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《春香传》和《玉堂春》都是以男女爱情为主线的两个情节曲折的爱情故事。本文将从女主人公的生活经历,对爱情的追求和女主人公身上的封建叛逆性以及故事的最终结局来分析人物的性格特点及精神特征,从而揭示出作品更深层次的社会历史意义。  相似文献   

浅论媒介与女性形象的互动关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对女性问题研究的主要目的,是消除性别误解,树立正确的性别印象。这就需要用"性别误解"这一概念取代"性别歧视",目的在于变性别等级为性别差异。广告和影视作品中流露的"性别误解",强化或改变了受众的性别印象,而受众的性别印象又是媒介表达的动力和来源。在这个过程中,媒介起了强大的作用,因此也承担着主要的责任。性别误解不仅仅是女性自身发展的障碍,也阻碍了整个人类社会的发展。大众传媒可以作为一支独立的力量,促进女性性别误解的改变,进而促进社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

1938年,毛泽东发表了著名的《论持久战》。它不仅对中国人民最终取得抗战胜利具有重大的指导意义,而且对马克思主义哲学中国化的发展也具有重大的意义。  相似文献   

通过视觉可完全感知的静态角色形象系美术作品.以上述美术作品为原型,经过细微修改后运用于动画片中的角色形象,未达到著作权法要求的创造性高度,不构成新的独立作品.动画片中角色内在的品质个性属动画作品表达的思想内容,本身并非作品.动画片中角色形象的权利归属依具体情形,可分别适用最初创作人享有、创作人与动画片制片者合意确定、依创作参与方之间法律关系确定和推定使用角色形象的动画片著作权人享有等原则.  相似文献   

《老人与海》塑造了一个典型的海明威式的英雄形象,具有坚强意志力和面对恶劣环境敢于拼搏、永不放弃的精神。但是研究者往往忽视了老人的内心,他其实是非常善良的。在历尽沧桑的外表下,隐藏着一个非常善良的心,加上永不放弃的精神,这才是完整是桑提亚哥的形象。  相似文献   

李家健 《中国司法》2013,(10):48-52
一、关于"有法律意义的事实"的解释及分析(一)对于"有法律意义的事实",目前学界和行业没有形成一致的见解  相似文献   

正十一届全国人大常委会于2月26日(在第十三次会议上)表决通过了关于修改《著作权法》的决定。按照修改,《著作权法》第4条第1款,"依法禁止出版、传播的作品,  相似文献   

《世界人权宣言》之意义与局限   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在 1 8世纪人权理论的基础上 ,1 948年《世界人权宣言》将人权的广度与深度推进到新的阶段 ,但也存在时代局限性 ,如将人权的来源归诸“上天”而非社会、不承认集体人权等。人权的实质是个人、群体与整个社会的关系。正确认识和处理权利与权力的关系 ,是促进和保护人权的必要条件  相似文献   

张婧 《法制与经济》2009,(20):92-92,94
《中华人民共和国人民武装警察法》对武警部队的性质、领导指挥体制、职责范围、义务和权利以及保障措施等作了明确规定,为武警部队执行国家赋予的安全保卫任务,履行维护国家安全和社会稳定,保护公民、法人和其他组织合法权益的职责,提供了有力的法律保障,具有重要的历史意义。  相似文献   

象形、象意与表意——论汉字审美符号的存在方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐兰先生在"六书说"的基础上,提出"象形、象意、形声"的"三书说",裘锡圭先生对唐说提出质疑,提出了"表意、假借、形声"的"新三书说"。"旧新三书说"把"意"变成了低一层次的概念,在一定程度上消解了汉字"象"的因素,其主要缺陷是对汉字这种审美符号的存在方式缺乏一种特异性的自觉和同情。而汉字中或凝练或抽象的形象,往往是事物精华的浓缩和概括,透过汉字的形象,可以看到中国人的观念的凝聚。中国精神与中国知识,以仍然鲜活的形式,体现在文字的创造中。"象"与"意"作为一种特殊的统一体,在汉字的发展史中,起着深刻的作用。汉字构形中的"抽象",表现了汉字写"意"的特点,唤醒了我们对中国艺术"写意"的传统意识。象形、象意,包含着"象"与"意"两大传统的交融,并通过"象外之象"、"意外之意",开辟辽阔浩渺的审美空间。因此,我们对汉字的认识必须超越认识层面,进入美学探索的境界。  相似文献   

Little is known about the experiences and career trajectories of women working in the criminal justice field. Criminal justice, particularly law enforcement, has historically been largely a male-dominated career field. This study examines the experiences of 850 women working in the criminal justice field; in policing, courts, corrections, victim services, and academia. The present study collected data in 2017 and asked women working in the criminal justice field about their employment. Respondents said that they experienced a wide range of gender discrimination but did not see gender discrimination as a barrier to their success. The women identified personal and professional perseverance, strong mentorship, and family support as contributing factors to their success. Findings highlight the experience and challenges of women working at all levels and in all components of the criminal justice system and the journey of these women at a unique time in the history of criminal justice and evolution of women in the workplace. Implications for criminal justice, advice for current and aspiring women working in the field, and the nature of the experience for women in criminal justice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study on trafficking in women from Central and Eastern Europe explores the contextual factors, the characteristics, and the motivation of victims as well as the methods of traffickers. A combination of rational choice theory, strain theory and social control theory forms the theoretical framework of our research. Based on information from experts in the field, interviews with victims, questionnaires, a study of dossiers and a search of the literature, we developed a typology of victims, which may be helpful for prevention and law enforcement.  相似文献   

骑士传奇是西欧中古时期历史文化的产物,由分封制所造成的社会结构、社会关系和社会生活的现实是其产生、发展的基础。所描绘的种种爱情故事,虽然显得荒诞离奇,然而总是与骑士制度有着种种联系,并在一定程度上表现出对人性的肯定。散文体骑士传奇是西欧近世小说的先导,至少从叙事形式和技巧方面为欧洲近世小说提供了范式。才子佳人小说是中国古代历史文化条件下的产物,中国中古以后不同于西方的社会体制,特别是唐代以来实行的决定中国知识阶层命运和思想状况的科举选官制度,是才子佳人小说创作产生和长期延续的基础。即使是那些耽于幻想的才子佳人小说中所描写的虚幻恋爱婚姻故事,也多少反映了中国古代知识阶层追求个性解放的愿望。清代前期中、长篇才子佳人小说兴盛的小说史意义,则在于巩固了《金瓶梅》发轫的以长篇小说描写现实生活的新传统和确立了长篇小说由文人独立创作的新格局。西方和东方这两种文学现象是基于两种社会体制所导致的历史文化的差异,从而证明了制度文化对文学的巨大影响,也提醒我们不能脱离历史文化背景研究古代的小说。  相似文献   

Often the term “women” is assumed to include women of color in the same way as the terms “African American” and “Hispanic” are assumed to include both women and men. Although women of color and non-Hispanic white women are under represented in the science labor force, the rates of and factors contributing to this under representation differ by race and ethnicity. Consequently, disaggregating data on women in science by race and ethnicity is crucial to capture these differences. Such distinctions are critical to developing effective policy, practice, and programs to increase the participation of women in science.  相似文献   

现代媒体已经进入了图像传播时代,科学地认识受众、研究受众因而显得十分必要.新闻媒体的图像传播受众观,经历了从魔弹论、有限效果论再到使用与满足理论的沿革.现代受众的读图心理,可以分为求新、眼见为实、多元化、追求审美、负效应及易受媒介影响六种,图像传播主体要针对受众的诸种心理,采取相应的传播方法.同时也要注意加强对受众的引导,从而使媒体在图像传播这一宏观语境下更好地改进图像传播及新闻摄影报道.  相似文献   

《Women & Criminal Justice》2013,23(3-4):97-119

Despite numerous advances in the last thirty years, women police officers continue to face acceptance issues in a male-dominated occupation. Qualitative accounts of policewomen have noted that many of the integration barriers stem from traditional assumptions about police work, much of which revolves around the cultural mandate to display one's coercive authority over citizens. Female officers are often perceived as unwilling (or lacking in ability) to use coercion when encountering citizens. Unfortunately, little empirical evidence is available to support this claim, as gender studies that specifically examine the use of coercion have tended to focus on excessive force. Using data collected as part of a systematic social observation study in Indianapolis, Indiana, and St. Petersburg, Florida, this research examines both verbal and physical coercion that policewomen use in day-to-day encounters with citizens. The results of this study challenge one of the most fundamental stereotypes levied against women police officers. Contrary to traditional assumptions, female police officers (compared to their male counterparts) are not reluctant to use coercive force, and examinations of both verbal and physical force reveal few differences in not only the prevalence of each behavior, but also in the commonly associated explanatory factors. The article concludes with the implications of these  相似文献   

A large body of knowledge within the criminological discipline has demonstrated that women and girls have distinct social and psychological risk factors that contribute to both their initial onset, and continued engagement, in offending behavior. However, most of this research has focused on U.S. samples of women offenders. Using mixed methods, the current research investigated the offense dynamics and possible risk factors for women’s imprisonment with incarcerated women (246 survey respondents; 12 interviewees) in the Argentine federal penitentiary system. We find that there are some similarities in the characteristics of women prisoners in Argentina and the characteristics of women prisoners in the United States, but also some distinctions, primarily in the prevalence of prior victimization. In addition, our results indicate that federal women prisoners in Argentina who reported serious prior abuse were more likely to have committed crimes against persons in comparison to women without abuse histories. Such a distinction supports the ongoing research investigating women offender profiles beyond U.S. samples.  相似文献   

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