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郑春荣 《德国研究》2002,17(2):33-36
本文从自治的定义与种类出发 ,首先详细论述了德国商会自治的具体表现 ,从而简要概括了德国公法法人自治的一般特征 ,最后结合我国商会情况提出了若干启示。  相似文献   

德国护理保险体制综述:历史成因、运作特点以及改革方案   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
丁纯  瞿黔超 《德国研究》2008,23(3):42-47
1995年德国引入了作为社会保险第五支柱的护理保险。本文首先分析了当时引入护理保险的历史成因,然后对其具体运行情况及特点进行了详细的介绍和分析,并论述了其所面临的问题、挑战以及相应的改革措施。  相似文献   

博洛尼亚进程中的德国高等教育改革及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐理勤 《德国研究》2008,23(3):72-76
本文在对博洛尼亚进程作简要介绍的基础上,详细论述了博洛尼亚进程中德国高等教育改革措施,并从国际化在高等教育改革中的作用、结构要素和信息要素的国际化、质量保证体系、学生主体作用等四个方面阐述了德国高等教育改革措施带给我们的种种启示。  相似文献   

退休年龄制度的改革,是20世纪以来多数国家正在讨论和实施的社会政策。人口老龄化、预期寿命的延长、养老基金的负担和提前退休现象的存在让延长退休年龄成为一种可能的解决思路。德国从2012年开始实行退休制度改革的法案,将德国的法定退休年龄从65岁延长至67岁。德国延迟退休年龄的举措有其深刻的经济社会原因。同时,德国也提倡在退休制度中融入公平性,规范有益的提前退休。  相似文献   

自治与分权下的德国医保统筹管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万谊娜 《德国研究》2010,25(4):51-58
多年来,德国医疗保险体系一直保持着自治管理与分权经营的制度特质。在自治管理的框架下,德国医疗保险的运营处于一种高度分权的状态。为保证医疗保险与服务的公平性、可及性与高效性,德国政府在基金管理、医疗递送体系管理等方面实行了自治与互济、分权与效率相统一的统筹管理机制。虽然统筹改革在发展的过程中也曾遭遇过挫折,但最终还是消除了制度内外的壁垒,使德国的医保体系得以有序、持续地发展与推进。  相似文献   

德国会计国际化改革及对我国的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
薛清梅 《德国研究》2004,19(1):36-40
本文介绍了近年来由于欧盟一体化和国际融资需要,德国对传统会计进行的系列改革,并就其改革进程中遇到的问题和对我国的启示进行了分析探讨.  相似文献   

德国医疗保障制度:现状、问题与改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
丁纯 《欧洲研究》2007,25(6):106-119
以1883年引进的强制医疗保险制度为主干的德国医疗保障体制是全球仿效最多的成功模式。但近年来随着德国经济增长的趋缓、老年化的加剧以及全球化的冲击,该体制在财政、社会团结和医疗服务提供效率等方面的问题日益凸现,成为默克尔政府经济社会改革的重点。本文在简要介绍德国医疗保障体制的现状和基本框架、问题及其成因的基础上,分析了默克尔政府医改的背景、德国各政党不同的改革草案及其背后的理念差异,评析了最终正式出台的改革法案的主要内容,指出这次以加强竞争为主要手段、涉及领域空前广泛、多目标的改革在方向上无疑是正确的。但作为一个大联合政府的多方妥协的方案,实施结局如何尚难预料。  相似文献   

董礼胜  胡志芳 《欧洲研究》2006,24(6):119-135
1970年代末,由于面临着国内外的一系列问题,西方各国相继推行政府改革,以适应全球化、信息化、市场化的高速发展。英国、法国和德国这三个欧盟的主要成员国都采用了“新公共管理”的改革模式,但改革特点又不尽相同。进入新的世纪,这三国又转向了新的改革重点和措施,即完善政府的公共服务职能,包括公共服务机构改革和公共服务提供方式的进一步转变。其中,对绩效管理的进一步改革也贯穿于此轮改革的整个过程。最后,本文归纳总结了三国的实践经验,这对于我国政府改革有可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

王倩 《德国研究》2014,(2):67-76
德国特殊解雇保护制度保护的对象主要是两类,一类是特别弱势的雇员,另一类是雇员的集体利益代表。相应地,特殊解雇保护制度实现了两个层面上的功能,对于第一类雇员基于其特别弱势的地位而保护其个体利益,实现社会正义,而对于第二类雇员则是通过对其成员的保护促进雇员集体利益代表机构的设立和正常运转。德国特殊解雇保护的方式也分为两种,一种是限制解除的事由,只有在雇员有重大违约行为或者企业关闭的情况下允许解除,另一种是要求解除前必须获得主管机关或者雇员集体利益代表机构的同意。相比之下,我国特殊解雇保护制度的保护范围狭窄,保护方式也单一。目前在我国工会改革的背景下,最为迫切的是增强对职工集体利益代表比如工会委员的保护。  相似文献   

近年来 ,受全球经济一体化趋势的影响 ,德国工业界也与世界其他国家一样 ,不断调整其产业结构和企业经营战略 ,以迎接日趋激烈的全球性竞争挑战。尤其是在过去的五年中 ,一股改革浪潮席卷德国 ,企业并购方兴未艾 ,中小企业蓬勃发展 ,新兴产业也正在崛起。改革不仅发生在钢铁、汽车、化学等德国传统工业部门 ,甚至还波及到电子工业等新的领域 ,连一些从前远远落后的企业和部门都正在迎头赶上。德国总统赫尔佐克在向新政府总理施罗德递交就职任命书时说 :“德国需要改革。对于许多方面的改革我们已经没有太多的时间。世界不会等待我们。”这反…  相似文献   

Reflection on the past and its implications shaped German policy towards the European Union during the early 1990s. Helmut Kohl's post‐reunification foreign policy rhetoric reveals two prominent historical themes: that European integration is a ‘question of war and peace’, and that German unity and European unity represent ‘two sides of the same coin’. In the post‐Cold War context, both themes served to orient and legitimate his European policy. They informed Kohl's strong support for the realisation of the Maastricht Treaty. And they were central to his efforts to maintain domestic political support for deeper integration.  相似文献   

The present article empirically examines the social composition of German political party membership. In the first stage of the analysis, party members are compared with the total population and with voters. This makes it possible to identify potential deficiencies in the political representation of certain social groups. In the second stage, party membership is regressed on individual characteristics. This makes it possible to study cleavage structures. Since the empirical analysis includes data from the 2009 German Party Membership Study as well as from the 1998 Potsdam Party Membership Study, we are able to investigate changes over a period of eleven years. In light of the empirical findings, we then consider whether German parties are socially representative of the German population and their respective voters.  相似文献   

日本教育学研究的发展史,以研究范式为划分标准,大致分为"翻译教育学""日本教育学""战后教育学"及"冷战后教育学"四个阶段。但纵观整个日本教育学的研究进程,研究范式的因袭与转换反映了日本教育学研究的一种思考动向,即"批判性"思维。这种思维,一方面在一定程度上阻碍了其教育学研究的继承性,另一方面却也推动了日本本土教育学的构建历程,使得日本教育学脱离了"欧-亚"二元对立的范式陷阱,开始走上独立教育学的构建之旅。  相似文献   

Organizational change processes involve many stakeholders, but the roles of capital owners and managers have not received enough attention in research on organizational change. Exploratory research results in Estonia elucidate how the interplay of owners and managers influences strategic change efforts in an organization operating in a rapidly changing transition economy. In addition to linking theoretical approaches to organizational change and development to corporate governance challenges in transition economies, this article uses data from interviews with 26 prominent decision-makers in Estonia to highlight the differences between foreign and domestic owners in controlling managers in the strategic change processes.  相似文献   

This article argues that social democratic governments throughout the 20th century faced internal and international constraints arising from the operation of capitalist economies and that the evidence for a qualitative deepening of such constraints since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system is far from unequivocal. Financial markets were already big enough and fast enough to deter such governments from the pursuit of egalitarian policies in the interwar years or to destabilise them if they ignored the warning signs. This article also shows that the efficacy of Keynesian macroeconomic policy in the Golden Age has been exaggerated and that the problem of short–term movements of speculative capital persisted throughout this era in a country such as Britain. Keynesianism never worked in the face of mass unemployment and it is misleading to suggest that its breakdown in the 1970s somehow robbed social democracy of the policy tools that had maintained full employment in the 1950s and 1960s. A host of additional problems have indeed beset social democratic governments since 1973, but the analysis of such problems is hindered rather than helped by much of the literature which invokes economic globalisation. Globalisation theory is in need of further specification before it can be useful and arguments about the economic consequences of globalisation since 1973 need to distinguish its effects from those of the many conjunctural problems of the period as well as the policies that important agencies have pursued in search of solutions to them.  相似文献   

Social security regimes must be underpinned by enforcement mechanisms designed to compel employers to fulfil their contribution requirements. In this paper we extend debate on China's social security system by discussing whether the inclusion of re-integrative shaming in the repertoire of mechanisms the state utilises to enforce employer compliance is likely to prove effective. Drawing on audited data provided by the Shanghai Bureau of Labour and Social Security and on interviews with employers and Bureau staff we argue that though shaming has the potential to become an important social security enforcement mechanism in China, optimism that this will occur in the near future is not justified.  相似文献   


This article ascertains the underlying causes of the persistence of unsustainable settlement patterns and trends in post-apartheid South Africa. Despite positive development planning policy intentions in the post-apartheid South Africa, glaring deprivation and spatial inequality has persisted. The article is grounded in a chronological analysis of demographic, functional and regional economic dynamics at the different epochs of South Africa's history as well as the settlement policy and planning intentions. Its main finding is that the persistence of unsustainable settlement patterns and trends in post-apartheid South Africa is largely a result of misplaced settlement policies and strategies. They give knee-jerk responses to global, regional, national and local dynamics shaping settlement patterns and trends. The recommendation is that development planning initiatives should be informed by the dialectics of settlement facets at local, regional, national and global levels for them to deal decisively with the historical problem of unsustainable patterns and trends.  相似文献   

The relationship between politics and literature is beset by tensions and difficulties. The traditional dichotomy in Germany between ’Geist’ and ‘Macht’ has come to the fore again in debates about unity. The events of 1989/90 provoked a fierce controversy over the role of writers and intellectuals in both German states. This article chronicles the debate and seeks to place it in its socio‐political context: the alleged role of GDR writers as loyal supporters of their state, alleged complicity with the Stasi, and the supposed indifference of western writers to the German Question.  相似文献   

Over the years, since the mid-1990s, World Bank-prescribed health policy reforms have successfully introduced market-based private-managed healthcare model in the developing world. This article presents a portrait of the private healthcare model, explores the factors that facilitated the introduction of this model in developing countries and examines the impact of the model on the health rights and health conditions of the poor. It argues that health reforms designed to promote private-managed care in developing countries affect the poor severely and violate their basic health rights, the rights to stay disease-free and lead a healthy life. A host of factors produced by the private-managed care model, most notably reduced social spending on public health, dismantling of public health systems and the ever expansionary grip of private sector health services have effectively diminished the health rights of the poor.  相似文献   

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