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The authors describe a methodological approach to emission spectral analysis of material evidences aimed at evaluating the regularities of deposition of the shot metals at the site of injuries inflicted by gas guns. Injuries inflicted by gunshots with chemical cartridges and with shot cartridges, with and without obstructions, from different distances have been examined. The detected regularities may be useful in forensic medical expert evaluations by means of emission spectral analysis in cases with gas gunshots.  相似文献   

The suicidal infliction of two gunshot wounds to the head represents a critical issue for medicolegal investigation. In principle, simultaneous infliction with two firearms or third parties' involvement, i.e. two consecutive gunshots, have to be considered. We report for the first time on a case of suicidal infliction of two simultaneous gunshots to the head (oral, temporal) with Action 4 expanding ammunition. A male had robbed two service guns and committed suicide thereafter under the influence of high-dose alcohol and cocaine. Interestingly, Action 4 ammunition had been used, leading to an uncommon gunshot wound morphology and extensive backspatter. At the scene, these findings caused confusion; moreover, the number of gunshot wounds was unclear, until autopsy revealed two gunshot wounds to the head, which had obviously been inflicted simultaneously. Expanding ammunition like QD-PEP and Action 4, used by several German federal state police forces, can cause an atypical gunshot wound morphology, most probably due to its peculiar deformation behaviour. Investigators should be careful when interpreting gunshot wound morphology at the scene after usage of such expanding ammunition. With regard to reconstruction in cases of two gunshot wounds to the head and two guns at the scene, two simultaneous gunshots should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Observations and statistics relating to suicide weapons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The weapon at the scene of a suicide provides a resource in addressing such questions as frequency of blood in or on the weapon, location of the weapon with respect to the body, and evidence of firearm discharge residues on the hand. The first 195 weapons were tested for blood by a technique different from the following 202 weapons. Results were obtained which caused procedural changes in blood detection. Data are presented for frequency of blood in and on the muzzle of weapons, relative frequency of location of suicidal gunshot wound, and percent "positive" findings of gunshot residue metals on the hands. It was found that suicidal gunshot wounds were 3 times more frequent to the head than the chest, and that no significant difference was noted between males and females in this study. Scene photographs reveal that the suicide weapon is in or resting on the hand of the decedent 20% of the time with handguns and 11% of the time with long guns.  相似文献   

The 100th anniversary of the foundation of the German Society of Legal Medicine is a good opportunity to review its contributions to forensic wound ballistics. The present article gives an overview of the scientific development in this field with special emphasis on work pioneering new developments and findings valid up to the present day, for example the presence of carboxyhemoglobin in the vicinity of the entrance wound as a sign of a contact or close-range shot [A. Paltauf, Wien. Klin. Wochenschr. 3 (1890) 984-991, 1015-1017]; the correct interpretation of the muzzle imprint [A. Werkgartner, Beitr. Gerichtl. Med. 6 (1924) 148-161] and the retrograde ballooning of the bullet entrance region in contact shots [F. Hausbrandt, Dtsch. Z. ges. Gerichtl. Med. 38 (1944) 45-76; H. Elbel, Med. Welt 20 (1958) 343-345]; wound patterns from captive-bolt livestock stunners [H. Czursiedel, Dtsch. Z. ges. Gerichtl. Med. 28 (1937) 132-133]; singeing of synthetic fiber textiles in close-range shots with nitro powder ammunition [S. Berg, Arch. Kriminol. 124 (1959) 5-8,17-22]; the wound ballistic processes on penetration of the bullet and the origin of the abrasion collar [K. Sellier, Beitr. Gerichtl. Med. 25 (1969) 265-270]. More recently medicolegal research in the German-speaking countries covered the following subjects: studies of the dynamic bullet-target interactions in experimental gunshots to simulants and composite body models; use of modern imaging techniques (CT, MRI) in the pre-autopsy diagnosis of lethal gunshot injuries; injuries from blank guns; mechanisms of incapacitation by gunshot injuries; development of improved methods for the evidence of gunshot residues on the firing hand; backspatter from close-range shots; medicolegal contributions in the discrimination of accidental, homicidal and suicidal gunshot injuries.  相似文献   

Suicide by simultaneous gunshots with two firearms is rare. The case of a 90-year-old man who killed himself with two 6.35 mm pistols fired at the temples at the same time is presented. The victim was found dead on the terrace of his home; two guns and two cartridges were present near the corpse. Cases of suicides with two guns published in the literature are compared, and the Italian cases are illustrated briefly. The authors describe the circumstances and autopsy findings that permitted the assertion that it was a case of suicide and to exclude an homicide and show, by figures, the three-dimensional reconstruction of cranial shooting injuries. The use of two guns is considered a representation of a special type of "combined suicide" or "planned complex suicide."  相似文献   

Gunshot wounds in the heart are frequent suicidal injuries, especially in men. Most of them are lethal, but some cases of survival due to immediate and proper surgical treatment are reported. However, survival without specific treatment is extremely rare.In our case, a 44-year man attempted suicide by home-made shooting device. A special 12 cm long and 2.5 mm wide needle-like missile entered his body at the left anterior part of his chest, passed through the heart and lower lobe of right lung and exited at the right side of his back. The patient was able to move normally and he also looked for medical help immediately after attempting suicide. We found large atypical-shaped entrance wound on the anterior part of the chest, which was surgically treated, and tiny pointed exit wound under the right scapula. The patient was stable from cardio-circulatory and respiratory aspects from the time of admission to discharge from the hospital. We found only minimal pericardial bleeding (up to 10 mm thick) and there was no need for surgical intervention. In the next 2 weeks the haematoma absorbed spontaneously. The gunshot injury healed without any complication. Paranoid psychosis was diagnosed by psychiatrist and this probably had been the cause of attempting suicide.We think that the favorable outcome of the proved heart gunshot injury in our patient was due to the needle-shaped low-energy missile, which caused only tiny gunshot (stab) hole in the heart. Such a heart injury caused only minimal bleeding into the pericardial sac without heart tamponade.  相似文献   

Forensic medical experts are offered a set of morphological signs which help identify the gunshot origin of a skull injury, identify which of the injuries is the inlet and which is the outlet, specify the direction of the shot and succession of formation of injuries in cases with several shots. The author suggests evaluating a gunshot wound in the head with due consideration for the mechanisms of its formation. From a complex of signs of a gunshot injury to the brain skull he singles out the tissue defect with a conical channel and the edge of bone defect, additional injury to the external compact plate near the inlet, and type, number, and location of the radial and concentric cracks. Analysis of the morphology of the above listed signs of gunshot injuries to the skull notable extends the potentialities of forensic medical expert evaluation in cases with gunshot injuries.  相似文献   

Air guns and blank guns may appear relatively harmless at first glance, but they are, in fact, potentially destructive, even lethal, weapons. Approximately 2 to 2.5 million nonpowder firearms are sold annually, and again approximately 12.9 per 100,000 population are treated for such injuries in hospital emergency departments each year in the United States. Unfortunately, these guns are considered to be a toy for children. Therefore, incidents of air gun injuries are gradually increasing. Although such injuries may initially be considered trivial, it may signify severe internal tissue pathologies. These apparently trivial injuries may have catastrophic consequences if unnoticed. In this study, we report 4 cases with head injury due to a shot by these guns. The cases indicate that these people had used the guns belonging to their parents for the purpose of suicide. The cases also show that these machines are not innocent.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to document the dynamic effects created within, and the developing mechanisms of a gunshot entrance wound to the skin utilizing high-speed photography and the "skin-skull-brain model". The high-speed photography was taken with an Imacon 468/Hadland-Photonics camera. Full metal jacketed, 9 mm Luger projectiles were fired at the target model from a distance of 10 m. During the evaluation of the "skin-skull-brain model", it was possible to show that injuries inflicted to this model are fully comparable to the morphology of equivalent real gunshot entrance wounds. It has been possible to document and study the dynamic process of the "bullet-skin-interaction" in the gunshot entrance wound. The development of the morphologic terms of the entrance wound are discussed. In combination with high-speed photography, this "skin-skull-brain model" is a perfect tool for the documentation and the study of the dynamic development of gunshot entrance wounds in the skin.  相似文献   

Stun guns are electric shock devices that are used by a number of law enforcement agencies to subdue violent offenders, but sometimes are discharged into human bodies as offensive weapons. We autopsied a 22-year-old woman who was strangled and had many stun-gun injuries on her head, chest, abdomen, arms, and legs. The stun-gun injuries consisted of many pairs of round erythemas with or without central paleness, some of which were accompanied by circumferential abrasions. To determine whether the electric shocks were administered before or after her death, we studied stun-gun injuries on pigs before and after death and found that the shocks after death did not mark the animal skin. Based on this experiment, all of the stun-gun injuries on the victim's body were concluded to have been inflicted before her death.  相似文献   

Postmortem magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is rarely used for the radiologic assessment of gunshot injuries, although it has clear advantages over postmortem computed tomography (CT) with regard to the imaging of soft tissue injuries. Another benefit in using MRI is that lodged projectiles composed of nonferromagnetic material such as lead present only marginal metal artifacts compared with severe artifacts on CT. This case report presents CT and MRI findings in a case with two gunshot wounds to the neck: a perforating wound and a nonperforating wound with a lead bullet lodged in the cervical spine. The decedent underwent CT and MRI before the scheduled autopsy. A ring of radiopaque material under the dermis in the fatty tissue was identified at both entrance wounds on CT, which was indicative of contact shots. The perforating gunshot was clearly indicated on CT by bullet fragments along the wound channel through the perforated 6th cervical vertebra and the fractured cricoid cartilage at the exit wound. The second trajectory, however, was only assumed based on the presence of gunshot residues at the entrance wound and the position of the lodged bullet. The radiologic assessment was severely impeded by the metal artifacts on CT. Barely noticeable metal artifacts on MRI allowed for clear visualization of the soft tissue injuries and the ruptured medulla oblongata. Only MRI clarified the soft tissue injuries of the brainstem noninvasively, which could provide specific and graphic information on the rapidity of death and the incapacitation of the victim.  相似文献   

In accordance with Puppe's rule, the analysis of skull fractures may provide evidence on the sequence in which multiple blunt injuries of the skull occurred. In cases of multiple gunshot wounds of the skull determination of the sequence in which the gunshot wounds took place is much more difficult. In some cases, however, analysis of the skull fractures here can also allow the order in which gunshot wounds occurred to be established.  相似文献   

Stellate wounds are to be expected in gunshot injuries to the liver and spleen. As to their configuration, they resemble the skin breaks in an absolute close-range shot. The exit wound is larger than the entry wound. The genesis and utility of such injuries for reconstruction of the shot direction are discussed with reference to seven gunshot mortalities. Stellate wounds could also be achieved by shooting at isolated cadaver organs. The experimentally produced gunshot wounds differed from those produced in vivo in that the entry and exit wounds were equally large.  相似文献   

Characteristics of firearms and gunshot wounds as markers of suicide.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Data from a total of 1,200 cases that the Medical Examiner of Dallas County, Texas, ruled as suicide with a firearm have been compared with the results of forensic laboratory examinations and tests; 75% are with handguns and 25% are with long guns. The incidence of suicides by gender yields 82% males and 18% females, with the most common entrance site being the head. With regard to racial distribution of persons committing suicide, > 88% are white in the study population group, which is 76% white. Data are presented for the incidence of blood detected inside and on the muzzle end of the barrel of the firearm, and for the persistence of blood inside the barrel even after the weapon was discharged to obtain test bullets. The analysis of handwipings for primer residues shows that "positive" results are obtained for approximately 50% of the revolvers and approximately 32% of the pistols when the caliber is > 22. Other projects such as transfer of gunshot residues to the hand by simply handling the weapon, the incidence of single-contact wounds in homicide versus suicide cases, and the percent of positive identification of bullets with weapons submitted are described.  相似文献   

The case for legal restrictions on gun ownership and use as a strategy for reducing criminal violence relies on factual assumptions about the nature of gun ownership and violent behavior. Five of the most crucial ones are identified and subjected to a comparison with the available empirical evidence. All of the following assumptions were found to be substantially at variance with the evidence: (1) Guns are five times deadlier than the weapons most likely to be substituted for them in assaults in which guns are not available. (2) The sight of a gun can elicit aggression, due to the learned association between guns and violence. (3) If guns are made more expensive, more difficult to obtain, or legally risky to own, people will do without them. (4) Guns are useless for self-defense or protection of one's family, home, or business, and have no deterrent effect on criminals. (5) Homicides are largely "crimes of passion" committed by otherwise law-abiding citizens not distinguishable from other people. Therefore, control must be directed at all gun owners rather than select criminal subgroups.  相似文献   

目的 研究脑干枪弹伤的超微改变及其分子水平的致死机理。方法 用一例颅外损伤与2例头部枪伤作对比,于死亡后25min切取其脑干部组织块,相当于弹道处主要取自中脑被盖部与脑桥的被盖部和延脑的第四脑室底深部灰质部的组织,进行透射电镜及扫描电镜观察。结果 (1)脑内的枪弹伤病理改变包括烧灼伤、冲击和压力伤等。(2)枪弹伤虽在中脑而病理改变波及整个脑干。(3)损伤特点是神经轴突最广泛和损伤严重,神经胶质纤维次之,神经元受损又次之。(4)轴突烧灼伤表现髓鞘、轴浆及其内线粒体浓缩、变性,轴浆、轴索水肿;冲击、压力伤呈现轴突扭曲、变形、融合、挤压、缺损、破(断)裂及错位,轴浆内容外流或缺失,轴索内线粒体、神经微丝和微管偏向一侧位等。结论 脑干网状结构严重广泛性神经轴索损伤可能与致死有着最重要关系。  相似文献   

Intermediate gunshot wounds typically produce powder tattooing and/or stippling of the skin. The size and density of such powder-induced injuries around an entry wound are used to estimate the separation distance between the muzzle of the responsible firearm and the entry site through test firings at selected muzzle-to-target distances, with ammunition comparable to the injury-producing round and the evidence firearm. The foregoing is well known to forensic pathologists who document and describe such powder patterns in gunshot victims and firearm examiners who customarily produce the test-fired powder patterns for subsequent range-of-fire determinations. Less known, particularly to pathologists, is the considerable variety in forms of modern nitrocellulose propellants, their effects on powder-induced injuries to human skin, and the value of these varied physical forms in the reconstruction of shooting incidents. These factors are the subject of this article.  相似文献   

In order to create and study wound morphology, a "skin-skull-brain model" had to be designed which would make the laboratory reproduction of a real ballistic injury possible.To simulate the human skin, an artificial skin (a silicon cap) is used. This silicon scalp contains synthetic fibers (artificial leather) to simulate the collagen and fat of the scalp. The artificial skull is a layered polyurethane sphere (19 cm o.d.; and 5, 6, or 7 mm thick) constructed in a specially designed form with a Tabula externa, Tabula interna, and a porous Diploe sandwiched in between. The periostium of the artificial skull is made of latex. This elastic latex layer prevents the bone fragments from scattering after the model has been struck by gunfire. The brain itself is simulated with ordnance gelatin, 10% at 4 degrees C, a material well known in wound ballistics. Gunshots were fired at a distance of 10 m from the model.During the evaluation of the "skin-skull-brain model", it was possible to show that injuries inflicted to this model are fully comparable to the morphology of equivalent real gunshot injuries.Using the "skin-skull-brain model" has some significant advantages: the model is inexpensive, easy to construct, instantly available for use, and eliminates ethics conflicts. The main advantage of such a model is, in comparison with biological substances, the high reproducibility of inflicted traumas.  相似文献   

The autopsy material of the institutes for forensic medicine in Berlin/GDR and Hamburg was analyzed retrospectively (period from 1961 till 1987; 70,000 autopsies) for fatalities caused by "humane killers" (n = 22) and stud guns (n = 12).-Epidemiological, criminological and morphological findings: The decreased were all men aged between 18 and 75 years (mean 48 years) except one 61 year-old paraplegic women who was killed by her husband with a humane killer. The great majority of cases consisted of suicides; two accidents at work were caused by stud guns. These unusual weapons are normally used by skilled people (i.e. butchers or constructional workers respectively). The fatal wounds were situated at the head, especially the forehead, seldom at the nape of the neck or in the mouth, or sometimes in the chest when using stud guns. Combined suicides (especially together with hanging) are not unusual. Survival periods (with or without acting capacity) can range between minutes or even months (after neurosurgical intervention).-The frequency of such unusual and overall rare cases did not raise during the investigation period.  相似文献   

Blank firing guns are readily accessible in most countries due to an absence of legal regulations. These weapons are capable of causing lethal injuries. We report a rare case of secondary (unplanned) complex suicide committed with a knife and blank cartridge pistol. A 59‐year‐old man was found dead with three superficial incisions in his neck and a gunshot wound to the chest. The external examination revealed an entrance wound in the left chest region consistent with contact shooting. The appearance of a muzzle imprint suggested two discharges. The autopsy showed a slightly hemorrhaged but otherwise intact pericardium, blood in the pericardial sac, and a channel‐like defect in the anterior wall of the left cardiac ventricle. The cause of death was attributed to cardiac tamponade. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of unplanned complex suicide involving an unmodified blank firing gun.  相似文献   

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