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印尼瓦希德政府的诞生标志着印尼政治进入新纪元、印尼社会开始逐步走上民主改革的道路。本文对瓦希德政府所面临的挑战和机遇作了分析 :印尼人民前进的方向是光明的、充满希望的  相似文献   

孙群郎  邓先竞 《美国研究》2016,(4):139-154,8
托克维尔对美国地方政府自治权的论述有夸大之嫌。事实上,自美国建国以来,地方政府几乎没有多少自治权可言,它们在各项地方事务中受到州政府事无巨细的干涉,由此导致了美国地方事务管理不善,漏洞百出。从19世纪后期美国兴起了地方自治改革运动,到进步主义运动时期达到第一次高潮,第二次世界大战以后美国地方自治改革运动再次兴起并不断深化。经过100多年的努力,地方政府确实获得了一系列的自治权,尤其是在结构自治和功能自治方面,但在财政自治和人事自治方面还受到州政府的一定干预。  相似文献   

地方自治是近现代民主国家越来越多采用的一种治理方式.它体现平等、自由的基本价值追求,代表法治建设的发展方向.然而,"地方自治"是一个看似简单,却容易引起误解的概念.准确理解其内涵是正确认识制度的前提.地方自治制度是俄联邦国家宪政结构的基础环节.本文旨在对俄罗斯联邦地方自治的内涵进行剖析.  相似文献   

政治关系是印尼华人与当地民族关系的一个重要方面,政治参与活动是印尼华人保护自身,改善与当地民族关系的重要途径.本文简要叙述了1998年"五月骚乱"以后印尼华人参政条件的改善,重点说明了这一时期印尼华人参政的各种方式.  相似文献   

2005年中国与印尼建立战略伙伴关系以来,两国关系加快向全面、稳定和高层次方向发展.但是,两国关系在经贸等方面还存在一些摩擦和障碍,需要双方加强互信去解决.如何把两国战略伙伴关系推向新阶段,需要两国政府贯彻落实相关政策与协定和专家学者的建言献策.  相似文献   

本文首先叙述了苏哈托统治时期,印尼华人在政治生活和文化心理上所受到的沉重打击,然后对"五月骚乱"后印尼华人的参政情况作了介绍.文章还从内外两个方面分析了印尼华人对政治生活不够积极的原因,其内因是印尼华人结构复杂,没有形成统一的族群意识,其外因是印尼政治仍有歧视华人倾向,印尼政治文化有待革新.  相似文献   

哈比比 (BacharuddinJusufHabibie ,1936~ )于 1998年 5月至 1999年 10月担任印尼共和国总统 ,是印尼第三位总统。哈比比在执政时期实行了一系列的政治改革措施 ,使印尼成为所谓“世界上第三大民主国家”。哈比比是在什么样的时代背景下实行政治改革的 ?政治改革的主要内容有哪些 ?如何评价这些政治改革措施 ?这些都是值得关心的问题。回答这些问题有助于我们了解印尼政治发展的路向 ,从更广泛的层面上讲 ,也有助于我们了解发展中国家政治发展的一般规律。本文试就有关问题作一简要的分析。  相似文献   

后苏哈托时代伊斯兰教与印尼政治民主化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1997年金融危机引发印尼的政治危机,统治印尼三十余年的苏哈托政权于1998年倒台,印尼进入政治民主化的新阶段.伊斯兰教势力也成为印尼政治中的重要角色,并在印尼政治民主化中发挥了积极的作用.  相似文献   

"构建多元和谐的印尼社会"是印尼新政府在民主化转型进程中提出的重要执政理念,其具体实践端赖于当地社会与华人社会的互动与建构.1998年后,多元和谐理念在印尼新时期国家政治生活中的实践促进了印尼华人社团的解禁与蓬勃发展,华人社团也由此得以在社会、文教、政治和经济领域主动融入当地社会,全面参与印尼多元和谐社会的构建.  相似文献   

印尼华人参政问题:历史与现状   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在印尼独立前 ,华人社会中存在着 3种政治思潮。随着印尼的独立 ,大多数的华侨成为印尼公民 ,许多华人领袖积极参与当地的政治活动 ,保护华人的利益。在 196 6年以前 ,华人建立了种族性的华人政党 ,政治活动相当活跃。苏哈托掌握政权后 ,华人只能参与同化性的政党及压力集团。苏哈托政权垮台后 ,华人在民主改革大环境中 ,积极参与当地政治生活 ,组织政党和社团 ,为争取公民权而奋斗。  相似文献   

In Indonesian history, Islamic groups have always played an important political role. Jusuf Wanandi, co-founder of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Jakarta, states that most of these groups are moderate, tolerant and democratic. In the past few years, however, radical and extreme groups of Muslims have emerged and to some degree have set the agenda in the country with their extreme political interpretation of Islam. The depth of political and economic crises, and the weakness of the national government to resolve the crises have complicated the positive development of Islam in Indonesia. This is the biggest challenge facing young Muslim leaders. If they should succeed, which is quite likely, Indonesia's Islam could become the model for political Islam around the world. Wanandi concludes that this will be Indonesia's biggest contribution against global terrorism.  相似文献   

This essay examines the dynamics and outcomes of Indonesia's first-ever direct local executive elections in a case study of the gubernatorial election in the Riau Archipelago. Specifically, the essay examines the election process, identifies the major issues before, during and after the elections, and assesses voters' participation. The essay then examines the ways direct local executive elections have affected the dynamics of local politics in the country. Overall, this essay aims to further develop our understanding of political dynamics in the Riau Archipelago and grasp the practical significance of local political change in Indonesia more broadly.  相似文献   

Local autonomy is a fundamental base for making democracy work, and is often referred to as a “school in democracy.” However, in Japan to date, local autonomy has suffered from a substantial gap between what it should be in an ideal form and what it has been in reality. This article explores a desirable and effective reform of local governance with the advent of the “local era,” which is prompting unprecedented levels of citizens' attention to local authorities.  相似文献   

公民社会组织的参与是治理体系的重要构成部分。其中地方治理强调地方分权和地方居民自治背景下的治理体系,地方居民为主体的公民组织是其重要参与者。日本的自治会作为地方社区的基层公民组织,无论从数量上还是分布规模来看都是日本最大的公民组织,是日本地方治理中的重要参与者。同时自治会又具有辅助行政功能的色彩,与市区町村的地方政府保持良好的合作、协调关系是其特色。因此自治会在参与地方治理中表现出了"行政媒介型公民参与模式"的特征。自治会一方面发动地方居民的力量参与地方治理,实现地方居民的主体性参与;另一方面通过参与协助地方政府的行政,和地方政府保持良好的合作关系进而达到影响地方政府的目的。  相似文献   

广东与印度尼西亚的经贸往来很好地说明:在中国现行行政架构下,中央的战略部署决定了一个地方对外经济交往的大方向和重点,而地方的发展需要则决定了地方对外经济交往的频率.在现行的政企关系中,地方政府的领导人仍然是地方对外经济交往的主体;地方对外经济交往的延续主要受到结构因素的影响,地方领导人的更替可能会影响到地方对外经济交往的成效,但不会影响地方对外经济交往的方向和重点.  相似文献   

Indonesia's sixth and first directly elected president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and his vice president, Jusuf Kalla, symbolically represent the social power of the military and business elite who was nurtured during the Suharto era. The “Unity Cabinet” of the new administration reflects not just the division of labor between the president and vice-president, but the division of power among contending parties that make up the still-mutating ruling and opposition alliances. The subsequent neutralizing of the leading Muslim social organization Nahdlatul Ulama, the collapse of the opposition alliance, and personnel changes in the military have given the current administration a measure of stability, even as the challenges of implementing a lasting solution to the conflict in Aceh and of putting Indonesia back on the track of viable economic growth depend on the as-yet untested leadership of the president.  相似文献   

Approaches and instruments focused on market mechanisms and private enterprises, including private protected areas, are promoted as ways to resolve global environmental and developmental problems. In Indonesia, Ecosystem Restoration Concessions (ERCs) have been developed as a new market-oriented governmental instrument to counter current deforestation processes and to restore forest ecosystems. Conservation and development organizations, along with state authorities, view ERCs as a highly promising instrument in Indonesia and in other countries as well. Experiences with ERCs are still limited, however, and their viability is uncertain. The implementation of ERCs in Indonesia has been controversial and the impact of ERCs on forests and forest-dependent communities has been fiercely disputed. This article explores these conflicts and disputes with a focus on the Harapan ERC and weighs the relevance of ERCs for German development cooperation. The improvement of the accountability of such projects and the implementation of mediation facilities are emphasized as prerequisites to establishing such market-oriented instruments according to international standards of nature conservation, the rights of indigenous and local populations, and sustainable development. The author concludes that decisions about strategies and instruments applied in forest-related development cooperation must involve a reconsideration of the mindsets that currently determine conservation approaches and development cooperation.  相似文献   

The Asian financial crisis of 1997 and ensuing collapse of the 32-year dictatorship of Soeharto led Indonesia into chaos. Professor Takashi Shiraishi of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, outlines the events within Indonesia since the October 1999 presidential elections and examines some of the major issues that confront the government under President Abdurrahman Wahid. Given the enormity of political challenges, economic crisis, ethnic and religious conflicts and separatist movements, Professor Shiraishi argues that the prospects for recovery and development in Indonesia in the near future are not good.  相似文献   

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