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Former US President Jimmy Carter is well known in China;it was during his presidency that China and the U.S.formally established diplomatic relations.After leaving office,he continued his efforts to promote development of Sino-US relations,traveling frequently between the two countries.In recent years,he has made annual visits and the most  相似文献   

With a government-imposed ceiling on thermal coal prices lifted,China must nowensurea stable output of electricity China will no longer limit the cost of coal for power stations amid a situation of stable prices and supply, leaving some worried that the country’s electricity output could come under threat if coal prices soar.  相似文献   

Today the US-led NATO wantonly dropped three missiles from different angleson the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Federal Republic of Yugo-slavia, leaving the embassy building devastated, three people killed, one missingand more than 20 injured. This brutal act is a gross violation of Chinese sovereignty  相似文献   

PAy ING TRIBUTE TO GUAN GONG Taiwanese burn incense and bow to Guan Gong’s sculpture, currently touring the island after leaving its base in north China’s Shanxi Province,  相似文献   

The year 2001 was one of great historical significance for China in its reform and opening up. China was admitted to the WTO; it successfully hosted APEC leaders summit; and it won the bid for hosting the 2008 Summer Olympics. The human rights conditions developed side by side with the development of the whole society, leaving us a deep impression. We have collected a group of articles, which review, from different angles, the changes in the development of human rights in the country.  相似文献   

Zhao Quanzhen is leaving India,and with it a career that he now questions.After working in the country for more than seven years,Manager of Air China's India Office,worries about the profit outlook of his past station despite more and more new routes being added between China and India. Since Zhao was sent to Mumbai for the opening of a new flight route linking China and India in 2004,the number of routes operated by Air China between the two countries has quickly increased.There are now more than 20 flights a week.  相似文献   

More than 60 overseas media have sent journalists to Urumqi,capital of northwest China's Xinjiang region, after a riot broke out in the city Sunday, leaving 156 people dead and 1,080 others injured.  相似文献   

Schools across China are promoting the Olympics in the hope of leaving a lasting cultural legacy The walls of the classroom were deco- rated with Olympics-themed paper- cuttings and paintings with a sporting theme,while a projector showed photos of sports competitions and students answering questions on Olympic values.This was a class focusing on the Olympic Games at the High School affiliated to the Central Institute of Arts and Crafts and an example of how profound an effect the Olympic Games has had on .China.  相似文献   

Yunnan Povince usually boasts one of the most abundant sources of water across China-ranking third among provinces nationwide.The origin of the Pearl River,which runs through the most vibrant economic center in south China,has recently seen its source of water cut off,leaving behind parched land and dead crops.  相似文献   

TODAY is the 50th birth-day of China Today, and itwould be a great joy tohave Hussein, ourEgyptian consultant, here to cel-ebrate it with us. It is a great pitythat he has gone home, to hiscountry by the Nile, leaving uswith a store of excellent articles,…  相似文献   

正July 11 marks the 17 th Maritime Day of China. On this very day some 600 years ago,Zheng He,a great navigator from the Ming Dynasty(1368-1644),kicked off his first voyage into the vast open waters. In total,Zheng undertook seven expeditions on behalf of the Chinese emperor sailing across the South China Sea,Indian Ocean,Arabian Sea,Red Sea,and along the east coast of Africa,leaving behind a wide range of cultural,religious and economic heritage.  相似文献   

The news of China's meteoric increase in trade surplus for the first two months of 2007 took even Chinese trade officials by surprise. Traditionally the country's trade surplus only peaks in the second half of the year, along with the rising demand of the international market. The Chinese Customs Administration has disclosed the nation's trade statistics for January and February, which show exports rose to $168.71 billion and imports $129.1 billion in February, up 51.7 percent and 13.1 percent respectively, leaving a trade surplus of $23.757 billion, growing almost tenfold from the same period in 2006.  相似文献   

正Visa hassles and other red tape hamper Chinese investment in India Zhao Quanzhen is leaving India,and with it a career that he now questions.After working in the country for more than seven years,Manager of Air China's India Office,worries about the profit outlook of his past station despite more and more new routes being added between China and India.Since Zhao was sent to Mumbai for the opening of a new flight route linking China  相似文献   

IN the past few years, Beijing's spring season has brought sand storms. In 2000 alone, 8 storms hit northern China. Gray skies meant limited visibility and because the air was so dusty, women wore gauze scarves when they went out. Most people avoided leaving their homes. In the spring of 2003, Beijing had no sand storms, the number of sunny  相似文献   

The Big Three     
Hyundai, LG Electronics and Samsung lead South Korean investment in China When China adopted policies in the late 1970s to open the coun-  相似文献   

BORN in July, 1979,Mo Huilan joinedthe GuangxiGymnastic Team in1988 and the ChinaNational GymnasticTeam in 1990. She won five goldmedals at the Asian Games in 1994,became the balance beam championof the World GymnasticsChampionship in 1995, and went tostudy at College of Journalism underthe People's University of China in1998.Freshman Living in theGraduate Student Building After leaving the ChinaPeople like her because of her glorious pastand sweet smile.National Gymnastic Team, M…  相似文献   

In late February, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) published its annual statisti- cal bulletin, showing that China’s gross domestic product (GDP) registered an increase of 7.8 percent in 2012, reaching 51.93 trillion yuan ($8.33 trillion). With the Chinese population expanding to 1.3 billion, NBS figures show that the country’s per-capita GDP reached $6,100 last year, leaving  相似文献   

<正>Inflation Eases China’s consumer infl ation eased sharply in February after price distortions created by the festival season faded,leaving the central bank with leeway on interest rate policy.The consumer price index(CPI),a main gauge of infl ation,advanced0.8 percent year on year in February,the National Bureau of Statistics(NBS)said on March 9.  相似文献   

<正>China maintains a steady diplomatic strategy amid global turbulence "For both the world and China,the outgoing 2022 is critical in bridging the past and the future,"Wang Yi,State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs,said at the Symposium on the International Situation and China’s Foreign Relations via video link on December 25,2022.  相似文献   

The Way Forward     
As two major countries in the world, China and the U.S. must work together to combat global challenges. At a three-day webinar on China-U.S. relations hosted by the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation and the China Center for International Economic Exchanges from January 26 to 28, the participants examined the main issues in the relationship and the key areas the two should focus on.  相似文献   

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