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交通运输是国民经济中基础性、先导性、战略性产业和重要的服务性行业,是可持续发展的重要支撑。新中国成立以来特别是改革开放以来,在中国共产党领导下,中国的交通运输秉持与经济社会协调发展、与自然生态和谐共生的理念,以建设人民满意交通为B标,自立自强,艰苦奋斗,取得了举世瞩目的发展成就,从根本上改变了基础薄弱、整体落后的面貌,为经济社会发展提供了有力保障,走出了一条中国特色交通发展之路。  相似文献   

Market Watch     
Moderate Prospects Investment and consumption have been the biggest motors of the economy,both surging in the first four months this year.Exports also regained some lost ground,soaring 30.5 percent in April from a year ago.  相似文献   

Now that the global recovery has taken hold and with the Chinese economy gaining ground,China's central bank-the People's Bank of China-has decided to proceed with reform of the renminbi(yuan)exchange rate regime and improve the flexibility.The central bank's spokesman on June 20 addressed a number of concerns over the issue in a statement posted on its website.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

蒋奇勇  孙东平 《桂海论丛》2010,26(6):101-104
低碳经济以其独特优势和巨大市场已逐步成为世界经济发展的趋势,广西作为中国对外开放与区域经济合作的新一极,正以崭新的姿态与积极的步伐迎接低碳时代的到来。广西地方政府在发展低碳经济中应做好战略规划,建立政策法规体系、企业监督体系、战略同盟体系、科技支持体系,发展高新低碳技术产业、低碳文化和教育事业,构建广西地方政府发展低碳经济的责任体系。  相似文献   

WTO规则对中国民用航空产业特别是我国民用飞机产业的发展有着巨大的影响和积极意义。从目前来看,中国的法律体系尚不完善,现行的民航法规和规章,要么在一些方面规定阙如,要么不符合WTO规则的要求,法治观念还没有完全树立起来。在这种法制环境下,中国民机产业必须规避入世风险,其核心问题是处理好政府的行政管理行为与民机产业法制之间的关系。对此,中国民机产业要建立健全法律法规制度,才能使我国作为WTO成员按照WTO规则和国际惯例保障和促进民机产业的发展。同时,通过典型国家民机产业发展立法的经验借鉴,也能为我国民机产业发展立法提供有益的启示,从而加速我国民机产业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

发展民族特色产业是一项具有全局性的举措,其实施的效果直接决定着民族地区经济的发展和中国经济的发展。而如何根据民族地区产业的发展现状选择合适的发展路径已成为当前亟待解决的问题。研究民族地区特色产业发展现状、民族地区拥有的资源条件、政策条件及一些制约产业发展的因素,其目的是提出并探究发展民族特色产业的路径:一是根据产业生命周期特点来发展特色产业:二是利用企业孵化器来发展民族产业。  相似文献   

郁鸿胜 《中国发展》2012,12(3):16-18
转型发展已经成为新世纪头十年中国经济最为关注的重要议题。今年全国“两会”期间的政府工作报告,第一次将GDP增长主动调整到8%以下,为中国的转型发展提供了一个高质量的增长空间。该文提出了上海在转型发展过程中要处理好的五个重大关系,包括目标与目的的关系、功能与效能的关系、结构与同构的关系、产业与就业的关系、资源与财源的关系。  相似文献   

Guoping Li 《当代中国》2016,25(99):422-437
The paradox that the performance of China’s stock market has not matched the performance of China’s real economy has been puzzling. This article argues that one of the major causes of the poor performance of China’s stock markets is that ever since their establishment, China’s stock markets have been systematically politicized by the ruling party to promote its political agenda. The mantra of ‘socialism’ of the ruling party has turned the stock markets into a mere fund-raising vehicle largely for failing state-owned enterprises, with investors’ interests being only a secondary consideration. The regulation of stock markets is subject to the principle of maintaining one-party ruling. Such a systematic politicization of stock markets has caused some serious consequences for China’s stock markets and economic growth.  相似文献   

张德琴 《中国发展》2012,12(4):39-45
注意力经济是新经济发展的主要驱动力,它与公共关系产业的发展关系非常密切.该文阐述了目前中国公共关系产业非常落后的现状,指出加强对公共关系进行产业经济学方面的研究,吸收国外公共关系产业发展过程中的一些先进经验,对于中国公共关系产业的健康发展乃至整个中国经济的发展都有着十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

Liu Kang 《当代中国》2015,24(93):398-420
Its newly acquired status as the world's second largest economy has entitled China to a more prominent role in global affairs, and increasingly, its behavior has drawn scrutiny from the world in ways that the country is ill-prepared for. The attention to China's rise, however, focuses not only on its economy but also on other aspects, including its military, diplomatic moves, domestic politics and its ‘soft power’, namely, its own image or self-projection and the world's perception or attitudes toward China. And yet, there has been no systematic investigation to evaluate how the world views a rising China. In this article, the authors applied the latest dataset from the Asian Barometer Survey to investigate whether East Asians recognize and welcome the rise of China. The findings suggest that geographical and cultural proximity have a great impact on people's perception of China. Countries which are territorially adjacent or culturally close to China tend to regard China as the most influential country in Asia. With the exception of Japan and Mongolia, most Asian countries hold positive views about the impact of China on the region. However, such benign evaluations are weaker in countries which have potential security conflicts with China, such as Taiwan and South Korea, when only the bilateral impact is considered. The overall picture shows that the rise of China has been largely recognized and welcomed by East Asians, despite some apprehension about China's strategic intentions to its neighboring countries.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,台湾服务业增长缓慢,开始凸显劳动生产力不高、国际竞争力弱等问题,导致对总体经济成长和社会就业的贡献度偏低,严重制约着台湾经济的转型升级。究其根源,除服务业自身结构性因素外,主要受市场空间狭小和研发投入不足等影响。在台湾当局政策导向下,未来台湾服务业将进一步推进国际化、深化与大陆服务业合作,同时着力“服务业科技化”和“异业合作”以提高发展质量。  相似文献   

China’s manufacturing industry continues to lose momentum, as reflected by a falling PMI.The third-party payment sector’s transactions have grown rapidly as a result of an e-commerce boom.Foreign companies make in- roads into China’s restaurant industry by acquiring local competitors.The Ministry of Railways is burdened with a load of debt due to a building spree of high-speed railways.The Internet portal Sohu.com has generated juicy profits.  相似文献   

For two straight quarters, China has replaced Japan as the world’s second largest economy, but experts believe the Chinese economy is not without its flaws. The country remains a favorite destination for foreign investors as FDI pours in. China remains the largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury securities. The auto market continues to burst with vitality as vehicle sales pick up across the nation. Chinese steelmakers are facing some serious headwinds as costs rise eats into their profits. PC giant Lenovo fares well, with quarterly profits soaring.  相似文献   

In August 2010, Nanchang was chosen as one of China’s eight pilot cities for low-carbon development. Today, Nanchang Municipal Government has adopted the development of eco-agriculture as one of its core missions. Environment-friendly planting methods are not only helping build Nanchang into a model city for China’s green drive, but also adding impetus to the local tourism industry.  相似文献   

Inflation continues to stretch policymakers’ nerves as consumer prices continue running high. Import growth has outpaced export,a reflection of China’s trade rebalancing.Consumption and investments are holding up, putting a solid floor under the slowing economy.Woes of the U.S. economy have sent a shiver throughout the globe, including China’s stock markets. The gloomy auto market has shown signs of recovery.  相似文献   

杨英杰 《长白学刊》2021,(2):92-100
改革开放40余年,中国经济总体规模和发展质量有了大幅度提升,为应对新冠肺炎疫情和国际经济环境的急剧变化打下了坚实的基础.“双循环”新发展格局形成的历史逻辑清晰地表明中国经济发展的结构和质量均已达到了一个新的历史阶段;其理论逻辑则基于李嘉图比较优势理论,对我国要素禀赋及由此衍生的制度和文化需求提出了更高的要求;其实践逻辑...  相似文献   

空间碎片现在已经成为外太空的主要污染源,各国航天事业需要共同攻破的课题。鉴于空间事故的屡次发生,对于空间碎片的探讨已提上日程。通过对中国参加的相关国际条约和中国国内空间的立法研究,发现国际条约中并没有具体的界定空间碎片的概念,更没有具体的条款来规范空间碎片,而国内关于空间的立法里亦没有提及到空间碎片。为了更好的发展我国航天事业,应该进一步完善我国国内空间立法,使航天事业的发展有法可依,有法可循。  相似文献   

孔令锋 《中国发展》2010,10(2):12-17
家电以旧换新政策具有经济与环保的双重效应,其政策实施方案是促进经济复苏举措中有利于中国循环经济发展的典型代表,应从推进家电产业发展循环经济的高度,在生产者环保责任、行业规划与支持政策、信息管理、环保法规宣传与执行等方面做出进一步努力。  相似文献   

Without a doubt,the Chinese economy has sailed safely through the global economic downturn,while the developed world struggles to restart its growth engine.China's economic momentum remained strong in the first half of this year,though the growth rate is heading south in the second quarter.So what risks lie ahead? How is the country's economic rebalancing progressing?  相似文献   

李云燕  张彪 《中国发展》2013,13(2):18-22
钢铁、煤炭、有色金属等行业是中国的重点行业和支柱产业,是经济增长的重要动力,但是目前存在的问题也较多。该文以钢铁行业为例,提出产能过剩、产业集中度低、产业布局不合理已严重影响行业的可持续发展。这些行业能源消耗巨大,经济效益较好,对循环经济的示范效应明显。因此,开展循环经济已成为未来发展的趋势。该文建议必须完善重点行业的产业组织政策、结构政策、布局政策和技术政策,推动行业的循环经济发展。  相似文献   

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