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<正>Ahead of the international climate change conference in Paris,Magdy Martínez-Solimán,Assistant Administrator and Director of the Bureau for Policy and Program Support for the United Nations Development Program(UNDP),talked to Chinagate.cn about his ex-  相似文献   

<正>China’s musical queen sparkles in theChinese version of Mama Mia!Istill remember the feeling of standing on a stage for the first time, singing and dancing, when I was six,said Shadow, the stage name of musical performer Zhang Aojia. I felt so thrilled and happy.  相似文献   

在整个21世纪里,“中国梦”与“美国梦”必将是两大影响世界的梦.但二者在文化背景、国家性格、根本价值观、具体内涵、圆梦途径和世界意义等方面都有重大区别.尽管二者有诸多不同,但在全球化的今天,世界各国之间都是一种激烈竞争而又相互依存的关系.中国和美国的关系必然也是这样.那么,“中国梦”和“美国梦”也应该是一种大国比翼双飞的关系,而非大国对抗冲突的关系.  相似文献   

陈宪 《探索与争鸣》2007,(10):48-50
本文通过例举公共资源效率与公平缺失的现实情形,指出中国尚不存在真正独立意义上的公共资源,这也是当下广大人民群众的公共服务需求不能得到满足的基本原因。  相似文献   

实现中国梦的关键是需要处理好“行政和自治”之间的关系.总结近现代以来中国的历史经验,中国梦的实现关键在于中国共产党的科学领导.中国共产党能够不断推动中国梦的实现进程,取得成绩的原因是其对以民为本的官僚政策治理型同心圆式的权力结构进行了有效的改革,一定程度上破解了近现代以来中国所面临的“行政与自治”关系平衡问题.破解当前中国所面临的一系列社会问题,进一步推动中国梦的实现,仍然需要处理好“行政和自治”之间的关系,从破解行政压倒自治、自治行政化和形式化问题着手.  相似文献   

李明  袁海霞 《理论月刊》2004,(4):129-130
王维 诗歌 的 发展 有一 个 明显 的内 隐 过程 ,由 早期 的张 扬 到 后 期的 内 敛 ,这 一 切 乃 是社 会 生 活 的折 射 ,同时 也 是受 大众 文 化影 响的 结 果。 王维 的 诗歌 就像 一 个隐 喻系 统 ,及时 地 向读 者传 达 了大 众文 化 对他 的影 响 。  相似文献   

正The Chinese Dream in Full Swing Speech Extracts from the International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream ForumTODAY’S China can dream about a life without material constraints like poverty or slow growth.By the middle of the century,it is projected that the Chinese Dream will  相似文献   

2020年2月28日,驻美国大使崔天凯在《今日美国报》发表题为《中国筑起抗城》的署名文章,全文译文如下:2020年初,在本该是中国人赶着回家团圆、辞冬迎春的佳节时分,一场新冠肺炎疫情突如其来,长城内外倍感春寒料峭。面对这一前所未有的全新病毒,中国随之而采取的防控措施也是前所未有的。  相似文献   

正AT the First Plenary Session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference on September 21,1949,Mao Zedong pointed out that China had a population of 475 million.As of June30,1953,the country’s total population had surpassed 600 million.Statistics indicate that in 1970 the average number of births per Chinese couple was five and the total population had reached 830 million.Drop in Birth Rate To curb population growth,since  相似文献   

正THE International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream concluded in Shanghai on December8,2013.Attended by nearly 100 experts and scholars from 24 countries,the two-day event enacted international and cross-cultural dialogue on the latest research achievements on the Chinese Dream.  相似文献   

<正>The 19~(th) National Congress of the Communist Party of China was an epoch-making Party Congress.The Congress solemnly declared that"socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era".With the major change in China’s historical position,the cause of human rights in China has also entered a new era of socialism with  相似文献   

个人与社会的关系抑或个体与共同体的关系历来是哲学家、思想家所关注的一个重要话题.马克思同样对这一问题作了许多重要的思考,其共同体思想蕴含了丰富的个人与社会关系的辩证法,对于如何认识和处理人与社会的关系作了许多有益的探讨.中国梦成为中国特色社会主义实践的关键词,用马克思的共同体思想去透视“中国梦”,对于我们在追逐、实现“中国梦”具有十分重要的启示.构筑“中国梦”的同时,必须重视共同体这一政治哲学向度,必须不能忽视人的自我实现抑或人的自由而全面的发展这一根本价值取向.  相似文献   

<正>The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)drafts a blueprint for the development of the Party and the country in the future.Meanwhile,a lot of people at home and abroad might be curious about how the report addressed by Xi jinping,General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee,to the national congress came out.  相似文献   

Party’s policy pledges give migrant workers greater hope in integrating into cities For 16 years, Ren Xiaoyun, a street cleaner, drove his truck past the Great Hall of the People during his daily waste collection route along Beijing’s Chang’an Avenue. Yet he had never entered the political landmark, and for a long time it seemed even more distant than his hometown.  相似文献   

I Have a Dream     
FORTY years have passed since 1969 when I first realized the staggering importance of environmental issues. People liketo call me "the first person of Chinese environmental protection," but actually I was only a witness to this undertaking in China. I remember the first environmental protection organization was established during the "cultural revolution," by direct instruction from then Premier Zhou Enlai (1898-1976).  相似文献   

I Have a Dream     
MARTINLutherXingisfamousforsaying'Ihaveadream.'Hisdreamwasracialequality.Ihadadream,too-tobealawyer,asuccessfullawyer,"saidShanWeihong,headofQizhiLawFirminBejing.ShanWeihongsawalotofforeignmovieswhileinmiddleschool,andwasalwaysimpressedbytherectitudeandmoralcourageofthelawyersportrayedinsomeofthem.Sowhenshegraduatedfromhighschool,shehasnosecondthoughtsaboutapplyingtotheLawSchoolofBeijingUniversity.Shanwasdiligentduringherfouryearsthere,andunlikemanyofherclassmateswhowereatalossaboutwha…  相似文献   

自近代以来,中华民族和中国人民就萌生了实现民族振兴、国家富强、人民幸福的“中国梦”.实现中国梦,必须走中国道路、弘扬中国精神、凝聚中国力量.这一明确路径在当下中国具备了丰富的价值基础.在价值观视域下,实现中国梦的路径自信概括有三:第一,社会主义核心价值体系(观)为走中国道路实现中国梦提供了价值自信;第二,民族精神和时代精神为弘扬中国精神实现中国梦提供了精神自信;第三,人类命运共同体意识为凝聚中国力量实现中国梦提供了力量自信.  相似文献   

<正>This year’s government work report gives unprecedented priority to innovation.The global economic system is undergoing its most significant restructuring ever,and economic ties have moved from global production networks to global innovation networks.Innovation is becoming a strategic option to reshape the world economic landscape other than a policy option  相似文献   

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