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Regardingitsmilitarystrengthespeciallythenu-cleararsenalRussiaisstillmoreorlessaglobalpowercomparedwiththeU.S.Howeverintermsofthecomprehensivenationalstrengthitisatmostaregionalpowerrankingahead.ThreeyearsagoRussiawascalleda″second-classcountry″byPutin.AlthoughRussiapaysattentiontobothglobalandregionalissuesitconcernsmoreaboutthosehavingdirectbearingonitsnationalinterests.U.S.EuropeandChinaarevalueddifferentlyinRussia'sforeignaffairs.Nomatterwhatkindofroleeachofthemplaysleadingindispens…  相似文献   

Since George W. Bush assumed the presidency in early 2001, a tense situation had occurred in the relationships among world big powers. In the aftermath of September 11,significant improvement has been made in Sino-U.S. and Russia-U. S. relations. In the meantime, corresponding changes have taken place in EU-U. S.and Russia-China relations.  相似文献   

Lu: The world situation tends to be relaxed generally. Big powers often interact, especially in Asia, because China is developing and Asia is developing as well. When we review peripheral and regional situa- tions, we can see it. In China's concept of diplomacy, periphery is put at the foremost position and China's periphery is in a sense the U. S. ' strategic front. Therefore, building a greater peripheral environment, coping well with China's relations with the U. S. and China's Neigh-…  相似文献   

At the dawn of the new century, the Republicans returned to the White House after eight years in opposition. When President George W. Bush and his foreign policy team were striving to realize their diplomatic ambition, the events of September 11 led them to readjust their foreign policy, thereby a remarkable feature can be seen in Mr. Bush's initial diplomacy.  相似文献   

China is rising. Will China catch up with or surpass the United States economically and militarily some day's? There is no universally accepted answer. The author believes that as long as the United States makes no mistakes, it is unlikely China will catch up with the United States in the foreseeable future. However, based on history and current US policy there could be mistakes in areas such as anti-terrorism, China policy, immigration, etc. Any error on the part of the US will facilitate China's move to the fore.  相似文献   

After the 9/11 incident, the United States further shifted its strategic focus on the Middle East. This article analyzes the strategic dilemma faced by the U.S. in the Middle East and the origins of its Middle East strategy. It uses an historical perspective by comparing former strategies with current policy.  相似文献   

布什政府上台以来,始终未能阻止朝鲜拥核步伐.朝核试后,美对朝政策有了新的调整,六方会谈得以复会.但美朝双方受各自国家利益和政策目标的限制,在朝鲜半岛无核化问题上的尖锐分歧难以解决,朝核危机仍存在再度升级的可能.  相似文献   

Frank Harvey 《安全研究》2013,22(3):413-424
Developing strong, policy-relevant causal explanations for major events in world politics often requires identification and rejection of weak counterfactual claims. Poorly constructed counterfactual arguments reveal serious deficiencies that undercut the necessary condition theories from which they are derived. Stronger explanations of historical events emerge when these weaknesses are weighed against the strengths of competing counterfactuals. Comparing the relative plausibility of competing (weak versus strong) counterfactual claims about the same event is the essence of comparative counterfactual analysis (CCA). When combined with process tracing, CCA can help to generate policy relevant findings by resolving many of the methodological pitfalls researchers confront when each method is applied in isolation.  相似文献   

New DevelopmentsBefore the 2008 financial crisis,and especially before the U.S.began its return to Asia,relations between China,the U.S.and China's neighbors in East Asia were not a major issue.However,since 2010,relations have been stirred up.Take the Cheonan incident,the shelling of Yeonpyeong Island,the Diaoyu Islands dispute between China and Japan,the Huangyan Island confrontation between China and the Philippines,and the South China Sea issue,for example.Sino-U.S.relations have grown more complex,and sovereignty disputes between China and some of its neighbors have intensified.At the same time,relations between the U.S.and most of China'sneighbors have improved.The U.S.' decision to pivot to Asia contains many objectives.  相似文献   

The past two years have witnessed great fluctuations ininternational oil prices,and diplomatic efforts,both above andunder the table,by major powers around this issue.The currenttension in the war-threatened Iraq has added more uncertainties to thefuture world oil situation.Will the world oil supply and demand change?What impact would this exert on big powers' oil strategy choices,geopolitics as well as world economy?What should China do in such asituation?To find the answers to these questions,at the invitation of theeditor of the Contemporary International Relations,seven experts fromChina Institute of Contemporary International Relations gathered to have adiscussion in early February this year.Naturally,they have differentviews over many issues.Still,we hope our readers would find theirdiscussion interesting.Following is the list of participants.  相似文献   

The Democratic Party won a majority in both houses of the Congress for the first time since 1994 in the recent U.S. mid-term elections. By analyzing the major reasons for the Democratic Party's victory in the elections, we can conclude that in the coming one or two years, the U.S. domestic politics will focus on  相似文献   

japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine has escalated tensions between China and Japan that were triggered by the Diaoyu Islands dispute. Changes in the balance of power between China and Japan have caused concerns and strategic restlessness in Japan. Because of public opinion and his party's control of the House of Representatives and Senate, Abe is now eager to further his aims both domestically and overseas. That is why he said: "Now is the time for Japan to take the big step in building a new state." The U.S. supports a stronger Japan because it is looking to maintain the strategic balance in the Asia-Pacific region. Its Asia-Pacific Rebalancing strategy is bound to inflame Japan's ambitions. In fact, Japan has been actively pursuing stronger ties with the U.S. and became more aggressive over the Diaoyu Islands issue.  相似文献   

The focus of Obama’s second term diplomacy will continue to be the acceleration of the U.S. global strategic shift eastward to Asia. With increasing competition and more competitive factors emerging over the next four years, the existing competitive and cooperative political structure in Sino-U.S. relations should continue to help keep bilateral political relations stable.  相似文献   

In author’s view,there are several alternative paradigms that could develop governing Sino-U.S.relations over the next decade.To keep the process of its rise uninterrupted, China should take active steps to push the relationship towards a cooperation paradigm and preventing it from sliding towards a conflict paradigm.The U.S.also needs to adopt a positive response.  相似文献   

In author's view, there are several alternative paradigms that could develop governing Sino-U.S. relations over the next decade. To keep the process of its rise uninterrupted, China should take active ...  相似文献   

Sino-U.S. relations are moving toward "Quasi-Cold War." Various factors contribute to Sino-U.S. "Quasi-Cold War". China should actively deal with this kind of situation, which will continue in the future, to prevent "Quasi-Cold War" sliding into a new "Cold War."  相似文献   

Naunihal Singh 《Orbis》2021,65(3):448-466
This article examines how events unfolded in the aftermath of the deaths of American servicemembers in Niger in 2017. It shows that there was remarkably little casualty aversion on the part of either the American public or the elites and examines why U.S. military policy towards Africa is so resistant to change, even when circumstances appear propitious.  相似文献   

China-U.S. relationship is the most important one between two big powers in the world today. It is both bilateral and global by nature. How to handle this relationship is closely linked with the fundamental interests of the U.S. and China, as well as peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region and even in the world. So, a profound examination of the nature of U.S. strategy toward China and its evolution over the years will help to fully understand the opportunities and challenges China will meet in the course of peaceful development.  相似文献   

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