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表观遗传学在生命的发生、发展过程中起着十分重要的作用。DNA甲基化作为表观遗传的一个重要方面,不仅参与多种基因的表达调控,与机体的发育、肿瘤发生等密切相关,而且具有可遗传性、相对稳定性、亲缘特异性、基因组中含量丰富等特点,已证实适用于法医DNA分析。本文对近年来DNA甲基化在印迹基因、同卵双生子鉴定、年龄、性别推断方面的研究与应用进行回顾与综述,以期为在法医学及相关领域中应用提供参考。  相似文献   

印记基因KCNQ1的遗传多态性及在亲权鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的为了调查印记基因KCNQ1的STR位点在中国汉族人群中的遗传多态性,利用亲源印记等位基因(parentally imprinting allele,PIA)分型法确定孩子的等位基因亲代来源,为亲权鉴定提供新的侯选STR位点。方法应用Chelex法提取153例佳木斯地区汉族健康无血缘关系个体DNA,用QIAamp Blood Kit(Qiagen)法提取3个家庭10个个体DNA,PCR扩增,凝胶电泳分型,ABIPRISM^TM 3730XL DNA测序仪测序;甲基化敏感性限制性内切酶消化孩子基因组DNA,PCR扩增,确定孩子等位基因的亲代来源。结果发现在中国佳木斯地区汉族人群中KCNQ1基因的STR有7个等位基因,多态信息含量为0.662,且KCNQ1基因的STR位点呈父源印记。结论印记基因KCNQ1的STR位点有很好的多态性,可为亲权鉴定提供新的侯选遗传标记,其亲源特异性甲基化标记有望应用于单亲鉴定中。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2021,61(4):384-390
Identifying vaginal secretions attaching or adhering to a suspect’s belongings would be beneficial for reconstructing the events that have taken place during a sexual assault. The present study describes a novel approach to identify vaginal secretions by fragment analysis using capillary electrophoresis, based on the mobility differences of PCR amplicons from bisulfite-treated DNA depending on methylation status. We targeted three genome regions including each of three vaginal secretion-specific methylated CpG sites reported previously: cg25416153, cg09765089, and cg14991487. In all three genome regions, the amplicon peaks for methylated genomic DNA (gDNA) sequences were only detected in vaginal samples, whereas samples of other body fluids (blood, saliva, semen, and deposit on skin surface) only showed amplicon peaks for unmethylated gDNA sequences. In vaginal secretions, the methylation ratio of each of the three targeted regions between samples was variable, while the ratios at the three regions in each sample were similar. Furthermore, commercial vaginal epithelial cells were completely methylated at the three regions. Therefore, vaginal secretion-specific methylation may derive from vaginal epithelial cells present in the sample.In forensic cases with a limited amount of DNA, the reproducibility of a detected peak using the present method is not high due to degradation of DNA by bisulfite treatment and subsequent stochastic PCR bias. However, it was possible to detect peaks from methylated DNA sequences by performing PCR and capillary electrophoresis in triplicate after bisulfite treatment, even when bisulfite treatment was performed using 0.5 ng of gDNA from vaginal secretions. In addition, the level of methylation at each targeted region was found to be stable in vaginal secretions stored for 1 year at room temperature. Therefore, we conclude that detection of the visual peak from vaginal secretion-specific methylated DNA sequence is useful to prove the presence of vaginal secretions. This approach has the potential to analyze multiple marker regions simultaneously, and may provide a new multiplex assay to identify various body fluids.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化标记法医学应用探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
CpG的胞嘧啶在DNA复制后多数被甲基化,5-甲基胞嘧啶的分布是贮存表遗传信息的主要形式。近年来研究表明,DNA甲基化标记具有信息含量丰富、相对稳定、检测和结果处理方便、可与SNP联合分析等优点,是一种新的强有力的遗传分析工具。基因组的甲基化差异可用甲基化敏感性限制酶、重亚硫酸盐转化、Maxam-Gilbert裂解等技术来分析。人类基因组甲基化谱有时空特异性、亲源特异性、病理特异性等特征,在法医亲子鉴定、个人识别等方面有潜在应用价值。  相似文献   

Identification of body fluid stains can bring important information to crime case. Recent research in epigenome indicates that tissue-specific differentially methylated regions (tDMRs) show different DNA methylation profiles according to the type of cell or tissue, which makes it possible to identify body fluid based on analysis of DNA. This study screened and identified tDMRs from genome for forensic purpose. DNA samples from blood, saliva, semen, and vaginal fluid were analyzed by methylation sensitive represent difference analysis and Sequenom Massarray® quantitative analysis of methylation. Six blood-specific tDMRs were obtained. Two tDMRs display blood-specific hypomethylation, and four tDMRs show blood-specific hypermethylation. These tDMRs may discriminate blood stain from other body fluids. The result indicated that tDMRs could become potential DNA markers for body fluid identification.  相似文献   

近年来表观遗传学研究发现,基因组DNA甲基化总体水平随年龄增加而降低,同时部分位点的甲基化水平却随年龄增加而升高。本文重点介绍了DNA甲基化与年龄的相关性及其在年龄推断方面的研究进展,旨在为法医学个体年龄推断的研究提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   

目的探查中国河南汉族个体与年龄相关的DNA甲基化位点,构建年龄推断模型,进行甲基化和年龄相关性分析。方法采用焦磷酸测序法对ELOVL2、ClOrf132、KLF14、TRIM59和FHL2基因的34个CG位点进行甲基化分析,利用SPSS 23软件的多元回归方法建立模型,对甲基化和年龄相关性做分析。结果除ClOrf132基因3个CG位点的甲基化水平与年龄呈负相关外,其余4个基因的31个CG位点甲基化水平均与年龄呈正相关。多元回归分析表明,年龄与CG位点的甲基化水平存在明显的线性关系,实际年龄与推断年龄偏差在5岁以内的准确度达80%以上。结论本研究构建的河南汉族个体年龄推断模型,有助于通过检测血液等组织的DNA甲基化水平推断个体的年龄范围,具有法医学应用前景。  相似文献   

目的 探索1对同卵双生新生儿之间DNA甲基化谱的差异.方法 应用甲基化免疫共沉淀结合高通量测序法对1对同卵双生新生儿的DNA甲基化谱进行检测,分析基因组DNA甲基化特点及其之间的差异,筛选适用于法医学分析的甲基化位点.结果 两样本各获得7300万原始测序序列(raw reads)数据,与人类基因组参考序列比对,各得到4800万和5000万唯一比对reads,其中大部分分布在重复区域,且在Alu序列分布最为广泛.两样本DNA甲基化富集区域(peak)各检测到257 362条和197 272条,基因组覆盖率分别为6.53%和5.29%,分布在基因组不同区域,以中间内含子区含量最多.分析两样本甲基化差异区域得到2205条差异的甲基化序列,其中595条位于基因区域,1610条位于基因间区,从中筛选出113条序列,用于进一步深入研究其法医学应用价值.结论 本研究初步证实了DNA甲基化用于同卵双生子鉴定的可行性,为筛选同卵双生子DNA甲基化差异位点提供了基础数据.  相似文献   

Identifying the source of body fluids found at a crime scene is an essential forensic step. Some methods based on DNA methylation played significant role in body fluids identification. Since DNA methylation is related to multiple factors, such as race, age, and diseases, it is necessary to know the methylation profile of a given population. In this study, we tested 19 body fluid-specific methylation markers in a Chinese Han population. A novel multiplex assay system based on the selected markers with smaller variation in methylation and stronger tissue-specific methylation were developed for the identification of body fluids. The multiplex assay were tested in 265 body fluid samples. A random forest model was established to predict the tissue source based on the methylation data of the 10 markers. The multiplex assay was evaluated by testing the sensitivity, the mixtures, and old samples. For the result, the novel multiplex assay based on 10 selected methylation markers presented good methylation profiles in all tested samples. The random forest model worked extremely well in predicting the source of body fluids, with an accuracy of 100% and 97.5% in training data and test data, respectively. The multiplex assay could accurately predict the tissue source from 0.5 ng genomic DNA, six-months-old samples and distinguish the minor component from a mixture of two components. Our results indicated that the methylation multiplex assay and the random forest model could provide a convenient tool for forensic practitioners in body fluid identification.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化在组织/体液来源鉴定中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对可疑生物样本的组织/体液进行来源鉴别是重建犯罪现场、推断犯罪性质等侦查活动中极为重要的一环。对表观遗传学理论的研究证明运用基因组中存在的组织特异性DNA甲基化差异位点(t DMRs)可以对组织/体液进行来源鉴别。本文旨在通过对近年来DNA甲基化在法医学领域用于鉴定人体组织/体液来源方面的研究成果进行阐述,试图用所得到的信息来分析DNA甲基化作为一种组织/体液鉴定遗传学标记的可能性、优劣点及其应用价值和发展前景,以期能为法医工作者的相关研究及实践提供参考。  相似文献   

分子印迹技术在法庭毒物分析中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分子印迹聚合物具有预识别性、高度选择性、实用性,已广泛应用在样本前处理中,可以选择性的识别复杂基质中低浓度目标物,提高检测灵敏度。本文旨在综述和探讨分子印迹技术的原理和在法庭科学领域毒物分析应用中的研究进展。  相似文献   

The H19 gene is a paternally imprinted gene located on chromosome 11p15.5. In this study, the H19FR1 and H19FR2 haplotype polymorphisms including four and three SNPs, respectively, upstream of the H19 gene according to the GenBank sequence (accession no. AF125183) were investigated. Five haplotypes and nine genotypes were detected for H19FR1 in the Chinese Han population by means of PCR and subsequent denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The power of discrimination (Dp), polymorphism information content (PIC) and probability of paternity exclusion (PE) were estimated to be 0.803, 0.58 and 0.322, respectively. For the H19FR2, two haplotypes and three genotyes were observed, and the Dp, PIC and PE were 0.626, 0.37 and 0.162, respectively. Sequencing results showed that only two of the four reported SNPs, a7342g and g7547a, were detected in H19FR1 in the Chinese Han population, and two new SNPs, g7351c and a7357g, were found. In the H19FR2 region, only one of the three reported SNPs, a8097g, was detected. Based on the methylation status of the genomic DNA, selective detection of the parental alleles for H19FRs was examined by using two types of enzymes, the methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme (msRE) HpaII or HhaI and McrBC. Genomic DNA digested by either HpaII or HhaI, revealed a single band derived from the paternal allele, as a result of cleavage of unmethylated recognition sites on the maternal allele. On the contrary, the use of McrBC, which can digest a methylated paternal sequence, resulted in exclusively amplifying the maternal allele. This parentally imprinted allele (PIA) typing method could be one of the useful techniques for discriminating the parental origin of alleles.  相似文献   

Zhao SM  Zhang SH  Chen JZ  Li SL  Li CT 《法医学杂志》2011,27(4):260-264
目的通过比较不同个体外周血DNA甲基化谱的差异,评估DNA甲基化在同卵双生子个体甄别中的应用价值。方法在知情同意基础上获得22对同卵双生子外周血样。抽提基因组DNA后进行重亚硫酸盐转化.采用Illuraina公司的人27k甲基化微珠芯片检测基因组27578个CpG位点的甲基化程度(启值)。依据常染色体CpG位点的序值,采用欧氏距离计算方法计算同卵双生子间以及同性男ll的无关个体间的表观遗传距离。比较同卵双生子对与无关个体对两组不同人群间的表观遗传距离差异。结果同卵双生子对人群以及无关个体对人群中的男性个体对与女性个体对的表观遗传距离差异均无统计学意义(P值分别为0.0695和0.4825)。同卵双生子对的表观遗传距离显著低于无关个体对人群(中位数:6.02νs7.20,P=0.0002).但两组人群的表观遗传距离均显著大于4.00(P〈0.0001)。结论同卵双生子间的外周血DNA甲基化谱差异显著.DNA甲基化是进行同卵双生子个体甄别的有效生物学标记。  相似文献   

目的 采用复合PCR-Snapshot联合甲基化敏感酶切技术,检测印记基因中5个SNP的甲基化状态、印记亲代来源及分型.方法 选择15例亲子鉴定已证实为亲生关系的家系样本,采用单碱基延伸复合检测技术,检测家系样本IGF2AS rs1003483、SNURF rs220028、SNURF rs4906939、DLGAP2 rs6558478、SIM2 rs737380等5个SNP分型,同时选用核酸内切酶(McrBC)和甲基化敏感的限制酶(msRE) HhaⅠ、HpaⅡ消化子代DNA,验证印记基因的亲代来源.结果 经用本文方法检测,证实rs1003483为父源印记;rs220028、rs4906939为母源印记;rs6558478及rs737380未在差异甲基化区,不能确定其印记亲代来源.结论 复合PCR-Snapshot联合甲基化敏感酶切技术简单、高效,在检测多个SNP分型的同时可确定亲代来源,可在相关研究和实践中选用.  相似文献   

A 60 bp sequence variation hotspot in the canine mitochondrial DNA hypervariable region 1 was evaluated for its use in forensic investigations. Nineteen haplotypes containing 18 single nucleotide polymorphisms were observed among laboratory-generated and GenBank-derived domestic dog sequences representing five regional localities in the U.S. Samples from the different localities were highly variable with the levels of intra-population variability being similar among the populations studied. AMOVA further confirmed that there was no significant genetic structuring of the populations. Assays using these haplotypes were robust, canid specific and portend a rapid method for correctly excluding individual dogs as noncontributors of forensic evidence. Species-specificity of the primers was confirmed by means of in-tube polymerase chain reaction of human and cat DNA and in-silico assessment of the genomes of several animal species. Breed-specific fragments were not detected among the common haplotypes but there is evidence that this assay may be capable of differentiating domestic dog, wolf, and coyote sequences.  相似文献   

In the absence of a suspect or DNA database match, small multiplex assays with ancestry informative markers (AIMs) provide an alternative to comparative DNA analysis as the knowledge of an unknown stain donor's biogeographic ancestry can be helpful in guiding criminal investigations. AIMs can provide valuable information in such cases. The research focus for AIMs has been on multiplex assays of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertion/deletion polymorphisms (Indels). This work presents a combined analysis of two different AIM assays to increase differentiation between Eurasian populations.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化在法医学中的应用前景及其检测方法新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA甲基化是一种重要的表观遗传标记。新近的一些研究表明,DNA甲基化在二联体亲权鉴定、同卵双生子法医学个体甄别等案例中可能具有一定的应用前景,可作为STR或SNP等经典遗传标记的有益补充。目前基于甲基化敏感的限制性核酸内切酶、重亚硫酸盐转化以及甲基化CpG结合蛋白等原理已建立了一系列的DNA甲基化检测方法。甲基化敏感的单核苷酸引物延伸、实时荧光PCR、甲基化特异性PCR、甲基化特异性多重连接反应依赖性探针扩增、光纤微珠芯片等位点特异性DNA甲基化检测方法都可用于已知CpG位点甲基化状态的检测并可能在法医学实验室具有一定的应用前景;AIMS、HELP、COMPARE-MS等通过对基因组范围内的DNA甲基化扫描分析,可发现具有潜在法医学应用价值的DNA甲基化位点。  相似文献   

用熔解曲线法分析插入/缺失多态性和Y染色体SNPs多态性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着单核苷酸多态性SNPs (SingleNucleotidePolymorphisms)及插入 /缺失多态性Indels (Insertion/Dele tion)的分型技术研究的深入 ,SNPs和Indels在法医学上的应用将受到深刻的影响。本文研究和探讨Indels的分型方法 ,通过测定扩增DNA片段在溶液中的溶解曲线图确定每个样品的基因型 ,称为溶解曲线Indels基因分型方法(McI/D)。溶解曲线图由被测样品DNA片段的特殊溶解温度组成 ,扩增结果直接由仪器分析不需要繁杂的PCR后期操作。  相似文献   

目的探讨手套类检材进行法医DNA分型时的最佳取材部位。方法构建手套模型,对手套内表面分区取样,常规chelex-100法提取DNA,选取常用法医学STR基因座进行PCR扩增,PAGE检测条带,Quantity One和SPSS软件识别并分析条带。结果手套内表面不同部位的D1S1656和D12S1064基因座扩增条带光密度存在显著的组间差异(P〈0.05),来自右手掌指关节和左手小鱼际对应部位的扩增条带光密度差异显著性最大。结论选取与手掌指关节、小鱼际相对应的手套内表面部位,有可能获得更多的DNA以利于分型,这一判断可直接用于指导法医实践。  相似文献   

HUMARA基因座差异甲基化的法医学意义   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 探讨X连锁差异甲基化多态性基因座的法医学应用意义。方法 以STR基因座HUMARA为例 ,应用甲基化敏感性限制酶消化后PCR技术 ,复合分析该基因座的STR多态性和甲基化状态 ,调查并比较男、女检材的分型效果。结果 基因组DNA经HpaⅡ消化后 ,男性没有扩增产物 ,女性分型不受影响 ,男女混合检材得到女性的分型图谱。女性单克隆瘤细胞只能检出 1个等位基因。结论 差异甲基化的HUMARA基因座是混合斑分析、性别鉴定和组织克隆性判断的有用工具。  相似文献   

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