merican S cientists and N uclear W eapons P olicy. By R obert G ilpin.
T he A ppeasers. By M.G ilbert and R ichard G ott.
B ritain D ivided. The Effect of the Spanish Civil War on British Political Opinion. By K. W. W atkins.
B ritain and T he U nited S tates. By H. G. N icholas.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1948,19(4):368-399
Book reviewed in this article:
A sian R elations . B eing A R eport OF THE P roceed INGS OF THE F irst
A sian R elations C onference , N ew D elhi
N ew P aths FOR J apan . By H arold W akefield .
M odern . J apan and S hinto N ationalism . R evised E dition . By D. C. H oltom .
R icher BY A sia . By E dmond T aylor .
I n THE P ath OF M ahatma G andhi . By G eorge C atlin .
F rom THE L eague TO U.N. By G ilbert M urray .
N egroes IN B ritain . By K. L. L ittle .
A lsos . By S amuel A. G oudsmit .
N oel A nnan .
S ydney O livier : L etters and S elected W ritings EDITED BY M argaret O livier , WITH SOME I mpressions BY B ernard S haw .
C harles R oden B uxton . A MEMOIR BY V ictoria DE B unsen .
T he D evelopment OF L ocal G overnment . By W. A. R obson . (R evised and E nlarged S econd E dition . Allen and Umwin .
A pple OF D iscord . By C. M. W oodhouse .
A lternative TO S erfdom . By J ohn M aurice C lark .
O rdeal BY P lanning . By J ohn J ewkes .
M alaya and I ts H istory . By Sir R ichard O. WINSTEDT.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
I nside the T reasury . By J oel B arnett .
G etting and S pending . By L eo P liatzky .
T he G overnment's E xpenditure P lans . By T he T reasury and C ivil S ervice C ommittee , Fifth Report 1981–82 Session H.C. 316.
P ublic E xpenditure and S ocial P olicy . Edited by Alan Walker
B ig G overnment in H ard T imes . Edited by C hristopher H ood and M aurice W right
T he P olitics of R etrenchment . By C harles H. L evine , I rene S. R ubin and G eorge G. W olohojian
P roperty and P olitics 1870–1914. L andownership , L aw , I deology and U rban D evelopment in E ngland . BY A vner O ffer .
O rganizing I nterests in W estern E urope . Edited by S uzanne D. B erger .
P ower , P roperty and C orporatism . By J ames S immie .
T he C hallenge of C orporatism . By O tto N ewman .
P ower and P arty in an E nglish C ity : an A ccount of S ingle -P arty R ule . By D avid G. G reen .
E nvironmental P rotest and C itizen P olitics in J apan . B y M argaret M c K ean .
THE G ate of H eavenly P eace . the C hinese and T heir R evolution , 1895–1980. BY J onathan D. S pence .
T he U ses of S ocial R esearch -S ocial I nvestigation in P ublic P olicy -M aking . BY M artin B ulmer .
T he C reation of the A nglo -A merican A lliance 1937–41: A S tudy in C ompetitive C o -O peration .
T he P olitical I deas of the U topian S ocialists . By K eith T aylor .
G ramsci's P olitical T hought : H egemony , C onsciousness , and the R evolutionary P rocess . By J. V. F emia .
M aking G ood : P risons , P unishment and B eyond . By M artin W right . Foreword by B arbara W ootton .
T he S ocialist N ovel I n B ritain . T owards the R ecovery of A T radition . Edited by H. G ustav K laus .
R ecount . By C liff P rothero .
T ony C rosland . By S usan G rosland .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1960,31(4):509-524
Book reviewed in this article:
T he E dge of the S word . By C harles de G aulle . Translated from the French by G erard H opkins .
F rance : T he N ew R epublic . By R aymond A ron .
F rance : T roubled A lly : D e G aulle's H eritage and P rospects . By E dgar S. F urniss , J r .
D e G aulle's R epublic . By P hilip M. W illiams and M artin H arrison .
T he F ifth F rench R epublic . By D orothy P ickles .
N either W ar nor P eace . By H ugh S eton -W atson .
T he B ritish G eneral E lection of 1959. By D. E. B utler and R ichard R ose .
F ive E lections in A frica . Edited by W. J. M. M ackenzie and K enneth R obinson .
E lections in D eveloping C ountries . By T. E. S mith .
T he H undred F lowers . By R oderick M ac F arquhar .
T rade U nions and the L abour P arty . By M artin H arrison .
T rade U nions and the G overnment . By V. L. A llen .
T rade U nions , the E mployer and the S tate . By H enry W elton .
W orkers and T echnical C hange . By O live B anks .
T he P olitics of M ass S ociety . By W illiam K ornhauser .
O ut of A pathy . Editor: E. P. T hompson .
R ace and P olitics . By E dward C legg .
C entral A frican E mergency . By C lyde S anger .
A N ew E arth . By E lspeth H uxley .
K enya : T he T ensions of P rogress . By S usan W ood .
C oloured I mmigrants in B ritain .
C hina Y earbook 1959–1960.
P olitical H andbook of the W orld . Edited by W alter H. M allory .
O xford R egional E conomic A tlas : T he M iddle E ast and A frica .
S tatistical Y ear B ook 1959.
D ocuments on I nternational A ffairs , 1957. Selected and edited by N oble F rankland .
T he U nited N ations . By L eland M. G oodrich .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1957,28(4):405-423
Book reviewed in this article:
T he O pium of the I ntellectuals . By R aymond A ron . Translated by T erence K ilmartin .
W age P olicy and T he H ealth S ervice . By H. A. C legg and T. E. C hester .
N ationality and C itizenship L aws of the C ommonwealth . By C live P arry .
C onstitutional L aws of the C ommonwealth . Vol. I. T he M onarchies . By S ir I vor J ennings .
S ocial P olicies for O ld A ge . By B. E. S henfield .
T he S aint S imonians M ill and C arlyle . A Preface to Modern Thought. By R ichard K. P. P ankhurst .
T he F rench N ation from N apoleon to P étain , 1814–1940. By D. W. B rogan .
As F rance G oes . By D avid S choenbrun .
T rade U nion L eadership . By V. L. A llen .
T he S oviet F ar E ast : A S urvey of I ts P hysical and E conomic G eography . By E rich T hiel . Translated by A nnelie and R alph M. R ookwood .
T urkism A nd T he S oviets . By C harles W arren H ostler .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1948,19(2):171-200
Book reviewed in this article:
T he C ivil S erviceinthe C hanging S tate . By H. R. G. GREAVES.
T he R eform of T he H igher C ivil S ervice . A R eport BY A S pecial C ommittee for the F abian S ociety .
O rganisation and M ethods and its E ffect on the S taffing of G overnment D epartments . F ifth R eport from the S elect C ommittee on E stimates .
T he S teep P laces . By S ir N orman A ngell .
T he ';S truggle for T he W orld . By J ames B urnham .
F oreign P olicy the L abour P arty ' s D ilemma . By L eonard W oolf .
D esign for E urope .
E gypt . an E conomic and S ocial A nalysis . By C harles I ssawi .
T he A wakening of M odern E gypt . By M. R ifaat B ey .
V oting P rocedures in I nternational P olitical O rganizations . By W ellington K oo , jr .
F ederalism and R egionalism in G ermany the D ivision of P russia . By A rnold B recht .
T he H istory of the T imes . T he T wentieth C entury .
L ocal and R egional G overnment . By G. D. H. C ole .
T he F oreign P olicy of S oviet R ussia , 1929–1941. Volume I, 1929.1936. By M ax B eloff .
I ndia C alled T hem . By L ord B everidge .
R ussian Z one . By G ordon S chaffer .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1990,61(2):229-246
Book reviews in this article:
T he F irst W orld W ar : A n A grarian I nterpretation . By A vner O ffer .
G overning E ducation : A S ociology of P olicy S ince 1945. By A ndrew M c P herson and C harles D. R aab .
B ending the R ules —T he B aker 'R eform ' of E ducation . By B rian S imon .
T he E ducation R eform A ct : C ompetition and C ontrol . By L eslie B ash and D avid C oulby .
T he 1988 E ducation A ct —A T actical G uide for S chools . By M artin L eonard .
M anaging F inance in S chools . By T im B lanchard , B ob L ovell and N ick V ille .
S chools and P arents . By J ohn P artington and T ed W ragg .
T he T hatcher E ffect : A D ecade of C hange . Edited by D ennis K avanagh and A nthony S eldon .
A fter T hatcher . By P aul H irst .
A ccounting for P ublic P olicy . By D avid R osenberg .
M anaging C ompetition : M esso-corporatism , P luralism, and the N egotiated O rder in S cotland . By C hris M oore and S imon B ooth .
P olicing the W orld : I nterpol and the P olitics of I nternational P olice C o-operation . By M alcolm A nderson .
A T reatise on S ocial J ustice . Volume 1: T heories of J ustice . By B rian B arry .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1940,11(4):411-412
Books reviewed in this article:
P opulation P olicies and M ovements in E urope . By D . V. G lass .
F ederation and W orld O rder . By D uncan and E lizabeth W ilson .
F ederal U nion . A Symposium. Edited by M. C hanning -P earce . Jonathan Cape .
A federation for western E urope . By W. ivor J ennings .
Fedration and World Order, by Duncan and Elizabeth Wilson.
T he H istory of L ocal G overnment in M anchester . By A rthur R edford , assisted by I na S tafford R ussell .
R ecent R evelations of E uropean D iplomacy . By G. P. G ooch .
T he W ar C risis in B erlin , J uly -A ugust , 1914. By S ir H orace R umbold .
L ife and L etters of the R t . H on . S ir A usten C hamberlain , K.G., P.C., M.P. Vol.II. By S ir C harles P etrie , Bart.
G ustav Stresemann; H is D iaries , L etters , and P apers . Vol. III. Edited and translated by E ric S utton .
T he C auses of the W ar . By A. B erriedale K eith .
M odern T urkey . J ohn P arker , M.P., and C harles S mith .
T urkey at the S traits . J ames T. S hotweix and F rancis D ék .
E vacuation S urvey . By R ichard P adley and M argaret C ole .
F ood P roduction in W estern E urope . P. L amartine Y ates . With a Foreword by Sir William Beveridge.
B ritain's F ood S upplies in P eace and W ar . C harles S mith .
T he J ewish W ar front . By V ladimir J abotinsky .  相似文献   

R ecovery By S ir A rthur S alter , K.C.B.
T he T heory and P ractice of M odern G overnment By H erman F iner , D.Sc.
T he S ocial and E conomic A spects of the D rink P roblem (Gollancz. 5s.)
S tudies in L aw and P olitics By H arold J. L aski
A L ast C hance in K enya By N orman L eys
S ocial P olitics and M odern D emocracies By C harles W. P ipkin
S pecial R eport from the S elect C ommittee on P rocedure on P ublic B usiness
T he S ocial A spects of R ationalisation I nternational L abour O ffice , G eneva  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article.
P arliamentary R eform , 1933–1960: A S urvey of S uggested R eforms .
O rganised G roups in B ritish N ational P olitics . By A llen M. P otter .
P arliamentary S ocialism : A S tudy in the P olitics Of L abour . By R alph M iliband .
K ey P roblems of S ociological T heory . By J ohn R ex .
M emoires of a P ublic S ervant . By L ord S alter .
H anged by the N eck . By A rthur K oestler and C. H. R olph .
H anged in E rror . By L eslie H ale , m . p .
T he C old W ar and its O rigins , 1917–1960. By D. F. F leming .
H istory of the S econd W orld W ar : T he S trotegic A ir O ffensive A gainst G ermany , 1939–1945. By S ir C harles W ebster and N oble F rankland .
F rom the D readnought to S capa F low . V olume I: T he R oad to W ar , 1904–1914. By P rofesser A rthur J. M arder .
T he K enyatta E lection : K enya 1960-61. By G eorge B ennett and C arl R osberg .
S outh A frica in M y T ime . By G. H eaton N ocholls .
A frica and the V ictorians . By R onald R obinson and J ohn G allagher with A lice D enny .
T he Y oshida M emoires : T he S tory of J apan in C risis . By S chigeru Y oshida . Translated by K enichi Y oshida .
A dvertisements for M yself . By N orman M aller .
C harles B ooth , S ocial S cientist . By T. S. S imey and M. B. S imey .
H istory of the S econd W orld W ar : T he W ar at S ea . Volume III, Part II. By C aptain S. W. R oskill .
C ouncil of E urope . S tatistical D ata , 1960.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1979,50(1):119-143
Books Reviewed in this Article:
T he BBC-P ublic I nstitution , P rivate W orld . By T om B urns .
W inter I nto S pring — T he C zechoslovak P ress and The R eform M ovement 1963-68. By F rank L. K aplan .
T ito 'S M averick M edia . By G ertrude J och R obinson .
M edia , P olitics and D emocracy . By B ernard R ubin .
T he P olitics OF I nformation . By A nthony S mith .
T he M edia are A merican . By J eremy T unstall .
N otes of a N on -C onspirator . By E fim E tkind .
G overnment and the M ind . By J oseph T ussman .
P hilosophers of P eace and W ar : K ant , C lausewitz , M arx , E ngels and T olstoy . By W. B. G allie .
T he S ocial and P olitical T hought of L eon T rotsky . By B aruch K nei -P az .
T rotsky . By I rving H owe .
U nofficial D iplomats . Edited by M aureen J. B erman and J oseph E. J ohnson .
T he R ise and F all of T he P eruvian M ilitary R adicals 1968-1976. By G eorge P hilip .
L egislative D rafting : A N ew A pproach . By SIR W illiam D ale , K.C.M.G.
E cotopia : A N ovel A bout E cology , P eople and P olitics in 1999. By E rnest C allenbach .
T he S ane A lternative . S ignposts to A S elf -F ulfilling F uture . By J ames R obertson .
E conomic P ower . By D. A. S immons .
F arewell the T rumpets : A n I mperiai . R etreat . By J ames M orris .
T he R ussia C omplex . By B ill J ones .
T he B ritish M.P. By C olin M ellors .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T he A dministrative S tate . By D wight W aldo .
T he P rinciples of P ublic A dministration . By R ichard W arner .
A dministrative R eflections F rom W orld W ar II. By L uther G ulick
T he P rocess and O rganization of G overnment P lanning . By J ohn D. M illett
M unicipal A dministration . By J. H. W arren
P lain W ords . By S ir E rnest G owers .
P oland O ld and N ew . By W illiam J ohn R ose
T he G overnment of B ritain . By W ilfred H arrison
T he S tate and the C itizen . By J. D. M abbott
T he B ritish C onstitution . By H. R. G. G rraves
P arliamentary R epresentation . By J. F. S. Ross.
O ur H ouse , A n I ntroduction to P arliamentary P rocedure . By
A. C. B ossom , M.P.
T he W orker and the S tate . By S ir F rank T illyard .
T he I nn and the G arden C ity . By E lizabeth and G ilert M c A llister . Batsford .
B ernard S haw T hrough the C amera . S elected and I ntroduced
by F. E. L oewenstein . B. H. White Publications .
P ortrait of the A nti -S emite . By J ean -P aul S artre . T ranslated by E rik de M auny . Secker Warburg.
M y F riend H. J ohn C am H obhouse . By M ichael J oyce . Murray .
A S hort H istory of the B ritish P olice . By C harles r eith .
P lunkitt of T ammany H all . By W illiam L. R iordon . I ntroduction by R oy V. P eel . Knopf  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1983,54(2):196-216
Book reviews in this article:
P roduction , P urpose A nd S tructure : T owards A S ocialist T heory of P roduction . By J eremy B ray .
W ork A nd P olitics : T he D ivision of L abor I n I ndustry . By C harles F. S abel .
L aw A nd O rder : A rguments F or S ocialism . By I an T aylor .
T he U nited S tates , G reat B ritain , and the C old W ar , 1944–1947. By T erry H. A nderson .
B ritain and T he C old W ar 1941–1947. By V ictor R othwell .
T he G lobal 2000 R eport to the P resident : E ntering the T wenty -F irst C entury Study Director G erald O. B arney .
T he U ltimate R esource . By J ulian L. S imon .
L iving with T omorrow : A F actual L ook at A merica's R esources . By R ichard M. S tephenson .
C atastrophe or C ornucopia : the E nvironment , P olitics and the F uture . By S tephen C otgrove .
S eeds of P lenty , S eeds of W ant : S ocial and E conomic I mplications of the G reen R evolution . By A ndrew P earse .
R eal A id : A S trategy F or B ritain . By C harles E lliott et al .
H arold M a C millan . By N igel F isher .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1944,15(2):172-184
Book reviewed in this article:
T he P ekkham E xperiment . By I nnes H. P earse and L ucy H. C rocker .
R ussia T hrough the C enturies . By M. P hilips P rice , M.P.
O ur S oviet A lly . Essays edited by M argaret C ole .
G reat B ritain , F rance and the G erman P roblem , 1918–1939. By W. M. J ordan .
W hy I A m a J ew . By E dmond F leg . Translated by V ictor G ollancz .
T owards H istoric J udaism . By E. B erkovits .
T he J ewish N ational H ome , 1917–1942. Edited by P aul G oodman .
T he J ewish C ontribution to C ivilisation . By C ecil R oth .
A S hort H istory of the J ewish P eople . By C ecil R oth .
W ar -T ime P attern of S aving and S pending . By C harles M adge
A rmies and the A rt of R evolution . By K. C. C horley .
E urope R ises . By D orothy W oodman .
T he T ransition from W ar to P eace . Report of the Delegation on Economic Depressions. Part I.
T he D isplacement of P opulation in E urope . By E ugene M. K ulischer .
T he U nited S tates in the W orld E conomy .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1974,45(4):493-518
Book reviewed in this article
C onservative P olitics I n F rance . By M alcolm A nderson .
M aking I nstitutions W ork . By S ir G eoffrey V ickers .
T he C onsumer and C orporate A ccountability . Edited by R alph N ader .
T he R adical A ttack on B usiness . By C harles P errow .
C ontemporary T hought A nd P olitics . B y E rnest G ellner .
T he P rivate G overnment O f P ublic M oney . B y H ugh H eclo and A aron W ildavsky .
D ivorce L aw R eform IN E ngland . B y B. H. L ee .
M arx A nd M ill : T wo V iews O f S ocial C onflict A nd S ocial H armony . B y G raeme D uncan .
T he I deology O f O rder : A C omparative A nalysis O f B odin A nd H obbes . B y P reston K ing .
W ith G reat T ruth AND R espect . T he M emoirs O f P aul G ore -B ooth .
A gainst T he S tream : C ritical E ssays O n E conomics . B y G unnar M yrdal .
T ransport O rganisation I n A G reat C ity— T he C ase O f L ondon . B y M. E. C ollins and T. M. P haroah . Foreword by P rofessor A. R obson .
T he C onservative P arty 1918–1970. By T. F. L indsay and M ichael H arrington .
T he C onservative P arty . By P eter L ane.
T he O rigins O f T he C ultural R evolution . B y R oderick M acfarquhar . V ol . 1: C ontradictions A mong T he P eople .
T he A byssinian C risis . B y F rank H ardie .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1962,33(2):218-232
Book reviewed in this article:
G rowing . A n A utobiography of the Y ears 1904–1911. By L eonard W oolf .
T he A rt and P ractice of D iplomacy . By S ir C harles W ebster .
T he C hanging P atterns of the M iddle E ast , 1919–1958. By P ierre R ondot . Translated from the French by M ary D ilke . With an introduction by E lizabeth M onroe .
C ontemporary A rab P olitics : A C oncise H istory . By G eorge E. K irk .
T he S oviet E conomy : A n I ntroduction . By A lec N ove .
T he M aking of the P resident . By T heodors W hite .
T he P residential E lection and T ransition , 1960–61. Edited by P aul T. D avid
T he S tory of F abian S ocialism . By M argaret C ole .
I n S earch of C riminology . By L eon R adzinowicz .
T he R econstruction of A merican H istory . Edited by J ohn H igham .
G reater L ondon P apers .
U nited N ations . A nnual R eport of the S ecretary -G eneral on the W ork of the O rganisation  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1973,44(3):383-387
R eflections on the C auses of H uman M isery . By B arrington M oore , J r .
D irect A ction and D emocratic P olitics . Edited by R obert B enewick and T revor S mith .
P hilosophy , P olitics and S ociety . Fourth Series. Edited by P eter L aslett , W. G. R unciman and Q uentin S kinner .
F rench G overnment and S ociety 1500–1850: E ssays in M emory of A lfred C obban , Edited by J. F. B osher .
W orld H andbook of P olitical and S ocial I ndicators . By C harles L ewis T aylor and M ichael C. H udson .
T he M ask of P olitics . By M aurice C ranston .
O xford E ssays in J urisprudence . Second Series. Edited by A. W. B. S impson .
L essons of the S panish R evolution . By V ernon R ichards .
D eschooling S ociety and C elebration of A wareness . Both by I van D. I llich .
T he N ationalized F uel I ndustries . By G. L. R eid , K evin A llen and D. J. H arris .  相似文献   

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