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The Chinese People's Association forFriendship with Foreign Countries(CPAFFC) is a non-governmental organizationfor international exchanges. Its purpose is tomake friends for China and win broad interna-tional sympathy for the Chinese people's revolu-tion and development. Over the past 40 years,envoys of the CPAFFC have travelled all overthe world and come to make many friends in var-  相似文献   

THIS morning in the quiet Fowler's NursingHome in Madison, Connecticut, a nearly 90-year-old woman was given special honour by the1.2 billion Chinese people. Mei Ping, Chinese Con-sul General in New York, came here specially topresent the medal and certificate of "Friendship Am-bassador" to Helen Snow, an old friend of the Chi-nese people, in recognition of her outstanding con-tribution to strengthening friendship between thepeoples of China and the United States. The title of "Friendship Ambassador" is thehighest honour the Chinese People's Association forFriendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) givesto foreign friends. Up till now, it has conferred this  相似文献   

<正>On the eve of Spring Festival, Jan 29, to implement the spirit conveyed in General Secretary Xi Jinping’s reply to families of international friends, Lin Songtian, president of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, visited families of wellknown international friends, including Isabel Crook, widow of David Crook and a PRC Friendship Medal laureate; Nakamura Kyoko, widow of Hans Mueller; and Zhou Youma, son of Dr. Shafick George Hatem.  相似文献   

(Amended and Adopted by the Ninth National Council Meeting on May 18, 2007)Chapter One General Principles Article 1 The Association is a national people's organization of the People's Republic of China known as the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, and abbreviated as CPAFFC. Article 2 As an institute of people-to-people diplomacy, on behalf of the Chinese people, the Association makes friends extensively and makes close friends on the international arena and works to win broad international sympathy for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and to provide a consolidated social basis for the establishment of good state relations between China and all other countries. Article 3 To enhance people's friendship, further international cooperation, safeguard world peace and promote common development are purposes which the Association pursues indefatigably in its work.  相似文献   

When my friends from the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, the CPAFFC, asked me to write in their jubilium magazine, for the fiftieth anniversary of the Association, I felt very much honoured indeed. Because in the deepest feeling of my heart, I always consider the Chinese people, and China, as the true friends, as lao peng you (old friends), of  相似文献   

I have been reading China Today for the past few years and find it very interesting for its extensive coverage of all that is new in China. I'm a student of modern Chinese history. In keeping with your idea of using China Today as a platform for making friends, I would like to give you the following basic details. I am a Sri Lankan doctor who knows a little Chinese (putonghua) and I would like to communicate with Chinese friends who can help me improve my Chinese and help me understand more of the long road China has traveled in  相似文献   

May 3rd this year ushered in the 50th birthday of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC). As I am honored today to attend this grand commemorative meeting, my heart is filled with joy and gratitude. Being an old friend of the Chinese people, I have the pleasure, on behalf of the friendship-with-China organizations of various countries, to express the warmest congratulations to the esteemed Association and dear Chinese friends.  相似文献   

"Tracking Down the Traces of Gods-Journey to Greece", a collection of poems written by ChenHaosu, vice-president of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries(CPAFFC), was published in Athens in December 1995, when he led a CPAFFC delegation to Greece toattend the Third Europe-China International Conference. This collection of his poems in Chinese waswritten two years ago when he paid his first visit to Greece in September 1993, then translated intoGreek by a friend of his, and polished and edited by Mr.Thiyado Patrikarias, well-known Greek poet.The Greek friends think highly of this Chinese-Greek bilingual collection of poems. Mr Patrikariassaid, "This collection of poems reflects the thrill the poet experiences when his soul touches Greece(both ancient and modern Greece), and it vibrates in each of his poems. This shows that Greece hasfound an understanding friend from China, a great country with a longstanding history and culturaltradition." With the consent of the author,  相似文献   

Six Poems     
Helen Snow passed away on January 11, 1997To commemorate this old friend of the Chinesepeople, we publish six of her poems and the intro-duction to these poems by Chinese poet Zhu Ziqi.These poems and the following article were firstpublished in the magazine Poem inJanurary,1993. From Lu Cui's letter,Helen cameto know that her poems were published and shehappily wrote to Lu Cui and Zhu Ziqi, express-ing her thanks to them. She said that this was thefirst time that her poems were translated into Chi-nese and published in a Chinese magazine, andthis was also the first time that she got remunera-tion for her poems in China. With the remunera-tion Lu Cui bought two silk blouses for her andasked a friend to bring them to her.  相似文献   

Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades and Friends,Today, we are joyously gathered together to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC). On behalf of the Chinese government and the Chinese people, I would like to express warm congratulations to this meeting and extend cordial greetings to comrades of the CPAFFC and all other comrades engaged in people-to-people diplomacy. I also express hearty welcome to the international friends present at the meeting and convey sincere thanks to the friends of various countries who care for and support China's modernization drive.  相似文献   

The friends of China in India and in many countries of the world must feel happy to learn that the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries will be observing its 40th anniversary in May, 1994. During the course of these four decades, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries has carried the message of mutual friendship between China and other  相似文献   

Friends of the Chinese People, a series ofbooks catering to the needs of the youth and chil-dren by telling of the life and deeds of renownedforeign friends of China, have been published re-cently. A meeting jointly sponsored by the Chi-nese People's Association for Friendship withForeign Countries (CPAFFC) and the Hebei Chil-dren's Publishing House was held in the spacioushall of No. 6 Building at the Diaoyutai State Guest-  相似文献   

Avisit by a Philippines delegation to major Chinese cities last October provided an opportunity for some longstanding friends of China, some preceding the establishment of diplomatic relations,to see and appreciate the great changes the country has undergone in recent decades. They were greatly impressed and full of praise for the many obvious achievements.  相似文献   

Helen Foster Snow, anAmerican friend, passedaway in the United States inJanuary, 1997. To cherish thememory of her contribution topublicity of the Chinese revolu-tion and construction and Sino-US friendship, the Chinese Peo-ple's Association for Friendshipwith Foreign Countries(CPAFFC) and China Society forPeople's Friendship Study(CSPFS) held a meeting in theGreat Hall of the People on Oc-tober 14, 1997. Attended the  相似文献   

WESTERNERS whocame to Chinabetween the1950s and 1970smay have one experience incommon; that they arousedgreat curiosity among localpeople, who would surroundthem and subject them tointense scrutiny whereverthey went. Helen FosterSnow described in her Returnto China her visit in 1972,when for about a month, shewas the only Western womanstaying at her hotel. Due tothe rarity of foreigners inChina during the Cold Warperiod, whenever oneappeared, the Chinese wouldstop and stare at these big…  相似文献   

With a growing number of lonely hearts looking online for the perfect mate,China's dating websites are trying to figure out how to turn a profit After her last relationship ended, Beijing resident Liang Yu, 27, didn't want to follow the traditional Chinese path of searching for a prospective husband through introductions from family and friends. "I need special feelings in a relationship." she explained as her reason for refus-  相似文献   

In performing its duties, the Chinese Government has always followed the principle of "governing the country in the interest of the people," and attached importance to respect for and protection of human rights to which the Chinese people are entitled. Social and economic conditions for protecting human rights have kept improving over the past two decades, in step with the constant growth of the national strength under the state policy of reform and opening up to the outside world. Moreover, the 15th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party established "rule of law" as the fundamental principle for governance of the country and called for a judicial reform to better protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Chinese people. Judicial organs across the country have yielded positive results in implementing the principle and the reform.  相似文献   

Ladies and gentlemen,comrades and friends: The New Year's bell is about to ring.and 2010 is SOOn to begin.At this beautiful moment of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new,and via China Radio International,China National Radio and China Central Television,I'm delighted to extend New Year wishes to Chinese of all ethnic groups,to compatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan,to overseas Chinese and to friends all over the world!  相似文献   

杨盈龙  NI Weisi 《人权》2023,(1):212-226
On November 8, 2022, the symposium on “Deeply Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and Adhering to the Chinese Path of Human Rights Development” was held by the China Society for Human Rights Studies in Beijing. Focusing on “the leadership of the CPC and human rights development”, “adapting Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs of our times and human rights theories in contemporary China”, “the Chinese path to modernization and the new form of ...  相似文献   

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