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A look at the London Olympics Bill in so far as it seeks toprevent ambush marketing and protect use of the Olympic intellectualproperty  相似文献   

本文所称法律依据 ,特指国内法上的依据 ,至于可能涉及到的国际法问题 ,将另作探讨。此外 ,限于篇幅 ,所谓依据仅指直接的法律依据 ,故诸如《民法通则》、《合同法》等在保护相关权利过程中具有十分重要意义的法律 ,亦暂时不加考虑。   一、《专利法》中国《专利法》同时保护发明方案和产品外观 ,对前者授予发明专利权和实用新型专利权 ,对后者授予外观设计专利权。由于奥运知识产权客体基本上都是名称、徽记等具有识别性质和美感的设计 ,因而在《专利法》范围内只能作为外观设计受到保护。一项外观设计只有具备新颖性才能被授予专利权。…  相似文献   

奥林匹克体育仲裁制度及我国之借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育仲裁是解决体育纠纷的重要方式,国际体育仲裁委员会(ICAS)及体育仲裁院(CAS)是国际上著名的体育仲裁机构。体育仲裁对我国体育事业和仲裁法律制度来讲,是一项重要的制度创新。通过借鉴奥林匹克体育仲裁制度的成功实践,本文对体育仲裁的理论和实际操作进行全面的考察,进而就我国建立体育仲裁制度提出一己之见,希望对2008年北京奥运会有所参考。  相似文献   

This case study identifies the transfer models, unique dynamics, and lessons learned in the evolutionary development of Jim Cavers' and Shawn Stapleton's 64 Kilobit Transceiver technology developed at the School of Engineering Science at Simon Fraser University. By outlining the history, sources of funding, people, and organizations involved in the transfer of the communications technology, specific conclusions have been drawn. This case study was conducted for the University/Industry Liaison Office at Simon Fraser University, British Columbia. Ernest von Rosen completed a Master's Degree in Physics at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario where he worked with the Applied Magnetics Group, which has an active history with technology transfer in the field of nondestructive testing of pipelines. Presently he manages new product development for CONFAX Publishing, a fax publication focusing on high-technology events within British Columbia.  相似文献   

Despite their rich theoretical and practical importance, criminologists have paid scant attention to the patterns of crime and the responses to crime during exceptional events. Throughout the world large-scale political, social, economic, cultural, and sporting events have become commonplace. Natural disasters such as blackouts, hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis present similar opportunities. Such events often tax the capacities of jurisdictions to provide safety and security in response to the exceptional event, as well as to meet the “routine” public safety needs. This article examines “routine” crime as measured by calls for police service, official crime reports, and police arrests in Salt Lake City before, during, and after the 2002 Olympic Games. The analyses suggest that while a rather benign demographic among attendees and the presence of large numbers of social control agents might have been expected to decrease calls for police service for minor crime, it actually increased in Salt Lake during this period. The implications of these findings are considered for theories of routine activities, as well as systems capacity.  相似文献   


The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Convention) has taken 114 decisions and launched programmes of work to address five biome‐based themes and thirteen cross‐cutting issues. The challenge for the Convention now is to demonstrate, through action and deed, that it is an effective vehicle for implementing this policy. In response to this challenge, the Conference of the Parties at its fifth meeting, in May 2000, decided to initiate a process to develop a Strategic Plan for the Convention that would provide an important mechanism for the implementation of this policy. This Note, which is an abridged version of document UNEP/CBD/MSP/2, has been prepared to assist participants in this Conference to provide more focused suggestions for the development of the Strategic Plan for the Convention.  相似文献   

明日 《检察风云》2012,(16):30-31
举世瞩目的第30届奥运会正在英国伦敦举行。和赛场内如火如荼的竞赛气氛相比,赛场外的安保举措也正紧张有序地布置展开。实际上,去年年底以来,伦敦警方就已采取多项行动,旨在清除帮派犯罪和街头暴力对于奥运安保可能存在的隐患。其中最为著名的,奠过于今年2月8日凌晨,英国大伦敦地区警察厅采取的“三叉戟行动(Operation Trident)”。  相似文献   

Today’s Golden Age of computer forensics is quickly coming to an end. Without a clear strategy for enabling research efforts that build upon one another, forensic research will fall behind the market, tools will become increasingly obsolete, and law enforcement, military and other users of computer forensics products will be unable to rely on the results of forensic analysis. This article summarizes current forensic research directions and argues that to move forward the community needs to adopt standardized, modular approaches for data representation and forensic processing.  相似文献   

This article introduces the term ‘convergence’ in order to explain a distinctive repertoire of protest events in which the following are present: (1) activists with an ideologically anti-capitalist orientation; (2) engage in property destruction; (3) travel from outside of the site of the protest event; and (4) solicit a determinable police response. Convergences have emerged as a subset of the alter-globalization movement since the ‘Battle in Seattle’ in 1999. Convergences have since emerged in resistance to meetings of global financial institutions, political primaries, and recently, the Olympic Games. We examine the logic that activists use to weave resistance to these disparate targets together. In this article, we arrive at this finding inductively, paying particular attention to convergence events at the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games. Narratives around convergence repertoires allow activists to link seemingly disparate actors with similar and predictable performances.  相似文献   

黄滔 《中国法律》2008,(1):13-15,64-67
奥运会是人类史上最具影响力和号召力的体育和文化盛宴。在采取商业模式运作以来。奥运会同时又成为了世界范围内最广泛、最有效的市场推广平台。各个行业领域内的商业实体无不希望通过赞助奥运会来提升企业品牌价值和市场知名度。而这些商业实体对奥运会的赞助也为历届奥运会成功举办提供了有效的经济保障。  相似文献   

Legal and practical context. The streamlined procedure is asimplified patent litigation procedure that was introduced overtwo years ago in the English Patents Court and Patents CountyCourt. This article looks at the procedure, the way it has beenapplied since its introduction and the effect it has had onpatent litigation in the UK. Key points. The procedure was designed to deal with simple patentcases quickly and relatively cheaply. It is geared towards aone day trial taking place approximately eight months afterthe commencement of proceedings. Under the procedure there isno automatic disclosure, no experiments and cross-examinationis limited to permitted topics only. Although it was designedwith patents in mind, the procedure is available for all appropriateactions heard in the Patents Court and Patents County Court.It is only suitable, however, for relatively simple actionsin which complex findings of fact are not necessary. Conclusions. Not many actions have come to trial under thisprocedure, but its availability is nonetheless of great significanceto patent litigation in the UK. This is because it providesa new point of departure for directions in certain types ofaction and because its availability has increased access topatent litigation in the UK and has renewed interest in thePatents Court and Patents County Court as forums in which toissue patent proceedings.  相似文献   

In the three years since the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted, significant developments have occurred in the form of new administrative and judicial interpretations of the Act. The new guidelines and decisions will assist employers in complying with the ambiguous, and sometimes confusing, provisions of the ADA. Recent developments in areas such as the definition of a disability and the permissibility of medical inquiries, along with continuing developments in the areas of mental disabilities and defining reasonable accommodations, give employers insight into the obligations created by the ADA. These developments are a good starting point to understanding the ADA, but there is still a long way to go. This article surveys the recent developments in the law and examines the considerations that have become important to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the courts in interpreting the ADA's provisions.  相似文献   

在共和国经历迥然不同的两个30年之后,我们从中找到了对中国企业影响最大的10部法规、10篇著作和10位企业家。那么,影响下一个30年的又将是什么?  相似文献   

Eight years on     

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