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全球伦理虽然由西方的宗教界人士首先提出,但它反映了人类共同的心声,并且是从人类已有的伦理传统中汲取了养料。不过,东西方,特别是中西之间对此问题的看法还是存在相当程度的差异。本力图从哲学方法、思想渊源、实现途径等方面对此做出分析。  相似文献   

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is one of the most advanced global climate governance arrangements and we show that it contributes to the buildup of autonomous capacities and reliable procedures in areas of rather limited statehood. These partially unintended effects can be conceptualized as an increasing rational–legal bureaucratization, which has been initiated through both external and domestic actors as we illuminate in the case of Indonesia's forestry sector in the period from 2007 until 2017. Our finding is that a bureaucratization of a new kind is increasingly strengthened in Indonesia's forest despite enduring patterns of neopatrimonialism, emerging signs of new public management approaches, and the strengthening of functional equivalents such as community-based forest management. We thus claim that Max Weber's perspective on the prospects and problems of rational–legal bureaucratization is still valuable, even when travelling to the tropics.  相似文献   

佛教伦理:一种全球伦理资源的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球伦理作为一种共享的全球性道德理想,必须在全球各种文明中寻找思想的资源.本文通过对佛教伦理内容的概括与梳理,考察了在"全球伦理"语境下佛教伦理的现代诠释方法,从信仰伦理、社会规范伦理、美德伦理等方面构建了佛教伦理的体系,探讨了佛教伦理思想的特质,展现了佛教伦理作为一种全球伦理资源的必要性、可能性及其意义.  相似文献   

价值永存既是可能的又是必要的.价值永存的可能性以人类本身的永恒存在、人类对价值的永存追求、人类对创造过非凡价值的历史人物的永恒缅怀为根本前提、必要条件和主要途径.价值永存的必要性源自人类文明发展的需要.前人创造和积累的物质价值和精神价值是后人生存、发展和继续创造的必要基础.价值永存具有多种伦理意义:满足人们追求超越性的意愿;鼓舞人们积极创造价值;激励后代效法先贤.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a good deal of discussion in Australia about public service integrity. This article seeks to consider the Australian public service's standards of integrity by analysing the ethical framework under which the public service operates and the particular ethical issues and tensions that this involves; testing and benchmarking the ethical performance of the public service; and providing some suggestions as to the next steps in ethics considerations in the Australian public service.  相似文献   

网络社会是一种新生的社会组织形式,目前网络伦理陷入困境的局面,使我们明白当前网络伦理的构建显得非常必要。在构建网络伦理时,必须坚持培养社会责任感的原则、自主自律的原则等等。与此同时,还必须加强网民自我角色意识,健全网络法制,加强网络执法力度。  相似文献   

佛教伦理的现代意义——全球伦理视域下的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在建设全球伦理的漫长道路上,佛教伦理将起到重要作用。佛教伦理一直保持着与全球人类伦理共同拥有的价值观和道德意识与境界。佛教伦理已经具备了为全球伦理作出贡献的基础,并且可以提供重要的思想资源。当然佛教伦理思想和道德规范亦应继续保持自己的特色,而不是被全球伦理所淹没。  相似文献   


Outcome based policies promote the use performance accountability models. However, the impact these policies have on the ethical culture of public sector organizations has not been adequately assessed. This research examines performance accountability reforms by examining the City of Atlanta’s implementation of federal and state performance policies. The analysis reveals the use of performance models in vulnerable organizations negatively impact employees’ ethical behavior. Teachers and administrators altered test results, delivered threats, misled parents and students about performance outcomes, and were dishonest with state investigators to give the illusion that performance goals had been met or exceeded.  相似文献   

自周初德治主义的萌芽至汉朝中国伦理传统“德治”模式的确立,其间历经管仲以法为主的德法结合论、孔子的以德治国论、荀子的礼法并重论等治国理论。然而,基于批判秦朝“法治”实践发展起来的汉朝治国模式,在“罢黜百家、独尊儒术”的背景下走向了纯伦理化的“德治”。与之相应,其培养“德治”主体道德素质的“治德”范式呈现为片面的伦理型特征。自汉至清历朝历代由盛而衰的“德治”循环实践证明:伦理型“治德”前提下的“德治”陷入了“德治”悖论。化解“德治”悖论,实现国家长治久安的选择是全面认识、借鉴吸收先秦时期诸子百家的治国理论及其“治德”范式,促进“治德”的伦理制度化。  相似文献   

Steven Grosby 《Society》2013,50(3):301-310
This article offers a re-evaluation of Max Weber’s analyses of both the disenchantment of the world and the origins of capitalism.  相似文献   

民族主义在当代中国的发展主流是健康的,但其中也出现了一种非理性的表现形式。民族排外主义就是当前中国非理性民族主义的主要表现形式。文章重点分析民族排外主义在政治、经济、文化等方面的具体表现及其消极后果,并提出民族主义理性化建构的思路与对策。  相似文献   

城市与西方现代资本主义兴起的关系问题,是马克斯@韦伯的政治社会理论中的重要内容.韦伯在比较世界城市尤其是东西方两种理想类型城市的基础上,揭示了城市与现代资本主义兴起和发展的内在关联.考察韦伯的城市观,对于思考传统中国的近代转型乃至当代中国的相关社会政治问题,无论在理论上,还是在实践上,都有重要的启迪意义.  相似文献   

中华明自古就有一个世界主义的传统,有破“国家中心论”的较低层次的世界主义,如梁启超、顾炎武;有破“区域中心论”的较高层次的世界主义,如先秦诸家;有破“人类中心论”的最高层次的世界主义,如张载、陆象山、康有为。世界主义的各种形态,在中华明中是齐备的。建立“全球伦理”这座大厦,需要动用全人类的智慧资源。中华明之世界主义在此重大构建活动中,至少可有如下之贡献:可以对全球伦理之各项要求提供全方位的支持;可以纠全球伦理之所偏,帮助全球伦理获得平衡稳定的发展;可以为全球伦理之实现提供方法与途径;可以提升全球伦理之视野,使全球伦理真正成为“普世伦理”或“普遍伦理”,把全球伦理之“全球”视野,提升到“宇宙”视野、“天下”视野。  相似文献   

Public organizations face a multitude of challenges that force them to innovate existing processes, policies, programs, and products. Indeed, in recent years, innovation has become a core topic of study in public administration. However, the vast majority of the public sector innovation literature stems from the United States and Western Europe. The lack of Asia-Pacific studies is particularly striking given that countries like Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan consistently rank high on public sector innovation. This special issue brings together state of the art empirical research on public sector innovation in the Asia-Pacific region that examines a range of drivers and outcomes of innovation, including studies comparing Asia-Pacific countries and countries in the East and the West. The findings show that public sector employees in the studied countries all seek opportunities to innovate, whereas cultural norms and values either constrain or enable innovative behaviour and affect the extent to which employees experience leadership support for displaying such behaviour.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(2):281-305

The following paper considers the extent to which discourse ethics can adequately respond to Habermas' own call for normative justification for the expectation of tolerance. It concludes that discourse ethics is able to lend its services to the flagging fortunes of the idea of toleration, not by seeking to underscore this idea with rationally compelling argumentation, but by offering insights into the possibilities opened up to a life which accepts this principle.  相似文献   

《Critical Horizons》2013,14(2):247-269

The central claim of this essay is that Habermas' pro gram of discourse ethics fails to establish the necessary immanent connection between the universality of discourse ethics and the quasi-transcendentalism, which is supposed to provide its ground. Habermas' attempt to avoid the spectre of subjectivism leads him to develop an understanding of universalism that hinges on a critical error, the confusion of subjectivity with ethical sub stance. Using Castoriadis' theory of the imagination to illuminate this failure, I demonstrate the way in which Habermas' moral theory of discourse inadvertently harbours a moral-imaginary horizon, a pre-political kernel which undercuts its capacity to serve as a universalist ethic.  相似文献   

在我国政府尚不具备公共管理的公共价值理性的前提下,运用公共服务市场化这一治理工具容易引发行政伦理危机,如责任危机、信用危机、效率危机和公平危机等。而近期改进管理方法技术、中期完善社会治理结构、长期建构法治治理文化是防范和控制这些行政伦理危机、实现公共利益的现实路径。  相似文献   

民主社会主义理论体系庞大,来源众多,但一条主线却始终贯穿始终,即以伦理为本位兼容并包,把伦理原则视为判断政治现实的准则、衡量社会价值的尺度、进行实践活动的指南.这一点不仅体现在以自由、公正、互助等为内涵的基本价值观中,也从其资本主义观、社会主义观、历史观、国家观等方面表现出来.因此,要深入了解民主社会主义,就不能不考察其伦理世界观;要搞清民主社会主义与科学社会主义的本质区别,就更离不开对其伦理原则的梳理和评判.  相似文献   

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