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History can be divided into various segments based on the various developing stages. We call these segments eras. The era issue has been raised to discuss time and time again, which is often associated with the major transition of political system, economic system and ideology in world life,  相似文献   

Why do some states generate competent, professional military organizations, while others fail to do so even when they have the required economic, demographic, and technological endowments? Variation in states’ military organizational practices—their core policies related to promotion patterns, training regimens, command arrangements, and information management—holds the key. This article develops a typology of such practices and explains why and how they vary in response to the internal and external threats facing particular regimes. The article then subjects this argument to a carefully designed plausibility probe comparing the threat environments and military organizational practices of two states whose differences are both intuitively and theoretically puzzling: North and South Vietnam during the period 1954–1975. The initial evidence provides support for the theory and casts doubt on existing explanations of military organizational behavior focused on external threats, democracy, or the degree of political intervention in the military. The findings have important implications for foreign policy, as well as for future research on authoritarianism, civil-military relations, and military effectiveness.  相似文献   

技术外包已经渗透到印度的每个角落 ,正在改变着印度 ,新德里因IT服务业正在向其郊区扩大 ;昔日肮脏贫穷的加尔各达正在变成电话呼叫中心和软件开发中心 ;华尔街的公司正赶潮流般地转移到印度。这是一幅欣欣向荣的画面 ,我们的邻居正在发生着巨大的变化。  相似文献   

Just as completely different work teams at Boeing can collaborate on the design of a new type of aircraft which will have the speed of military fighter jets and the stability of passenger jets, so too can research and practice in the field of conflict resolution work together to enhance and increase our knowledge. To do so, conflict resolution researchers and practitioners should go beyond traditional collaborative efforts. The author suggests four areas that would help accomplish this goal: improving the ways we ask questions; creating better designs for dialogs; recognizing unexplored areas of practice; and codifying emergent areas for future use.  相似文献   

the controversy in Japan over the right or wrong of Abe's Shrine visit, as well as the appreciation of and perplexity over the righteous anger in China, the ROK, and the international community against the event, reveal the perceptions of history and diplomatic considerations behind it. Back in August 2006, a Yomiuri survey of popular attitudes towards the similar actions of the then Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi (2001-2006),  相似文献   

世界经济、政治、军事、技术和文化迅速而深刻的变革 ,把国际关系推入了一个历史上最为错综复杂的新时期 ,它的演进同时受到旧的国际关系范式和新的世界发展趋势的影响 ,其多样性与矛盾性明显加强。当前在西方比较常见的有现实主义、自由主义、新制度主义、世界体系理论和构建主义等五种国际关系理论 ,它们分别从不同的理论视角观察和解释当前的国际关系 ,对它的变化、特征和前景做出了不同的判断。本文对其逐一进行介绍。  相似文献   

Lu: On many occasions, politics and economy are in the same strain. Economic life is the only process that runs through history and undergoes environmental changes. World economy is the only world system. In today's world, the closer ties among various countries in e- conomy cause the complexity of political and foreign affairs. Last year's world economy took on a new feature. According to past experiences, when the economy in a region turns better, problems will usually arise in another regi…  相似文献   

伊拉克战争后,国际理论界围绕军事支出与经济发展间的关系出现争鸣。其实,军事与经济的关系是一个老话题。早在两千多年前,中国的先贤们就认识到军事对经济的影响,国之所急,惟农与战,国富则兵强,兵强则战胜;另一方面,“久暴师则国用不足”,“百姓之费十去其七”。[1]人类对军事与经济关系的早期认识,主要是从战争角度去分析经济的重要性,关注战争对经济的消极影响。随着科技发展和生产方式的演变,二者关系愈益复杂。今天关于军事与经济关系的争论焦点是:  相似文献   

Lu: On many occasions, politics and economy are in the same strain. Economic life is the only process that runs through history and undergoes environmental changes. World economy is the only world system. In today's world, the closer ties among various countries in economy cause the complexity of political and foreign affairs. Last year's world economy took on a new feature. According to past experiences,when the economy in a region turns better, problems will usually arise in another region. However it seems that economy in the major regions of the world is very good and relatively balanced. Only China's economic development has abruptly increased its influence on the world economy. Let us discuss in this respect.  相似文献   

国际法上的恐怖主义与反恐怖主义之分歧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"9.11"事件已经过去半年多了,但它对国际社会所造成的影响之深远是不言而喻的.因此,从国际政治和国际法的视角客观理智地去分析恐怖主义并在国际法的框架内去研讨国际反恐合作,无疑是摆在各国学者面前的一个重要课题.本文对恐怖主义的界定、对恐怖活动形式的变化、对联合国在国际反恐怖合作方面的努力和美国在反恐问题上"独步天下"的做法进行分析.  相似文献   

在俄罗斯经济转轨过程中,“影子经济”对市场经济体制形成的离散作用不但被忽视了,而且有被简单地视为经济转轨结果之一的迹象。事实上,“影子经济”一直是苏联和俄罗斯(1990年代后)经济的伴生物,在不同社会经济背景下的成因、表象、运行机制、功能有着明显的不同,但也存在着一定的内在关联性。  相似文献   

刘艾 《东南亚纵横》2007,(12):88-91
如今,流动性过剩已经成为描述我国经济现状的关键词之一。很多人认为,存贷差的扩大、外汇占款的急剧增加、M2与M1之间的背离、信贷扩张与流动性过剩有着必然的因果联系。那么我国的流动性过剩是否是由上述因素引起的呢?基于以上问题,本文想通过数据分析、计量中协整理论和Granger因果分析,检验其是否存在因果关系。  相似文献   

东盟国家对CAFTA全面运行不同反应的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从国际经济关系,东盟成员国经济发展多样性及现实主义的视角,以中国东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)全面运行为案例研究,展示东亚区域化尤其是南南合作进程中的特点、问题与机遇;探索东盟国家对CAFTA全面运行所持有的各种不同反应,探析其存在之合理性;展望CAF-TA的发展前景。  相似文献   

马来人和华人的不同历史想象,导致马来西亚迄今仍然面对许多政治上的身份认同问题。本文简析马来西亚马来人和华人的民族主义起源,并梳理辛亥革命后的重大历史事件所造成的种种政治后遗症,探讨当今马来西亚族群政治的面貌。  相似文献   

最近,不少观点认为,越南正面对的困难是由世界经济不利因素造成的。这种说法在一定程度上是正确的,但同样处于如此不利背景下,东南亚地区其他国家的经济状况仍然有所改善并迅猛发展,基本与越南经济黯淡的现状相反。本文将综述作为东盟成员的越南及东南亚其他国家经济出现不同的特点。  相似文献   

欧洲国家对美关系考虑及其影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文认为,欧洲国家在对美国的认识上没有根本性差异,其分歧主要在于如何与美国打交道,准确地说,在于以何种方式可以有效影响美国的政策。英法等国在伊拉克战争问题上的分裂在较大程度上也是由于处理对美关系的分歧而引起的。不论是英国代表的“团结派”,还是法国和德国代表的“抗衡派”,都希望能够与美国保持联盟关系。但“抗衡派”与美国的矛盾由于是围绕世界秩序以及各自地位和作用而展开的,双方均难做出妥协,并因此将改变大西洋联盟内部关系的状态。  相似文献   

“中国移民问题”是后苏联时代俄罗斯各界讨论甚至炒作的热点问题,但中国官方人士并不认可这一“问题”在俄罗斯的存在。中俄双方应就与人口跨国流动有关的概念性问题加强了解和沟通,以便达成共识,从而能更加妥善地解决相关问题。  相似文献   

Chinese investment in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is booming. As China’s investment pattern has emerged so far, it appears to have little to do with Chinese firms’ preferences for liberal policy regimes, tolerance for corruption, or reliance on communist-era networks. This article documents the current size and shape of Chinese firms’ efforts to internationalize in this economic space, demonstrating an important difference between Chinese investment behavior in CEE and in the EU-15, namely the region’s much more active use of greenfield activity (and lighter use of M&A and strategic alliances). Case studies of each mode (greenfield, M&A, and strategic alliances) reveal little evidence of a “China, Inc.” approach and much evidence that Chinese firms are more motivated by market access than by technology or management assistance.  相似文献   

外交理念是外交政策制定的理论依据和指导思想.理想主义和现实主义从美国立国之日起,始终贯穿于美国的外交政策与外交实践,构成了美国外交的特点.理想主义和现实主义对外交事务的看法虽然对立和分歧,但都是服务于美国国家利益的工具和手段,彼此相辅相成、互为补充.  相似文献   

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