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管道运输是现有条件下页岩气运输的最佳方式,国有企业控制主干管网也就扼住了页岩气产业发展的咽喉.管网垄断造成页岩气产业价格机制、供求机制运行不畅,成为产业发展的瓶颈.本文指出管网垄断具有自然垄断的表征,但实质上却是行政垄断的结果,规制行政垄断在我国具有重要意义.  相似文献   

反垄断法的主要任务之一就是规制具有市场支配地位的企业滥用优势的行为,但随着网络型产业和技术的发展,具有相对支配地位的企业滥用该优势限制竞争的行为也被纳入了反垄断法的视野。滥用相对支配地位的行为在损害公平自由的竞争秩序上同样具有很大的危害性,应当受到竞争法的规制。发达国家和地区成熟的相关竞争立法,为我国提供了大量有价值的立法理论和可供借鉴的实践经验。我国反垄断法的颁布,使得我国对这种行为的规制有了法律依据。  相似文献   

我国"缺油、少气、富煤"的资源格局,限定了发展煤化工替代能源成为能源安全的战略选择。当前我国在煤化工产业政府规制方面存在着自然垄断性、外部性、产品公共性、能源安全等因素造成的市场失灵问题,集中表现在职能缺位、职能越位、职能正位但规制不佳等方面。这需要政府在引进规制避免市场失灵的同时,又要进行必要的规制变革以避免规制失灵的出现,建立与煤化工产业发展相适应的政府规制体系,进一步加强煤化工产业的管理。  相似文献   

环保产业的发展 ,法律规制是至关重要的一环。入世后我国环保产业立法将面临严峻的挑战 ,不仅有世贸组织体系中环保条款的固有缺陷的原因 ,更有我国法律规制本身不完善的原因。本文通过对WTO相关规则的深入研究以及对我国现有环保产业法律保障的缺憾和漏洞进行了细致地分析 ,找出不足和症结所在 ,以期为环保产业法律保障的完善提供依据和着眼点 ,创造一个适合我国环保产业生存和发展的法律环境。  相似文献   

随着传媒体制改革的进一步深入,我国传媒的产业属性日益凸现,如何对传媒产业予以更加规范的法律调整已经成为传媒法学研究的重要课题之一.本文从媒介产业化法律制度概述、媒介产业化的主要法律制度和建立健全媒介产业化法律制度的重要意义三个部分展开论述,研究如何在社会主义市场经济条件下,更好地对媒介产业进行法律调整与规范.  相似文献   

大众传媒产业的发展承载了重要的社会功能,对其予以规制符合经济法的价值理念。处于社会转型时期的传媒业在产业化过程中存在着许多问题,经济法应在其产权的清晰界定上为其提供制度支撑,完善传媒机构的市场准入与退出机制,转变政府职能,平衡市场调节与政府调节的关系。  相似文献   

黎四奇 《时代法学》2015,13(1):119-121
《自然人流动法律规制研究》对自然人流动法律规制进行了系统、全面的研究,是我国首部以自然人流动法律规制为研究对象的法学著作,具有较高的学术价值。该著紧扣当前经济全球化的时代脉搏,具有较高的理论意义和实践意义。全书共分四大板块,全面系统地对自然人流动的相关理论和具体制度进行了研究。该著旁征博引,广泛搜集、引用中、英文资料,将相关法律文件整理以附录呈现,为自然人流动的理论和实务工作者提供了以资参考的详实资料。最为重要的是,全书始终立足中国,不仅以专章对我国自然人流动法律规制进行研究,亦通过对多边、区域、双边、他国法律规制的研究形成对我国的启示,为我国自然人流动法律规制的发展提出了诸多有建设性的建议。  相似文献   

循环经济规制问题是发展循环经济的关键。随着我国循环经济法修订草案于2007年8月26日首次提请全国人大常委会审议.标志着我国循环经济规制向法制化迈出了极为重要的一步.深入探讨循环经济规制的伦理基础与价值诉求以及构建我国循环经济的规制模式.不仅具有重要的理论价值,而且也具有极为重大的现实意义。笔者结合我国2007年《循环经济法草案》。在探讨循环经济规制的伦理基础与价值诉求的基础上。通过研究发达国家规制循环经济的有益经验和先进立法.对建立和完善我国循环经济规制模式进行了研究.  相似文献   

竞争规制可以被视为产业规制的应有之义,但我国目前的反垄断执法高度依赖于产业规制机构,难以超越垄断格局下的既得部门利益,以致成为实施反垄断法的羁绊。因此,我国反垄断执法的最大阻力不是源自市场主体,而是与垄断有紧密利益纠葛的产业规制机构。反垄断法要想获得真正的尊重与执行,就必须对执法权进行集权化与分权化改革,建立超越产业规制格局的反垄断执法架构。  相似文献   

试论转型期我国政府规制的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放特别是我国确立建立社会主义市场经济体制以来,我国政府规制改革取得了重大进展,计划经济体制下所形成的计划管制正逐渐被基于市场经济的法制化、规范化的政府规制所取代。但同时我们也应该看到,我国政府规制改革仍存在许多问题,已落后于市场经济发展的要求。因此,在借鉴西方规制改革经验的基础上,结合我国实际对我国政府规制改革进行探讨有着重要意义。  相似文献   

The rapidly expanding martial arts industry, which is presently unregulated within the United States, has seen multiple coaches convicted of sex offenses in recent years. However, there is currently no existing literature on sexual assault within the martial arts industry. We used major search platforms to collect media reports concerning martial arts coaches who were convicted of sex offenses within the United States. We analyzed the reports for information concerning the perpetrators, victims, and offenses as a first step toward filling the need for insight in this area. We found that a significant number of convicted sex offenders resumed martial arts coaching following initial law enforcement intervention.  相似文献   

我国农垦中的橡胶产业改革已经进行多年,取得了很大成绩,但还存在着一定的问题。本文以海南农垦中的橡胶产业土地制度改革为例,对橡胶土地制度存在的问题进行剖析。以期进一步完善橡胶产业土地制度,实现土地资源的有效配置。  相似文献   

在当代新媒体迅猛发展并以多种形式广泛介入医疗行业的前提下,由医学多媒体传播而引发的隐私权、名誉权、虚假宣传、散布谣言、准医疗行为的侵权等法律冲突的新形式不断涌现。此类医学新媒体法律纠纷的类型、责任主体和责任的承担方式有自己的特征,因此管理者有必要重新审视防范此类法律冲突,具体可采取疏导、改进管理方式、设置法律底线等管理原则与举措。  相似文献   

向东 《现代法学》2002,24(5):141-144
目前中国媒体产业的法律制度变革面临着巨大的压力和广泛的动力 ,在澄清观念之后 ,其产业立法应遵循四大原则。在从宪法到地方部门规章的法律体系中平衡政府、媒体、公众三者的利益。在产业组织政策、产业结构政策和产业分布政策的创新过程中 ,寻求产业发展的推动力和制动力的均衡 ,通过法律制度创新降低市场交易成本 ,中国媒体产业才能在经济、政治、文化三大领域内取得效益最大化。  相似文献   

刘江格 《河北法学》2004,22(6):100-103
中国是世界十大贸易国之一,在国际贸易的舞台上扮演着重要的角色。改革开放的中国需要世界,世界也离不开中国。加入世贸组织,参与经济全球化潮流是中国的必然选择。表面上"入世"不可避免地会给我国工业、农业、服务业诸产业带来冲击,更为深刻的是将发生在体制层面,尤其集中在经济贸易法律方面。着重阐述加入WTO以后中国保险业面临的挑战和对策。  相似文献   

KAREN YEUNG 《Law & policy》2005,27(4):549-577
In recent years, heated debate has arisen concerning the media practices of Australia's competition and consumer regulator (“the ACCC”), with a number of industry leaders asserting that the ACCC engages in “trial by media.” The public disquiet surrounding the ACCC's use of the media was so significant that the Australian Parliament established an independent committee of inquiry (“the Dawson Inquiry”) to investigate (amongst other things) whether Australian competition legislation “provides adequate protection for the commercial affairs and reputation of individuals and corporations.” In its report, the Dawson Inquiry observed that widespread misgivings about the ACCC's media practices had emerged from the submissions that it had received. In its recommendations to the Australian Parliament, the Dawson Inquiry recommended that the ACCC should develop a media code of conduct to govern its use of the media, particularly in relation to enforcement proceedings. In making these recommendations, the Dawson Inquiry drew from a hitherto unpublished research study conducted in 2002 that sought to identify the extent to which the ACCC engages in “trial by media.” This article documents the design, methodological bases, and findings of that study in order to facilitate broader dissemination of the research findings upon which the Dawson Inquiry's policy recommendations concerning the ACCC's use of the media were based.  相似文献   

The recent splintering of the unions of the Change to Win Coalition from the AFL-CIO has received a great deal of attention in the media. Few have watched these developments with greater interest than employers in a broad variety of employment settings. As union prospects in the manufacturing industries have dwindled, employers in the service industries such as healthcare have become especially sensitive to changes in the labor movement and the opportunities to organize. This Article explores the philosophical differences responsible for the AFL-CIO schism, the likely effect this division will have on union organizing efforts in the healthcare industry, and the negative consequences these organizing efforts could have on employee free choice within the industry. In addition, this Article outlines some of the steps healthcare employers can take to protect their ability to communicate freely and directly with their employees.  相似文献   

The author analyzes the fraud and abuse track record of his agency in the past years, and discuss why that effort has had beneficial results for the healthcare industry and the federal fisc. The benefits of this enforcement effort flow directly from the specific enforcement actions, and indirectly from the response of others in the industry to the standards set forth in those actions. Mr. Thornton disputes assertions of some in the industry that the enforcement efforts are unfair, arbitrary, or draconian. Rather, they are an appropriate response to a documented problem with which the government is justifiably concerned.  相似文献   

Public sex has been the focus of a number of academic texts in recent years, but while some comment more generally on how the media have presented specific forms of public sexual activity, it remains unclear how the media have constructed these undertakings. The phenomenon consists of a number of subcultures aimed at providing sexual enjoyment in public settings in different ways. There has been evidence that those engaging in public sex undertake significant risk that, while motivating for those taking part, can lead to a number of tragic consequences. Some of these consequences include physical attacks by members of the public as well as susceptibility to robbery and even abduction. This article will explore one of the possible reasons behind an unfavourable view of public sex in the public conscience- the mass media, and in particular, newspapers in the United Kingdom. The way in which the media have constructed various forms of public sex will be explored, as well as the information provided in reports, and in particular, the detailing of locations of Public Sex Environments (PSEs).  相似文献   

完善乡村治理机制的思考与建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
胡善德 《行政与法》2007,(11):53-55
加强农村民主政治建设,完善建设社会主义新农村的乡村治理机制,既是社会主义新农村建设的内容,又是社会主义新农村建设的重要保障。改革开放二十多年来,我国乡村治理机制发生了根本性的改变,初步形成了多元治理结构。但是,目前我国乡村治理还存在诸多问题。本文对目前我国乡村治理存在的问题及其原因进行了分析,并就如何完善乡村治理机制提出具体建议。  相似文献   

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