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This article offers a distinctive mapping of the feminist literature on globalisation. Part I sets the “new wave” of debate in the context of long-standing feminist theorising and organisation around global power and politics, drawing attention to a growing focus on economic processes. Part II explores the marginalisation of feminist arguments within globalisation studies, pointing to the dominance of an economistic model of globalisation as a key factor. It also identifies a parallel feminist tendency to neglect non-feminist efforts to develop non-economistic analyses of globalisation. Part III seeks to pinpoint the originality of the contribution of feminism. Although the most obvious starting point for such an evaluation is an emphasis upon gender, the feminist contribution is not reducible to this. Feminists have integrated gender analyses into accounts of multiple, intersecting relations of global power. They also offer distinctive analyses of the relation between the local and the global and the character of agency and resistance. The article indicates that the feminist response to economism still remains incomplete. Nonetheless, it demonstrates that feminist insights pose a significant challenge to non-feminist accounts of globalisation and to those organising within and against global power relations.  相似文献   

从共存安全到共生安全:基于边境安全特殊性的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
边境地区作为国家领土比较特殊的组成部分,代表着国家主权的至高无上性和国家领土的不容侵犯。过去,位于国家交界处的边境地区敏感脆弱,承担着维护国家“安全”和“生存”的重任,传统边境始终发挥其屏蔽功能,传统的边境安全随之体现出“防范危险”和“共存安全”的主要特性。如今,由于全球化进程和国家的开放政策,相应地引发了实体边界弱化和“软边界”扩散等边境地区的新变化,同时,边境屏蔽效应相对减弱,中介效应凸显,使边境地区呈现安全与发展并举甚至以发展为主导的安全态势,边境安全的特征发生重大转变。边境地区安全问题的复杂化、安全的渗透性和联动性增强、安全中注入发展的因素以及安全的社会化建构等特征与“共生”理论中的多元性、内生性、交互性、共生性等特征相似,而且有相适应的研究议题,使边境安全问题可以从共生视角进行探讨。边境安全的变化使边境在实现“共存安全”的同时强调“共生安全与发展”,在关注当下安全的同时也注重安全的未来。文章以边境安全的特殊性为视角进行研究,提出“共生安全”的新理念,并在“共存安全”和“共生安全”特性的比较中,探索边境安全乃至国家安全的未来走向。  相似文献   

The potential for change is increasing rapidly in the 21 st century, especially in the information and communication technology (ICT) field. Innovations in ICT are constantly making new breakthroughs and all kinds of technologies, applications and services are being interwoven. Inevitably, the broad application of new technologies provides cyber attackers more tools and opportunities to launch attacks. Old information security^1 policies are facing new challenges, emerging threats and unsolved risks. Finding effective solutions to cyber threats has become an urgent task for the international community.  相似文献   

权力·安全·女性主义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
权力与安全是国际关系学的两个重要概念,更是现实主义理论范式追求的两大核心价值。女性主义在批判国际关系学中严重存在的社会性别歧视过程中,对这两个概念进行了认真的反思,在揭露女性在相关问题上遭受的不公正待遇的同时,提出了自己有关权力与安全的见解。  相似文献   

王文 《国际观察》2005,39(2):39-46
女性主义国际关系理论为国际关系学的发展做出了重大贡献。遗憾的是,近二十年的发展依然没有使其摆脱国际关系学边缘的地位。本文从两分法的批判出发,探讨女性主义兴起的根源,由此阐述女性主义国际关系理论的议程、困境和重构之路。本文认为,女性主义者与传统理论学者之间不正常的争论及女性主义理论在经验论、立场论和方法论上的悖论是女性主义国际关系理论长期处于边缘的两大原因。女性主义者未能超越两分法逻辑,不得不寻求理论的重构之路。  相似文献   

巴阿边境地区历史上就是重要的鸦片产地,阿富汗目前是全球最大鸦片生产国和海洛因输出地,巴基斯坦则为阿富汗毒品输出的重要通道。塔利班和"基地"组织在该地区的活动,尤其是阿富汗境内安全局势与该地区的毒品生产和贩运紧密联系。该地区毒品生产和贩运既有地理、气候和经济原因,更有政治和历史文化原因。对该地区毒品生产和贩运进行研究,不仅有助于了解其对世界毒品市场的影响,也有助于研究塔利班和"基地"组织等恐怖极端势力的活动。  相似文献   

安全维度转向:人的安全   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人类安全观念正经历着急剧的变革,由联合国提出的“人的安全”新概念,打破了以国家为中心的传统安全观,预示着国际政治安全维度的人文转向。国家可能成为维护安全的主要手段,而不再是维护安全的最终目的。人的安全将人及其群体置于安全保障的核心,强调“免于匮乏”和“免于恐惧”的自由,保护人的生命和尊严不受侵犯。尽管人的安全这一概念现在还存有争议,但不容忽视的是,人的安全正在获得越来越多的国家和国际组织的支持和认同,并在外交实践中取得了显著进展。  相似文献   

Terrorism, corruption, and international organized crime, a very “unholy trinity,” which globalization has at once enabled and encouraged, represent the most dangerous security threats to the developing democracies of Europe and the Eurasian region. While neither as lethal as the first order effects of terrorism, nor as corrosive to one’s confidence in government as state corruption, international organized crime’s trafficking of human beings can destroy the very “soul” of a state. Human trafficking – the commodification of human beings – represents a modern form of slavery, exploits and ruins women, and can kill. No nation can unilaterally defend itself against this threat.  相似文献   


Any account of European security that ignores border security is incomplete, and any account of border security that disregards functional issues is unfinished. Border security is an empirical manifestation of a state's adaptation to its political environment, so a comprehensive analysis of European security requires that both the empirical and conceptual parameters of border management should be identified. However, this is problematic. Not only is functional security benignly neglected by the academy, but also border management is based on competing political imperatives, operational necessities, and social realities, rather than a coherent theoretical framework. Although the rationalities of European border security have yet to be systematically analysed, the Schengen accord is unlikely to provide the foundations needed for a comprehensive paradigm of European (border) security. This article focuses on the empirical and practical—rather than theoretical—dimensions of border security in order to rebalance the debate.  相似文献   

The article argues that global security should be seen as synonymous with human security, and that strategic studies should be located within that broader rubric. Mounting such an argument means meeting the charge of those who see the broader construction of strategic studies as vague and meaningless, and as detracting from the ability to make good policy. The article attempts, therefore, to map human security in as inclusive and systematic a way as possible. It attempts to show that the concept is neither vague nor meaningless, and is suitable, therefore, to be the basis for a comprehensive account of global security.  相似文献   


Since its emergence in the late 1990s, the security sector reform model has come to be accepted as an indispensable element of democratic transitions and state-building projects. Europe has been an incubator for the concept, which is rooted in the notion of human security. While the model's normative framework has reached an advanced stage of development, it has produced few clear successes, revealing a ‘conceptual–contextual divide’. Placed under new pressure due to a shift in security thinking following 11 September 2001, the model faces an identity crisis. The Afghanistan process, above all, has demonstrated the need for new debate in Europe and elsewhere on the direction and structure of the model.  相似文献   

该文对"人类安全"的概念与基本内涵做了系统梳理,分别介绍了联合国、人类安全委员会、各国政府和国际组织以及学术界对"人类安全"的不同理解和阐释,并归纳总结了国际社会围绕着联合国发展计划署的界定所展开的批评和辩护.作为非传统安全观的重要基石,"人类安全"所包纳的理念虽非首创,却是一种新的诉求、一个新的视角、一套整合的理念,是一个集大成的富有意义的概念,它综合体现了千百年来整个人类所崇尚的"以人为本"的博大情怀和孜孜以求的"天下大同"的终极目标.  相似文献   

“全球安全倡议”是人类命运共同体理念在全球安全治理中的具体化,是运用中国智慧为人类自救于危难、发展于和平、成就于安宁而提出的中国方案。安全观是安全的一种理论化的体系性认知。“全球安全倡议”宣示了中国的全球安全观,弘扬了全人类共同价值,超越了国际无政府逻辑,完好地回答了安全指涉对象、安全立场、安全原则、安全治理的目标/主体/方式/内容等问题,具有重大的理论创新性与时代价值。全球安全是一种本体安全,“和合”是其正向价值取向的核心,共生、共建、共享是其基本特性。为此,“全球安全倡议”的实践前提是“和合共生”,实现路径是“和合共建”,价值目标是“和合共享”。维护与塑造全球安全的共建策略是,达成人类命运共同体的全球共识,形成安全互助的良好态势,促成安全互保的战略环境,建成安全共享的治理体系。“全球安全倡议”作为以新安全格局保障新发展格局的框架设计,描绘的正是呈现和合共生、和合共建、和合共享的人类安全“前景图”,以保障人类发展的美好未来。  相似文献   


This paper explores contemporary counterterrorism efforts as an instrument for attaining peace as a ‘global public good’. It notes the lack of an agreed definition of terrorism, the distinction between freedom-fighting and terrorism, and the issue of ‘excessive use of force’ by the state. It assessed the extent to which US counter-terrorism policy has influenced policy in the UN Security Council, and the shortcomings in Council policy that require redress. The paper concludes that counterterrorism will be successful only when a ‘global law enforcement’ approach prevails over the national security-driven ‘war-on-terror’ and when genuine efforts are undertaken to address the root causes of terrorism, including the forward basing of US forces in the Arab world.  相似文献   

“人的安全”概念的提出促使人们对安全内涵和如何提供安全进行更深刻的思考。但是,人的安全概念提出后引发了很多争议,也产生了不少误区,其中之一就是将人的安全中“免于恐惧的自由”与“免于匮乏的自由”相互对立起来,以至于将前者视为西方的概念而后者为东方的概念。在这种话语中隐含了“免于恐惧的自由才是人的安全中优先考虑的因素”,其产生的后果是在全球范围内存在的贫困、饥饿等严重危害人的尊严的安全问题可能被置于安全考虑范围之外。回顾人的安全概念之争,探讨人的安全的核心理念及其相关概念,比如安全与发展、直接暴力与结构暴力之间的关系,可以矫正这种误区,并证明人的安全概念既不是西方的也不是东方的,它是以人类最基本的价值、需求和尊严为中心的,具有普遍意义的和道德说服力的综合性理念。这种综合性界定自然要求安全维护的方式不应停留在被动和短期应对层面而应寻求早期预防、长期建构、能力提升等积极手段以便实现“积极安全”。  相似文献   

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