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司法鉴定,还被害人以公道,还无辜者以清白; 司法鉴定,让作恶者无以遁形,让犯罪者受到制裁。  相似文献   

建成于1999年的最高人民检察院事业大楼。坐落在北京西部的石景山区鲁谷东街5号,最高人民检察院司法鉴定中心就设在此大楼内。最近,记者采访了该鉴定中心的负责人。  相似文献   

同志们,新世纪的第一个春天里,我们在杭州举办司法鉴定高级研讨班,共同研讨司法鉴定制度与创新,我认为是非常有意义的。 这次高级研讨班是继去年8月以后,司法部在推动面向社会服务的司法鉴定管理工作上的又一次大的举措。研讨班的任务可以用20个字来概括,即统一认识、明确职责、扎实工作、努力创新、逐步完善。没有统一的认识,工作产生不了动力,形成不了声势;没有明确的职责,工作定  相似文献   

司法鉴定服务于诉讼活动,涉及双方当事人权益以及社会其他公共利益,其公信力建设至关重要.鉴定作为司法活动的重要组成部分,具有科学性、法律性以及服务性的社会属性.在科学证据的时代,打官司就是打证据,而打证据又通常是打鉴定,使得司法鉴定的社会影响力逐年攀升.随着鉴定机构数量渐趋饱和,其社会化、市场化以及趋利性带来了恶性竞争,...  相似文献   

我国权力高度集中的中心主义治理结构是根深蒂固的。改革开放以来,由于简政放权、权力下放,导致多中心时代的到来。多中心反映为传统中心有所削弱和位移,客观上推进了限制权力的权力改造工作,同时,也使社会成员、社会组织、企事业单位、地方国家机关从权力的边缘地带转入中心区域,权利保障水平有所提升,基层国家机关权力与责任的范围进一步得到明确。更重要的是,地方与基层国家机关由于直接与权利人接触,在多中心时代快速发展为依法办事的前沿区域,承担了重大的法律风险。所以,地方也具有更多的法治建设积极性。全面依法治国,推动法治中国建设,需要抓住地方法治实践这一关节点,把法治建设的着力点放在地方和基层。  相似文献   

去年十月,正值汕头市“重建信用,重塑形象”新世纪生命工程启动之时,崔伟出任人民银行汕头市支行行长。此时的汕头,刚刚经历了一场金融危机,全市金融信用问题处于最危险的时刻。他明白自己肩上的担子很重——作为新上任的人行行长,他必须驾驭好时代的风帆,将汕头金融带出暗礁险滩,谋求稳定发展。心系农信深入实际通过对汕头金融的调查研究,崔伟发现汕头金融的薄弱环节在于农村信用社。汕头农信社的体制和历史问题错综复杂,给行业管理和监督管理都带来了相当的难度。崔伟认为,要做好这项工作不能单凭纸上的数据和资料,应该深入基…  相似文献   

潘广俊  杨建 《中国司法鉴定》2009,(6):I0001-I0002
2009年6月3日,《浙江省司法鉴定管理条例》(下称《条例》)经浙江省十一届人大常委会第十一次会议审议通过,并将于同年10月1日正式实施。这是全国人大常委会《关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》(下称《决定》)实施后以规范司法鉴定管理工作为重点的地方性法规,《条例》充分结合了浙江省司法鉴定工作的实务,创新了一系列管理制度,对科学发展司法鉴定事业具有重要意义。  相似文献   

李庆生 《政府法制》2010,(20):64-64
"教书育人平生志,桃李满园天下情,敬业人厚是根本,大德必寿人崇敬"。这是山西省临汾市政协副主席杨益民同志在临汾精华中学董事长陈化周老人80诞辰宴会上的致辞。陈化周老人去年刚度过他的80寿辰,  相似文献   

以"三个代表"重要思想为指导,认真贯彻落实十六大精神,把握大局,突出重点,与时俱进,开拓创新,狠抓职工的思想道德教育和党风廉政建设,强化内部管理,树立行业形象,完善激励机制,激发队伍活力,使各项工作出现了前所未有的好局面,这就是前进中的泾阳县审计局.  相似文献   


Reluctant Bureaucrats: The Struggle to Establish the National Endowment for the Arts Charles Christopher Mark Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt, 1992, 239 pages, paper $19.95

The Audience for American Art Museums J. Mark Davidson Schuster Research Division Report #23, National Endowment for the Arts Washington: Seven Locks Press, 1991, 46 pages, paper $10.95

21 Voices, The Art of Presenting the Performing Arts Naomi Rhodes Washington, D.C.: Association of Performing Arts Presenters, 1991, 324 pages, paper $20.00 members, $24.00 nonmembers.

Workpapers I: Rethinking and Restructuring The Arts Organization Nello McDaniel and George Thorn, eds. New York: FEDAPT, 1990, 141 pages, paper $16.95.

Workpapers II: Arts Boards: Myths, Perspectives and New Approaches Nello McDaniel and George Thorn, eds. New York: FEDAPT, 1991, 86 pages, paper $16.95.  相似文献   

The authors address how patent protection in the United States is often quite narrow in scope, difficult to obtain, and insufficient in duration, thus stifling research and development of potential breakthrough pharmaceuticals. The authors further posit that countries that have enacted stronger intellectual property rights and research incentives have seen tremendous increases in foreign direct investment. In addressing critics of the current patent system, the authors show that alternatives to biotechnology patents would not demonstrably improve innovation and development of beneficial medicines. The authors conclude that given the substantial evidence of the patent system's benefits, and the mere speculation that patents have a deleterious effect on patients, no suggestions currently proposed to replace or improve the patent system will have the same beneficial effects for patients.  相似文献   

如何深入推进“说理式执法”是目前卫生行政执法中较为重要的课题。本文从背景、概念、认识误区、存在问题、对策和建议等五个方面对说理式执法进行全面阐释。  相似文献   

对话敌人刑法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何庆仁 《河北法学》2008,26(7):94-98
雅科布斯教授在世纪之交提出了一个让世人震惊的观点:刑法应该把某些人当作敌人来对待!该理论自露面伊始便饱受诟病,怀疑者们几乎从所有可以想象的角度提出了批评。但是,剔除直觉和感性的因素,敌人刑法理论实际上向我们展示的是一幅更清晰、更理性的生活画卷。业已存在的实在法规范共同体如果想要更富有活力地、更健康地持续存在下去,采纳敌人刑法的主张将是相当现实的选择。  相似文献   

Fatalities caused by electrocution (n = 37) were re-examined on the basis of the autopsy records, the police reports and the technical expertise. Accidents including two lightning deaths caused 2/3rd and suicides 1/4th of the fatalities and there were two homicides. Carelessness or ignorance were a major reason for accidental deaths while technical defects could be verified in five cases only. Low-voltage ac and male victims predominated. Electrical burns or current marks were detected in 81% including all high voltage electrocutions. The seven victims lacking burns were electrocuted in a wet environment including six cases of suicide in the bathtub with a hair drier. Petechial haemorrhages were present in 74% of the cases and the favourite sites were the skin of the eyelids, conjunctivae, visceral pleura, and the epicard. The presence of petechiae did not depend on the voltage or the current pathway relative to the heart. It is, therefore, suggested that the petechiae are not caused by asphyxia but by a combination of venous congestion due to cardiac arrest and a sudden rise in blood pressure induced by muscle contractions. Consequently, "electrical petechiae" represent a non-specific but typical finding in electrocution irrespective of the mechanism leading to death. Unlike electrical burns, petechiae also indicate the vital origin of the events. The relevance of this typical morphological sign in the examination of possible electrocution fatalities is therefore emphasised.  相似文献   

Drug use histories were collected from 100 subjects recruited from the "dance scene" in and around Glasgow, Scotland. In addition, each subject donated a hair sample which was analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for amphetamine (AP), methamphetamine (MA), 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MD MA) and 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA). The hair samples were analyzed in two 6 cm segments or in full, ranging from 1.5 to 12 cm depending on the length of the hair. Approximately 10 mg of hair was ground to a fine powder before treatment with beta-glucuronidase/aryl sulfatase. A solid-phase extraction procedure was carried out followed by derivatization with pentafluoropropionic anhydride (PFPA). All extracts were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Of the 139 segments analyzed, 77 (52.5%) were positive for at least one of the five amphetamines. The drug concentrations found in the hair were compared with the self-reported drug histories. A concordance of greater than 50% was found between the self-report data and levels detected in hair. However, no correlation was found between the reported number of "ecstasy" tablets consumed and the drug levels detected in hair. An increase in the average drug levels measured was observed from low to high use (number of "ecstasy" tablets/month). A large number of false negatives and a low number of false positives were observed.  相似文献   

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