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The contemporary Chinese human rights theory can be deciphered based on the "people-centered" concept. "Putting people in the center " is an approach to deve lopment,a concept of governance and a ruling orientation,and it is the idea shaping of the governing party,the ideological guideline for administrative organs and the principle of action for relevant personnel.The human rights system is thoughts,theories,systems and practice proposed by social groups and individuals to the social authority,especially the resource provider,around the basic demands for subsistence and development.Fundamentally speaking,the "people-centered" approach and the human rights system,though belonging to different political ethics and political philosophy fields,share many common points or similarities in their specific way of existence and operation process.Therefore,there is coherence between the "people-centered" approach and human rights,and there is systematic compatibility between the human rightsbased way of thinking and the people-centered governing concept.The two approaches share many commonalities in the implementation measures and actions,both requiring the integration of concepts,norms,systems and actions.The deciphering helps China to provide wisdom and marke contributions in enriching world human rights theories.  相似文献   

张建 《长白学刊》2021,(2):9-16
当代中国共产党人在推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业的接续奋斗中,着力国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,实现了“风景这边独好”的中国之治.新时代治国理政的实践,标注了当代中国共产党人对实现国家治理现代化一系列重大问题的深刻回答,诠释了当代中国共产党人对实现国家治理现代化目标的引领与担当.梳理新时代中国共产党人推进国家治理现代化的...  相似文献   

From December 10 to 11,2019,the State Council Information Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly held the 2019 South-South Human Rights Forum in Beijing.Participants from more than 80 countries,regions and international organizations discussed and exchanged views on such topics as "the practices and experiences of human rights protection in the countries of the Global South","path of human rights development against the background of the diversity of civilizations","building a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings and global human rights governance".Participants in the forum actively voiced their national human rights views,exchanged human rights development experiences,explored human rights development paths in developing countries,and reached broad consensus.In an international environment featuring the rise of unilateralism and hegemonism,the South-South Human Rights Forum issued a strong message of solidarity and cooperation among developing countries on human rights issues,and also conveyed to the world the firm determination of developing countries to jointly promote the healthy development of the world's human rights cause.  相似文献   

From December 7 to December 8, 2017, the State Council Information Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs jointly organized the first South-South Human Rights Forum in Beijing. With the topic of "Building a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings: New Opportunity for South-South Human Rights Development," participants conducted in-depth discussions on topics including "global human rights governance", "inclusive development and South-South human rights cooperation", "China and the SouthSouth cooperation", "right to education for the countries of the Global South" and "poverty reduction, right to food and right to health", which achieved great consensuses and yielded results. This Forum was the first time that countries of the Global South have jointly discussed human rights issues.  相似文献   

Since the World Conference on Human Rights in 1993,more than a quarter of the participating countries have developed National Human Rights Action Plans(NHRAPs)to promote human rights.An assessment of the NHRAPs can help to understand the realities of the implementation,improve the quality of the follow-up plan,and improve the effectiveness of the plan in the implementation process.From the texts and practices of the NHRAPs,such an assessment includes the "self-assessments" of the plans' implementers,comprehensive assessments of inter-departmental committees(groups),and evaluations of policy objects,social organizations and human rights experts.The assessment methods include field research,qualitative evaluation,indicator measurement and process monitoring,among other things.The results of the assessment can promote the cohesion between the NHRAPs in different periods,promote the accumulation and transmission of the implementation experience of the plan,and promote the optimization and adjustment of related matters during the implementation period.  相似文献   

社会组织在参与政府购买公共服务时存在诸多困境,已有研究多从政府主导角度进行分析,这并不能真正解读相关困境。本研究以B市C区为个案,运用访谈和参与观察的方法收集社会组织参与政府购买公共服务的第一手资料,并提出社会组织运行的制度场域分析框架。研究发现,社会组织在服务供给中存在的服务目标、服务过程和服务能力等困境已经对政府购买公共服务制度实践产生了明显的消极影响。这些困境的产生是社会组织运行的制度场域中权力、规则和信息等资源的扩散机制综合影响的结果,涉及到政府、第三方评估机构和社会组织等三类代表主体。因此,社会组织参与政府购买公共服务的困境应当通过制度场域中各代表主体协商共治加以优化。通过解决社会组织运行的制度场域中存在的系统性困境,可以有效激发社会组织的理想功能,显著推动政府购买公共服务健康发展,进而对探索中国社会治理体系和能力提供路径选择。  相似文献   

In China, there are many human rights organizations, because of their focuses and priorities related to human rights. China Society for Human Rights Studies(CSHRS) is the largest of them, which focuses on human rights research, popularizing and international exchanges. This paper takes CSHRS as an example to show the role of the human rights organizations play in China. From the practice of CSHRS, we can see the human rights organizations in China play a kind of constructive role through involving in very broad fields and engaging in the various activities of human rights protection. Their works include participating in drafting the National Human Rights Action Plans, giving constructive suggestions, working in human rights education, engaging in international exchanges and cooperation, taking part in the work of UPR, raising fund and implementing projects, and so on. They are trying hard to contribute to improve human rights situation in China.  相似文献   

县域治理在国家治理中居于基础地位,而基层社会的犯罪治理直接关系着国家的长久治安。以浙江龙泉为例,纵观新中国成立后基层社会犯罪治理的发展历程,其治理模式大致经历了"全能主义治理""综合治理""合作式治理模式转型"等三种类型的更替。犯罪治理的变革主要表现为治理主体、治理方式、治理内容与治理模式的变化。70余年来,基层社会犯罪治理一些特有的机制得以延续,成为了当前犯罪治理的基本特征与经验,主要包括国家主导与地方探索、正式制度与非正式制度的综合运用、常规治理与运动式治理并存三个方面。未来,应当创新社会治理,推动犯罪治理的良性运行。  相似文献   

作为党密切联系群众、促进社会整合的重要抓手,各级妇联组织在中央群团改革精神指引下展开了一系列改革实践。本文以上海市H区妇联的改革实践为例,在对既有理论加以反思的基础上,立足群团组织的核心属性尝试构建一种以"中间领域治理"为核心特点的分析框架,以揭示H区妇联改革实践的行动逻辑与实践策略。研究发现,在向社会力量购买服务的实践中,H区妇联通过规范化制度、专业化方法、多主体联动、长效化机制等行动举措,推动了妇联传统服务模式的转变、组织属性的重塑以及服务群众能力的提升,形成了一种"群团借道社会"的实践逻辑,通过联同社会力量促进了个体与国家之间组织通道的再造。本案例对当下深化群团组织改革具有实践价值与参考意义,既是对十九届四中全会强调的构建社会治理体系和治理共同体的积极响应,也提供了一种深化群社协同共治、推动国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的策略机制。  相似文献   

The CPC Central Committee has put forward the thesis of integrating the leadership of the Party, the position of people as masters of the country, and the rule of law. This thesis is an important development of the Marxist legal ideology and the socialist theory of the rule of law with Chinese characteristics. It is also a main line of the construction of a socialist rule of law country with Chinese characteristics and should be the general and basic principle of the construction of the theoretical system of human rights with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, the CPC should also endeavor to guarantee the realization of human rights, under the leadership of whom we advance the rule of law of "ensuring that the people are masters of the country" and "respecting and protecting human rights" in order to implement the modernization of the state governance system and capacity in which democracy, rule of law and human rights are the core elements of the country.  相似文献   

In the human rights discourse of China, the terminology used for canfei(handicapped) was changed to canji(persons with disabilities) and then canzhang(physically challenged), which has literally manifested the unfolding of the new philosophy for the physically challenged. In particular, the achievements of the China physically-challenged programs in the new era shows that at both institutional and mindset dimensions, it has stepped beyond the definition of canji and entered into the higher level featured by the term canzhang. As for the future practical strategies of the national physically-challenged programs, it is important to hold on the ideas of socialist humanism, and to explore the constitutional model and human rights model for physically-challenged rights protection. This is also the major clue to conclude the achievements of the two "30 years" physically-challenged programs since the establishment of the PRC. Countries worldwide, particularly developing countries, can draw experience from this China model of developing the programs and strategies of human rights-based governance. The Chinese experience and theories also can be shared by community with a shared future for human beings.  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义的依法治国不同于西方资本主义国家的依法治国,其根本区别是:西方资本主义国家的依法治国是以"契约论"为基础,目的是为了保护个体私有财产不受侵犯。而中国特色社会主义的依法治国是立足于公有制经济基础,超越了"资产阶级法权狭隘眼界",把"道德承认"作为国家治理视阈中的价值原则。"以德治国"具有内在客观性,而"依法治国"则具有外在客观性,两者必须相互扬弃对方的片面性而达成和解。"以德治国"需要在国家治理中确立"道德承认"原则,并把"道德承认"原则作为国家共同体的实体性存在论基础。所谓"道德承认"是指,在共同体中,每个个体都应该从至高无上的"善"的理念出发,而不仅仅是从保护个体财产不受侵犯的原则出发,来保证共同体具有绝对的存在论基础的基本理念。因此,"依法治国"不意味着取代"以德治国",而是要坚持两者相结合。"以德治国"提供的"道德承认"原则为"依法治国"提供了终极性价值支撑。  相似文献   

马玉珍 《思想战线》2004,30(3):60-65
中日妇女具有相近的文化背景,她们的境遇、社会地位、社会作用和社会权利的发展变化也大致相似。尽管中日两国政治制度不同,但在现代化进程中两国妇女的经历却大同小异。  相似文献   

妇联组织参与社会管理和公共服务的新思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新的社会管理架构下,妇联组织更突出了其非政府组织的性质,获得了新的历史定位、任务和新的发展空间。在这一新的定位下,妇联组织的工作需要贯穿"同情"、"尊重""、信任""、关心"等价值理念,遵循层次性、民主性、赋权、平等合作的工作原则。妇联组织的具体工作可以分解为三个层面:在公共政策决策层面,推动社会性别意识的决策主流化;在社会管理层面,推动妇女参与基层民主自治和民主管理;在服务层面,创造性地打造个性化的公共服务产品。  相似文献   

公民参与是民主政治和善治的核心价值,而公民参与意识是自主性公民参与的必要前提。本文从实证角度考察了社会资本与公民参与意识的关系。研究发现,参加志愿组织具有促进公民政治参与和社区参与意识的功能;参加官办组织和社会宽容只激发政治参与意识,而信任对两种公民参与意识均没有促进作用,信任熟人反而不利于政治参与意识的形成。因此,我国应积极推动公民参与网络的发展,尤其是促进志愿组织的发展,推动适用于现代复杂社会的社会性信任,在全社会推广社会宽容和和谐的价值观。  相似文献   

HE Shiqing  LIU Haile 《人权》2021,(1):95-116
Marxist human rights thought has realized an epochmaking change in human rights thought and has distinguished itself from capitalist human rights thought with its distinctive character.Marxist human rights thought has a humanistic character,starts from human nature and its essence,regards human rights as an important means to realize the all-round development of human beings and the fundamental proof of human liberation.Marxist human rights thought is characterized by being people-centered,and expresses the desire of the masses,with the proletariat as the main body,to realize a better life through the guarantee of human rights.Marxist human rights thought has a practical character,is based on practical materialism,advocates that human rights are derived from the social practice and promotes social practice toward civilization and progress.Marxist human rights thought has the character of rule of law,guides legal governance to the rule of good law,and lays the guarantee fot human rights on the foundation of substantive rule of law.  相似文献   

Judicial cooperation is one of the significant components of South-South cooperation. Furthermore, in the process of South-South cooperation, the establishment of a fair, rational, and transparent new system of international justice must be jointly promoted. The Chinese judicial authorities have made new progress in deepening judicial reforms, enhancing judicial transparency, improving human rights judicial protection mechanisms and strengthening the construction of smart courts, and have accumulated rich judicial experience. Under the background that many changes and great upheavals are taking place in the international world, countries of the Global South should strengthen their judicial exchanges and cooperation, especially in the field of the judicial protection of human rights. SouthSouth cooperation should be enhanced and they should learn from each other, so they can jointly make contributions to the development of the legal world.  相似文献   

The time-honored traditional Chinese minben(people-based) thinking has rich implications for human rights. The concepts of min and minben are much in line with their contemporary counterparts of "human" and "people orientation". Upholding the belief of "people as the foundation of states", minben advocates the fundamental political status of the people, and requires leaders to implement "people-oriented" policies. Its encapsulation of the theoretical foundation and basic requirements for the protection of human rights enabled it to promote the protection of people's livelihoods and civil rights in ancient China. Its sublimation in contemporary China has had, and will continue to have, a far-reaching impact on the development of human rights in China.  相似文献   

伴随世界政治文明的进步和发展,各国循由不同的实践路径走向公平正义,取得了许多成功的实践经验,也不乏失败的教训。这些经验和教训,对于我国积极和有效应对当前及今后一段时间内凸显的弱势群体社会公平问题,全面实现"十二五"规划提出的今后五年"顺应各族人民过上更好生活新期待"、"保障和改善民生"、"坚定不移走共同富裕道路,使发展成果惠及全体人民"等战略构想,无疑具有重要的实践借鉴和启迪意义。  相似文献   

面对城市化带来的社会压力,中国各大城市在发挥社区组织、民族社团协调族际关系、有效整合社会政治资源方面创造出许多宝贵经验,这些制度创新可被简单归结为"多元复合型的社会管理体制",这种多元主体参与的社会联动模式有利于复杂民族事务的管理,符合现代城市治理的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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