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2004年7月14日—18日在韩国汉城召开了第26届国际行政学大会。来自美国、法国、意大利、加拿大、澳大利亚、日本、伊朗、韩国、南非、埃及、阿根廷以及中国等70多个国家共300多名行政官员以及学者参加了会议。韩国总统卢武炫出席会议并发表祝词。大会围绕着“电子政务:民主、行政及法律的挑战和机遇”这一主旨,就21世纪所面临的由信息技术的发展所带来的政务电子化的观念的一系列转换等诸多问题,展开了热烈的讨论。大会共分四个小组,分别就四个专题进行了研讨。一、电子政务对市民的社会性、透明性以及民主性的影响市民是顾客,政府是服务的…  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,随着服务型政府建设的持续推进,学术界关于服务型政府的讨论与研究出现了一些新特点,以2013—2019年人大复印报刊资料《公共行政》转载的关涉服务型政府的文献为例,通过对其关键词词频等进行统计分析,发现服务型政府研究的热点主要聚焦于治理理论的引入、公共价值的维护创造、行政改革的优化、网络技术应用等方面。结合当前全球化、后工业化、信息化、网络化的时代背景,以及我国国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的推进,可以预见未来有关服务型政府的研究将更多地关注理论空间的扩展和本土化实践机制的完善,尤其是如何通过制度层面的显性改革与伦理精神的隐性重塑共同维护公共价值,有效防治政府腐败,提升政府公信力,将服务型政府的建设落到实处,将是备受关注的重要问题。  相似文献   

日前,夏书章教授荣获美国公共行政学会颁发的2006年度“国际公共管理杰出贡献奖”(2006International Public Administration Award)。该奖项主要颁发给对公共行政学领域作出巨大贡献的其他国家的著名学者或实践者。2006年度美国公共行政学会颁奖典礼于2006年4月2日在美国丹佛市第67届全国会议上举行。夏书章教授是中山大学行政管理研究中心名誉主任,中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院名誉院长,教授、博士生导师、北京大学政治发展与政府管理研究所顾问。发表论文300余篇,出版著作(包括主编)30余部(主要内容集中于公共管理、行政管理、城市…  相似文献   

钟莉 《行政论坛》2009,16(4):17-19
近年来,我国进入了公共危机事件的高发期,风险事件越来越多,这严峻考验着我国政府应对突发公共事件的能力.根据风险的多维度治理思路,我国政府公共危机管理能力的提升必须从多角度、多方向来考虑,采取多种有效的措施:建立健全危机管理预警机制;重视专家队伍的力量,提高公共危机决策的质量;完善危机管理的法律制度建设;加强公共危机教育,提升危机救治能力;建立信息资源库,畅通信息流通渠道和加强公共危机管理的国内外合作等措施来提升公共危机管理能力.  相似文献   

作为新公共管理理论发展的重要内容,当代政府回应思想是政府与公众互动的基础。地方政府回应是了解民情、获得民众支持的重要因素,也是政府责任的体现。文章通过对人民网《地方领导留言板》中留言回复数量和留言领域的分类统计,分析指出了当下我国地方政府回应能力不强,在时间性、地域性、有效性方面存在的问题,提出要从主体方——政府、客体方——民众和回应机制三个方面着手,不断提升地方政府的回应能力,实现依法有效行政。  相似文献   

现代新媒体使公共事件传播的速度更快、范围更广,互动性与情绪性都更为突出,这一特点无疑给政府应急管理带来了极大地挑战,因此,必须通过突出"快"、立足"防"、注重"细"、全面"引"、提升"能"等措施,有效提升政府应对和处理公共事件的能力。  相似文献   


This study aims to empirically test a widespread assumption that fiscal crises instigate administrative reforms. The empirical analysis relies upon an international comparative study of the responses of 14 European governments to the fiscal crisis of 2008–2013. It is found that fiscal crisis and public administration reforms are not necessarily closely connected. In the majority of cases, the fiscal crisis did not have an instant effect of triggering structural public administration reforms or substantial shifts in existing reform trajectories. The crisis intensified the pressure to reform public administration to some extent, but the European governments’ responses predominantly followed a combination of straightforward cutbacks and incremental change. More substantial reforms were carried out in countries most severely hit by the crisis and/or where administrative reforms were conditioned by international financial assistance.  相似文献   

Globalization challenges the ability of contemporary public administration to encourage citizen participation in collective action through behaviors such as tax compliance and contributions to public goods. The authors introduce a new individual‐level approach to globalization, arguing that people vary in the extent to which they are globalized and that an individual's level of globalism (ILG) reflects attitudes and dispositions that influence the way he or she resolves the social dilemma of participation in collective action (i.e., the decision to contribute versus follow a “free‐ride” strategy). Using a four‐country sample, the article examines the relationship between ILG and collective action participation decisions in three behavioral experiments. Findings support the hypothesis that regardless of country‐level globalization, a more globalized individual complies less willingly with tax codes, donates less to local nongovernmental organizations, and prefers to adopt a free‐ride strategy in a public goods game. The consequences for public administration are discussed.  相似文献   

Proponents of the behavioral public administration movement call for greater use of theories from psychology and experimental research designs to improve the rigor of public administration research. We agree that the use of such theories and methods will provide much-needed reinforcements to public administration research, but the approach taken so far might be too narrow and might unnecessarily alienate scholars using other perspectives and research approaches. Reflecting on our own training and experiences, we suggest that adopting a more inclusive approach that employs insights and research tools not only from psychology but also from other disciplines will provide public administration scholars with a stronger footing in their efforts to generate actionable knowledge for public managers and policy makers. We also identify some key methodological issues that behavioral public administration scholars need to consider and address as the use of experiments becomes more common in public administration research. Finally, we encourage public administration scholars interested in behavioral research questions to do more to contribute to broader management and organizational behavior research.  相似文献   

David Lowery 《管理》1999,12(1):29-55
A neoprogressive research agenda is developed to challenge public choice theory's position as the new orthodoxy in both understanding and guiding policy choices about urban service delivery. Such a challenge requires more than accumulating negative empirical tests. Rather, we must accept the new burden of proof laid on proponents of progressive reform institutions by the theories of nonmarket failure and quasimarkets, ideas that undermined the intellectual pillars supporting progressive reform institutions and can only be challenged by new ideas. Public choice theory itself, broadly considered, is proposed as a valid source of such new ideas. Three research programs, in part already underway, are outlined as essential building blocks in the research agenda, focusing, respectively, on blunting the rough edges of the theory of nonmarket failure, coordinating the empirical critiques of quasimarkets in a new theory of quasimarket failure, and developing the new institutionalism so that it can provide the basis for comparing the production outcomes of alternative urban institutions.  相似文献   

李霞 《行政论坛》2007,(2):31-33
我国政府危机管理研究的范围主要包括:各种概念的界定、危机的类型、危机的诱因;国外危机管理经验的借鉴、危机管理案例和政府危机管理体系等。我国的危机管理研究还处在初级阶段,在关于提升政府危机管理能力的措施研究上,主要有“制度论”、“经验论”、“全面整合论”和“公共关系论”。我国学界对危机和危机管理的研究,还存在概念界定不清、实证性研究不够、跨学科研究不够和还没有形成一套完整的系统的理论等等问题。  相似文献   

Behavioral public administration is the analysis of public administration from the micro‐level perspective of individual behavior and attitudes by drawing on insights from psychology on the behavior of individuals and groups. The authors discuss how scholars in public administration currently draw on theories and methods from psychology and related fields and point to research in public administration that could benefit from further integration. An analysis of public administration topics through a psychological lens can be useful to confirm, add nuance to, or extend classical public administration theories. As such, behavioral public administration complements traditional public administration. Furthermore, it could be a two‐way street for psychologists who want to test the external validity of their theories in a political‐administrative setting. Finally, four principles are proposed to narrow the gap between public administration and psychology.  相似文献   

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