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In this paper we examine the actual legal situation concerning the attribution of geostatic positions and frequencies and the problems of frequency interference by other satellites due to not fully clear property rights. We analyze the property rights setting governing satellite communications and review the implications of the Coase theorem of these rules through a game theoretical approach between two players: Russia and Greece (Hellasat commercial communication attempt). The basic finding, in accordance with the theorem's prediction under non-zero and possibly high transaction costs, is that the end result may be sub-optimal due to the inappropriate present specification of property rights, leading either to non-use of scarce resources, or to total over-investment.  相似文献   

石佑启 《河北法学》2007,25(3):21-25
私有财产权是个人维持其生存和发展的最基本的物质保障,是人之为人不可或缺的一项基本权利,它不是财产作为物的权利,而是人作为人支配物的权利,是一项基本的人权.财产权与生命权和自由权一道被称为三大基本人权,是人权大厦的基石.财产权又构成生命权、自由权发挥作用的物质基础和条件,是生命权、自由权自然延伸的结果.没有财产权作为基础的生命权和自由权是不现实的,财产权越安全,生命权就越有保障,自由权就更为真实和牢靠.  相似文献   

祖月  姜德水 《行政与法》2004,(12):94-96
中国《1982年宪法》,通过了第四次修正案,第一次明确地将"公民的合法的私有财产不受侵害"纳入到国家根本大法之中.从民事权利的角度看,宪法的原则规定,不能代替普通法律的颁布和实施,为此,我们要从社会意义和法律地位上对私有财产的保扩加以完善,这是现代法治社会的关键所在,也是落实宪法修正案的当务之急.  相似文献   

Property Rights and Biodiversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This essay deals with the allocation of genetic resources with regard to property-rights theory. In addition to this, different arrangements of property rights will be examined as to their allocation and distribution effects. The result will show that property rights on biological diversity can only cover patrimonial rights which contain the right to use the resource but not to destroy it. Bioprospecting conventions, such as the well known Merck-INBio agreement, will be examined as mechanisms to establish property rights in terms of biological diversity. Moreover, the identification of these agreements will be critically questioned for their applicability as a form of the Coase-theorem.  相似文献   

The Coase theorem asserts that private bargaining can overcome the difficulties posed by an externality situation and lead to a first-best allocative solution. For such idealized efficiency to be achieved, however, it is generally recognized that certain very special conditions must be met—including the assumption of zero transaction costs. In opposition to this view, the paper argues that the special simplifying conditions usually specified in the literature are not sufficient. Unless stringent supplementary conditions are introduced, private bargaining will not bring about a first-best solution. Indeed, if the standard assumptions are met but the supplementary conditions of the paper are not, government intervention in the externality case can be expected to produce a solution that is Pareto superior to the one generated by private bargaining.  相似文献   

私法的重要目的与任务是保护私人财产所有权,其中最为重要的是保护不动产财产权。在现代社会,财产权负有社会义务,其行使自由应当受到一定的限制已成为人们共识。为此,各国私法在对财产权行使自由保护的同时,普遍加强了对财产权尤其是不动产财产权行使的限制,并不断提出更高层次的限制要求。在此过程中,应遵循禁止权利滥用、公序良俗与诚实信用、情势限制与容忍义务等基本原则。只有有限的自由与适度的限制,才能达到社会各利益主体间的平衡,并最终实现社会的公平与和谐。  相似文献   

公物上的权利(力)构成——公法与私法的双重视点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公物是指由政府提供的直接用于公用目的之物,包括公务用公物和公众用公物.公物上的权利(力)关系纵横交错,既包括公法性质上的公物管理权和使用权及其下属权能,也包括私法性质上的物权及其下属权能.两类不同性质的各种权利(力)相互区分,相互交融和作用,共同组成了公物上的权利(力)约束.  相似文献   

环境财产权制度构建理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔金星 《河北法学》2012,30(6):132-133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140,141
权利基础研究是部门法理论发展的源泉,以环境权理论引领并承载环境法制度的纵深发展困难重重.环境财产权公法性私权的研究视角,直面资源时代生态保护的现实立法需求和个体性私权保护的宪政价值,拓展环境法制度架构空间,开展环境法与传统部门法的对话.环境财产权尊重并吸纳国家环境政策与制度创新的实践成果,以环境利用和保护中的财产利益为中心,探求排污权、环境容量使用权、环境利用权、生态效益受益权等管制型环境私权法理基础和生长空间.并围绕环境财产权制度目标的实现,探求环境财产权保护的制度平台和国家环境制度创新的发展方向.  相似文献   

私权视角下的社会保险基金监管   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会保险基金是我国社会保障基金的重要组成部分,建立健全社会保险基金的监管制度是建立和完善我国社会保障体系的重要环节。在社会保险基金监管体制的制度构架中,在探讨如何将公权力(监督权力)进行分配,使社会保险基金的各管理主体各尽其能,相互制约的同时,应当明确社会保险基金中的私有产权性质,解决社会保险基金权利主体缺位问题,从而进一步完善社会保险基金监管制度,切实维护劳动者合法权益。  相似文献   

行政相对方与行政相对方权利是行政法的基石范畴。这两个基石范畴界定上的模糊,会导致行政法理论体系的混乱。对行政相对方及行政相对方权利进行语义分析,是进行行政法基础理论研究的切入点和逻辑起点。本文从行政相对方的界定、行政相对方权利的内涵、行政相对方权利与民事权利的辨析,以及行政方权利的划分着手,试图对行政相对方权利的内涵与外延进行法理学分析。  相似文献   

论遗产分割中的归扣制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,中国传统税法研究过于强调税收的“权力性、强制性与无偿性”,因而使税法异化为侵犯(私人)财产权的“侵权法”,与作为“维权法”的私法形成对立。然而,从依法治国之宪法意旨和市场经济的内在要求来看,税法与私法本质上应为统一,并具有内在、广泛的联系,其本源就在于“对(私人)财产权的确认和保障”。  相似文献   

In the United States and elsewhere, there is substantial controversy regarding the use of race and ethnicity by police in determining whom to stop, question, and investigate in relation to crime and security issues. In the ethics literature, the debate about profiling largely focuses on the nature of profiling and when (if ever) profiling is morally justifiable. This essay addresses the related, but distinct, issue of whether states have a duty to collect information about the race and ethnicity of persons stopped by police. I argue that states in the U.S. do have such a duty on the grounds that such information collection would help secure the value of persons' human rights against discrimination and unfair policing. Nonetheless, a large number of states do not require it. I begin by distinguishing rights from the value of rights, and arguing that under certain conditions persons have claims to the value of rights themselves, and that states have duties to secure that value. I then turn to the issue of profiling and offer the value of rights argument in favor of information collection about the race and ethnicity of persons stopped by police.  相似文献   

文化多样性的主权、人权与私权分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
吴汉东 《法学研究》2007,29(6):3-17
文化传统保护与文化发展选择是国家文化主权的基本内容;保护文化多样性的权利和自由属于基本人权的范畴;知识产权对文化创造参与者的支持和激励具有重要意义。《文化多样性公约》以主权和人权作为文化多样性保护的基本举措,并以对艺术家的知识产权保护作为补充措施,由此构建了一个保护文化多样性的多元权利形态。  相似文献   

This paper examines how differences in sex drives between husbands and wives affect bargaining strengths during marriage and particularly at times when divorce might occur. The basic argument follows from the fact that sex drives vary over an individual's life cycle, and are systematically different for men and women. The spouse having the lowest sex drive at any time in the marriage has a property right over whether or not sexual intercourse will occur, with a consequent increase in bargaining power at the margin. The paper derives a number of testable implications from its model, and, using several data sources, shows empirically how this difference affects marriage, adultery and divorce.  相似文献   

姜昕  王景斌 《行政与法》2005,4(5):82-85
对法治问题的探讨已经历时久远,众所周知,法治的核心内容是基于保障个人自由和权利的需要而对国家权力施加必要的限制,现在,我们又处于一个界定权利的时代,一个认真对待权利的时代,因此,明确公法法治的目标显得尤为重要。本文的视角就在于以私权为中心,从公法内外入手来把握公法法治的问题,认为要实现公法法治,必须培育公法主体的现代法精神,使其尊重私权利,公法法治应从尊重私权开始。  相似文献   

费长山 《时代法学》2010,8(2):30-36
人权原则以及政府信息公开制度的确立,体现了我国法治建设的重大成就和历史性进步。人权原则对政府信息公开制度具有理论和实践指导意义,人权原则在政府信息公开过程中具有抗衡权、正当程序实现权和保护请求权等应然权利。本文将人权原则理念与政府信息公开制度两者联系起来加以考察,以求达到人权原则对政府信息资源运用的理性指导与控制,进而构建政府权威信息源头地位。  相似文献   

物权的本质为何,千百年来吸引许多私法学者尝试提出一家之言。然而,大陆法系多数学者执着干物权乃人与物之关系,走入歧途;普通法主流学者把物权看成一束权利,同样是打迷糊仗。本文主张物权(或本文之名词“财产权”)有三种核心效力:对世、排他、追及。任何与物有关之权利若具备三种核心效力,就是物权。财产是人与人间关于物之法律关系之组合,而非人对物之关系。此种财产关系又可分成四种典型:人对国家、人对定限物权人、人对特定人如邻居、人对所有其他人。除了人面对国家徵收高权时外,财产关系都有或强或弱的排他本质;而此关系乃自动生成,此正是对世效力之本意。追及效力虽然有时隐而未显,但在财产权移转时会当然发挥作用。此外,所有权是财产权,但非后者之同义词。所有权(而非物权)才是一束权能。  相似文献   

私权的层次划分与体系建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私权的核心与实质是正当利益,利益对主体的重要性与关系紧密性决定了私权的层次性。基础性权利(元权利)、辅助性权利、救济性权利是私权的层次性体现,三者及其内含的各种具体权利成为私法的核心内容并符合逻辑地构成层次分明的私权体系。私权的层次划分与体系建构为研习私权提供了清晰的概念内涵以及新的思考方式。  相似文献   

Coase argued that externality rights should sometimes be flexible, but warned that ambiguity can also hinder market transactions. Flexible liability is not uncommon and can be shown to provide useful information under nonconvexity. At a global optimum, each side must be able to compensate the other. There are also limited incentive gains from flexible liability for private externalities. For public externalities, however, claims will be exaggerated when agents are risk seeking and understated when they are risk averse. Efficient specifications of right are thus unlikely to emerge from self-interested litigation alone.  相似文献   

财富、财产权与宪法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从现代宪法的发生学视角出发,通过梳理财产权从古代到现代的两条转化路径,即自然权利路径和普通法路径,阐述了作为现代宪制动力机制的财富和财产权问题,揭示了财富与财产权的认识论和法律观的古今之变,进而论证了财产权是现代宪法的基石,对财产权的保护是现代宪法的核心原则之一。  相似文献   

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