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Mr.President,Dear Colleagucs,China is a member of the big family of the United Nations,and China's development and changes have attracted worldwide attention.Ⅰ wish to take this opportunity to share with you my observations on how one should get to know the real China.  相似文献   

棕榈科植物普遍生长于热带地区,远古时代的人类成功将其驯化,并使之成为农业生产中的主粮作物,但之后却经历了一段由盛转衰的式微历程,最终被相关民族文化定位为救荒食物而退出了利用范围。通过对民族学、历史学和考古学中外文献资料的考察,从大尺度空间范围和长时段历时过程的研究视角,对棕榈类作物式微的历史过程以及其间的动因机制进行全面的剖析,借此为当下传统农业文化遗产的发掘利用和粮食安全的维护提供理论依据。  相似文献   

正Not too long ago, the idea of migrating from Europe to China for work would have seemed remote or even bizarre. Today, it seems a trend on the rise among Westerners unable to find jobs in recession-ridden home countries. A few weeks ago, I became one of the many young Europeans moving to Beijing to try to seize professional opportunities unimaginable back home.  相似文献   

WEreceived553lettersofresponsestothecontestbytheendoflastDecemberalongwithreaders'congratulationsforthemagazine.Manymorelettershavebeenarrivingevenafterourdeadlineforthecompetition.Theletterscamefromover50countriesandregions,andmostoftheanswersheetsalsoattachedlettersexpressingreaders'bestwishesforourmagazine.EditorsatChinaTodayaredeeplymovedbyourreaders'responsesandwishtoexpressoursinceregratitudefortheirparticipation.Manyofourreadershadclearlydonesomepreparationinordertoparticipateinourcon…  相似文献   

<正>Jorge Hidalgo has worked as a lecturer,diplomat and businessman throughouthis career For Jorge Hidalgo,China has become his second home and a place where he has made his way through the worlds of diplomacy,business and academia to strengthen the country’s ties with his native Ecuador.Destiny It has been two decades since Hidalgo first set foot on Chinese soil.I think it was destiny,he said.It all started thanks to a scholarship from the Andean University,where he had obtained his mast...  相似文献   

"法治中国"的正式提出使得我国法治改革不再停留在国家和政府层面,而拓展到社会之中,提倡建设"法治社会"。"法治社会"建设将法治改革落位到社会层面,使得社会个体获得应有的尊重,这是一种法治的回归。单靠自上而下的模式已经难以实现法治中国,因此需要借助一种批判竞争式民主的理念改革——协商性民主,从而建立一种基于平等、公开的博弈平台,实现公民真正的当家作主,推行属于广大民众的法治社会,并在"法治中国"的建设中得以贯彻。  相似文献   

沉默权制度:中国司法改革之必然   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
确立沉默权制度,是我国应当履行的国际义务,也是无罪推定原则和对抗式诉讼结构的要求,它有利于诉讼效率的提高。我国确立沉默权制度的条件已经成熟:市场经济的存在和发展为沉默权制度提供了社会经济基础;人们道德观念的变化,使沉默权制度有了植根的土壤;实行沉默权制度的物质技术条件已基本具备;形成了沉默权制度生存的法治空间。  相似文献   

As a fundamental right,the right to adequate food entitles everyone to live with dignity by having access to adequate food that is safe and nutritious However,the current food system features unequal food production and distribution To remedy this situation,certain concepts have been proposed to realize the right to adequate food,including food security,food safety,food sovereignty,food democracy and food exception This paper analyses these concepts from the perspective of the right to adequate food and how they can be incorporated into legislation to help realize and protect this right  相似文献   

MAN'Sdietaryhabitsareundergoingarevolution.Over-consumptionofhigh-caloriefoodsisgivingwaytosafef,healthierandmorenutritiousdiets.Peoplehavebeguntobemorescientificaboutfoodintakeandnowseekaharmoniousrelationshipwithnature.Greenfoodisattheheartofthisne...  相似文献   

NINGBO,a booming cityof commerce and har-borbusinessinsouthernChina's Zhejiang Prov-ince,hasbeenselectedas  相似文献   

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