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《Science & justice》2023,63(3):369-375
The strong integration of consumer electronics in everyday life offers many new investigative opportunities. In particular, digital traces from smartphones, smartwatches and activity trackers can now increasingly be used to infer information about actions performed by their users in the physical world that might not be obtainable from any other types of forensic evidence.While potentially very valuable from an investigative perspective, making forensically justifiable statements about such traces can sometimes be more difficult than expected. Requirements for this have not yet received much attention in the digital forensic literature. To help filling this gap, we describe the principles we use in determining the evidential value of such traces, which emphasize the need for experimental verification. For such research, aimed at determining the evidential value of these traces, we coin the term data2activity.In this paper, we devote attention to the potential and limitations of data2activity traces, focusing on challenges and giving two examples to illustrate potential pitfalls in interpreting data. Finally, future research directions into data2activity traces are indicated that, in our opinion, should be given attention. These include development of future-proof data acquisition and storage methodology, enabling division-of-effort and sharing of information, as well as development of labeling methodology for free-living experiments.  相似文献   

We report the results of a study designed to assess and evaluate how the law shapes the public health system's preparedness activities. Based on 144 qualitative interviews conducted in nine states, we used a model that compared the objective legal environment with how practitioners perceived the laws. Most local public health and emergency management professionals relied on what they perceived the legal environment to be rather than on an adequate understanding of the objective legal requirements. Major reasons for the gap include the lack of legal training for local practitioners and the difficulty of obtaining clarification and consistent legal advice regarding public health preparedness. Narrowing the gap would most likely improve preparedness outcomes. We conclude that there are serious deficiencies in legal preparedness that can undermine effective responses to public health emergencies. Correcting the lack of legal knowledge, coupled with eliminating delays in resolving legal issues and questions during public health emergencies, could have measurable consequences on reducing morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):463-496

COMPSTAT has been heralded as an innovative and rational crime control program, but our research shows that its implementation presents police departments with a set of opportunities and challenges. Using Weber's theory of bureaucracy, we present a case study demonstrating how COMPSTAT's key elements are shaped by extant organizational arrangements. In renewing an emphasis on the crime-fighting goal and the command hierarchy of the Lowell Police Department, the study site, COMPSTAT presented an opportunity to reinforce certain traditional features of police bureaucracy. However, by strengthening control through its accountability mechanism, COMPSTAT interfered with its own operation. Furthermore, the persistence of other bureaucratic features—functional specialization, formalization, routine, uniformity, and secrecy—limited organizational change. Our case suggests that the most significant challenge for any department is picking the compromise between existing bureaucratic features and COMPSTAT's core elements that most suits its needs and those of its constituencies.  相似文献   

Evolving technologies have created many exciting opportunities to increase the availability of legal information, and to facilitate the organization and publication of this information. With the globalization of almost all legal issues, increased access to primary and secondary resources in electronic format across jurisdictional lines has been a welcomed development by academics, lawyers, international business entities, and others. However, the myriad of legal systems and approaches to maintaining legislative and judicial records has led to a host of challenges in regard to coherent and efficient management of legal information. Focusing on development of legal information systems in China and the United States, this paper will open with a summary of the exciting current and emerging technological advances in legal research methodologies and in the electronic publication of cases, statutes, regulations and other critical resources. The paper will then analyze corresponding challenges, including authenticity, accuracy, currency and consistency. The analysis will include discussion of the varying quality of legal information resources proliferating in the Internet, as well as the host of issues surrounding electronic publishing of legal information by government entities and commercial enterprises. The paper will conclude with a prospective analysis of the manner in which emerging technologies can enhance knowledge management of legal information and strengthen legal systems in both common law and civil law jurisdictions.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to examine progress so far, as well as current challenges and opportunities for EPI in bilateral official development assistance (ODA). A short review of progress shows that effectiveness has so far been limited. Although there has been intense donor activity in relation to stating commitment to the EPI principle and developing a wide range of processes, institutions, and tools, a large part of ODA still is likely to have directly harmful impacts on the environment. The implications for EPI of the emerging governance framework for ODA, namely, the principles stipulated in the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, are then discussed. Both challenges and opportunities are presented, and these are empirically illustrated with a case study of the integration of climate change adaptation in ODA. Finally, this article proposes that at least four special conditions apply to EPI in the bilateral ODA context as compared with domestic EPI: two or more jurisdictions, electorates, and governments are involved; a negotiation context characterized by sovereign states but with a potential power asymmetry; potential conflicts of interest and equity concerns in cases where environmental objectives refer to global environmental problems primarily caused by developed countries; and a policy-making process characterized by a comparatively wide span of both strategic and operational decisions, where EPI can take on very different meanings. The initial exploration presented in this article suggests that these conditions hold, and that, as a consequence, EPI arguably involves more ‘high-politics’ decisions and questions than in a domestic policy context.  相似文献   

In line with the growing number and type of innovation sources and partners, companies’ institutional set up to manage the potential problems of multiple sources and partners for innovation is increasingly challenged to develop and maintain effective and efficient corporate innovation activities. The paper highlights recent developments of open innovation in companies. Findings are based on company case studies involving companies from different industries and company representatives. It shows that open innovation is actually a paradigm long practised but the main efforts are targeted to continuously developing the organization and managerial model of companies to meet the new innovation challenges.  相似文献   

Crime, Law and Social Change - Given its vast border with the United States, Mexico is a strategic trade and economic development region, which creates significant challenges in combating crime and...  相似文献   

Collections of tumour samples can be an invaluable resource for medical research. There are, however, numerous ethical and legal challenges associated with tumour banking. While there has been extensive discussion of these issues in the legal and ethical literature, there are few available empirical data in relation to the activities of tumour banks in Australia, their practices around ethically charged issues, and their success in implementing complex regulatory guidelines. The aim of this study was to gain more information about the activities of tumour banks in New South Wales, Australia, with a particular focus on their management of, and attitudes towards, ethical and regulatory issues. A survey of 27 tumour collection and research facilities was conducted using a 55-item questionnaire. There is significant heterogeneity of research methodologies as well as of methods for gaining consent and ensuring donor privacy, and there is general concern among the research community about ethical and regulatory issues related to tumour banking. Heterogeneity of practice and uncertainty about ethical and regulatory requirements is problematic in its potential to hinder research and its potential to generate the space for unethical practice, whether intentional or unintentional. There is a pressing need to address these issues so that tumour banks can be used in the most ethical and efficient way possible.  相似文献   


Allocution is when offenders plead for mercy and offer explanations in order to mitigate punishment. This paper explores the opportunities and challenges inherent in an attempt to do restorative justice through offender allocution in the sentencing phase of capital trials. The essential principles in theories of restorative justice are presented. Then the contexts of allocution in a courtroom and the statements an offender might make in a typical restorative encounter are clearly differentiated. Contributions from the relatively new field of interpersonal neurobiology illuminate the state of mind in which the audience for allocution in a courtroom may be at the time allocution is offered with implications for how allocution might be used, and prepared for. Finally, suggestions are offered for how the opportunity for allocution might be taken up restoratively during capital trials.  相似文献   

我国<反垄断法>对"汇源并购"案具有管辖权,按照规定可口可乐具有申报义务,商务部在反垄断审查时必须要考虑"经营者集中"的几个相关因素.鉴于民族品牌潜在的经济价值,发达国家对民族品牌都给予特殊法律保障.中国民族品牌在跨国并购浪潮中机遇与挑战并存,因此我国要建立有效的预警机制,加强对跨国并购的兼并手段和策略的研究与宣传,善于借助世界贸易的多边贸易体系作为解决问题的途径,要依靠自己的法律体系保护在全球竞争中的地位和捍卫自己应得的权益.  相似文献   

人工生殖技术远不是简单的医学问题,它的应用对人类生育方式、婚姻家庭观念、社会伦理道德、法律等都产生了深远的影响.与自然生育中的夫妻生育权相比,人工生殖技术割裂了生育与性行为、血缘的直接必然联系,夫妻生育权的问题更为复杂和棘手.因此,夫妻双方的书面同意意义重大.夫妻书面同意的,生育权处于契合状态;未有书面同意的,构成对配偶生育权的侵犯,夫妻生育处于冲突状态.  相似文献   

郑净方 《河北法学》2012,(5):156-161
人工生殖技术远不是简单的医学问题,它的应用对人类生育方式、婚姻家庭观念、社会伦理道德、法律等都产生了深远的影响。与自然生育中的夫妻生育权相比,人工生殖技术割裂了生育与性行为、血缘的直接必然联系,夫妻生育权的问题更为复杂和棘手。因此,夫妻双方的书面同意意义重大。夫妻书面同意的,生育权处于契合状态;未有书面同意的,构成对配偶生育权的侵犯,夫妻生育处于冲突状态。  相似文献   

To study Judicial determinants of the ordered obstetrical and fertility interventions. Nature, corresponding laws, decisions upon the 37 expounded holdings at the Probate, Trial, District, Appellate, and Supreme Courts are studied in 92 published materials identified through the ACOG, RCOG, SOCG portals, and Legal Scholarship Repository. Hearings are held in the US (83.8 %), Canada (10.8 %) and U.K (5.4 %). Of all the hearings reviewed, 27 % concern mentally impaired, 37.8 %-maternal incompetence, and 21.6 % cases are of criminal nature. The Judicial determinants vary from country to country. In Canada, the ordered medical interventions are effected by the child protection legislation, whereas in the US, by court orders. In majority of cases, orders are obtained by dismissing the patriae petitions for involuntary sterilizations of mentally impaired sui juris adults (57 %); coerced obstetrical interventions (33.3 %), fetal custody (50 %); enforcement of surrogacy contracts (62.5 %) in favor of the Common Humanity Benefit clause; and recognizing the rights to inherit in posthumously conceived children (80 %) pursuant to the Social Security Act, Law of obviousness, Law of inherent anticipation, and Intestacy statute. Current study prioritizes two questions: (1) whether it is justified to override the wishes of a competent patient purportedly in her best interests; and (2) whether the patient’s autonomy and competence is an absolute concept. With the law unsettled as to a woman’s right to assent a treatment and contradict her fetus, parties concerned with fetal rights should consider exercising of screening tools on maternal judgmental fitness jointly developed by medical and legal practitioners. Further, given the advances in gamete conservations, states consider enacting legislation in order to safeguard the orderly administration of estates disrupted by claims from posthumously conceived children. A balance must be struck between the child’s right to inherit, the state’s interest, as well as the interests of prior born children.  相似文献   

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