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The ethnic groups of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, including the Uyghur, Kazakh, Kirgiz and Mongol peozple, have created many colorful and interesting horseback sports. These have become an essential part of grassland culture.  相似文献   

正Wu Tianyi, an 86-year-old medical expert and Communist Party of China(CPC) member, has lived and worked on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for over half a century. The plateau, the highest in the world known as the third pole of the world, covers the entire Tibet Autonomous Region and parts of other surrounding administrative areas. Wu, the founding father of China’s altitude sickness medication, has dedicated his professional life to the research on this particular type of sickness.  相似文献   

Genghis Khan once said,It is easy to conquer the world from the back of a horse. With this in mind,I confidently mounted my first Mongolian horse at a camp two hours outside of Ulan Bator and settled into the wooden-framed saddle. Choo! I shouted,using the Mongolian  相似文献   

Abundant Natural Landscapes Diverse Ecosystem Wide-open prairies, Boreal forests and snow-capped mountains  相似文献   

Beijing Review:What is the purpose of a high school education? Anthony Seldon:All over the world education is being reduced to exam passing and testing.Some exams are necessary,but it’s only a part of the story.We are very academic as a school but we are much more than just  相似文献   

On the sides of a road in Haozhiba,a village in the southwestern province of Yunnan,bougainvilleas are in full bloom.The inconspicuous flowers are flanked by bright red modified leaves called bracts,which look like rosy clouds from afar.  相似文献   

China Central Television released the results of its recent happiness survey on January 12. The results show that almost 45 percent of more than 80,000 respondents—all Chinese—feel happy or very happy;about 11 percent are not happy. Recently,Beijing Review interviewed Hu Dayuan,Deputy Director of the China Center for Economic Research(CCER) at Peking University. Hu was a consultant on the survey and has done research on happiness for several years.  相似文献   

正Young and old, experts and average people, join in the search for happiness in a rapidly changing China In February, Niu Weiwei, a 19-year-old Chinese woman, was  相似文献   

Happiness Survey     
<正>Are Chinese people happy in today’s fast-paced, modern society? What are the sources of their happiness? In today’s rapidly developing economy, is happiness closely related to wealth or not? A recent happiness survey conducted in China gives some answers.  相似文献   

为紧紧抓住难得的发展机遇,应对前进中的挑战,石景山区委、区政府确定了“以休闲、娱乐为发展主旋律,以营造京西花园式的生态环境和时尚高雅的文化氛围为基础,打造集休闲、娱乐、数码动漫、会展、购物和商务办公等功能为一体的首都休闲娱乐中心区(英文:Capital?Recreation?District,简称CRD),建设现代绿色文明石景山”的发展战略。  相似文献   

On her 26th birthday, Hu Jingjing jumped off a street overpass, ending years of living as a drifter in Beijing. This is the opening scene of a recent hit TV show called The Remembrance of Past Things, leading three of Hu's friends, together with startled viewers, to explore reasons for her drastic decision and the meaning of life by solving problems spanning their careers, relationships and families.  相似文献   

Han Kang,a senior researcher of comparative economics and macro-economy,is the chief editor of The 12th Five-year Plan:The Big Strategy for Chinese Development and Rethinking the Model for a Chinese Market Economy:Selections of Han Kang’s Economic Articles.He presided over the research for part of the 12th Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development(2011-2015).Currently he is vice president of the Chinese Academy of Governance.  相似文献   

AS a relatively isolated region of China, Xin-jiang’s development of modern transport facilities has been crucial to improving the people’s livelihoods, particularly in the last few decades.  相似文献   

<正>Retired science teacher promotes Tibetan dancing for greater cultural understanding For years,Li Guang taught computer science and management.Then two years before retirement,the burly,affable teacher decided to take a new step.He’s still teaching but no longer at the Yanshan Education Institute for Adults in southwest Beijing and no more computer science either.Instead,the 62-year-old is teaching guozhuang,a traditional Tibetan dance also known as circle dancing.  相似文献   

Liu Ruiyi is an accountant at an auditing firm in Dalian, a coastal city in Liaoning Province in northeast China. She once worked in Shanghai for one and a half years, and then decided to return to her hometown of Dalian because she could save on rent and be with her family. "Although our income is not as high as that of people in more developed cities, I feel happy living here because of the beautiful ocean scenery, pleasant climate and easy pace of life," Liu told Beijing Review.  相似文献   

陈岩 《前沿》2011,(5):120-123
幸福经济学是一个快速发展的新兴经济学分支,以经济增长与幸福的关系为研究对象。本文对幸福经济学主要研究内容和成果进行了综述,认为目前幸福经济学仅仅得到了一些模糊不清、似是而非的结论,没有触及幸福问题的实质。要纠正片面强调GDP指标的认识偏差,正确的思路应该是认识到经济学解释力的局限性,给关注人类自身命运的其他学科领域足够的重视和尊重,用生命的方法解决生命的问题,而不是随意扩展经济学的研究领域。  相似文献   

高校辅导员作为大学生思想政治教育的主要实施者,其幸福指数的高低,不仅仅关涉辅导员自身,影响高校思想政治教育的效果,而且关系到国家和民族的长远发展。科学幸福观认为"幸福是个体物质的实现与精神的实现的统一、自我实现与无私奉献的统一、享受和创造的统一"。关注当前高校辅导员队伍建设的幸福向度,不仅有助于"以人为本"思维前提的奠定、良好合作型组织环境的营造、职业认可度的提升,而且有助于提高辅导员的职业幸福能力,从而实现"生活方式"对"谋生手段"的超越,使高校辅导员真正担当起大学生人生导师的历史重任,为社会主义事业培养合格建设者和可靠接班人。  相似文献   

李鸣 《理论月刊》2010,(4):36-38
发展是人类永不放弃的使命,幸福是人类古老而永恒的追求。在一定意义上讲,幸福观决定人类价值取向,影响着人类的发展方向、生存方式和生活质量。本文以生态文明时代为背景,以科学发展观为指导,对绿色幸福观的构建理由、内涵特征、基本内容以及实现机制进行了探究。  相似文献   

论幸福本性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙英 《思想战线》2002,28(2):26-29
快乐的心理体验是幸福的主观形式 ,是幸福的主观本性 ;人的需求之满足和生存发展之完满则是幸福的客观内容。如果一个人感到快乐而幸福 ,是因为他的需要、欲望、目的得到了真实的实现 ,那么 ,他的快乐的心理体验之幸福的主观形式与他的需要得到实现和生存发展达到完满之幸福的客观内容便都是真实的。幸福的真实性是主观形式与客观内容相一致的本性。反之 ,如果一个人因为他的重大的需要、欲望、目的得到了虚幻的实现 ,那么 ,他的快乐的心理体验之幸福的主观形式与他的重大需要得到实现和生存发展达到完满之幸福的客观内容便是不一致的。因主体不同而不同的幸福是相对的幸福 ;不依主体而转移的幸福是绝对幸福  相似文献   

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