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宋和齐 《学理论》2011,(15):3-5
干部学习作为一个系统,它既可以是被组织系统,又可以是自组织系统。根据协同学理论,干部学习应该把教学过程的被组织与教学过程的自组织相结合,以教学过程的被组织为基础,以教学过程的自组织为升华。教师作为序参量,充分反映了干部学习过程的特征,真正从学习本质的角度对干部学习过程作出描述、解释和预测,提供了理论和方法上的指导,为干部学习理论的进一步研究提供新的视角。  相似文献   

组织学习理论是当今最前沿的管理学理论之一,主要研究企业在全球化的背景下,如何有效获取信息和知识,实现创新发展、永续发展。组织学习理论与学习型组织理论既有紧密联系,也有显著区别,后者是前者的实际应用,更多具有实践色彩。借鉴组织学习理论,有助于我们在建设学习型党组织过程中,拓展思路视野,创新方法手段,完善制度机制,提高新时期党建工作的科学化水平。  相似文献   

顾波 《理论探讨》2012,(1):52-57
马克思是揭示心理动力理论的第一人,但是,心理学的研究长期忽视了马克思关于心理动力思想的探讨.现代心理学关于心理动力的理论较为庞杂,各个学派都从自己的理论视角解释了人的心理动力问题,但总体来说这些理论较为片面.马克思的心理动力理论揭示了心理动力的本质,建构了心理动力的整体结构,阐述了心理动力的具体内容和作用.马克思的心理动力理论比马斯洛的心理动力理论更为全面、现实和科学,是我们正确地理解人、做好人的工作的基本理论之一.  相似文献   

苏东剧变对世界共运造成巨大冲击,但社会主义运动并未消亡,各国共产党人对社会主义的追求一刻也未中止。他们在剧变尘埃落定后对社会主义问题的理论思索不断深化,并提出了一些引人注目的观点,为我们对社会主义本质问题的研究提供了新的视角。在关于什么是社会主义的问题上,国外共产党的看法既有一致和相似之处,也有一些差异。  相似文献   

毛泽东关于理论学习的观点是毛泽东思想的重要内容。毛泽东在长期领导中国革命和建设的过程中 ,针对全党在理论学习中存在的种种问题 ,对理论学习的内容、方法、态度、目的等作了比较详尽的论述 ,形成了比较系统的观点。  相似文献   

王枫云 《行政论坛》2011,18(4):37-41
公共管理学研究中的理论假说是对公共管理活动、公共管理现象及其本质规律的一种假定性或推测性表述,其具有如下特征:假定性、客观性与科学性。公共管理学研究中理论假说的生成步骤有三:一是寻找已有公共管理学理论与现有公共管理活动、公共管理现象之间的"冲突地带";二是提出推测性构想;三是做出各种预见。公共管理学研究中理论假说的提出方法,包括逻辑方法、数理方法与直觉方法。验证公共管理学理论假说一般有两种路径:直接验证路径与间接验证路径。  相似文献   

"公安管理学"或"警察管理学"应以"警务管理科学"取代之.警务管理科学是研究警务管理活动的科学,可解决公安管理学研究对象涵盖过宽和警察管理学研究对象涵盖过窄两个问题.警务管理科学是将管理学理论应用于警务管理活动的实证分析的科学.其学科特点和理论建构有最显著的两点,一是对管理学规范理论的借用,一是对现代数理科学工具的借用.研究警务管理科学必须在理论概括、经验分析和对策论三方面进行合理的定位.  相似文献   

官僚制批判研究的新视角——一个文献述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
官僚制批判研究的视角并不统一,根据学科发展的前沿成果来回顾这一公共行政的核心问题,旨在厘清混沌、深化对基本概念的认识。学科式类型化能够凸显表象背后的理论价值,就对理想型官僚体制的批评和反思而言,后现代哲学、政策分析以及公共管理学等视角是公共行政学演进的最新成果。每一个学科视角在研究路径、兴趣焦点、学术事件、核心思想与学术贡献等方面存有各自的回答,尤其是多元的研究方法,即解构哲学、角色互动理论和新管理主义,使得对同一议题的争论呈现不同特色。基于学科最新知识的批判性研究,在不断修正理性官僚制局限的基础上,深化了社会科学对基本组织现象的理解和解释能力,为体察和审视政治、经济与社会领域的基本问题提供了富有启发性的理论结构。  相似文献   

马克思关于人的本质的学说是学术界一直争论的问题,在文本依据相同的情况下,我们需要的是研究得出的不同的结论。对此,我们应该从马克思的原著中选取论述来进行理解和解释,马克思是怎么理解人的本质问题的。以下综述全面综合整理了1998-2012年来所发表的关于实践人本观研究的著作、学位论文及期刊等多方面文献资料,并且利用数字图书系统,在中国知网、中国优秀硕士论文网、万方数据库等权威性文献检索系统中查阅了大量资料,对此研究问题进行了归纳整理和评价分析。  相似文献   

李萍 《行政论坛》2012,19(3):87-91
西方社会学界从不同维度对社会的本质及其运行规律进行了长期深入的研究,并形成了各具特色的理论流派。通过借鉴西方社会学的相关理论成果,可以为我国社会建设理论研究提供新的理论视角。结构功能主义理论强调系统的均衡与协调,为推进社会建设提供了开放式的视角和系统分析方法;社会冲突理论强调社会压制与不平等,为正确认识和处理社会建设过程中的各种矛盾提供了思想基础;互动理论从个体、群体、制度等层面研究其互动模式,为构建和谐人际关系与推动制度创新提供了理论支撑;社会网络理论着重研究社会结构与社会关系对主体行为的影响,对我国社会制度的设计及其实施有着重要启示。  相似文献   

在我国,针对公务员开展的廉政教育是党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的重要组成部分。借鉴组织支持理论和学习投入理论,探讨组织支持感、学习价值观对公务员廉政教育学习投入的影响,提出以学习价值观为中介变量的理论模型。通过对244位公务员问卷调查的数据进行层次回归分析和中介效应检验,实证了公务员的组织支持感对其参与廉政教育的学习投入有着显著正向影响,并且学习价值观在它们之间起部分中介作用。因此,组织支持理论与学习投入理论适用于公务员廉政教育情境。在开展廉政教育实践过程中,既要注意提高公务员的组织支持感,也要注重干预和调节其学习价值观。  相似文献   

The situational perspectives theory of job performance is a fundamental aspect of organizational and managerial psychology. Consequently, there is growing interest in conducting additional research to assess situational factors and job performance through the theoretical frameworks of social learning and social exchange theories, which are seldom applied in these domains. The data has been collected from 365 employees working in Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL). It was found that supervisor support stimulates job performance. It is also deduced that self-efficacy mediates the relationship while work engagement does not mediate the relationship between supervisor support and job performance. The situational perspectives theory of job performance provides a supportive framework for the development of PTCL employees. This work should be of interest in the area of situational factors and performance improvement. This study is one of the very few studies conducted to empirically assess the influence of situational factor on performance through the mediating role of work engagement and self-efficacy.  相似文献   

This paper examines two interrelated questions: Knowledge utilization and organizational learning. Whereas most treatments o f these questions have in mind individuals, "decisionmakers," who are supposedly the learning agents, or the potential users of social science knowledge and information, my attempt will be to regard knowledge utilization and learning as organizational phenomena. A s such, the question of knowledge utilization, of learning, of knowledge growth in organizations, calls for the notion of organizational epistemology which has been neglected due to the prevailing view of organizational learning a5 experimental learning. The notion of organizational epistemology, or theory of knowledge, is, in turn, helpful in freeing both organizations from the naive empiricism we have attributed to them, and utilization-minded researchers from the frustration that accompanies the repeatedly documented phenomenon on nonutilization. To better appreciate the role of policy minded social science knowledge and information, my proposal will be to conceptualize learning behavior in terms of "contest" rather than experimentation and verification.  相似文献   

Does board diversity or representativeness influence organizational performance? Though it is understudied in both the public and the nonprofit sectors, learning more about this critical subject can enhance organizational performance within highly collaborative settings. Community mediation centers, which rely on multiple public and private resources to meet their programmatic objectives, provide excellent case studies for analyzing the impact of different kinds of interorganizational linkages on organizational performance. A multitheoretic view incorporating agency, resource dependence, and stakeholder perspectives is employed through a national sample and a two‐stage analysis using a logic model to test the cumulative impact of board characteristics and interorganizational relationships on organizational outcomes. Organizations’ collaborative capacity depends on several kinds of boundary‐spanning activities, including network ties, revenue sources, and the number of stakeholder groups represented on the board.  相似文献   

Ongoing public debate about the role of science in policy making signifies the importance of advancing theory and practice in the field. Indeed, assumptions about the science–policy nexus hold direct implications for how this interface is managed. A useful lens on contemporary themes is offered by the experience of a federal environmental science program that launched an ambitious effort to enhance capacity for policy relevance while protecting a commitment to sound, impartial scientific inquiry. This was achieved by developing an explicit conceptual model and implementing corresponding strategies that addressed critical gaps in capacity for policy‐relevant research, analysis, and communication while supporting existing capacities. This article describes and evaluates the capacity‐building effort from the dual perspectives of deepening an understanding of successful practice in the field and advancing a conceptual understanding of the science–policy nexus. It illustrates the challenges facing practitioners and the need for greater interaction between theory and practice.  相似文献   

Local industrial development groups (LIDGs) are often among the most visible organizations involved in community economic development. LIDGs annually spend billions of dollars directly or indirectly in various promotional and community improvement efforts. Yet relatively little is known about their organizational forms, their operating strategies, or their real impact on the economic development of communities. The study reported here was undertaken by researchers from three academic backgrounds in order to capture a rich, comprehensive view of this organizational type. In this paper, we discuss the research perspectives which informed our overall approach to the study, and subsequently, we present and discuss a preliminary profile of LIDGs, based on our recent national survey.  相似文献   

Public administration is an interdisciplinary field, building on a variety of disciplinary approaches and values. But how well does the field of public administration reflect those values and processes? In contrast to previous arguments regarding the degree to which the field does or should incorporate values and lessons from other academic disciplines, this study provides a systematic assessment of the field’s reliance on research and theory from the fields of law, management, and political science. An analysis of journal citations across these fields suggests that research in public administration is largely isolated from the three disciplines that are commonly believed to form its foundation.  相似文献   

目前我国学者对于高校教师绩效管理的研究处于起步阶段,高校在进行教师绩效管理时存在“借来”主义,没有针对我国高校特有的组织结构及教师特点,构建有效的绩效管理模式,导致教师绩效管理效率低、组织战略目标无法达成等问题。基于 PDCA 循环理论构建校-院、院-系两级循环的教师绩效管理模式,实施两级循环的整体联动,能够有效适应我国高校的组织结构及教师工作特点,从而提高高校教师绩效管理效率。  相似文献   


Performance management is meant to encourage organizational change by providing better and more relevant feedback to managers. But there is no denying the complexity of learning and change. How performance management helps this process goes beyond the simple availability of performance information. In this study, we examine the learning processes in a large Belgian public organization through interviews of managers, directors, and administrators. By using 4Is framework of organizational learning—from Intuitions to Interpretation to Integration to Institutionalization—we identify critical blocks and enablers of learning and change. Critical impediments include off-topic discussions of performance information, lack of opportunity to share and discuss management practices, and limited motivation to change entrenched processes of work. Performance management also provides reliable enablers of organizational learning, such as giving credibility-by-results to new management practices, focusing discussions on processes that lead to measurable results, the ability to follow new innovations closely as they are implemented, and the possibility of creating a learning culture supported by performance information. Finally, we discuss how perceived credibility of performance information is crucial to organizational learning and how it is reinforced by use and dialogue.  相似文献   

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