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A collaborative exercise was carried out by the European DNA Profiling Group (EDNAP) in the frame work of the STADNAP program, i.e. standardization of DNA profiling in Europe, in order to evaluate the performance of a Y-chromosome STR pentaplex, which includes the loci DYS19, DYS389 I and II, DYS390 and DYS393 and to determine whether uniformity of results could be achieved among different European laboratories.Laboratories were asked to analyze the five Y-STRs using singleplex and multiplex conditions in three bloodstains and one mixed stain (95% female and 5% male).All the laboratories reported the same results even for the mixed stain included in the exercise. This demonstrates the reproducibility and robustness of Y-chromosome STR typing even with multiplex formats and proves the usefulness of Y-STR systems for analyzing mixed stains with a male component.A total of 930 male samples from 10 different populations from Europe were also analysed for all the loci included in the pentaplex. Eight of these ten populations also included haplotype data.As for single gene analysis, haplotype diversity was higher in Germany and Italy and lower in Western European countries and Finland.Pairwise haplotype analysis shows the Finnish departure from the rest of the populations and a relatively homogeneity in the other European populations with F(ST) estimates lower than 0.05.UPGMA analysis shows an association of Western European population (Ireland, UK, Portugal and Galicia) on the one hand and central European populations on the other.  相似文献   

A survey of 89 random rape cases including 166 semen traces, according to the prostate-specific-antigen test, showed the need for a more efficient method of DNA-profiling. No male autosomal STR-profile could be detected, after differential lysis, in 35% of the 84 samples usually containing high amounts of the victim's cells, i.e. vaginal/anal washings and knickers. A Y-STR-pentaplex was applied to the stored sperm fraction of 50 unsolved semen traces, with success in 48% of them. The chance of success depends of the amount of total DNA available and of the quality of the extracted DNA.  相似文献   

Population studies were carried out on the Y-specific short tandem repeat (STR) systems DYS19, DYS389I + II, DYS390 and DYS393 in a Western German population sample. Determination of the allele frequencies revealed for all these systems, unimodal distribution. The number of observed alleles varied: five for DYS19, six for DYS390, three for DYS389I, seven for DYS389II and six for DYS393. In 102 unrelated male individuals, 56 different haplotypes were found. The haplotype diversity values were similar to those of other European populations.  相似文献   

The Spanish and Portuguese ISFG Working Group (GEP-ISFG) carried out a collaborative exercise in order to asses the performance of two Y chromosome STR tetraplexes, which include the loci DYS461, GATA C4, DYS437 and DYS438 (GEPY I), and DYS460, GATA A10, GATA H4 and DYS439 (GEPY II). The groups that reported correct results in all the systems were also asked to analyse a population sample in order to evaluate the informative content of these STRs in different populations. A total of 1020 males out of 13 population samples from Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Macao, Mozambique, Portugal and Spain were analysed for all the loci included in the present study. Haplotype and allele frequencies of these eight Y-STRs were estimated in all samples. The lowest haplotype diversity was found in the Lara (Argentina) population (95.44%) and the highest (99.90%) in Macao (China). Pairwise haplotype analysis showed the relative homogeneity of the Iberian origin samples, in accordance with what was previously found in the European populations for other Y-STR haplotypes (http://www.ystr.org). As expected, the four non-Caucasian samples, Macao (Chinese), Mozambique (Africans), Costa Rica (Africans) and Argentina (Lara, Amerindians), show highly significant Phist values in the pairwise comparisons with all the Caucasian samples.  相似文献   

目的 研究Y—染色体STR基因座在法医学检测中的应用价值。方法 用荧光标记DYS19,DYS391,DYS4 39三个Y—STR基因座 ,PCR复合扩增 ,通过毛细管电泳得到结果。结果 三个Y—STR基因座有较高的种属特异性 ;观察 5 0次男性配子细胞形成过程中的减数分裂未发现突变基因 ;对男∶女不同比例混合血样检测 ,当男∶女性血样比达 1∶5 0时 ,仍能准确分型Y—STR基因型 ,并且Y—STR检验较常染色体STR分型更有优势 ;检测了 1~ 15个月病理石蜡切片 ,表明Y -STR基因座适合降解DNA的检测。结论 Y -STR分型适合日常法医检案的需要 ,该方法是对常染色体STR应用的一个补充。  相似文献   

We have developed a new sensitive multiplex PCR system consisting of five male-specific and polymorphic tetranucleotide STRs--DYS441 (GDB: 10013873), DYS442 (GDB: 10030304), DYS443 (GDB: 10807127), DYS444 (GDB: 10807128), and DYS445 (GDB: 10807129) on the Y chromosome. Fifty pg DNA per 10 microL reaction volume was required for the correct typing of five STRs. Using this system, the five Y-STRs were correctly typed from blood and semen stains that had been stored for several years at room temperature.  相似文献   

A collaborative exercise was carried out by the Spanish and Portuguese ISFG Working Group (GEP-ISFG) in order to evaluate the performance of two Y-chromosome STR PCR tetraplexes, which include the loci DYS461, GATA C4, DYS437 and DYS438 (GEPY I), and DYS460, GATA A10, GATA H4 and DYS439 (GEPY II). The participating laboratories were asked to type three samples for the eight markers, using a specific amplification protocol. In addition, two control samples, with known haplotypes, were provided. The results obtained by the 13 different participating laboratories were identical, except for two laboratories that failed to type correctly the same two samples for GATA C4. By sequence analyses, two different GATA C4 allele structures were found. One control sample (allele 21) and two questioned samples (allele 22, correctly typed by all the laboratories, and allele 25) presented the following repeat structure: (TCTA)4(TGTA)2(TCTA)2(TGTA)2(TCTA)n, but different from the one found for allele 26 in one sample included in this exercise, as well as in the second control sample (allele 23), namely (TCTA)4(TGTA)2(TCTA)2(TGTA)2(TCTA)2(TGTA)2(TCTA)n. The collaborative exercise results proved that both Y-tetraplexes produce good amplification results, with the advantage of being efficiently typed using different separation and detection methodologies. However, since GATA C4 repeat presents a complex structure, with alleles differing in sequence structure, efficient denaturing conditions should be followed in order to avoid typing errors due to sizing problems.  相似文献   

目的探讨提高DYS391和DYS393基因座特异性扩增方法及两基因座的X染色体扩增产物对法医学鉴定结论的影响。方法DYS391和DYS393基因座采用PCR扩增、聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳结合银染进行分析。结果稀释模板DNA浓度和提高退火温度对提高此两Y染色体基因座特异性扩增并不明显。DYS391和DYS393的X染色体扩增产物对法医学鉴定结论有误导可能性。结论在法医学鉴定尤其是性别鉴定中应谨慎应用DYS391和DYS393基因座。  相似文献   

Two hundred twenty-five unrelated males were typed for 7 over 8 loci Y-chromosome STRs proposed in a collaborative study by The Spanish and Portuguese ISFG Working Group. The markers amplification were in two multiplex reactions GEPY I with GATA C4, DYS438, DYS437, DYS461 (GATA A7.2) and GEPY II with GATA H4, DYS439, GATA A10 and DYS460 (GATA A7.1). All gene diversities were upper 0.5 with the highest value in DYS439 with 0.64. Furthermore, 152 haplotypes from 7 loci Y-chromosome STRs were found within studied population and a high haplotype diversity 0.9902 was found. The DYS460 (GATA A7.1) marker can not be studied because its diverse alleles were not able for interpret.  相似文献   

Two women were found dead inside a residence. Choke causes death in one that had been naked in a bed and contusion injury in another that was found on a sofa. Were received samples of vaginal and anal swabs of the two victims of homicide with suspected of having suffered sexual violence. References also received samples of two victims and a suspect. We performed genetic analysis for identification of samples from the meeting of any possibility of overlap between patterns and profiles of sequences of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) based on genetic relationship between those involved. The reference samples were subjected to the procedure of extraction of nuclear DNA by Chelex method and the swabs samples by differential extraction. For all the samples were performed for amplification of STRs loci and autosomal STRs of chromosome Y. The profiles of DNA sequences were obtained by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), using sequences starting with marked substances emitting fluorescence detected by reading the optical laser in 3100 Avant automatic sequencer from Applied Biosystems. The information of consecutive loci of Short Repeats or STRs of autosomal chromosomes and the Y chromosome was obtained using the systems or products sold in multilocus, methodologies recommended by the supplier and valid for analysis of DNA. We used the multilocus Identifiler and YFiler system of Applied Biosystems to the amplification of samples. The validation of results has shown a genetic profile in male anal secretion of the victims with a complete coincidence with the suspect.  相似文献   

DNA extracted from the fingernails of female victims of a violent or aggressive act may assist in the identification of the male. Sometimes with the current autosomal STR loci, however, the victim's profile may mask the perpetrator's DNA profile or the perpetrator's DNA may be substantially lower in quantity than that of the victim's DNA. Thus, under these conditions, no characterization is possible. In this paper, an alternative DNA extraction procedure was employed, and the application of an STR locus residing on the Y chromosome DYS19 was typed to allow for genetic characterization of the perpetrator in such cases.  相似文献   

目的提供DYS385、DYS459和DYS464基因座的群体遗传学资料。方法用荧光标记引物及ABI 3100型基因分析仪对武汉地区176名汉族男性无关个体的DYS385、DYS459和DYS464 3个多拷贝Y-STR基因座进行分型。结果在DYS385和DYS459基因座的个体,可观察到1~2个不同长度的扩增产物;DYS464基因座个体,可观察到1~4个不同长度的扩增产物。DYS385基因座检出14个等位基因及47种单倍型,DYS459检出4个等位基因及7种单倍型,DYS464检出9个等位基因及51种单倍型,其单倍型多样性分别为0.9591、0.6047和0.9560。3个基因座构成的联合单倍型共有133种,其多样性值达0.9909。结论3个多拷贝Y-STR基因座均为高多态性的遗传标记,联合应用具有较高的个体分辨能力。  相似文献   

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