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Zhu XJ  Li XY  Li K  Chen LP  Ke Y  Wang ZY 《法医学杂志》2007,23(4):244-246,249
目的研究家兔钾中毒死亡后的尸体化学变化特征,为钾中毒的法医学鉴定提供参考。方法采用浓度为0.3%和1%的KCl葡萄糖溶液分别以全速和100滴/min的速度输给家兔,至其死亡,测定家兔输液前后血、尿电解质浓度,比较两种不同输液方式所致钾中毒死亡后尸体化学变化特征。结果输钾前后,家兔血清K (SK)浓度升高,血清Na 、Ca2 、Cl-及HCO3-浓度均降低,全血K (TK)及血清Mg2 浓度变化无显著性差异。0.3%KCl组致死输液时间长于1%组(P=0.006),致死输钾量无显著性差异(P=0.062);TK、血清Na 、Mg2 及Cl-浓度变化值具有显著差异,SK、Ca2 、HCO3-浓度变化值无显著差异;尿量和尿液各电解质浓度指标未见显著性差异。结论尸体SK、TK及血清Mg2 浓度升高,有助于钾中毒的法医学死后诊断。  相似文献   

钾矾KAl(SO4)2·12H2O又称明矾、钾铝矾和钾明矾,系含有结晶水的硫酸钾和硫酸铝复盐。为白色、灰色或透明坚硬结晶,无臭,味微甜而涩,可溶于水,不溶于醇;水溶液呈酸性反应。用作净水剂、媒染剂和油榨类的配料使之变酥脆,并用于制作钾肥、硫酸铵等。1案例死者杨某,女,23岁,清流县某厂职工,因失恋,于6月20日上午约9时,独自在宿舍内服入大量的钾矾和啤酒,11时,发现杨躺在床上,厂医即给杨肌注呼吸兴奋剂———洛贝林和吸痰等处理,约半小时在送往县医院途中死亡。杨某出现流涎、呕吐、肢体湿冷、呼吸急促、继…  相似文献   

刘伟 《法医学杂志》1993,9(4):187-187
草酸是一种无色透明的结晶,见于自杀或误服,但案例报告不多见。笔者曾遇到一起草酸中毒死亡之案,现报告如下:1 案情摘要1990年12月24日8时许,上海同仁医院职工上班时,发现在小卖部后面有一老年妇女躺倒在地,已死  相似文献   

溴敌隆中毒致死1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>1案例某男,30岁。因涉及刑事案件,自购一瓶红色杀虫药(后证实为溴敌隆)口服,至次日无明显中毒症状,夜间又潜入一商店内企图盗窃另一种农药,盗窃过程中被抓获并被送回犯案所在地。后案犯出现血尿,被送当地医院救治,查体:T 36.5℃,R 20次/min,  相似文献   

二甲基甲酰胺中毒致死1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二甲基甲酰胺(dimethylformamide,DMF)职业性中毒在国内外时有发生,但中毒致死的病理报道较少见,本文报道1例并结合相关文献进行讨论。  相似文献   

利多卡因静脉注射中毒致死1例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1案情简介李某,女,28岁,某医院医生,2001年6月11日18时许被发现死于一公园内。其身旁有盐酸利多卡因安瓿5支(100mg/5ml/支)、20ml注射器1支和止血带1条。经勘查,现场及周围草坪无践踏凌乱痕迹;死者衣着整齐,体表无明显损伤;现场留有表明其身份的纸条,2尸检情况尸体呈半仰卧位,体温接近人体正常温度,尸僵尚未形成,尸斑部分形成,右口角有白色泡沫样液体流痕,左手背有注射针孔,有血液流出(回血现象)。次日对尸体解剖检验。头部打开,其头皮及皮下未见异常,颅骨未见骨折,硬膜膨隆,颅脑正中有一8cm×视力和听力障碍、精神欣快、燥动不安、感觉异常…  相似文献   

陈勇  陈贻荣 《法医学杂志》2007,23(5):F0002-F0002
1案例1.1简要案情2006年11月13日晚上21时许,义乌市某电镀厂数名工人例行进入地下污水调节池井口清理污水。工人张某(男,32岁)未戴防护面罩,进入井口后突然  相似文献   

1案例 1.1案例1 刘某,男,41岁,被当地中医(后查证为无证行医)诊断为类风湿,并服用内含马钱子成分的中药丸剂。起初每次服药30粒(约1.95~1.97 g),因无效逐渐加量至每次110粒。首次服药后20日上午,刘某服药后突感头晕、牙紧,其妻按医嘱给刘某灌服一碗凉水,症状无缓解,21:00许欲按医嘱灌服绿豆水时发现刘某牙关紧闭、抽搐、呼吸急促,后未及时抢救死亡。  相似文献   

朱砂中毒致死1例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨正民 《法医学杂志》1998,14(4):235-236
朱砂,临床应用极少引起急性中毒死亡,笔者在检案中,遇见1例,现报道如下。l案例某男婴,6月龄,因发热、咳嗽、腹胀、大便发绿,夜间烦躁,于某年10月2日下午,由其母抱送非法行医的陆某处求治,测腋下Th7.l℃,诊断为“盘肠惊”(小儿消化不良)。给予退热、止咳,用自制的中药“丁桂散剂”贴肚脐等治疗。10月4日凌晨,因患儿夜间哭闹不眠,面色苍白、手脚冰凉、腹胀,测腋下TIsSCC,再次诊断“盘肠惊”。陆先用生姜、艾条炙其肚脐,后用中成药柏子养心丸加朱砂贴肚脐,给服1/5片APC,嘱不要受凉。上午10时左右,患儿病情加重,哭…  相似文献   

<正>甲醛溶液有较强烈的刺激性气味,其嗅觉阀浓度为1PPM(百万分之一)。大白鼠口服致死量为800mg/kg。曾有口服10%福尔马林10~15ml或误用此药灌肠后引起死亡的报道,而很少见有人误服或用其来投毒的报道。  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics of changes in the spine and lungs in patients with spinal injuries dead in hospital are described. Spinal edemas were detected in all cases. Edemas were found even in subjects dead at the place where the injury was inflicted. Morphological changes in the lungs were characterized by a phase-wise process, depended on the volume of injury, duration of hospitalization, medical care rendered, and manifested by disorders of blood content of the organ, development of tissue edema, and pneumonia. These data do not rule out the development of pneumonia in patients with spinal injuries.  相似文献   

Objective To explore the feasibility and appropriate parameters for estimating postmortem interval (PMI) through time-related CT imaging into dynamically monitoring the cardiac changes of rabbits died from four kinds of execution. Methods The experimental rabbits were executed with four disposals of air embolism, strangulation, drowning and hemorrhagic shock. The dead rabbits were observed of their hearts with CT scanning every 6 hours within 120h from the death moment, having the obtained time-different CT images and mean CT values examined. With the cardiac average CT values of rabbits died from discrepant execution, four relevant regression equations were established against the elapsing time (i.e. PMI). Results The CT images of post-death cardiac tissue of rabbits died from one of four executions did change regularly with the PMI elongating, showing consistent with the autopsy verification. The binomial regressive equations were established between the post-death cardiac average CT value and PMI from four executions, demonstrating statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The postmortem cardiac CT imaging into PMI analysis, plus the relating regression equation, provides a new objective visual quantitative approach and reference for forensic medicine to infer the time of death. © 2021, Editorial Office of Forensic Science and Technology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

兔死后肝细胞自溶的超微结构观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Qing Z  Gong Y  Yu Y 《法医学杂志》1998,14(4):207-208
用透射电镜观察兔死后肝细胞的超微结构变化,发现:在0.5h即有轻微的自溶改变,表现为细胞核中异染色质异常凝集和滑面内质同扩张;在1h自溶变化已趋明显,且随死后时间延长,在2h、3h、4h、5h该变化越来越广泛而显著,可见线粒体肿胀,嵴断裂、消失,基质内絮状致密体(Flocculentdensehadies,FDB)形成,粗面内质网及核周池扩张等改变。肝细胞自溶的超微结构变化与死后时间相关,这对推断早期死亡时间有应用价值。  相似文献   

Pedestrians belong to the group of road users with the highest mortality rate. The frequency of road accidents involving pedestrians is 2% but pedestrians represent as many as 13% of all road accident deaths. Because of the mechanism and dynamics of injury and the effects of alcohol on physical and mental performance, pedestrians under the influence of alcohol are classed among the road users most at risk.Our retrospective study included 125 pedestrian fatalities treated at the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana between 1999 and 2006. We classified the victims into two groups by blood alcohol level Group I (alcohol positive) and Group II (alcohol negative), defined differences in gender, age, incidence of injuries and established causes of death and period of survival following the road accident. In Group I (n = 53) 96% were male and 4% female; the average age was 45.6 years. In Group II (n = 72) 40% were male and 60% female; the average age was 63.1 years. The percentage of injuries to individual parts of the body was higher in Group I than among the deceased pedestrians in Group II. The most common cause of death in both groups was craniocerebral trauma. Death occurred in the first 6 h following the accident in 92% of cases in Group I and in 69% of cases in Group II.Alcohol-positive pedestrians are predominantly younger men, who have a higher level of risk of a road accident, greater incidence of injuries and a shorter period of survival following a road accident.  相似文献   

急性博落回中毒的实验病理学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨博落回中毒作用的靶器官、靶组织和病变特点,以及博落回中毒机理。方法 应用博落回水煎液对大鼠经口急性染毒,行组织病理学和重要脏器电镜检查及血清生化检测。结果 博落回对大鼠的半数致死量(LD50)为19.5g/kg,染毒大鼠血清谷丙转氨酶(GPT)、肌酐(Cr)、尿素氮(BUN)、肌酸激酶(CK)及其同功酶(CK-MB)增高;心电图(EKG)表现异常;肝、脾、肾脏器系数减小。光镜下中毒大鼠心、脑、肝、肾等器官呈淤血、出血性改变;电镜下中毒大鼠心、脑、肝、肾细胞内线粒体、内质网、核膜等膜性结构破坏。结论 博落回毒作用的主要靶器官或靶组织是心、脑、肝、肾,病变特点为受累脏器淤血、出血性变;毒作用的主要机理是对线粒体、内质网和核膜等膜性结构的破坏。  相似文献   

Moderate to high levels of alcohol decrease brain intracellular free magnesium concentration, a factor known to be critical in brain injury. Phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to examine changes to brain free magnesium concentration after blunt cranial trauma in alcohol-intoxicated rats. Rats exposed acutely or chronically to alcohol sufficient to increase blood alcohol levels to between 150 and 350 mg/dL demonstrated a brain free magnesium level that was 20-50% less than in nonintoxicated animals (p < 0.01). After injury, brain free magnesium levels declined more rapidly and to a greater extent in alcohol-affected animals than in nonintoxicated control animals (p < 0.001). As both preinjury depletion of magnesium and degree of magnesium decline after brain injury have been associated with poor recovery, these findings suggest that moderate to severe alcohol intoxication may predispose the brain to a worse outcome by reducing brain free magnesium levels, both before and after injury.  相似文献   

314 cases of combined cerebro-cranial trauma and posttraumatic intracranial hematomas were identified of which ethanol was detected in 114 hematomas. The other investigative group was 103 hospitalized patients who had hematomas evacuated during neurosurgical procedures. In 62 of these cases ethanol was detected. Blood and urine samples were also collected and the alcohol concentration was determined in all specimens by GC and ADH. The ethanol elimination rate for autopsy and operative intracranial hematomas was approximately 0.07–0.08‰/h(±0.034‰/h). The elimination rate of ethanol from blood (β60) was about two or three times greater as that from hematomas. Because of the different water content of intracranial hematomas from blood, it was necessary to adjust the ethanol concentration for water content. On the basis of the corrected ethanol concentrations and the elimination rates for both tissues it was possible to estimate the ethanol concentration at the time of injury. Intracranial hematomas are tissues of possible value in the determination of alcohol intoxication especially in alcoholism. Ethanol can be found in hematomas even after 72 h from head injury.  相似文献   

The authors describe a rare case of lethal methadone intoxication of a 3-week-old infant. Born of a drug-addicted mother who was undergoing methadone substitution therapy, the newborn presented withdrawal symptoms and was immediately admitted to a paediatric ward where it was treated for 3 weeks, without administration of methadone. The infant died during bottle feeding within 24 h following discharge home.A post-mortem examination was performed as well as histopathological, toxicological and genetic tests were carried out in order to establish the cause and mode of death.The autopsy revealed obstruction of the lower air passages by stomach contents along with classical features of asphyxia. Toxicological tests revealed high concentrations of methadone and its metabolite in blood and urine as well as presence of methadone in stomach contents, and the DNA polymorphism analysis of the (sex-specific) amelogenin locus gave a negative result.On the basis of the results of the post-mortem examination, the laboratory tests and the police investigation, it was concluded that the drug was ingested with the bottle milk, and the possibility of administration of methadone at the hospital or its ingestion with the breast milk was precluded. Though both the cause and mode of death were established, the public prosecutor discontinued proceedings in the case due to inability to find the perpetrator.  相似文献   

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