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这是一个期待了百年的奥运梦想。 这个梦想,在13亿中国人民的翘首期盼和世界各国人民的共同关注中,即将绚丽绽放,必将异彩纷呈!  相似文献   

“同一个世界,同一个梦想”是2008年北京奥运会提出的响亮口号,这个口号提出后在国内和世界上博得了许多好评。但是,也有人对选个口号提出异议.因为世界各国千差万别.分歧很多.世界上还有很多地方正在经历着战乱,  相似文献   

新世纪的前十年,中国房地产市场的发展可谓风云激荡、波澜壮阔。十年里,土地的持续升值、信贷的长期宽松、房价的快速增长成就了一大批地产企业,使得房地产业成为中国经济发展的重要支柱之一。河南昌建地产集团有限公司就是在这样的历史机遇下成长起来的地产企业集团。2003年6月18日,在双汇集团多元化发展的战略背景下,昌建地产集团的前身——双汇地产宣告成立。昌建地产集团自2003年创立以来,始终胸怀"昌盛城市、建筑  相似文献   

静安置业(集团)有限公司成立于1996年,是一家综合性的房地产开发企业集团。集团由下属21家全资公司和78家各类企业组合而成。集团总资产达70余亿元人民币,从业员工3000余人,集团以房地产开发、物业管理、房地产经纪、建筑装饰、旅游度假作为企业五大支柱产业。通过房地产开发为依托,以物业管理形成主要特色,并通过各种优势的组合,  相似文献   

我们为本届奥运会提了个响亮的口号——同一个世界,同一个梦想。 我们希望,世界是“同一”的。地球,本来只有一个。世界分裂,则纷争不绝;世界同一,才和谐美好。而只有和谐美好,人类才会幸福快乐,才能开好奥运盛会。想想吧,公元前9世纪,希腊氏族社会土崩瓦解,战乱连年。战事令城邦的人们厌倦,他们渴望和平的环境。  相似文献   

郭保花 《前进》2014,(12):55-56
<正>读一本好书,如清泉荡涤灵魂,号角鼓舞心灵,暗夜见到光明。我读罢路遥先生的《平凡的世界》正是这种感受,书中勇于担当的少安,坚忍不拔的少平,热爱生活的晓霞,他们的心灵世界与我的思想感情不断发生着碰撞,有激励,有启迪,真是一书在手,幸福满满,开卷复读,不肯释怀。我的故乡黄土高原大宁县与书中故事背景地仅一河之隔,太多相似的风土人情,更能让人融情于景,  相似文献   

阳秀琼 《当代广西》2009,(18):18-18
在南宁市盲聋哑学校,当记者走进李江泳老师给学生们上课的画室,立即被画室里摆放着的各种精彩的画作吸引住了。那一幅幅让记者惊叹不已的充满想象力的水彩画、油画、国画、版画……尽情地展示着聋学生们热爱生活、自强不息的风采。  相似文献   

时光荏苒,岁月悠悠。当历史的指针定格在2006年的时候,中油集团华油北京服务总公司(简称,华服总)已经走过了13年不平凡的风雨历程。观念创新,掌好发展之舵华服总从吃惯了“皇粮”的机关部门到实现“四自”的企业,从陷入困境到实现较快发展,首要解决的是什么?面对我们的提问,华服总党委书记、总经理王忠华干净利索地回答:是创新,首先是观念创新。不错,是观念创新的春风,催开了华服人心头的蓓蕾;是转变思想的力量,把徘徊的企业拉上了阳关大道;是开拓思路的“回春妙手”,使华服总旧貌换新颜,从病入膏肓又恢复了青春活力。面对严峻形势,公司党委…  相似文献   

位于万宁市西南部的礼纪镇,是该市的主要旅游乡镇之一,"南燕湾"、"石梅湾"、"日月湾"三大湾全部座落在该镇。其下辖村石梅村正坐落于华润集团属下海南华润石梅湾旅游开发有限公司开发的石梅湾旅游度假区规划范围内。  相似文献   

山东梁山华宇集团是由胡桂花董事长从借500元起步,经过艰苦努力,顽强拼搏,逐步发展壮大起来的。由最初的作坊式企业发展到目前集科、工、贸为一体的大型综合型民营企业集团.下设汽车制造有限公司、纺织有限公司、汽车贸易有限公司和房地产开发有限公司四个子公司.总资产3.5亿元.占地面积520多亩,建筑面积15.6万平方米,职工1600人(其中再就业职工1200余人),高级工程技术人员18人.专业技术人员180人。  相似文献   

China’s contributions have helped the global economic recovery move forward as uncertainties about 2011 begin to surface Taking the festive season to heart, China engaged in economic gift giving to the tune of trade contracts .  相似文献   

正Second CIIE adds power to China's opening up Last year,Nachi-Fujikoshi,a Japanese corporation known for its industrial robots,was the first to sign up to take part in the First China International Import Expo(CIIE) in Shanghai.It was an early bird for this yearns expo as well,registering as early as August 8 last year,more than 400 days be-  相似文献   

正This year marks the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC). Many political parties shared their opinions on the CPC and its governance of China with Xinhua News Agency on different occasions. Below are excerpts from their comments.Aleksei Sokol First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus The main reason for the CPC's longevity is its ability to adapt the Marxist theory to the Chinese context. China has set an example of what needs to be taken in the fight against such a terrible pandemic.  相似文献   

正In 1936, U.S. journalist Edgar Snow made his first visit to Yan'an, Shaanxi Province, home to the headquarters of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC) during the late 1930 s and early 1940 s. At that time, China faced a severe crisis from Japanese aggression while the corrupt Kuomintang regime refused to form a united front of resistance with the CPC. The CPC-led Red Army had just settled down in north Shaanxi after an epic military trek called the Long March to break the siege of the Kuomintang forces and fight the Japanese aggressors.  相似文献   

<正>A foreigner WeChats her way into life in China By Kylee MclntyreLast August,when all my paperwork was in place and it finally became clear to me that I was going to be working in China,I spent some time sitting alone in my kitchen,staring off into space because my life seemed too surreal.That period lasted for about 10 minutes,over which I slowly devolved into a state of panic.I didn't know the first thing about living in China.I immediately sent out a mass text to everyone I knew who'd spent even a little time in China.The responses came back almost instantaneously,telling me the same thing—get WeChat.I didn't know how a social media app was supposedly going to save my life,but then again,what did I know?It felt a little redundant downloading yet another messaging app in my kitchen in the  相似文献   

A common consensus in the world today is that China’s development is linked to the change in the international structure and will have a profound and far-reaching influence on the world order.  相似文献   

正How Shenzhen evolved from a fishing village into a pioneering metropolis Evolving from a fishing village bordering Hong Kong,Shenzhen,in south China’s Guangdong Province,is now one of China’s megacities.It has been the country’s fastest growing economy over the past four decades.The city was born under special circumstances.Right after China adopted its reform  相似文献   

More Chinese college students dive into the big, bad world every June - this year, there are more than 4 million. What's involved in bridging the gap between campus and working life?  相似文献   

正The new lunar calendar began on February5 this year and welcomed the Year of the Pig. As well as domestic celebrations such as temple fairs and lantern shows, greetings also poured in from around the world.For Chinese living overseas, the essence  相似文献   

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Permanent Mission of China to the UN hosted a reception in New York on September 20. It was attended by UN officials and diplomats. The following is an edited excerpt of their congratulatory m essages:Atul Khare, UN Under Secretary General for Operational Support China is the largest contributor of peacekeeping troops within all the permanent members of the UN Security Council.  相似文献   

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