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Book reviewed in this article: Report of the Royal Commission on Metropolitan Toronto. By Carl H. Goldenberg. La responsabilité extra-contractuelle de la couronne au Canada. Far Mme Henriette Immarigeon. Business Data Processing. By Elias M. Awad. The Analysis of Organizations. By Joseph A. Litterer. Report of the Royal Commission on Health Services: Provision, Distribution and Cost of Drugs in Canada.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Urban General Plan. By T. J. Kent, Jr. The Future of Development Plans: A Report by the Planning Advisory Group. Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Ministry of Transport and Scottish Development Department.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Industry and Education: A Century of Canadian Development. By O. J. Firestone. Bureaucracy in Canadian Government: Selected Readings. Edited by W. D. K. Kernaghan. Intergovernmental Finance in Ontario: A Provincial-Local Perspective. By J. Stefan Dupre Congress and Urban Problems. A Casebook on the Legislative Process. By Frederic N. Cleaveland and Associates. Administration of Government Industries. By R, S. Arora. Political and Administrative Development. Edited by Ralph Braibanti. Public Finance in Canada: Selected Readings. By A. J. Robinson and James Cut.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: LE BRETON, P., ed Comparative Administrative Theory. By P. F. Gross FOSKETT, JOHN M. The Normdue World of the Elementary School Principal. By HENDERSON, GEORGE F. Federal Royal Commlssfons in Canada 1867–1966: A Check- LOPEZ, F'ELIX M. Eualuating Employee Performance. By Shirley Bradshaw (2) 302 PLUNKEIT, TEOMAS J. Urbon and Its Government: A Study of Municipal Organization. By J. E. Brown REA, KENNETH J. The Political Economy of the C d h North. By A. B. Yates REID, GORDON. The Politfcs of Financial Control: The Role of the House of Commons. RIDLEY, F. F., ed. Specialists and Generalists. By B. J. Legge STRAYER, B. L. judicial Review of Le Zutton in Canada. By André Gélines  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Administrative Reform. By Gerald E. Caiden. Chicago: Aldine Anatomy of a Coordinating Council - Implications for Planning. By Basil J. Mott. Pittsburgh Problems and Techniques of Administrative Training in Africa. Edited by Adebayo Adedeji. Ibadan The Politics of Canadian Broadcasting, 1920–1951. By Frank W. Peers. Toronto: University of Toronto Press Les agents du système administratif. Cahiers du centre de sociologie européenne. Par A. Darbel et D. Schnapper Besonderes Venmltungsrecht. Edited by I. von Munch. Bad Homburg: Gehlen  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Rapport de l'enquête de la Commission royal sur la fiscalité. Financial Committees of the Indian Parliament: A Study in Parliamentary Control over Public Expenditure. By R. N. Agawam . The Financing of Canadian Federation: The First Hundred Years. By A. Milton Moore , J. Harvey Perry , and Donald I. Beach . The British and Their Successors: A Study in the Development of the Government Services in the New States. By R. Symonds .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Public Service of South Australia : ADELAIDE, S.A. Public Choice and Federalism in Australia and Canada : By M.H. SPROULE-JONES. Traité de droit administratif: canadien et québécois. : Par R. DUSSAULT. Divided Loyalties: Canadian Concepts of Federalism : By EDWIN R. BLACK. An Approach to Social Reporting in the Canadian North : By K. SCOTT WOOD. Culture et Management: Le cas de l'entreprise québécoise : Par GEORGES MAURICE HENAULT. Policing in Canada : By WILLIAM and NORA KELLY. Cabinet Studies: A Reader : Edited by VALENTINE HERMAN and JAMES E. ALT. American Public Administration: Past, Present, Future : Edited by FREDERICK C. MOSHER.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Judicial Committee and The British North America Ad. By G. P. Browne. Public Relations in Administration. II: The Influence of the Public on the Operation of Public Administration, excluding Electoral Rights. By Mumtaz Soysal. The Process of Government. By Arthur F. Bentley.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Les parlementaires et l'administration au Québec. Par André Gélinas. Québec Political Corruption: Readings in Comparative Analysis. Edited by Arnold Heidenheimer. New York: holt, Rinehart, Winston Citizen Boards at Work: New Challenges to Effective Action. By Harleigh B. Trecker. New York  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Urban Canada and Its Government; A Study of Municipal Organization. By Thomas J. Plunkett Judicial Review of Legislation in Canada. By B. L. Strayer The Politics of Financial Control: The Role of the House of Commons. By Gordon Reid Comparative Administrative Theory. Le Breton P. The Political Economy of the Canadian North. By Kenneth J. Rea  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The Normative World of the Elementary School Principal. By John M. Foskett Evaluating Employee Performance. By Felix M. Lopez Recruitment and Selection in the Public Service. J. J. Donovan Librarianship in Canada, 1946–1967/Le Bibliothécariat au Canada de 1946 à 1967 Bruce Peel Federal Royal Commissions in Canada 1867–1966: A Checklist. By George F. Henderson  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Serving the State. A History of the Professional Institute of Public Service of Canada Sex and the Public Service Mass Media: Report of the Special Senate Committee Annual Report of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Le contrôls judiclaire de I'administration au Québec Policy, Politics and the Treasury Board in Canadian Government Political Party Financing in Canada Canadian Economic Problems and Policies The Growth of Government Spending in Canada Masters and Scholars: Reflections on the Rights and Responsibilities of Students Politics, Position, and Power: The Dynamics of Federal Organization The Children's Crusade The Revolution Game  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Fonctionnement de I'Etat. Par G. Bergeron. Québec Collective Bargaining in the United States Federal Civil Service. By William B. Vosloo. The Transfer of Institutions. Ed. William B. Hamilton. Dental Manpower in Canada. By Bruce A. McFarlane. Utilization of Dentists in Canada. By Oswald Hall. How Business Economists Forecast. Ed. William F. Butler and Robert A. Kavesh. Englewood Cliffs  相似文献   

Judges and Judging: Inside the Canadian Judicial System By PETER MC CORMICK and IAN GREENE. La Guerre des Experts: comment la commission royale sur la gestion financière et l'imputabilité a perdu la bataille (The War of the Experts: how the Royal Commission on Financial Management and Accountability lost the battle). By MOHAMED CHARIH. Le ministère des Affaires extérieures du Canada. Volume I. Les années de formation, 1909–1946 DE JOHN HILLIKER. Canada's Department of External Affairs, Volume I: The Early Years, 1909–1946 By JOHN HILLIKER. Ethical Frontiers in Public Management: Seeking New Strategies for Resolving Ethical Dilemmas Edited by JAMES S. BOWMAN. The Third America: The Emergence of the Nonprofit Sector in the United States By MICHAEL O'NEILL. Strategic Management of Public and Third Sector Organizations: A Handbook for Leaders By PAUL G. NUTT and ROBERT W. BACKOFF. Administrative Argument By CHRISTOPHER HOOD and MICHAEL JACKSON.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Philosophy and Public Policy; By SIDNEY HOOK. The New Science of Organizations: A Reconceptualization of the Wealth of Nations; By ALBERTO GUERREIRO RAMOS. Labour Law and Industrial Relations in Canada; By H.W. ARTHURS. D.D. CARTER and H.J. GLASBEEX. Canada's Urban Past: A Bibliography to 1980 and Guide to Canadian Urban Studies; By ALAN F.J. ARTIBISE and GILBERT A. STELTER La fonction publique en Europe: la politique de choix des fonctionnaires; Par CHARLES DEBBASCH.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The City: Canada's Prospects, Canada's Problems Edited by LLOYD AXWORTHY and JAMES M. GILLIES External Affairs and Canadian Federalism Edited by HOWARD A. LEESON and WILFRIED VAN-DERELST Developing Policies for Public Security and Criminal Justice By ROBERT EVANS, JR. The Form of Cities in Central Canada: Selected Papers Edited by L.S. BOURNE, R.D. MACKINNON, and J.W. SIMMONS The Politics of Progress By RAYMOND E. WOLFINGER Administrative Tribunals By R.E. WRAITH and P.G. HUTCHESSON Current Practice in Program Budgeting (PPBS) Analysis and Case Studies Covering Government and Business By DAVID NOVICK Mobility Behaviour in the Canadian Labour Force By JOHN VANDERKAMP Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered By E.F. SCHUMACHER Oil Pollution as an International Problem: A Study of Puget Sound and the Strait of Georgia By WILLIAM M. ROSS An End to Hierarchy! An End to Competition!: Organizing the Politics and Economics of Survival By FREDERICK C. THAYER  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: The City: Attacking Modern Myths Edited by ALAN POWELL Political Science Annual Vol. III (1972)Edited by JAMES A. ROBINSON The Pattern of Taxation in Canada By ALLAN M. MASLOVE The Trade-off Between Inflation and Unemployment: Some Explorations of the Recent Evidence for Canada By S. F. KALISKI The Arctic Imperative: An Overview of the Energy Crisis By RICHARD ROHMER Canadian Hospital Costs and Efficiency By R. D. FRASER The Learning Society. Report of the Commission on Post-Secondary Education in Ontario By THE COMMISSION Natural Resource Policy in Canada: Issues and Perspectives By THOMAS L. BURTON Administrative Politics and Social Change By LUIS c. GAWTHROP A Guide to Participation By JOHN C. BOLLENS and DALE ROGERS MARSHALL  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Reports of the Task Force on Hydro in Ontario Report No. I, A Future Role and Place A Look to the North: Canadian Regional Experience By the ADVISORY COMMISSION ON INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Economic Principles and Urban Problems By ROBERT L. BISH and ROBERT J. KIRK Institution communale et pouvoir politique Par s. BLAREZ, c. BOUCHET, G. DU BOISBERRANGER, C. MINGASSON, M.C. MONZIES The Managing of Police Organizations By PAUL M. WHISENAND and R. FRED FERGUSON Public Assistance in France Par CMMY STEVENS New Questions and Answers on Public Employee Negotiation By W.D. HEISEL Resolving Internal Management Conflicts for Labour Negotiations By THOMAS A. KOCHAN A Conceptual Basis for an Industrial Strategy By ALBERT BRETON Nationalism and the Multinational Enterprise: Legal, Economic and Managerial Aspects Edited by H.R. MMO, J. GRAHAM SMITH and RICHARD w. WRIGHT  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Conducting the People's Business: The Framework and Functions of Public Administration Edited by WILLIAM G. HILLS, VOYLE C. SCURLOCK, HAROLD D. VIAILLE, and JAMES A. WEST APL et les cadres Par ROLLAND A. HURTUBISE et YVES POULIN The Developing System of Public Expenditure Management and Control By SIR SAMUEL GOLDMAN, KCB La fonction publique:canadienne et québécoise, Par PATRICE GARANT Bureaucratic Careers: Anglophones and Francophobes in the Canadian Public Service By CHRISTOPHER BEATTIE, JACQUES DÉSY, and STEPHEN LONGSTAFF Federalism & Policy Development: the case of adult occupational training in Ontario By J. STETAN DUPRÉ, DAVID M. CAMERON, GRAEME H. MCKECHNIE, and THEODORE B. ROTENBERG Models in Urban and Regional Planning By BENJAMIN REIF Gestion et comptabilité:à la rescousse des systèmes d'information, Par J. E. COOKE et D. H. DRURY The Diplomacy of Constraint: Canada, The Korean War, and The United States By DENIS STAIRS Environment and society: a book of readings on environmental policy, attitudes and values Edited by ROBERT T. ROELOFS, JOSEPH N. CROWLEY, and DONALD L. HARDESTY  相似文献   

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