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Abstract: This paper starts from an argument, developed by Jean Martin in 1978, which links recent ethnic differentiation of the activities and structures of our major institutions with an underlying social redefinition of migrants. It then extends Martin's analysis in the particular context of the service activities of one of the major line departments of Australian government — the Department of Social Security. It is argued that the accommodation of ethnic considerations within the daily activities of administration has occurred largely through the concept of "access to services". Using this concept, administrators have been able acceptably to define the problem of ethnic disadvantage and to develop programs which approach its solution. The formula has been applied to Aboriginal as well as migrant disadvantage and reasons for the similarity of approach are considered briefly. A range of recent initiatives which make reference to the migrant and Aboriginal clienteles of government are considered — in particular, DSS services, namely language services, migrant and Aboriginal public contact staffing, information services and advocacy/agency programs. All of these are seen within administration, as approaches to the "access" problem. The final section comments on the general characteristics of this "access" formula and on its success in both accommodating ethnic claims of disadvantage and reinforcing administrative commitments to universalism.  相似文献   

Abstract: There is relatively little published research which assesses the public's attitudes toward public servants and public servants' attitudes toward themselves. In this study a 36 item semantic differential scale was designed and administered to 182 graduate clerks in the Australian Public Service late in 1974. A factor analysis of the responses gave nine independent dimensions of attitudes toward public servants, namely Orientation Toward Change; Trust and Reliability; Intellectual Orientation; Cooperativeness; Power and Strength; Interpersonal Relations; Stability; Decisiveness; and Work Orientation. The graduate clerks, when evaluating Australian public servants in relation to these dimensions, saw them as resistant to change, rule-bound, dull, indecisive, and lacking in the work ethic, although trustworthy, educated, helpful, friendly and secure. Are these perceptions accurate? Quite probably the images are a reasonable representation of what they have experienced in their first year's employment. In answer to the question are the attitudes of graduate clerks reflected in their behaviour, it could be pointed out that their attrition rate is quite high and over 40 per cent indicated dissatisfaction with their jobs. Perhaps, though, the graduate clerks expected too much of the public service at that time, and the portrait of the public service was not as negative as many critics would have expected.  相似文献   

In a recent intervention within the debate about the managerialist reconstitution of Australian public bureaucracies, the Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Finance, Michael Keating (1989, p.124), sums up what he calls the raison dêtre of the reforms "as changing the focus more to 'management for results'". He proposes that the aim in this has been "to focus management attention on the purposes of programs and the cost-effective achievement of outcomes rather than simply on inputs and processes".  相似文献   

Abstract: Direct employment on public works (or day labour) was a powerful symbol of the possibilities for reform within capitalism in the early years of this century. It promised not only more work at times of high unemployment, but better conditions of employment. Further, there was the possibility of labourers, through their unions, having much greater control of their working lives. The major political battles were over whether governments should use day labour or contract. But, for the labourers themselves, the question of the nature of the administration of day labour became an increasingly important one. A sympathetic administration, such as that under E.W. O'Sullivan, not only meant great practical benefits for labourers; it served also as an example of what was possible through developing an alternative model of dealing with capitalist crises. However, in the case where a Labor government was unwilling to challenge the weight of traditional bourgeois economic thinking, day labour lost any pretence of being either model employment or a symbol for the future. In 1910–16, when labourers already had raised expectations of what day labour promised, such administration meant a growing alienation of labourers and their unions from the Holman Government and from Labor's parliamentary road in general.  相似文献   

Abstract: Politicians need information. In recent years the practice of public servants briefing party committees has been expanded to help fill that need. In part this was due to the increased influence of caucus committees under the Labor government, but the practice has continued. Public servants provide information and explanations of policy to government and opposition members, although in the latter case public servants have to tread carefully. In December 1976 the Prime Minister tabled guidelines to govern these briefings. This innovation has implications for the doctrines of public service neutrality, for ministerial responsibility and for the capacity of the opposition to develop workable policy. Despite the potential problems that may arise, it is a practice that, if used effectively, can only assist in the improvement of political debate.  相似文献   

At present the Australian Public Service employs about 14,000 university graduates, one quarter of whom have majored in economics, usually in an economics, commerce, arts (economics) or science (economics) degree. As can be seen from Table 1, this proportion of economics degrees to total degrees has remained fairly constant over the last decade. It is a reflection of the great emphasis placed on the recruitment of graduates in economics to the APS since the war, and especially since 1960.  相似文献   

Abstract: Politics matters in policy. In particular, the way in which a society organises its structures for bargaining affects the extent to which it is able to solve the general problem of "externalities" resulting from private choice. Two "ideal type" societies, the corporatist and the pluralist, are contrasted. It is suggested that the apparently superior economic performance of corporatist societies may be due to the fact that they have more efficient means of making collective choices than do pluralist societies. It is argued that, as a society which is best described as fragmented rather than pluralist or corporatist, Australia may be missing out on the advantages offered by well-structured bargaining. In particular, it may be possible significantly to improve decision-making practices by means of an Accord between business and government which promotes policy-related trade-offs within an agreed general framework.  相似文献   

No doubt my colleagues in this venture will attest to the wide range of contributions which Robert Parker and Dick Spann have made to the field of public administration. I have benefited greatly from these contributions, as well as from discussions with both, in particular from those with Dick Spann during my period in the Department of Government and Public Administration at the University of Sydney. However, the breadth of their coverage has not been without some cost to the field, and in this paper I want to examine their influence on the area which I know best, that of local government.  相似文献   

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