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东北大开发是中国政府继东部沿海开放和西部大开发之后的又一重要经济发展战略,它是中国经济平衡发展的客观要求,也是解决东北老工业基地日益严重的企业危机和社会危机的重要举措.东北大开发对于东三省既是一个机遇又是一个挑战,它要求东北充分挖掘自身潜力,解放思想,继续探索国有经济脱困、繁荣之道.东北大开发具有不亚于西部大开发的战略意义,是中国经济发展过程中一个重要里程碑.  相似文献   

世界范围内竞相开发海洋的热潮已经形成。许多沿海国家纷纷制定海洋发展战略,将开发海洋资源、发展海洋经济、控制海洋能力作为国家的重要的战略决策,把建设海洋强国作为增强综合国力的重要措施。  相似文献   

思路是:沿海、沿江、沿边、沿线同时开放,形成多方位的、相互联系支援的开放网络和国民经济的统一有机系统。 南开大学经济研究所副所长常修泽副教授和该校国际经济系研究生戈晓宇,对沿海开发战略设想进行了较深入的研究后,在这一战略设想的基础上,又提出了一些重要的补充和修正意见。常修泽对记者说,沿海地区开发战略,是一个非常正确的战略指导方针。但为了避免由于东西部发展的不平衡而可能使中国陷入新的“二元经济结构”的境地,应该以沿海开放为主,同时实行“四沿渗透”的开放战略,以便我国整体协调地参加国际竞争。  相似文献   

当今,人才竞争处于全球各项事业竞争中的核心地位。通过对人才支撑体系进行概述,在分析研究江苏沿海开发体系所面临的现状的基础上,来探究江苏沿海开发中人才支撑体系的现状及问题。同时,对江苏沿海开发人才支撑体系的建设措施提出意见以及建议。  相似文献   

张莉 《求知》2000,(5):9-10
天津作为沿海发达地区,要抓住西部开发的时机,需要进一步扩大对内开放的新视野,千方百计打好对内开放牌,抓住国家实施西部大开发战略的时机,通过优势互补,拓展与中西部地区的合作领域,促进和推动天津经济发展,加快把我市建成北方重要的经济中心。天津要想在西部大开发进程中扮演重要角色,实现经济的快速腾飞,必须做到:  相似文献   

石岩  大光 《侨园》2009,(12)
今年7月以来,随着<辽宁沿海经济带发展规划>(以下简称<规划>)上升为国家战略及辽宁沿海经济带工作会议后,辽宁沿海各市广大党员干部群情高昂,脚踏实地,迅速掀起了新一轮开发开放的热潮.  相似文献   

“我相信中国的现代化事业必能成功,并希望我能为此作出微薄的贡献。”这是新加坡前第一副总理、中国沿海开发经济顾问兼旅游业顾问吴庆瑞博士,去年五月同中国领导人的一次会见中讲的一句话。 吴庆瑞博士于一九八四年五月正式接受中国政府的聘请,担任中国沿海开发经济顾问。同年十一月又应聘兼任我国旅游业顾问。五月三日,在北京人民大会堂,他对国务委员谷牧说:“我愉快地接  相似文献   

淤涨型的江苏沿海地区由于历史和现实的原因,一直处于边缘化状态,成为江苏经济发展的洼地.江苏沿海开发以来成效显著,该区域经济社会发展有望形成良性循环.江苏沿海开发上升为国家战略,为江苏沿海经济发展提供了重大的发展机遇.随着该区域发展相关对策的有效实施及难点的突破,江苏沿海地区集聚生产要素的能力会有质的提升,区域经济将得到快速增长,边缘化地位将得以改变.  相似文献   

以往由政府部门斥巨资大规模开发沿海滩涂搞养殖的投资方式,如今在湛江市已逐渐引退。近两年,湛江市投入海水养殖业的资金有95%左右是由民间投资业主自筹的。投资主体的位移带来了可喜的变化。湛江市开发滩涂搞养殖已有十余年了,80年代中后期,全市大搞以“水产、水果和畜牧业”为主要内容的开发性农业生产,对沿海滩涂实行几个统一,由政府出资开发建设虾池,然后发包给农民养虾。这种作法,对于成片开发,较快形成规模经营,曾经产生过积极作用。但是,其弊病也是显而易见的,债务的偿还便是一个大问题;再有政府部门的大笔  相似文献   

张文亮 《求知》2013,(7):46-49
当前,随着全球一体化步伐的不断加快,作为连接世界的重要纽带——海洋,正以其特有的地位和作用在世界经济发展中扮演着举足轻重的角色,特别是随着陆地资源的逐渐短缺,人类社会的可持续发展将越来越依靠海洋。因此,世界沿海各国都把海洋开发上升到国家发展战略的高度,以加速海洋经济的发展。我国是世界海洋大国之一,国家对海洋资源、海洋空间的依赖程度不断提高,海洋已成为新时期我国抢占战略制高点的重要  相似文献   

There are four types of exploitation in the international arena: exploitation between states; exploitation within state A, the beneficiaries of which are mainly people in state B; exploitation of individuals from one country by another state in which they work; exploitation of individuals from one country by individuals in another state, in which they work. The Marxian and the liberal theories of exploitation are inadequate to discuss these cases. After exploring the difficulties of applying these theories to international and transnational exploitation, it is suggested that the theories could be reconstructed: exploitation is when the exploiter benefits from treating the exploitee not as equal in circumstances of bargaining. It is finally shown how this interpretation helps us in the discussion of all four types of international and transnational exploitation.  相似文献   

One of the primary incentives to state governments to participate in the national coastal zone management program is the legal requirement that federal resources use activities as well as federal projects and federally permitted activities that affect state ocean and coastal areas must be consistent with federally-approved state coastal programs. The "consistency provisions" are among the most innovative attempts to insure intergovernmental coordination in resource management. In assessing the implementation of the consistency provisions, we find that this legal requirement has led to the development of a variety of formal and informal collaborative mechanisms for intergovernmental coordination in ocean and coastal management. While these mechanisms have led to the resolution of the vast majority of federal-state conflicts in coastal areas some important federal-state conflicts have not been resolved. This has more to do with the character of these particular conflicts than the general effectiveness of the mechanisms for collaboration that have been established.  相似文献   

The era of globalization has been accompanied by an increased awareness of private wrongs as well as acceleration of many forms of cross-border labor exploitation. The essay explores how refined distinctions between forced and free sex work could improve anti-trafficking policies. It addresses the understudied linkages between other forms of migration and sexual exploitation and suggests a triage approach to all forms of labor exploitation—based on harms rather than type of labor or victim. A better understanding of freedom, sex, and development will allow us to expand a human rights approach to these private wrongs. The best anti-trafficking policy is one of universal, indivisible human rights. Victims of sexual exploitation need the same things as all migrants and all workers—recognition, monitoring, resources, access to justice, and organization.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the close and complex connection between the demonisation, exploitation and exclusion of new migrant workers. In so doing, it testifies to the blurred boundaries between the categories of severe labour exploitation, forced labour and slavery. This study highlights the absence of citizenship rights as crucial to understanding the vulnerability to demonisation, exploitation and exclusion that characterises the embodied experience of such workers. It also highlights the key role of citizenship as a means for such workers to make rights claims. In the UK, new migrant workers, particularly those arriving from Eastern Europe since 2004, have been increasingly designated by government and media as interlopers in a tight labour marketplace. Whilst their collective economic contribution is sometimes welcomed, they are regarded as ‘external’ to UK society and citizenship, a potential threat to indigenous values and culture, and in competition with British workers. Rarely are migrants afforded the space in public and private spheres to express their individual needs, wants, cares or perspectives. UK migrants have variously been portrayed by the tabloid media and irresponsible politicians as rapacious opportunists, as benefit scroungers, criminals and potential terrorists. The predominant discourse around new migrant workers in the UK is that they are not citizens, but temporary residents who are expected to work industriously and to remain otherwise unseen and unheard until they return to their country of origin. No further contribution to social and political life is required or expected. It is within such an unsupportive environment that new migrant workers in general, and undocumented migrants in particular, have become highly susceptible to employer and gangmaster abuse and exploitation.  相似文献   

A standard microeconomic tool is used to analyze quantitative data to reveal the attitudes of European states toward space exploration and exploitation. The contemporary economic crisis uncovers the real political priorities. The tool used helps us to distinguish between three policy types: activist, active, and passive. Words can radically differ from real actions of governments, as is shown in this article. Results indicate that there is a relatively strong core of supporting states of space exploration and exploitation in the middle of the European continent.  相似文献   

This study leverages the upper echelons theory to investigate the effect of board diversity (gender, age, education, and tenure) on the strategic orientation of a firm in terms of its exploration- exploitation. It also investigates the moderating role of the technological intensity of the industry for analyzing the relationship between board diversity and exploration–exploitation of the firm. The technological intensity of the industry is classified as high-tech and low-tech. This study brings to light the role of the contingency factors in influencing the board's strategic choice. The study is based on panel data set of Indian Top-200 companies listed on the National Stock Exchange for the period between 2010 and 2015. The present study's findings indicate that an increase in board diversity leads to more exploration than exploitation. Further, the effect of board diversity is more pronounced in high-tech than the low-tech industries.  相似文献   

Hurricane Katrina made landfall as a fast-moving Category 3 storm. Thereafter, 85 percent of Greater New Orleans was flooded, 1,500 lives were lost, and approximately 100,000 were left homeless. New Orleans' hurricane protection system failed catastrophically, leaving miles of levees without protection from waves. With global warming accelerating, smarter planning is needed for many coastal cities and communities. Surge defenses that make full use of natural and man-made components need to be augmented with sustainable development and retreat from low-lying coastal regions. Coastal restoration is the key to the future habitation of southeast Louisiana, together with an east–west levee/surge protection system across the mid-coast. This latter system must be complimented and protected by aggressive coastal wetland and barrier island restoration.  相似文献   


SOCMINT (SOCial Media INTelligence) is increasingly considered relevant and cost efficient information, and the exploitation of social media information in the name of security and public safety is generally regarded as unproblematic. We will critically scrutinize this claim and argue that the exploitation of such information by Intelligence and Security Services raises new ethical concerns. Drawing on recent moral discussions about privacy, we will argue that individuals have an interest in privacy in public spaces, including online spaces. We will discuss the role of such public privacy interests and argue that the systematic surveillance of social media platforms by security authorities potentially entail a negative chilling effect.  相似文献   

Uncertainty surrounding climate change has encouraged policy makers to engage in flexible and exploratory policies and forms of policy making. The article examines the potential of experimentation in devising coastal adaptation policies, taking into account its political dimensions. We analysed a multi-level experiment, funded by the French Ministry for the Environment from 2012 to 2015, where coastal municipalities volunteered to simulate the implementation of planned retreat as an adaptation strategy. Using insights from discursive institutionalism, we tracked developments throughout the experiment period. We highlight a combined process of governance experiment, allowing social innovation at local and regional scales, and a more strategic tool for the state, governing and steering local coastal policy with new instruments. We shed light on a particular policy entrepreneur (a public organization dealing with coastal management) playing at the intersection of these two forms, and in the interplay of policy scales. Although the experiment contributed to the innovation of legal and economic instruments and produced policy feedbacks in local planning and governance, learning capacities of the multi-scale architecture are still moderate to make planned retreat a reality in the near future. The conclusion considers performative and interpretive effects of policy experiments as further research questions to explore.  相似文献   

The suppression of labor rights is a matter of serious concern in developing countries. Yet little is known about the role of public agencies in protecting the rights of underprivileged employees. Hence, this study aims to examine the reasons behind the persisting labor exploitation in private enterprises despite the presence of public governance and labor codes. Data was collected through in-depth interviews as well as archives from different external and internal agencies of privately owned garment enterprises in Bangladesh including public administrators and multinational retailers. Kantian ethics and Islamic moral principles were used as theoretical lens to evaluate the labor practices of enterprises. This study contributes to the existing literature by introducing a process model of labor exploitation that depicts multinational power and poor governance to be the main drivers for the abuse of labor ethics. Specifically, political influence and institutional corruption drive poor governance. Public power is exercised to suppress marginalized labor institutions rather than enact labor codes. We found that ethical and spiritual values are not reflected in labor practices and practical suggestions on enacting labor ethics through which the fair enforcement of public power is offered.  相似文献   

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