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A Smart City     
A new area built from scratch—unlike the packed skylines of other metropolises in that a height restriction limits the stature of its buildings. Seventy percent of this embryonic settlement will be covered by vegetation and water, and people, no matter where in the city, will be within just a few minutes walk of the nearest park. Leading universities, hospitals, corporate headquarters, financial entities and public institutions currently located in Beijing will all set up branches here in the coming years.China's Internet giants Alibaba and Baidu have both announced plans to open offices, making it another center for the research of cutting-edge technologies in the country.  相似文献   

IN 1955, 22-year-old Wang Yanming left his hometown in Hebei Province for Karamay in China’s far west. As an oil worker,  相似文献   

Cangzhou Bohai New Area(CBNA)aspires to be an economic powerhouse of north China's Hebei Province.Located along the southwest coast of the Bohai Sea and in the center of the Bohai Economic Rim,the CBNA can be found just south of Tianjin and Beijing and north of Shandong Province.  相似文献   

THE recent trip abroad by Chi- na's leading couple, President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan, attracted global media attention. There are many aspects to write about, but perhaps most inter- esting from an economic point of view is the positive impact of China's new first lady on China as both a global and domestic brand. In Europe,  相似文献   

<正>On April 1,China announced a plan to set up the Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province,some 100 km southwest of downtown Beijing.The new area,covering three counties—Xiongxian,Anxin and Rongcheng—will take in industries and functions deemed non-essential to the capital.A Xinhua News Agency report hailed the decision as a major historic and strategic  相似文献   

Xiongan New Area, established on April 1, 2017, is an economic zone about 100 km southwest of Beijing. It is the third new area of national significance after the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and the Shanghai Pudong New Area.  相似文献   

LINQING in northwestern Shandong Province is a city born of the Grand Canal, to which it owes its initial development, prosperity and fame. The view from the group of ancient buildings at Aotouji, a landmark of Linqing, brings to mind the town's past glory.  相似文献   

王伟 《中国发展》2008,8(4):27-32
天津滨海新区要建成生态城区,其开发开放离不开生态环境的保护与恢复。该文着眼于滨海新区开发开放中生态环境保护,基于该区生态环境现状,在分析天津市十一五环境规划相关内容的基础上,从生态哲学、环境立法角度对滨海新区的生态环境保护与建设进行了理论探索。  相似文献   

ON April 12, 2002, at the Yuda World Trade Building, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, a signing ceremony for the first group of developers to enter Zhengdong New District was in progress. Government officials announced, "In the years to come, Zhengdong New District will be a government focus.  相似文献   

现代都市的形成和发达已构成了当下中国文化研究发展与繁荣的一个条件。然而我们却忽视了中国都市现代化转型的不平衡性(横向来看)和不彻底性(纵向来看),加之域外文化研究理论在中国文化研究起步伊始遮罩太强,使得我们的都市文化研究忽视了与之相对举的乡野文化,进而导致了将中国都市文化研究等同于西方都市文化研究的研究格局,而这又恰恰限制了“本土”文化研究理论的创新。  相似文献   

中国需要一次新的农业革命   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“三农”问题是中国革命和建设的根本问题,“三农”问题也是中国国民经济发展战略格局中的关键所在。“三农”问题是中国突出的“西部”问题。小农生产方式是中国“三农”落后的根源。中国“三农”问题的根本出路在于改变小农生产方式。中国需要一次新的农业革命——创立现代的农业生产方式。“汉南模式”是实现农业生产方式变革的成功尝试。  相似文献   

NOORTHWESTChinaincludesShaanxi,QinghaiandGansuprovincesandNingxiaHuiandYinjianUygurautonomousregionsandcoversonethirdofChina.Itisfarfromthecoast,thetransportationsystemisoutdated,rainfallisscant,theclimateisadverse,anddevelopmenthasbeenslowerthaninotherpartsinthecountry.Thus,tosay"NorthwestChina"hasoftenbeentantamounttosaying"underdeveloped."Hasthesituationchangedatall?InthisissuewePublishaseriesofarticlesunderthebanner"Ningxia:Challenge,DreamandAccomplishment."InoneHusseinIsmail,a…  相似文献   

SART(Saertu)is a core dis-trict of northern DaqingHeilongjiang Province'sgiant oil city,one hour'sdrive from Harbin along  相似文献   

中国的具体国情决定了各政党的政治取向,而民主党派从产生之日起,就注定成为专制独裁的对立物.在国共两党的激烈斗争中,民主党派理所当然地选择了中国共产党,并与之结成风雨同舟、战斗与共的关系.解放战争后期,在国民党反动派的残酷镇压和中共的帮助教育下,民主党派毅然抛弃欧美式资产阶级共和国的建国方案,接受新民主主义革命路线,实现了历史性转折.历史赋予中国共产党与民主党派合作建国的庄严使命.中国共产党成功开辟了多党合作的建国之路.  相似文献   

民意导向型警务是第五次警务革命中的一股"春风";"警务广场"战略符合世界警务发展的大趋势;"警务广场"战略解决了中国警务改革的瓶颈问题。  相似文献   

中国经济转型与民族地区经济发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转型经济学不只是指出转型的方向,更要分析转型的成本,寻求最低成本最小摩擦的转型,即在发展、和谐、合作中实现转型.中国正处于一个从计划经济到市场经济、初级市场经济到现代市场经济的转型关键期;目前改革领域正深入到政治、文化、教育等领域;改革的阻力进一步增强.中国少数民族地区经济发展及经济转型有其特殊性和复杂性.应该加强对宗教信仰的管理和引导,大力选拔和培养民族干部,大力发展非国有经济.  相似文献   

<正>The International Olympic Committee(IOC)will vote for the hosting city of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia,on July 31.The choice comes down to either Beijing or Almaty,Kazakhstan.More and more people are now participating in winter sports,while skiing and skating techniques are developing fast in China.In its joint bid together with Zhangjiakou,a city in neighboring Hebei Province,for the right to host the 2022Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics,  相似文献   

The 1998 Asian financial crisis made China a financial giant in Asia, whereas the 2008 global financial crisis made China a financial giant in the world. This comment by C. H. Kwan, a senior fellow with the Nomura Institute of Capital Market Research, reflects the rise of China’s international status. China maintained high growth in a difficult economic environ- ment, which exceeded the expectations of the  相似文献   

THE 1980s saw the rise of Shen-zhen Special Economic Zone, followed in the 1990s by Pudong in Shanghai. And by the 21st century, China had witnessed the astounding development of Tianjin Binhai New Area(Tianjin New Coastal District). In only five years, the area’s total economic output skyrocketed from RMB 200 billion to  相似文献   

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