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The CPAFFC greeted friends from afar-theZimbabwean Inter-Ministerial Delegationheaded by Hon. Minister of State Cephas GeorgeMsipa on May 13,1998. Among the nine membersof the delegation were Cain N. G. Mathema, deputyminister of rural resources and water development,Dr. Olivia M. Muchena, deputy minister of landsand agriculture, Shuvai Ben Mahofa, deputy min-ister of national affairs, employment creation andcooperatives, and Walter K. Chidakwa, generalmanager of export processing zones authority. Theyvisited Beijing and Hunan Province where they wereaccorded warm hospitality and had extensive con-tacts with people of various circles.  相似文献   

"The Chinese people cherish friendly feelingstowards Sweden and have a good impres-sion of your country. As an important country inNorthern Europe with well-developed economy andscience and technology, Sweden has contributedmuch to the world culture. Nobel Prize is the sym-bol of honour in the world. What's more importantis that there is no conflict of interests between Swe-den and China, while broad prospects for coopera-tion open up before us. The development of our  相似文献   

At the invitation of theCPAFFC, a ten-member del-egation of the Federation ofFrench-Chinese Associations(FFCA) paid a working visit toChina in October 1998. The aimof the visit was to study the tra-ditional Chinese folk art and ex-plore the possibility of coopera-tion with the CPAFFC in thisfield. Through the ten-day visit  相似文献   

In May 2000, a delegation of the Israel-ChinaFriendship Society visited China at the invita-tion of the Chinese People's A ssociation for Friendshipwith Foreign Countries. The delegation spent tendays in China, visiting four cities-Beijing, Shang-hai, Harbin and Tianjin, in the last three of which  相似文献   

At the invitation of Eiichi Kuriwada, presidentof the Sagawa Express Co., Ltd. of Japan,the delegation of the Chinese People's Associationfor Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC)with its president Qi Huaiyuan as the leader and itssecretary general Bian Qingzhu and Vice PresidentLiu Huilin of the Dunhuang Research Institute as  相似文献   

With the aim of strengthening friendship and exchanges,a delegation of the Tunisia-China Friendship Association(TCFA)paid a visitto China at the invitation of the CPAFFC fromJune 12 to June 23, 1999. The delegation was composed of Ridha  相似文献   

Israel and Turkey loom large in world history the biblical Promised Land of the Hebrews and the proud civilization of Asia Minor,  相似文献   

In the hotel Fira Palace in Bar-celona, Spain, at 18:00 hourson March 20, 1999, a meeting ofthe Executive Committee of theInternational Union of Local Au-thorities (IULA) was in session."It is an important day todayfor IULA, for every one of uspresent, and especially for China.We are very happy to have cometo Barcelona to complete the for-malities for China's joining theIULA and feel honoured to be-  相似文献   

The China Friendship Peace and Development Foundation shall through receiving donationsfinance and promote activities for enhancing non-governmental friendly cooperation. It is author-ized by the Head Office of the People's Bank of China and the Civil Affairs Ministry of the Peo-ple's Republic of China to receive donations in various forms from home and abroad. In order toguarantee the realization of the donors' rights or wishes, this method of donation is formulated. Article 1 The China Friendship Peace and Development Foundation receives all donationsfrom enterprises, institutions or individuals at home and abroad. The donations could either be  相似文献   

ChinaandtheWorld:AMutualNeedforFriendshipAEVENTEENYEARSagoChinaopenedibdoors,andwiththatopeningcameabriskexchangeofandtheworl...  相似文献   

At the invitation of the China-Japan Friendship Associa-tion (CJFA), 87-year-old SusumuNikaido, former vice president ofthe Japanese Liberal DemocraticParty, paid his fifteenth visit toChina from November 13 to 23,  相似文献   

October 1998 marks the 40thanniversary of the estab-lishment of the China-Korea(DPRK) Friendship Association(CKFA) and the Korea (DPRK)-China Friendship Association(KCFA).To celebrate this significantday, a delegation of the CPAFFCand CKFA led by CPAFFC Vice  相似文献   

The Award for Contributions to China-Africa Friendship was set up at the Fourth Council Meeting of the Chinese-African People's Friendship Association (CAPFA). The award is given to those Chinese and African personages who have been working hard over the years to promote Sino-African friendship and made outstanding contributions and who are influential and well-known both in China and Africa. By doing so the CAPFA hopes to publicize Sino-African friendship, enhance understanding be…  相似文献   

THE nomadic Ewenki living in Aoluguya Village are known as the people that move on the backs of reindeer. After 300 years of wandering, they settled in Aoluguya in 1965, closely related families grouping together under clan communes.  相似文献   

Former US President Jimmy Carter is well known in China;it was during his presidency that China and the U.S.formally established diplomatic relations.After leaving office,he continued his efforts to promote development of Sino-US relations,traveling frequently between the two countries.In recent years,he has made annual visits and the most  相似文献   

Fellow Council Members andguests, It has been five years sinceChina Friendship Foundation forPeace and Development(CFFPD) was created by theChinese People's Association forFriendship with Foreign Coun-tries (CPAFFC). Entrusted bythe Executive Council of CFFPD,I now submit a report to the Sec-ond Council Meeting being con-vened today for your examina-tion and approval.  相似文献   

AT the invitation of the Nether-lands Atlantic and PacificExchange Programme, the Asso-ciation of Finnish Local Authori-ties and the Association of LocalAuthorities in Iceland, the Chi-nese mayors delegation led bySong Fatang, vice governor ofShandong province and compos-ed of eight members includingBian Qingzu, deputy head of thedelegation and vice director offairs of the Chinese People's As-  相似文献   

At the invitation of theMin-On Concert Associ-ation of Japan, the 46-memberYunnan Song and Dance En-semble of China sent by theChinese People's Associationfor Friendship with ForeignCountries (CPAFFC) made aperformance tour of Japan fromJanuary 17 to March 28, 1995.It toured 41 cities includingTokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Hi-roshima, Nagasaki, Kagoshi-ma, Kyoto, Sendai and Sap-poro, and gave 42 perfor-  相似文献   

The Delegation of the Aus-trian Association for Promo-tion of Friendship and CulturalRelations with China(AAPFCRC) headed by Ms.Elisabeth Gehrer, council mem-ber of the AAPFCRC and min-ister of education and arts, paid  相似文献   

Dynamic Campus LifeMalaysian Huang Longhai has been studying at Tsinghua University for several months, and has a stock pile of instant noodles in his dorm. This is not because he doesn't like dishes served in the canteens, but because his dynamic campus life leaves him no time to eat his favorite  相似文献   

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